OzBargain QLD Solar Feed in Tariff (FiT) tracking

So the fantastic deal posted by CrocDundee here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538080 has been marked as expired so we are no longer able to discuss the best Feed in Tariff available.

This thread is for people to monitor and discuss what they find in achieving the best possible plan for their power needs, specifically in relation to solar feed in tariffs.

This thread is in specific relation to plans available in Queensland, as per the original deal linked above.
While some may be available in other states, this isn't always the case.

Note that if you don't export a large amount of power, that having a large FiT with higher usages fees might not be the best deal for you.

I will continue to update this main post with any information people find useful, however the latest actually deal should be found within the comments.

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Easily accessible : ?

Best: ?

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Origin Energy
Origin Energy


    • haha - now that sucks! Were they next best for you?

      • +1

        when factoring the bonus qantas points sign up bonus yes for about 3 months. Picking a electricity provider is the new credit churning now

    • further update : finally got a call from origin and received the 12c uncapped deal

      • I also joined red energy after reading about your success. I missed a call from origin 2 days ago which I returned only to have someone say they're unsure about why they called me. I'm now on day 10 of my cooling-off period and haven't had another call from them. I'm about to cancel with red energy and try again in a few weeks.

  • Also same, signed up with EnergyAustralia, seems im switched over already..
    Am I meant to get the email saying the meter has been read and transfer has been completed?

    The email says "Welcome to Energy Australia. Your meter has been read and you were transferred on 30th August 2022"
    I signed up 12th September? So not sure if they mean that I've already switched, or whether this is just a typo.

    Hope not, cause EnergyAustralia Definately wasnt my first choice of provider, only signed up to get a call back LMAO.

    Hoping I didn't lose the $20 discount with Origin for being their NBN customer as well
    And also hoping I dont lose the $175 credit from the government still sitting in my account

    • Doubt you will be transferred yet as you have not passed the 10 day cooling off period.

      • I signed up to Energy Australia yesterday. Today I got my meter read and final bill from origin. Definitely didn't get through the 10 day cooling off…..

        • Yeah. Its almost like I would like to complain about how efficient they are hahaha.
          Whats your plan? Im not sure whether to just hop back onto origin at 10c capped, or whether I should keep hopping around different energy providers under the 10 day cooling period and hope they eventually call me

          • @BuyKMD: my strategy is to go on red energy till i get the 10k qantas points then change back to origin 10c capped plan or the alinta 8c uncapped.

            • +1

              @Hjshakenwin: update - finally got a call from origin this morning for the 12c uncapped deal :)

              • @Hjshakenwin: I also got the call today and changed back.

                • @barthez: How many days after joining the other provider did they contact you?

                  • @PR0r: I think it was about 6 days

  • +4

    Just an update, managed to get 17c feed in, had to contact them to call me back, discussed that I know of 2 plans, 17c and 20c that my friends were getting. Guy said that he can see 17c uncapped and confirmed. All in all, 1 minute phone call and everything was done.

    On a good sunny day, I feed back in around 60kw (13.3kw panels, 10kw inverter), and have been with origin for a year so they know I have a higher than normal feed in. Did not affect getting this plan or not.

    129c daily supply charge, 8.5c daily solar meter charge
    26c general useage per kWh

    • +3

      Do you know what your account number starts with?
      And what number did you contact them on?

    • also adding did you end up getting the name of the person you talked to at all? and which department

    • Anyone else succeeded getting 17c fit? I tried few times, but no luck yet.

    • Do you have a screenshot of the rates that you can share? Please PM

    • What does your account number start with mate?

  • It seems there are changes a foot at Origin, they are migrating the National Meter Identifiers or NMI to a new system.
    If your NMI has been migrated to the "new" system the old retentions team are unable to offer you anything, as they don't have access to new system and they need to transfer you to different team.
    Lucy my NMI was not yet migrated, so I got a good deal transferring back.

    I would give them call the sooner the better, if you are looking for a better FIT.

  • +1

    I called the number in the post (1800 557 700) just to touch base and they offered me:

    12c uncapped
    1.18 daily charge
    0.085 solar metering
    0.258 usage

    So the number still directs to retentions but 12c is the best they can do.

    I asked for a joining bonus and the manager granted me $50.

    • They can do much better than 12c, 17c and 20c are possible but it depends on:

      If your NMI has been migrated to their new system
      How big your solar inverter is (10kW or less may be better)
      Who you get that answers the phone
      If you are new, returning or existing customer
      Location/State you are located in
      Residential or business customer
      Offers can change month to month

      • Yeah maybe I will have to leave to get better.

        I think I am on the new billing system which might also impact my eligibility.

      • Can you share a screenshot via PM of your rates from the app?

        • The rates for SE QLD are the reference price:

          General usage rates 25.817 cents/kW
          Demand (c/kW/day) NO DEMAND CHARGES!
          Daily supply charge 118.338 cents/day
          Solar Metering charge 8.53 cents/day
          FiT – 12 cents/kWh exported uncapped, they also can offer 17c and 20c

          • @Uksa007: What is your account number format?

            • @Nuggets: Starts with 400 which is still in the old system I believe.

  • Just called the number in the post (1800 557 700) since my 12c ending this month and they offered me the same 12c uncapped right away.

    My accout still on the 400 numbering so i guess that's why they not offering the 17c..

    • I just called and tried they said the best I can get was 10c.. I tried 17c and 20c they said I cant get 12c, 11c or 14c..

      my account starts with A-

    • Is 400 the new or old format?

      • That is the old system I believe, where they can offer better deals.
        If you are not currently a customer they seem to offer a bigger FIT

        • I was offered 12c as a non current customer. Oh well. Maybe I need to leave again in a little while.

          • @Nuggets: Does your account number start with 400?

              • @Nuggets: Ok that's strange, I got offered 20c as a returning customer, is your total inverter capacity larger than 10kW?

                • @Uksa007: How long ago did you get offered 20c FIT?
                  I’m on the old system. And best I could get was 12c FIT by calling retentions team.


                  • @sod: Last month, even at 12c uncapped with no demand charges it's probably the best deal around!

                    • @Uksa007: Yeah not bad. But I want the 20c fit
                      I thought only new system could get the 20c fit. (According to croc)

                      • @sod: Best I was getting with some friends of mine that had transferred to the new system was 17c FIT for SE QLD. Haven't managed to get any 20c FIT plans… Even when I try to push for my account the best they will offer is 12c FIT even though I have my friends accounts on hand to say that I should be able to get 17c, they won't budge.. I think I have to actually leave as well and see what they do.. :/

                        • +1

                          @CrocDundee: Yep they wouldn't give me any good deals last year when I was a customer(contract ended), so I left for 12 months, now they give me a good deal.

                          They seem to be able to offer better deals to attract new customers, which seems pretty normal.
                          Even 12c uncapped is pretty much the best deal going at the moment.

                          • @Uksa007: What number did you call as a new customer?

                            • @gerenuk: Retentions, they see to be the team that can offer better than the website.

                              • @Uksa007: thanks a lot, just rang retentions and was first offered the default solar boost rates, but after a quick check with the manager was offered the uncapped 12c FIT as a returning customer.

                • @Uksa007: No 5kw. My usage may be too low. I consume less than 2 kWh a day from the grid

                  • @Nuggets: It does seem a bit random as to who gets offered more than 12c maybe they have limits on the number of higher fits they can offer?

                    • @Uksa007: I called again and they wont move on 10c.. shame as I have been using Spikehour over the last 2 years and I don't want to lose the bonus and start again but I think I may have to leave to get the 12c

                      • +1

                        @rororo: I left to go to AGL for 3 months and came back and didn't lose any of my spike hour points or streak bonuses.

                        • @CrocDundee: Any downside to joining Spike?

                          • @kulprit: None that I can see. We (my family) just turn everything off during the hour of spike night (it's on again tonight for me: 7pm-8pm) and kinda make a fun game out of it. I'm now at stage of earning about $6-$8 each spike night, which is paid back via paypal credit (or you can choose to get paid with other forms of credit/gift cards etc). I've been doing it for over a year now.

                            • +1

                              @CrocDundee: nice! here I was thinking my 2 bucks was massive

                            • @CrocDundee: I signed up to spike. I was just given my target for my first spike hour…. 0.005kwh… seems like this is going to be useless for me haha (I have a battery)

                              • @Makka: Yeah it's almost been impossible for us too. No battery, but at 0.4kWh that's pretty close to base load sometimes. They even say they want you to switch off fridge etc for the hour but I'm not doing that.

                              • @Makka: Haha - that's going to be difficult!

                                We actually turn off everything in our house, including fridge, freezer - literally everything except for the inverter and modem that runs the internet. I get my usage down to about 0.085 for the hour.

                                I also don't have a battery.

                      • +1

                        @rororo: Ask them if you are talking to the retentions team, seems the retentions number sometimes gets answered by the normal sales guys who can't offer anything better than 10c maybe when renentions is busy.

                        • +1

                          @Uksa007: @CrocDundee Interesting… that's good to know.

                          @Uksa007 I didn't ask but I will try again tomorrow.

  • Tried my luck today as my current plan is finishing up. Got to retention team but same 12c FIT no limit plan was offered. Have signed up for now, but on the lookout for better FIT.

    • +1

      If you export a fair amount, the 12c uncapped plan is about the best around at the moment, much better than the others 10c with at cap.

  • Called retentions number, haven't got the retention team.. just the regular 'press 1 for residental, press 2 for business' .. and then a series of confused people..
    Then someone from 'inbound sales' told me because I'm on the A- account numbering they 'cant help' and have to send me to 'retail sales'.

    Lawd have mercy.

    • Sometimes they are busy or the line misdirects and you just have to try again later.

    • Yeah I am A- got shuffled heaps tried 3 times now still no help and the best I can get is 10c

  • Recently rang retentions and told them I was with AGL but wanted to switch if I could get the 17c FIT. I tried really hard, but all I could get was 12c with no caps and demand charges.

    As a sweetener, I got a one-off $75 'welcome back' bonus. However looking into my account, I see no $75 credit, so I rang them. They said that the credit is noted under my account and that it would be credited towards my quarterly bill.

    This sounds a bit shady, as I likely won't be paying any bills due to solar FIT credits, so does that mean that I will never actually realize the $75 sign-on reward?? Is this misleading advertising?

    • +2

      It will appear as a credit on the bill and just increase your balance, should be all good.

  • My 12c uncapped plan coming to an end. Rang Origin retentions and they offered me the 12c uncapped plan again immediately. Said there wasn't any 17c plan? Ah well, 12c uncapped is pretty good compared to the rest at the moment so I'll take it.

  • Helped a friend of mine (who wasn't with Origin at the time but was a long time ago) last Friday go on the 17c FIT plan. Only has a 5kw system. I tried again for me and they wouldn't budge :( Simply put, I export too much and they won't give anything more than 12c uncapped for me.

    My friend was super happy though. I called the 1800 retention's team number and the lady I spoke to did a 2min check with their manager and came back with approval. I had to ask for 17c though as they originally said I could only get 12c FIT uncapped for him. Took all of 5mins. Sooo frustrating for me - lol.

    Edit - In additional to the above, I spoke to a manager who explained in detail a lot of the reasons why people don't get the plan. However, he did share that there is still 20c, 17c, 15c, 14c, FIT plans available that can be manually added by a manager. A standard sales rep, or even normal retention team member don't have access to it (they can't see it in their system). Under the new system, the chances of you getting anything more than 12c FIT is very slim. It would be classified as a "Retention's Offer" which is basically their way of keeping you as a customer if you try to leave. If you export too much, they don't want to keep you.

  • +1

    Managed to get on a 17c FIT plan today. Was with AGL and said I'm interested to return to Origin. Was offered 12c on my first call even after asking the consultant to talk to her manager. Politely declined and hung up. Called again in 5 minutes, another lady offered the same 12c, said I am aware of a 20c plan and asked the lady to speak to her manager. After a short hold, lady advised the 20c promotion is over but is able to offer 17c.

    • Is that uncapped feed in, or only for x amount of kwh?

      • +1


        • Are you on the new system (Account # A-…) or the old system? Got through to the rendition team on 1800 and said that they can't help me as I'm on the new system. Sent me to 1300 832 854 not sure if thats the other retention team or just standard call centre.

          edit: "Best we can do is 10c solar capped.." sigh

    • Nice work, are you on the old system or new? (New system - account number starts with A)

      • Waiting to get my contract with the details - but on the first call the lady did mention I am on the new system.

  • I keep trying the 1800 number but it goes through to the normal people who say there is no retentions team anymore (sigh). I really don't want to have to move to AGL just to get a call. Is the 1800 at the top of the post still the number people are calling?

    • Yep that's the number I used this morning. Made two calls both went to retentions. Pressed 1 for both cases.

      • Interesting I get the IVR that says 1 is for automated pay by phone.. Wonder if it's because I'm on a mobile..

        edit: yup that was it, called from land line and went straight to retentions..

        • Still strange as all my calls were made on my mobile. Might be to do with where you are located too.

        • Yes - if your mobile is in their system it will automatically detect you and send you to their 'new systems' team before you speak to anyone. You would have to call via private call settings in your mobile or call from a different number.

  • Every time I call and they find out my account has the 'new' system (not 4000, the new A-) then I get transferred to an offshore team who won't offer anything not on the website. Tried multiple avenues.

    • Yeah same with me. I just ended up transferring to Alinta as they are still offering 8c uncapped. AGL is now 10c capped at 14kW, and origin max I can get offered is 8c 14kW cap. Hopefully the retention team call, but I can see I'll be hopping around until I can get something decent. (the 8c uncapped worked out just slightly better for me when factoring in the reduced daily charges). But Alinta has demand charging so it's going to be a very big learning curve to the household routines.

      • +3

        Just an update (as expected) Origin called. I mentioned I normally talk to the retention teams and she said that there is no retention team anymore and that she's part of Sales and as of last week Sales can now see the new plans but the plans that are offered are computer generated based on amount of solar power generated. Because I export most of my power all they could offer was 12c uncapped. No idea what this means now since it's just one origin reps response, and we know that not all Origin reps are on the same page.

        • Sales can now see the new plans but the plans that are offered are computer generated based on amount of solar power generated.
          Because I export most of my power all they could offer was 12c uncapped.

          That tracks with my experience via the retentions number (some weeks ago). Wouldn't budge beyond 12c (uncapped). Been with Origin for many years, sometimes switching, but they know exactly how much I export and how little I import.

          I always suspected it was some algorithmic decision based on exports/imports. For new customers, they don't have a usage history yet, so they can offer better FITs to get the business, but in won't last the next time around.

          • @deelite42: I've been trying to get 12c uncapped but each time I call through they say the best I can get is what my current offer is which is 10c

  • Every time i try to call the 1800 557 700 it says im calling outside normal operating hours…and iv tried between 11am-midday on Monday AEST!

    Anyone had this issue?

    • Anyone???

      • Try calling from a landline

  • My 20c has come to an end also and now I can only get 12c

    Daily Supply
    118.338 c/day
    Solar Meter Charge
    8.526 c/day
    Usage charges
    General Usage
    25.817 c/kWh

    Is there a better deal out there for SEQ?

    • Is your account not 4000, or the new A-)? I cant seem to get 12c at all I am stuck on 10c but I am part of the A-

    • They are now not even saying they can do 12c or 10c.. They won't budge on 8c with 14kw cap per day! :/

      • +1

        I couldn't find anything better from other providers either. Suddenly the payback on the system just blew out 😭

        • Yeah, getting solar is becoming less and less attractive.

  • Hi, any updates or success with getting a better FIT in January from anyone?

  • +1

    I was with Origin getting 12c with a cap of 14kw per day then 5c per kw for any additional feed in. I’ve switched to Alinta getting 8c per kWh uncapped and I’m better off as I generate on average 80kw per day. But I’m ready to change as soon as Origin offer a better deal or anyone else. I’ll post here if I find a better deal than 8c uncapped and would be grateful if anyone else does the same

    • 80 kWh, stonks. At least guessing you mean kWh not kW..

  • Sorry yes you are right, average 80kw generated per day…..

  • Called up on retentions as they want to move me from last year's 12c/Kwh for the first 14Kwh to 8c, but got no better offer at all. Time to move I guess.

  • Any news now that we have entered into 2023? In QLD and need to look at moving to a new solar plan with a better FIT.

  • I’ve been checking but no good news so far, may have to wait till Origin looses more customers before they are forced to offer better deals, let’s hope people keep closing their account and moving, so far I’ve stayed with Alinta at 8c uncapped but they do have that horrible peak usage charge which I find so annoying, I’m ready to move as soon as there is a better offer

  • +1

    I was talking to a very knowledgeable solar installer today and his thoughts are that he is installing lots more battery systems now with the high cost of electricity and feels that as time goes by and more and more consumers charge their batteries during the day rather than feed the electricity back to the grid, especially with the low FIT now on offer, there will be a lot less electricity going back to the grid and so electricity providers will start to offer higher FIT rates to attract more solar customers….l.all I can say is I hope he’s right

    • +2

      Not so sure about that. More people may be getting batteries, but it's still a drop in the ocean as they are still (uneconomically) expensive and limited in supply. There would need to be a massive adoption rate to make a dent in retailer incentives.

      • I agree only that a handful of people with the luxury of affording a battery system would bother. It’s not an effective way to reduce your costs and opens yourself up to the risks of battery system failures and fires etc.

  • I’m revisiting our solar plan with AGL which has been offering 12c uncapped, but with those damn demand charges!! I was in credit over summer normally but now with these pathetic feed ins I’m back to paying bills despite generating more than twice what I’m using.

    With the massive increases in energy costs I was hoping the tariffs would be increased. Sounds like I’ll have to sit and wait a bit as no one is competitive at the moment.

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