So the fantastic deal posted by CrocDundee here has been marked as expired so we are no longer able to discuss the best Feed in Tariff available.
This thread is for people to monitor and discuss what they find in achieving the best possible plan for their power needs, specifically in relation to solar feed in tariffs.
This thread is in specific relation to plans available in Queensland, as per the original deal linked above.
While some may be available in other states, this isn't always the case.
Note that if you don't export a large amount of power, that having a large FiT with higher usages fees might not be the best deal for you.
I will continue to update this main post with any information people find useful, however the latest actually deal should be found within the comments.
Whirlpool forum thread
Easily accessible : ?
Best: ?
Thanks, @kulprit!
I called Origin the other day and they said they could only offer me 12c FIT uncapped. I've gotten to the bottom of why the different allowances of FIT with Origin. Basically if you feed back to the grid a lot, they only offer you 12c FIT (I feed back about 6000kw/h per qrt) If I was only feeding back about 600kw/h per qrt they could offer me 17c FIT.
This is their offer:
Charge description Units Charges (incl GST)
Peak Usage cents per kWh 22.6710
Supply Charge cents per day 112.9040
If you have a Solar PV system installed at your premises a solar meter charge of 6.70 cents per day (incl. GST) applies. This charge is passed through from your distributor and may vary.
Your Energy Plan benefits
Total feed-in tariff 12c/kWh
I will continue to hassle them for something better but no luck at this stage.