• expired

[QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

OP UPDATE 6 - 19/11/2021 - Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

OP UPDATE 5 - 14/09/2021 - It looks like this deal is fast becoming unobtainable, unfortunately. I've called a few times over the past week and the best I am getting is 12c FIT. They are all saying the 20c FIT is no longer available and they won't even do 15c now… I'll keep researching and will update here if anything comes up that is worth signing up.

OP UPDATE 4 - 24/08/2021 - I called Origin yesterday to help another person get on this deal. I asked several questions to the rep (who was a part of the retention's team) about the offer and why some people get it and others do not. Her response was that the retention's team is the only one that offer better deals over their customer care team or sales team. The offers that they can do fluctuates from week to week. I asked further about this 'fluctuation' which she replied some weeks they can offer 15c whereas other weeks it can be up to 20c. It varies week to week based on what other companies are offering at the time. Yesterday the most she could do was 18c FIT however, she said call back in a couple of weeks time and it could be 20c again (or it could be 15c, which you wouldn't go ahead with). So that's the latest info I've got about this deal.

OP UPDATE 3 - 10/12/2020 - The deal/offer is still going strong! Don't let the reps tell you you can't get the offer. Merry Christmas everyone!

OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

OP UPDATE 11/7/2020 - This deal is still available for those that are in the market. I helped sign someone up to it yesterday no problem at all

Ok this deal requires some explaining so I'll do my best to give you all the details and steps to follow. Please note that this is specific to QLD, possibly even SE QLD and probably only beneficial for larger Solar Systems installed in your residential home or those who can generate high feed back to the grid per day.

I had a 15kw system installed just going on 12 months ago and shared my experience - details here. At the time it was very good value for money and I am so glad I went the larger system. I am currently predicted to have it fully paid off in under 2yrs based on credit generated through high FIT rates from energy retailers. After 1yr I haven't had a single electricity bill (was approximately $450/qrt) and have generated about $800-$1200 per qrt = $4000

When I first had it installed Origin and AGL wouldn't offer me anything competitive due to my solar system being over 10kw. Energy Australia (EA) at the time were offering 16.1c FIT so went with them. Earlier this year EA dropped their FIT rate to 11.5c and was no longer competitive. AGL then came to the party and offered me their 17c FIT rate so transferred over to them mid FEB.

This current qrt I am forecast to have a credit of just over $900. As I always do, I regularly check to see what's available and my brother who has a similar system to mine was looking to come over to AGL as well. He was with Origin at the time and upon making the move to come over to AGL, Orgin called him and offered him 20c FIT with no cap (as per their current plan of 15c FIT capped at 8kw per day then reverting back to 7c FIT) to stay.

Which brings me to this deal:
I called Origin to get the details as I was concerned they may have added in the fine print the 20c FIT is capped at 8kw but was pleasantly surprised to see it was unlimited with no cap. This deal can't be given over the phone with a typical Origin Energy Sales representative (as I found out) and had to call this number - 1800 557 700 and speak with a member from that team who can offer special rates outside of the standard.

As per the screen shot I have as the link, according to my spreadsheet (which works out exact costs by imputing exact usage and feed back to the grid figures) switching over to this Origin deal will increase my credit by approximately $800 per year. I have several other retailers costs on my spreadsheet that spits out the credit I would make and Origin beats them all.

This would only be beneficial if you have a large solar system and can feed back to the grid a good amount (30kw+ per day on avg) and only buying back from your retailer approximately 6-12kw per day.
FIT offer: 20c/kwh
Usuage costs: 24.915
Daily Supply charge: 116.061
Daily Solar meter reading charge: 6.974 (Origin say it's $6/qrt)

Side note - A good price for a similar system to the one I have with 3 phase power (including Smart meter, slightly larger panels 330-350w and Fronius Inverter) with quality materials and workmanship is about the $9k mark now. For anyone with single phase power you can still get an 8.2kw inverter with 10kw worth of panels (have to have a Smart meter installed so it caps your feed back to the grid at 5kw/hr as per Energex regulations) with same quality as above for about $6.7k

Sorry for the long post but if you have any questions or don't understand my method/reasoning for the deal feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where ever I can. I must stress and reiterate that I am NOT affiliated with any Energy/Solar company. I just love doing my homework and research and love sharing it with others who can benefit.


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

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closed Comments

      • Does origin also have this demand charge?

        • Not 100% sure, it might. I think if you're in SEQ under Energex, then the demand charge is added onto flat-rate plans.

          I actually wanted to go on a Time Of Use plan, but they (AGL) said my (smart)meter wasn't set up for it. Not sure why or what would need to change to make that work.

          • @deelite42: They should be able to submit a metering request to have your meter changed to TOU.

            • @Uksa007:

              They should be able to submit a metering request to have your meter changed to TOU.

              Do you know what that involves? Is it some kind of physical change or is it done remotely? If it's just a remote change of some sort, I might consider doing that. Thanks.

        • Not at this stage origin plans are single rate without demand, they are not passing on the demand charge, I guess essentially subsidising it from the capped FIT.

  • Switched to GEE a couple of months ago for 13c/kwh…. And just got an email from them telling me that they are going to drop my FIT to 11 and cap it to 10 per day from 15 January.

    ~21 days notice. Over Christmas and New Years. Simply lovely.

  • So in the last few days I put in the move across to agl. However talking to them out won't action until my meter read. Which was the day before I put in the move.

    So for a whole month I have to cop the 5c with origin. I didn't want to put in the move before my 20c feed in expired, but it seems that was definitely the wrong idea.

    • What I did when I changed electricity providers was cancelled my power connection and re connected in my wife's name. Happened in 2 data hehe they wanted me to wait 3 months

    • That shouldn't be the case? If you have a smart meter (which most, if not all, solar users had to have their meter's upgraded) then it shouldn't take that long. They can now read it remotely and not have to go to your house like they used to in the past.

      At most, should be only 10 business days before the change over.

      • Yeah we have a smart meter.

        Crazy how much difference it makes.

        We pretty much had the same solar yesterday and today. Yesterday I made about $7 profit, today I'm just breaking even.

        • yeah, sames…

          This weather, although needed in some parts of QLD is killing the amount of money I should be making :) Typical first world problems.. lol

          • @CrocDundee: Will have another chat to agl when I get a chance and see if they can give me a date.

    • couldve renewed to 10c deal through the portal at least while waiting for churn

  • Just signed up with AGL solar saver plan. Here are the rates they offered me:

    General Usage: 18.15 c/kwh

    Control Load: 17.37 c/kwh

    Supply Charge: 125.63 c/day

    Solar metering charge: 7.7 c/day

    Demand charge (4pm - 9pm): 8.34 c/kwh

    I did a calculation in my spreadsheet giving that I will still be better off with AGL than Origin and Alinta as their FIT is too low.
    But the Demand Price pissed me off!!! Before I always had credit with 20c FIT but I will have to pay my bill again with such low FIT…

    • "with such low FIT…" which is??

      • That would be 12c FIT with AGL Solar Savers.

        • Yes it's 12c FIT uncapped. However the demand charge is annoying as we mostly use electricity during that period. I am hoping that Origin would contact me offering better deal to keep me stay with them.

          • @hohoisme: Unfortunately, they won't… They'll just offer the 12c FIT capped plan. Fingers crossed they offer you something better! I also hate this demand charge.

            • @CrocDundee: Someone replied before saying Origin retention team offered him 20c FIT capped at 14kw and 5c afterwards. I hope they give me a call at least so I can negotiate.

              • @hohoisme: I saw that but find it a little strange. There was no further communication about that offer though?

            • @CrocDundee: Hi OP, can I ask you a question?

              When I logged in my AGL online account it shows that "cost to date" is $9.20 since 14/1 which is the date that my plan has started. But when I looked at usage, it says "net usage" has +$2.81 credit. So which one is the actual up to date balance? Any help or tip is appreciated!

          • @hohoisme: I recently moved over to AGL from Origin for both my electricity and gas plans and never heard a peep from Origin's retention team. Think they may have been happy to see me go based on my account credit.

            • @Hobbes: You and me both! lol

              • +1

                @CrocDundee: Yep same here no contact from the Origin retentions team when I moved to AGL, I think they know their offer is not competitive with AGL.
                I wonder if it was Origins plan all along to get rid of the high exporters, as us high exporters are probably not very profitable for them.

                • @Uksa007: Yeah agreed however, they were still making money off of us as the cost was higher than their FIT rates and they would have been reselling our excess at the higher rate, even though we were in a LOT of credit. Wouldn't be making as much, but definitely not losing money. Just hoping a higher FIT becomes available soon!

                  • +1

                    @CrocDundee: Only a 5c difference between FiT and tariff probably didn't cover costs really. Staffing, rent, insurance etc.

                    • @kulprit: Yeah, thinking about it more, you're probably right! They'd be losing money on a FIT of 20c and tariff only 23c.

                • @Uksa007: Ditto. It's funny because I left Origin once before (couple of years or so) and went to Energy Australia which had a better FIT at the time. Within a week, I had a call back from Origin offering me discounted rates and a better FIT, which of course I accepted.

                  This time around…crickets!

  • Do you guys use PVOutput for your solar? Anyone worked out how to get a demand price to work with the tariffs?

    • Yes I use PVOutput, There is nothing that will automatically calculate it yet that I can see.

      You could look at just adding your daily average demand fee to the existing service charge field?

      • Yeah I think that's the only way. Same as the way you include the daily solar charge.

        So I guess for the first month we don't pay a demand charge?

        • It was included in my first month bill.
          It was billed for the number of days in that first calendar month, with the rest being in the next bill.

  • Does anyone with AGL know if I can transfer my 12 months Amazon Prime to someone else as I don't use it at all.

    • They just send you a code to enter so guess it could be possible.

    • Yeah like Hobbes said, I believe it's just a code you put in when signing up. Not sure if that makes it free or becomes a rebate/credit back onto your bill though? I already have prime but will use the free code when mine expires in May.

      • +2

        I also have Prime and have already entered the code, basically it just pushed out my renewal expiry date by a year.

        • Good to know! Thank you

  • Does anyone know how long the Prime deal with AGL will last? My Origin 20c feed in expires in March.

    • yes mine's up too, at start of March thinking to switch now, i also notice they can change FiT at anytime with AGL anyway - in theory

  • +1

    FYI, called Origin to check my 12c FIT plan (QLD) and they confirmed the plan I'm on does not have the 15KW per day cap in place but if I had to renew it it would be… so perhaps before changing plans check if you are effected by the 15KW cap or not… given I'm not capped Origin should work out better than AGL I belive…

  • +1

    Just got my first agl bill in the last few days. No demand charge that I can see?

  • I just moved to AGL and got the typical call from Origin wanting me back.

    They changed me from a 15c FIT and 23% disconnect on usage and connection to a 10c Tarriff with no discount. So I left.

    They are now offering me a 23% discount and 5c FIT, or a 12c FIT with no discount. Both are uncapped. This is actually better than im currently on at a 14% discount and a 5c FIT, but I get $100 gift for moving to AGL. So ill probably call Origin back in a month and move back.

    • +1

      I'd go back to origin for an uncapped 12c fit probably. Just to avoid the demand charge.

    • I would also go back to Origin to avoid this Demand Charge of AGL if Origin does keep it uncapped. Origin's tariffs are slightly more expensive than AGL but I hate to think what this Demand Charge will cost extra come my first bill…

      • +1

        My first bill didn't have one Croc.

        But it has made me change my habits and I'm not a fan.

        Doesn't worry me not using the dryer and cooking dinner at the same time etc, that's easy to plan.

        But things like air con go off, and definitely not with oven on. Even try not oven and stove at the same time. As I'm not really sure what impact it will have on the whole month.

        • Does your plan state that you would have a demand charge?

          Like you, I have changed my habits as well but the more I read into it, the dodgier it sounds! They apparently randomly select a 30min period of your highest usage during the peak time and charge you that amount for the whole month for your demand charge! So you could use next to nothing on 29 days out of a 30 day month during peak times, then on that 1 day, use 5x the usage and they'll select that and charge you that usage for the other 29 days!! Really dodgy and suss! I'm waiting to see my bill (not due til March) to find out how bad it is. I'll still have a credit but obviously nothing like the 20c FIT Origin plan we were all on.

          • +2

            @CrocDundee: Yep definitely says id have a demand charge.

            It's not dodgy really and it does as intended and is meant to incentivise you to reduce peak load on the grid.
            You also get a lower normal tariff to account for it.

            The time period chosen isn't random. It is the highest average period of 30 minutes (in actual 30 min blocks, or from 4 to 4.30, then 4.30 to 5. Not just the absolute higher from 4.14 to 4.46).

            Yes you are correct in the being good for 29 days and forgetting one day and paying for it the whole month.

            I am interested to see how they actually do it though. Overall I'd rather just have a higher tariff I think, or even a scaled time of use one. So on the day we need the air con at peak we suck it up and pay, but at least it didn't affect all the other days bills.

            • @kulprit: You're right - using the word random, I mean't it could be any day of the month. Which ever random day is the highest usage during the peak time is what they'll use to charge you the extra.

              The tariff isn't that much cheaper than say, Origin, and actually still worse than a few other companies, but their FIT is obviously more than the rest.

              I give Origin a call today and see what they are offering.

        • Maybe time to automate your house?

          Something like Home Assistant can be programmed to turn off your A/C based on your current grid imports, or perhaps change the temperature setting or turn to dehumidify instead of cool.

          I don't have a demand charge (I have an older style meter that does not report every 30 mins), but if I did it would be pretty trivial to set this up.

          My raspberry pi running Home Assistant ingests production, export / import data, and usage. From there it's just a matter of writing some logic that checks if you're in the demand charge window, and setting up an IR transmitter that beams the correct codes to your A/C (or if your A/C is smart enabled or has WiFi, there might be a tidier way).

  • +1

    Just spoke with Origin - They would still only offer capped FIT plans. Best they would do was 18c FIT capped at 14kwh per day, then down to 5c FIT for the remaining solar. Not too bad with this rainy weather we've had in SE QLD the past couple months. But still not good enough compared to Uncapped 12c FIT for my system. Might be good for others only exporting up to 20-30kwh per day back to the grid? If you're exporting 30kwh+ per day that's about the cut off according to my rough calculations. I could be wrong though.

    • That 18c FIT capped at 14kwh seems ok actually. Was it difficult for you to get origin to offer you this plan?
      As everyone else seemed to be only offered the capped 12c FIT plan.

      • +1

        Just needed an ABN number according to the rep. If you don't have one, they are pretty easy to get.

        • I don't have my business but I have an ABN, is it okay? And which number did you call to Origin btw? Thanks!

          • @hohoisme: Called the 1800 number in the post. Just made sure I was speaking to the retention team. The person had to check with his manager though to confirm the offer.

            Yep, totally okay. Just needed an ABN number according to the rep

    • Thanks. Will stay put then

    • @CrocDundee
      I export on (multi year) average about 21.6 kWh per day, so with this plan the FIT would work out as a linear number of around 13.4 cents, which is slightly better than AGL's 12c.

      My demand charge is negligible at around $1.75 per month as I self-consume as much as possible, but it's still an additional cost and the daily supply charge is rather high at $1.256, so the Origin plan probably will be better enough to switch back to. Need to run my spreadsheet.

      BTW, why do you need an ABN? Is this some corporate deal?

      • Sounds like a better plan for you.

        Not sure why, they just said to get this plan you'd need an ABN, so maybe some business plan they were offering?

    • Not sure how you managed to get offered the 18c fit for abn customers. I have an BN and called the 1800 number and spoke to 2 different reps and neither could offer better than 12c and didn’t matter if I had an abn or not.

  • Thanks for all the information Croc!

    Sadly even after speaking with the retention team a few times they still couldn't lift the solar export cap.
    Having a 15kW system as well makes all the caps quite difficult.

    My 20c Solar boot with origin just ended and looks like I'm moving over to Dodo which have 8.5c uncapped =(

    • Yeah, it was good while it lasted! Hopefully something better comes up soon.

      • Is there any cap on the AGL plan? Why dodo over this?

        • No cap on AGL but is "restricted" to solar systems no larger than 10kw.

          • @CrocDundee: Ok thanks, I have 10kw inverter but 13.2kw in panels. Will see how I go

            • @Appleboat: That is fine. nothing larger than a 10kw inverter.

              • @CrocDundee: Incorrect.

                They go by the panel total kw not Inverter.

                Unless they changed it?


                • @Korban Dallas: Sorry, Korban but I think you'll find that isn't correct. I have spoken to several AGL reps (many, many phones calls trying to get the best deal lol) and when they have asked for size of system they have always stated the Inverter size. I have also made them state back to me that it is the inverter size, and not total panel amount. But these companies are useless (Energy Australia is the worst) and contradict themselves all the time.

                  • @CrocDundee: It clearly states

                    The Solar Saver product is only available to customers with a maximum 10kW panel size and an inverter system no greater than 10kW

                    If you ring up 5 reps 1 will tell you what you want to hear.

                    • @Korban Dallas: Yes - that is on the forum chat by one of the reps. I can see that. What I am saying is that I have also spoken on the phone to several AGL sales reps and have helped signed others up to the solar savers plan and they have said it is only the Inverter size. As long as it is no more than 10kw.

                      The reason why I point it out is I don't want others thinking, "oh well, I have 13.3kw of panels so I can't get this deal" which is false. They can, with a 10kw inverter. Furthermore, I have a 15kw inverter with 19.8kw of panes and have been approved of getting the plan. Just depends on who you talk to.

                      • @CrocDundee: It's wording in the solar savers terms and conditions

                      • @CrocDundee: Just confirming.

                        You were able to get the AGL deal with a 15kw inverter and 20kw of panels? Might have to try give them a call.

                        • @omie: I did, but I had to jump through a few hoops and only because I was with them previously. I have tried to help others that have similar systems to mine but got rejected. And I know some who have just not told them they have a system larger than 10kw and AGL are none the wiser and haven't had an issue… I'd be weary of that but the friend of mine has stayed with AGL for almost 5 years now and they haven't had an issue.

  • +1

    I got my NMI meter data (6kw inverter, 7kw panels) and punched into energymadeeasy..
    Elysian Energy came out on top… They have a great night rate (~11c)..
    I'm thinking I will have a winter provider.. and then switch to a summer provider with cheap TOU for running air conditioners overnight..
    My 2c..

    Anyone tried Elysian??

  • +1

    Well my 20c FIT just expired today.
    I spoke to the retention team and they offered me the new Origin Solar Boost Plus plan which I've taken.

    General Usage 22.671 cents per kWh
    Daily Supply 112.904 cents per day
    Daily Supply - Solar 6.700 cents per day
    FIT - 14c KW/h uncapped.

    This was only available to customers with a > 7KW system, apparently (otherwise it's 12c FIT).

    Best I got from AGL was what they offer online.

    General Usage 22.09 cents per kWh
    Daily Supply $1.20 per day
    FIT - 12c KW/h uncapped.

    Given I export about 3200KWh a quarter, I'm sticking with the higher FIT.
    Hope that helps someone.

    • You mean <7kW?

      Why would they only offer a better fit to high exporters?
      And you export 1mW a month with a system smaller than 7kW?

  • +1

    I just came off 20c FiT, churned to AGL.

    The first retention team call/offer was 12c FiT capped at 14kw a day (averaged over the billing period) then 5c
    The second retention team call/offer was 17c FiT capped at 14kw a day then 5c, on this call they had my import/export numbers so they were measuring to just undercut AGL.

    Not accepting it, and before that I'd want a guarantee they wont require a smart meter to then jab me with peak tariffs.

  • +2

    Finally got a agl bill with the demand charge on it.

    I get billed monthly and was about 2.5kW as my demand amount (at 7.58c). So about $5.50 for the month.

    I imported about 250kWh. So the $5.50 works out as increasing my kWh rate from 16.5c to 18.7c (I think these exclude GST)

    Down side is i did have to think about what power we used during the demand time to keep it at 2.5.

    We never didn't use anything. Just didn't cook dinner while the dryer was on etc.

  • +2

    Surprise surprise, got offered 17c uncapped FiT to go back.

    • +2

      Now that is promising!! Just to clarify:
      You are located in QLD?
      You were offered 17c FIT uncapped to come back to Origin?
      What is the name of the plan they offered you?
      Was there any other conditions i.e. Peak Demand Charge (similar to AGL's plan)?
      I presume you took up the offer?

      • +2

        Just waiting on emails to confirm in writing, and will update if anything is different when that arrives. But to answer;

        Origin Solar Boost
        When I first got solar and a solar meter, the re-sealing of the meter was requested and when they rocked up tried to tell me I needed a smart meter, I sent them away, so I asked if this would be a condition and they said it isn't. (yay).
        Yes and I am already on AGL for a couple of weeks, but they said they will reverse that and I don't even need to call them.

        • Sounds promising did you need an ABN?
          What size is your solar system?
          I wonder if this is related to you not having a smart meter so they are not getting charged and absorbing the demand charge?
          What are the usage and daily charges?

          • +1

            @Uksa007: No ABN
            8kw panels 6kw inverter, 5kw export
            Standard reference prices for the rest.

      • +3

        I'm over the AGL demand charge, it really dictates when I can use my ducted AC(uses 12kW of power), which means I basically can't use use it when i need it between 4-9pm without being slugged with a large demand charge if I use it just one day in the month.

        Looking at options given we are coming into winter export is down, so FIT is less important:
        Is the Origin deal real, they still offer me the same capped plans?
        Dodo, do they have a demand charge, they are probably like the next best option?
        Watt matters suggests Dodo is the best option, just not sure if they are going to do the bait and then switch me to a demand plan?

        • It's a 12kW ducted system yeah? It won't use 12kW of power per hour. About 4 to 1 ratio depending on external temperature so maybe 3 to 3.5kW per hour.

          Should be written on the side out of the outdoor unit or from a Google on the model number.

          • @kulprit: I was going to say, 12kW is insane.

          • @kulprit: No it uses 12kW of power, I have monitoring on the mains.

            Essentially it is two ducted system (one upper, and one lower that work together both use about 6kW each for the first few hours to pull the temp down then ramp down to maintain the temp.

            Ducted system use much more power than splits etc.

            MCA 35.1 A * 240 = 8.424kW

            See the 16kW cooling capacity spec, and I have TWO!!

            • @Uksa007: Crazy. My 16kW ducted averages about 4kW per hour.

      • I just called the 1800 number, and was offered 12c FIT uncapped. Not 17c but still better than their capped offer about a month ago when I called.

        • I'd try calling a couple more times and see if they can at least bump you up to 14c like I'm on.
          I reckon I'll be trying to renegotiate for 17c if dibbz confirms that's what they're going to give him.

          • @ToastySteve: What did you do to negotiate 14c?
            Do you just keep calling till you get a good retentions team member?

            Do you say you know some who got this deal etc?

            • @sod: Honestly mate, I think it was mostly just luck.
              Had a conversation with the retention team and the offered me the 12c above. I refused and said I'd look around.
              Called back the next day and got a different guy who went through my account and just straight up offered me the 14c.
              0 effort or negotiation skill on my behalf.
              So I guess the answer is probably perseverance maybe.

              • @ToastySteve: Thanks for the reply mate.
                Just confirming you’re in Qld. And your 14c FIT is with no export cap and you didn’t need ABN number?


          • +3

            @ToastySteve: Got the paperwork.

            Energy Plan name Origin Solar Boost electricity
            Total feed-in tariff 17c/kWh
            Peak Usage cents per kWh 22.6710
            Supply Charge cents per day 112.9040

            Under this Energy Plan you will receive the following benefit for 12 months from the Supply Start Date:
            • 17c/kWh feed-in tariff for any electricity your solar PV system exports to the grid until you reach an export amount of 0kWh per
            day averaged across your billing period (calculated by multiplying the number of days in your billing period by 0kWh).
            If you export more than 0kWh per day during your billing period (as calculated above) you will receive our standard retailer feed-in tariff
            (as published on our website) for any electricity exported to the grid above that amount.

            • +2

              @dibbz: I'm a bit confused at the wording in you offer?

              "If you export more than 0kWh per day during your billing period (as calculated above) you will receive our standard retailer feed-in tariff (as published on our website) for any electricity exported to the grid above that amount."

              That reads that you can't export anything?

              One further question - did you get your solar installed through Origin originally?

              I plan to call Origin today to see how I go. I'll report back here when I do.

            • @dibbz: That's exactly the same rates as I got, except your FIT is 3c/kWh better, and my plan is locked in for 24months.
              Think I might need to try them again. 3c is massive. Thanks for letting us know Dibbz.

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