OzBargain QLD Solar Feed in Tariff (FiT) tracking

So the fantastic deal posted by CrocDundee here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538080 has been marked as expired so we are no longer able to discuss the best Feed in Tariff available.

This thread is for people to monitor and discuss what they find in achieving the best possible plan for their power needs, specifically in relation to solar feed in tariffs.

This thread is in specific relation to plans available in Queensland, as per the original deal linked above.
While some may be available in other states, this isn't always the case.

Note that if you don't export a large amount of power, that having a large FiT with higher usages fees might not be the best deal for you.

I will continue to update this main post with any information people find useful, however the latest actually deal should be found within the comments.

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Easily accessible : ?

Best: ?

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Origin Energy
Origin Energy


  • +3

    Thanks, @kulprit!

    I called Origin the other day and they said they could only offer me 12c FIT uncapped. I've gotten to the bottom of why the different allowances of FIT with Origin. Basically if you feed back to the grid a lot, they only offer you 12c FIT (I feed back about 6000kw/h per qrt) If I was only feeding back about 600kw/h per qrt they could offer me 17c FIT.

    This is their offer:
    Charge description Units Charges (incl GST)
    Peak Usage cents per kWh 22.6710
    Supply Charge cents per day 112.9040
    If you have a Solar PV system installed at your premises a solar meter charge of 6.70 cents per day (incl. GST) applies. This charge is passed through from your distributor and may vary.
    Your Energy Plan benefits
    Total feed-in tariff 12c/kWh

    I will continue to hassle them for something better but no luck at this stage.

    • What state is this mate?

      I just got solar installed in Vic and looking for best FiT

      • +1

        He is in Brisbane

      • Don't just consider FiT. Sure, you might make more feeding in - but you could be losing that extra earnings in a higher usage rate (night usage or any shortfall from solar), or just in the supply charge.

        • +3

          Agree, however, with my size system, the higher FIT is far more advantageous than a difference of usage rates. For example, 12c FIT with a higher usage rate of 22c compared to 8c FIT and 13c usage is still better for me by a few hundred dollars.

          My spreadsheet works that all out for me, fortunately.

          • @CrocDundee: Mind to share your spreadsheet ?

            • +1

              @CyberMurning: Sure can! Shoot me a PM with your email address and I'll send a copy to you. It's pretty full on but easy enough to follow if you know what you're doing, lol.

    • +2

      I am with Mojo Power. All Day Breakfast ( NSW, Ausgrid )

      Daily supply charge 73.55 cents/day
      General usage rates 19.06 cents/kWh
      Solar feed-in
      7.5 cents/kWh exported

      With this crap weather we had recently, I am glad I've gone for cheaper usage rates than better feed in tariff

    • second on this. 20c ended a few days ago. rang retention line a few times but only got offer 11c capped. churn over to AGL for 12c and 12-month amazon prime. Origin rang me the next business day and offer the exact 12c offer as above. I turn them away because as soon as you sign up your bargaining power will be gone.
      on a side note, have anyone looked into getting a battery and joining up on the virtual power plant? Origin is currently running a scheme for 10Kw LG chem battery for $7,595 on a 5 years contract. And with a $20 credit monthly this brings the battery down to $6,395.
      Does anyone have any idea/experience on this? any advice will be much appreciated. Cheers

      • +2

        The batteries have a life of about 10years so you can do the calculations across that timeframe. The key advantage of a battery is that you can access the power at night, but you’ll need to check what your normal usage at night is, and if a 10kw battery is large enough or there will be a shortfall your will have to pay for. The other gotcha is that Origin control your battery/solar usage remotely - so ultimately they will manage your power in their interest and not yours, and you agree to that as part of the terms and conditions. Potentially they could decide to not charge your battery with solar during the day and then slug you with electric consumption charges at night, and theres nothing you could do about it.

        Personally I’d rather get an electric car and charge it during the day when I have excess power being generated, and use it as a battery at night as I would be able to manage that in my best interest. Some of the newest electric cars come with this type of functionality.

  • Powershop in NSW with 13c FiT, 100c daily supply charge, and 24.88c/kW all day usage. I was with AGL but found Powershop to be more competitive with all rates for the solar plan.

    • Agl is 12c so its close. I feel customer service must be better for agl?

      • I haven't really need to call up or email AGL/Powershop but would assume customer service is better on AGL. The cheaper daily supply charge and usage rates will add up over time though.

      • I feel customer service must be better for agl?


    • +1

      Why is there such kilowatt racism across Australia? The best Powershop advertise in QLD is 3.5c a k/w!!!

  • +3

    Reference: Origin Retention phone number to call: 1800 557 700

  • -4

    Solar power is a con. The con is Australian's risk their money building garbage power generation - solar panels which then allows the private sector to rip them off after risking nothing - so that they can keep burning coal.

    Australia had the world’s 15th largest greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 and its citizens’ per-capita contribution is around three times the global average.

    It is the world’s second largest coal exporter and recently became the top exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG). Its electricity system remains heavily reliant on coal, despite ramping up the use of gas and renewables, especially rooftop solar.

    • +2

      Do you have solar? My solar has nearly paid for itself in 2.5 years, I'll be a positive investment in a few months time. Disclaimer: I did get excellent rebates at purchase.

      I'm not "making" as much profit as I'd like due to lower feed-in, but the cost savings in local consumption more than makes it worth it. I'm looking forward to installing some more panels and being even more self sufficient.

      A lot has changed in the solar space in the past 7 years.

      I'm not sure how it's a con.

    • +1

      Solar power is the best investment you can make if you own your house

      • +1

        Solar power is the best investment you can make if you own your house

        I disagree with this. It has no alpha and asymmetric bet is lower than other investment vehicles.

  • Curious what FIT people are able to get in SA? Best I can see is AGL @ 12c/kWh

    • +1

      That's the best I could find too. Too bad I was already with them, the prime offer is not too bad.

  • LUMO Energy- SA
    Solar -16 c/kWh
    Rate/ Charge 37.7 c/kWh

    Service Charge 85.850 c/day

    I might have to shop around for a lower usage rate when I have time.

    Edit: I forgot to add that there is a 17% discount on paying the bill on time.

    • +1

      I think maybe we need a separate thread per state?

      • Totally

        • +1

          Thread title updated to be Qld only

    • What's the actual plan name? Couldn't find one with the FIT.

      • It says "Single Rate Solar " on the bill. I also have Gas with them. Looks like it's an old plan.

    • How long have you been with LUMO on this fit (or higher)? Just sussing out whether or not you have a grandfathered FIT, or did you ring them up recently to get it?

      • Yeah, grandfathered most likely. Been with them for a while. Down to 3c/kwh FIT currently in SA as per their website.

  • +2

    Someone I know uses solar analytics. It continually checks for plans that benefit you based on the feed in rate and units consumed, etc. Seems worth a try at $4/mo. DYOR YMMV

  • +1

    Does anyone have a screenshot in the Origin app of the 17c FIT applied to their account?

    I've spoken to 3x origin reps now and they all are telling them 12c is the highest FIT they can offer and they are Origins specialise retentions team so they see all current plans… He told me someone had told me 'porkies' if they are on 17c but I recon he's not across the options… I told him if I can get a screenshot or other details on it will he assist he said sure if I can get some proof of that plan give them a callback and he will be happy to look into it… (Called yesterday lunch time, yesterday evening and again this morning to try get different team members but not having any luck so far)

    • that 17 probably very old plan (maybe from 5-6 years ago), yes one of my friend got it but i tried to ask the same via phone, origin said cant.
      nah, dont bother. just go with what is the best right now. for me is AGL

    • +1

      Apparently this guy has been offered 17c FIT uncapped recently. Would also like to see a screen shot of it, however, Origin retention team rep told me that you would only be offered 17c if you feed in back to the grid is really low.

      • Thanks for that, I tried to PM @dibbz but just get a message "The specified recipient does not accept new conversations." hopefully he will see this thread and post us an image we can all work with the Origin team with…

        • I was targeted after moving to AGL and the information they used to see how profitable I would be didn't tell them I had a broken system for 2 months and was baby sitting a massive reef aquarium temporarily. So I suspect they were genuine saying the capped feed in with some usage discount would be better for me.


  • I have updated the thread to be for QLD deals only so it matches the original deal posted.

    I think having all the states with different deals in the same thread could be really hard to track.

  • Finding it almost impossible to get hold of someone that will help me on the number, almost everyone I speak to transfers me into some queue that is never ending.

    Hoping to get onto the 12c uncapped fit.

    Update - finally got through and best they would do was 10c/kwh to a maximum of 14kwh.

    • Yeah I'd say most people are with agl.

    • If you call the number and they transfer you. Hang up and try again. Because they are transferring you to a normal sales team who can’t offer you the 12c uncapped.
      Keep trying the number. If you get someone that doesn’t transfer you. Then you should be able to get a 12c FIT uncapped plan with origin which has no demand charge.

  • +1

    What we need is a spreadsheet where you plug in your consumption (peak and off peak) and solar production numbers. Also need details from all tariffs from providers to then figure out which one is best for circumstances. I'll probably set something up mid-year. Anyone interested to contribute? Or does this even exist already?

    • I kinda use one already from what you've described. Not specifically peak and off peak usage though. But overall based on your actual data and it works out what the best plan would be within a few cents of being 100% accurate.

    • +3

      It does exist, I'll upload the copy I have when I get a chance.

      The hardest part is keeping it up to date with plans.

      • That'd be great! Maybe I can find a geek at work who can set up a script and crawl periodically over a comparison website to update the tariffs

        • The problem with just putting in to a spreadsheet what is advertised on an electricity providers website is that it might not actually be the best deal they offer. I call or live chat each company to try negotiate a better deal. More than 50% have offered something better than the advertised price. Most people can't be bothered doing that. That is thy this forum (original deal posted) is so good. We share our experiences and get the best deal available.

  • Did agl just change the FIT

    AGL Retailer Feed-in Tariff for the first 14kWh per day (<14kWh per day)
    10 cents/kWh exported
    AGL Retailer Feed-in Tariff Thereafter (>14kWh per day)
    5 cents/kWh exported

    • +2

      Seems they have… I'm getting the same offer from AGL at the moment 10c FIT only for the first 14kWh then 5c FIT… OUCH!!!

  • +4

    03 8903 9252

    This is a direct number to the retention team. Press 1 for residential and no transfer.

    Long story short. Churned to AGL in early March, the retention team rang the next business day and offer 12c no cap and $50 credit first month and free NBN (promo at that time).
    I said no and demanded them to beat AGL 12c. They won't budge a cent.
    Fast forward, rang the number above yesterday and a different operator this time got the last offer stored on file. Gave me the exact deal (no NBN because I'm already on it). Sign back with Origin because of the AGL demand charge thing. And I'm getting a battery with Origin on VPP so I must be with them ($7,595 after a $3,500 discount plus $20 credit/month for 5 years. they have just dropped the discount down to $2,500).

    Side note, an operator once said to me unless your export change, you won't get a better deal. So they have properly flagged all of us as high exporters and limited our options.

    Good luck.

  • Is 10-11c the best uncapped FIT in QLD currently? Momentum energy is 10c uncapped and 1st energy is 11c however the latter has higher daily supply and peak usage charges

    • Look above, qwerty - most of us are getting 12c uncapped. Whether it be with AGL (with a stupid demand charge attached to it) or through Origin, 12c uncapped seems to be the best offer atm.

      • +1

        The AGL solar savers plan seems to have gone as well and has a export call for the 10c FiT.

  • I only feed in approx 200 kWh per quarter as I try to use what I generate running my pool pump. Does this mean a higher capped feed in tariff would be more beneficial for me?

    • I can't promise you anything about your particular circumstances, but a higher feed in tariff rather than a discounted usage rate is usually only better off you export lots.

      So for example you export 200kWh a quarter, but I export about 1MWh a month, so I know the FiT is more important.

      Since you utilise your solar so well the FiT probably matters very little (compared to your fees)

  • Does origin still offer 12c FIT uncapped? Hate the demand charge from AGL

    • +1

      As far as I know, yes. I hated the demand charge from AGL so went away from them after only 1 billing cycle. Signed up to Origin 12c FIT uncapped about a month ago.

      Best to try the 1800 number but just make sure you connect through to the retention's team. Ask when you start speaking to someone. Only they can offer you the deal.

      • Thanks Croc, can I ask another question before giving them a call today?

        I saw you said they offered you 12c uncapped because you export in 6000kwh per qtr, I export in about 2000-2500kwh per qtr, is it possible to get a slightly higher FIT? Thanks in advance.

        • +2

          No, 12c FIT is the highest they currently offer it seems does not matter how much you export but if it's too much there have been reports they won't offer 12c to you if you export too much but it all depends on who you speak to it seems… good luck!

          I would suggest lock-in 12c FIT for now and keep an eye out for better deals at least you get that rate for the next 12 months and have the option to change/update it if something better comes along!

  • Thanks! Called them yesterday and they offered me 12c uncapped "as expected" so I moved back to Origin as I don't like the "demand charge" from AGL.

    It's gonna be tough as winter is coming. Will keep looking around for any other better deal.

    • What number did you ring? and did you have to leave to get it? my contracts up with them shortly on 20c feed in and they won't give me this plan rang 4 or 5 times now.

  • What are the rates on the origin 12c Fit for daily supply and usage?

    • +1

      If it has not changed since I signed up a few months ago this is what I see in my Origin app:

      12.0c FIT
      Daily Supply charge controlled Load: 2.59 c/Day
      Daily Supply Charge: 112.91 c/Day

      Peak Usage : 22.68 c/kWh
      T33-Controlled Supply (Economy) : 16.93 c/kWh
      Daily Solar Meter charge: 6.70 c/Day

      • +1


        AGL supply charge is about the same, but usage is 16.5c.

        So at 6kW imported a day for me that's about 30c a day, so $9 a month. My demand charges have been about $5 a month so pretty much on par. But yes I do hate having to think about the demand period.

        Will probably change back. Much easier to get your refund with origin through the app as well.

  • As a low exporter of solar (under 3kWh per day) I am thinking of trying this company - Discover Energy. Any downsides I may be missing?

    Peak Usage 20.74 c/kWh
    Daily Supply 79.20 c/day
    Solar First 3.2877 kWh/Day 16.00 c/kWh
    Solar Next 3.2877 kWh/Day 10.00 c/kWh
    Solar All remaining 0.00 kWh 0.00 c/kWh

    • +1

      At exporting 3kW a day, I would it make most sense to just go lowest supply and usage charge and ignore whatever FiT you can get

      That is a quite low supply and usage so seems it might fit the bill but can't promise you anything as I've never searched out these plans.

  • I did read about the demand charge from AGL ,but still not clear what it is . Could you please explain more about it or how it works or give me an example ? Thanks,

    • I think most simply it can be summarized as the maximum average power draw in any 30 minute interval that falls within the demand period (say 4 - 9 pm).

      What kind of sucks about it is that whatever the maximum draw happens to be in a calendar month, that is what will be charged for each day of the month. Frankly, it smacks of price gauging. It would be far more equitable if the demand charge applied to how much you used on any single day only.

      • What you describe as a better scenario is a time of use tariff, where power costs more depending on the time you use it.

        The demand charge does make sense in what is trying to achieve, which is what we all dislike.
        It's trying to make you shift your usage to less peak times. The grid has to be built to be able to supply the absolute peak, which is what costs the most.
        Also demand tariff means you have a lower normal usage tariff, so if you manage the demand tons will your bills can actually be lower (I still don't like it though)

        • I completely agree with Deelite on this one. The time of use tariff is very different in that it doesn't just take one day of sample data (whatever is your highest) and then charge that amount for all 30 days in the month. The way AGL run it is price gauging at its finest!

          To take a 30min sample of your highest usage for a 30 day period and charge that same amount for every day is just wrong. You could be really good and try to limit the power demand for 29 days 4.5hrs and unfortunately rake up a high usage for 30mins that is 5x your normal avg use and be charged that amount for every other day is stupid. I hated the idea of it in the beginning and then when I saw my bill I couldn't move fast enough away from AGL.

          I had a perfect 29 days of under 500w/30min avg usage but had friends over one evening and used multiple items that racked up a usage of 4kw/30min (had oven, plus other items running that was high) and was charged that for the whole month. That isn't right and is just their way of making more money.

          • @CrocDundee: "that racked up a usage of 4kw/30min and was charged that for the whole month." so can CrocDundee please tell how they calculate charge ? 4kw x 30 days x (16.40 cents/kWh + $0.0834 demand ) = Total $ usage charge for the demand period (4 - 9 pm) that month ?
            And off peak usage x 16.40 cents/kWh need to add to ?

               You had a bill then you understand clearly . it seem complicate to me .
            • @langtu99: Just the 4kW which was his deemed demand usage, times the charge of 8c per kW. So 32c a day. So about $9.60 for the month.

              I totally agreed that its annoying that you can be good every day except one for the month and be billed for it. It is still possible that because of the lower normal usage rate you can be better off (although unlikely unless you really try hard)

              Also its the billing method that makes the most sense to cover the cost of the network. Your actual usage doesn't cost the power company much at all. Its when everyone is using a large amount of power all at the same time that costs really increase, as they need to be able to burn more coal all at once etc.

              • @kulprit:

                It is still possible that because of the lower normal usage rate you can be better off (although unlikely unless you really try hard)

                I did the math for my usage case. I have minimal demand period usage, low overall grid import and high export. Compared to the Origin uncapped 12c FIT, no demand plan, I'm about $9 a year worse off on the AGL demand plan.

                The difference isn't enough for me to bother switching back, although Origin has a better portal experience and it's easy to get credits payed out (compared to AGL).

                • @deelite42: I think I'd be about the same but will probably move back. It's the thought process that is annoying. Like you have 1 hot day where you want to leave the air con on, but it's not just costing you that day, but every day that month.

                  • +1

                    @kulprit: Yes, exactly this. I am probably slightly better off even with the demand charge price, but the thought and worry of trying to be mindful everyday is annoying.

  • I am currently with Origin and my plan is ending next month. I rang up Origin today using the 1800 number but was only offer 12c FIT with the 14kwh cap so will try again tomorrow before giving AGL a ring.

    Has anyone had issues recently getting 12c FIT uncapped with Origin?

    • +1

      Helped my friend sign up to it on Wednesday last week. 12c FIT, uncapped.

      • +1

        That is good to know. Thanks, I just wanted to double check. I will just have to keep trying.

        • +1

          I'm not having any luck. No one working today wants to budge.

          • +1

            @PR0r: Make sure you are speaking with the retentions team. Only they can give the deal. Normal Sales rep don't have access to it.

            • +1

              @CrocDundee: My problem is I can't get hold of anyone in retentions. I've been at it all day. My last call they told me they would leave a message for the retentions team to call me back later today, and after waiting an hour or two it was the same person who offered 12c capped. They then claimed there is no retentions team.

              • +1

                @PR0r: Haha - typical dodgy Origin! Maybe try tomorrow.

                • @CrocDundee: I'll be working all day. What's wierd is I changed to another provider, waited a week and rang retentions for a deal (well I believed it was retentions but am thinking no now). After back and forth I locked in 12c uncapped but they couldn't do it until I rang the new provider and cancelled. That was a week ago and I haven't rejoined with origin, they claim I'm a customer still, but not being charged anything when I queried that, which they couldn't understand.
                  I think I'll have to resign with someone else and just wait for a call from retentions? (If they indeed exist lol)

                  • @PR0r: The change over is all done through whomever you sign up with. So if you re-sign back with Origin they should send you an email confirmation and that it will take 'x' amount of days before for changeover to take effect. You don't have to cancel with your current provider to change over to the new one.

                    If you haven't received that email within 24-48hrs of you trying to connect with them, then I'd say they haven't actually signed you back up with Origin.

                    • +1

                      @CrocDundee: I cancelled within the cooling off period which is where I think I have gone wrong. I've managed to resign to the 20c fit for about 3 consecutive years now — this is pissing me off with how bad the deals are now

                      • +1

                        @PR0r: Ah okay - yeah, you would need to call them again.

                        Yeah, unfortunately the FIT rates are dropped a lot in the past 6-12 months. Only way back up is if Gov comes up with some extra rebates or something otherwise we could be looking at under 10c FIT, which wouldn't be worth getting solar, imo. A lot of homes have existing solar though so if you were to purchase a new home, you'd no doubt have something in place already.

                        • @CrocDundee:

                          we could be looking at under 10c FIT, which wouldn't be worth getting solar, imo.

                          Yeah at those levels it certainly wouldn't be worth getting a quality/premium PV system as the payback period would balloon out too much.

                          The only way it would still make sense is if you're a big self consumer (eg, you have an EV or two)! :)

  • I rang Origin this morning to renew my plan, and was only offered 11c for the first 14kw every day. They don't offer 12c, and they even don't offer 11c uncapped.

    Also checked with AGL, only got 10c for the first 14kw.

    Anyone has successfully got something like 12c uncapped?

    • Did you speak with the retention's team at Origin?

      • I tried the other day, they said they couldn't find a way to transfer to a retention team member

        • Keep trying that 1800 number. Just ask each time they answer if you are speaking with the retentions team. If not, hang up and try again. I've had that happen a few times until I finally got through to the retention's team.

  • +4

    Just got back onto the Origin bandwagon (at the 12c uncapped). AGL sucked for me with that demand charge but I thank them for the year of free Amazon Prime. Easy process and Origin knocked it out in 2 days.

  • +3

    Successfully secured 12c through retention team on the 1800 number this morning. Thanks.

  • Was there still 23% discount on the 12c FIT plan?

  • How are you guys getting 12c uncapped? Spoke to 2 different people and they are saying this is capped at 14kwh
    can someone send a screenshot of their new contract?

  • +8


    So I just called Origin retention's team (the 1800 number) this morning to help my friend go on the 12c FIT uncapped plan (his plan was due to finish by the 18 May). The retention team member said that he was being migrated to the new system and that they were not able to put him on the 12c plan (which is still available by the way) and had to be dealt with by a different team. I was then transferred to the new department who are looking after everyone migrating over to the new system - Long story there which I will update another time…

    So this new system's person had access to several offers, including 12c FIT uncapped but the lady said on the phone that she could see an offer there that said 17c FIT uncapped - DO NOT TOUCH… She said she would need to speak to the supervisor about it and call me back. She called back 15mins later and said she got approval to put him on the 17c FIT uncapped plan and processed that for me, on my friends behalf, locked in for 12months starting today.

    I then asked if I could go on that same plan! She then logged into my account but said I was still on the old system and that she didn't have access to change my plan until I was migrated over to the new system. I then tried the retention's team number again and they said until I've migrated over to the new system, the best they can offer is 12c FIT uncapped. I have to wait til I've migrated over and try again with the new department. They can't see what offers other departments can give.

    Long story - sorry! However, there is hope of at least getting back to the 17c FIT plan. I just have to wait til I migrate over to their new system. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be calling up everyday now asking them to change me over to the new system!! Apparently they can't manually do it and is just gradually with all their customers. My friend was just lucky enough to be one of the earlier ones being transferred over.

    I'll keep you all posted on how I go but in the meantime, check to see if you have been migrated to the new system and argue the case of getting the 17c FIT uncapped plan!

    Good luck everyone!

    • +1

      You can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be calling up everyday now asking them to change me over to the new system!!

      Very interesting development - thanks!

      What do you think happens to 'new' customers, currently with another retailer, wishing to sign up with Origin? Would they be put onto the new system or would they still be signed up under the old system and then be slowly migrated some time later?

      If I could sign up straight into system 2.0, I'd be there with bells on!

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