• expired

[QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

OP UPDATE 6 - 19/11/2021 - Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

OP UPDATE 5 - 14/09/2021 - It looks like this deal is fast becoming unobtainable, unfortunately. I've called a few times over the past week and the best I am getting is 12c FIT. They are all saying the 20c FIT is no longer available and they won't even do 15c now… I'll keep researching and will update here if anything comes up that is worth signing up.

OP UPDATE 4 - 24/08/2021 - I called Origin yesterday to help another person get on this deal. I asked several questions to the rep (who was a part of the retention's team) about the offer and why some people get it and others do not. Her response was that the retention's team is the only one that offer better deals over their customer care team or sales team. The offers that they can do fluctuates from week to week. I asked further about this 'fluctuation' which she replied some weeks they can offer 15c whereas other weeks it can be up to 20c. It varies week to week based on what other companies are offering at the time. Yesterday the most she could do was 18c FIT however, she said call back in a couple of weeks time and it could be 20c again (or it could be 15c, which you wouldn't go ahead with). So that's the latest info I've got about this deal.

OP UPDATE 3 - 10/12/2020 - The deal/offer is still going strong! Don't let the reps tell you you can't get the offer. Merry Christmas everyone!

OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

OP UPDATE 11/7/2020 - This deal is still available for those that are in the market. I helped sign someone up to it yesterday no problem at all

Ok this deal requires some explaining so I'll do my best to give you all the details and steps to follow. Please note that this is specific to QLD, possibly even SE QLD and probably only beneficial for larger Solar Systems installed in your residential home or those who can generate high feed back to the grid per day.

I had a 15kw system installed just going on 12 months ago and shared my experience - details here. At the time it was very good value for money and I am so glad I went the larger system. I am currently predicted to have it fully paid off in under 2yrs based on credit generated through high FIT rates from energy retailers. After 1yr I haven't had a single electricity bill (was approximately $450/qrt) and have generated about $800-$1200 per qrt = $4000

When I first had it installed Origin and AGL wouldn't offer me anything competitive due to my solar system being over 10kw. Energy Australia (EA) at the time were offering 16.1c FIT so went with them. Earlier this year EA dropped their FIT rate to 11.5c and was no longer competitive. AGL then came to the party and offered me their 17c FIT rate so transferred over to them mid FEB.

This current qrt I am forecast to have a credit of just over $900. As I always do, I regularly check to see what's available and my brother who has a similar system to mine was looking to come over to AGL as well. He was with Origin at the time and upon making the move to come over to AGL, Orgin called him and offered him 20c FIT with no cap (as per their current plan of 15c FIT capped at 8kw per day then reverting back to 7c FIT) to stay.

Which brings me to this deal:
I called Origin to get the details as I was concerned they may have added in the fine print the 20c FIT is capped at 8kw but was pleasantly surprised to see it was unlimited with no cap. This deal can't be given over the phone with a typical Origin Energy Sales representative (as I found out) and had to call this number - 1800 557 700 and speak with a member from that team who can offer special rates outside of the standard.

As per the screen shot I have as the link, according to my spreadsheet (which works out exact costs by imputing exact usage and feed back to the grid figures) switching over to this Origin deal will increase my credit by approximately $800 per year. I have several other retailers costs on my spreadsheet that spits out the credit I would make and Origin beats them all.

This would only be beneficial if you have a large solar system and can feed back to the grid a good amount (30kw+ per day on avg) and only buying back from your retailer approximately 6-12kw per day.
FIT offer: 20c/kwh
Usuage costs: 24.915
Daily Supply charge: 116.061
Daily Solar meter reading charge: 6.974 (Origin say it's $6/qrt)

Side note - A good price for a similar system to the one I have with 3 phase power (including Smart meter, slightly larger panels 330-350w and Fronius Inverter) with quality materials and workmanship is about the $9k mark now. For anyone with single phase power you can still get an 8.2kw inverter with 10kw worth of panels (have to have a Smart meter installed so it caps your feed back to the grid at 5kw/hr as per Energex regulations) with same quality as above for about $6.7k

Sorry for the long post but if you have any questions or don't understand my method/reasoning for the deal feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where ever I can. I must stress and reiterate that I am NOT affiliated with any Energy/Solar company. I just love doing my homework and research and love sharing it with others who can benefit.


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

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closed Comments

                    • @kulprit: Yeah that's why I let the spreadsheet work it out :) It comes within a few cents of what my last 12 months of bills were.

        • Origin offered me the same rates as what you have been quoted however i'm receiving 20c instead of 12c, this was around July this year.

          • +2

            @qwerty40777: Yes, that's what this deal post was about. However it's no longer available.

      • +1

        Thanks CD. Good to see the AGL rates. Slightly higher daily rate but a lower kW rate.

      • @CrocDundee: AGL has a 10KW panel limit, that rules a lot of us out of this FIT with them.

        • how do they know if you have a 12kw panels or 10kw?
          I understand invterer being 10kw, but I can't see how they can tell your panel size?

          • +1

            @Jessie Ryder: They can't. As long as you never export more than 10kW in an hour at once they couldn't know how many panels you have.

            • @kulprit: Doesn't your installer register your setup with Energex / insert poles and wires operator here?

          • @Jessie Ryder: They technically won't ever know unless they physically come out to your address and look at your inverter size. It isn't the panel amount, it is the size inverter you have. However, regulations only allow 33% of panels above your inverter size i.e. 10k Inverter and 13.3kw worth of panels. The only way you can install more than 33% above your inverter size is if you have a battery.

            • @CrocDundee: That is true, but they state Inverter and Panels, both need to be 10kw or less.
              If they come out they can check the inverter but there is no way for them to tell if i have 10kw or panels or 11kw on the roof

              • +1

                @Jessie Ryder: When I have spoken to AGL they have always just stated the Inverter size needs to be 10kw or less. I can't see anywhere on their T&Cs that says that the panels need to be less than 10kw?

                • @CrocDundee: If you click on "see full conditions" under Solar Savers plan, it states following:

                  This plan is available to residential customers with a maximum 10kW panel size and an inverter system no greater than 10kW as part of an ongoing market contract in QLD where AGL operates.

                  • @Summoner: Yes - good pick up! I have actually asked the AGL rep in the past about panel size/amount and they have always said it was just the inverter capacity that needs to be no more than 10kw. Be interesting to see if someone gets knocked back for having greater than 10kw in panels but only have a 10kw inverter.

                    • @CrocDundee: Hi mate, so sorry to bother you at the end of the year. Just wanna make sure can AGL know that we have 15kw inverter. I'm gonna make a move today. Cheers

                      • @nguyentran: Never a bother! I'm happy to help if I can so please ask any questions…

                        Don't tell them if I was you. I was okay because they knew my system (having been with them before) and they were trying to get me back (even though I was coming back anyway lol)… I know of some people who have been rejected for having a system larger than 10kw. But only if you feel okay doing that. There is no way for them to know what size system you have unless they physically come out to your address and look at your inverter - which I HIGHLY doubt they will do.

                        Either way, I'm hoping for a better deal in 2022 from somewhere else. This demand charge by AGL is really dodgy the more I look into it!

                        • @CrocDundee: Awesome, thank for your reply. I tried to call origin to day but does seem no one answering the phone right now. Send the request now, 12 months free prime is a bonus

  • +2

    Origin messed up my plan renewal and put me back on 13c FIT plan when 20c FIT was supposed to run till Apr 2022. After multiple escalations, speaking to multiple supervisors and being told constantly that 20c FIT plan doesn't exist anymore, they logged a case with an internal team (Case Mgmt team?) who were able to restore the 20c FIT plan today.

    • is that for another year? or until Apr 2022?

      • +2

        Its supposed to go for another year, so that's a win!

        • thats awesome! well done :)

    • +1

      Awesome to hear! Glad you were able to escalate it to get the deal! Just wish they would still offer it. Or at least do 15c-18c.

      • It wasn't easy, I insisted on escalations firmly while still being friendly enough. They kept telling me that it's impossible now as there is not even a code for that plan in their system. But all is well that ends well, so I suggest others keep trying as well. The plan code may not visible to regular sales team however retentions & case mgmt teams still have access.

        • So everybody in the last couple of months are wrong?

          • +4

            @Jessie Ryder: I think it is more a case that he was already on the plan which should have lasted until April 2022 and they took him off it without his knowledge.

            • +1

              @CrocDundee: Agree, I can't see them adding any other customers on it unless they messed up like they did in this case and might have the ability to override a plan or something internally (who knows) but I very much doubt it will work unless you have a leg to stand on (their error)..etc.. thanks for sharing though and congrats to you :-)

  • +3

    I got my call from the rentention team today, I've moved from Origin 20c FIT to Alinta as my 12 months was up.
    I have high usage and high generation.

    This is the best they could do.
    86.9c daily
    17.45c kw/h
    05c kw/h FIT

    The plan with the higher FIT was even worse for me.

    • sorry if this has been posted what was your alinta deal?

      • +1

        Just the standard plan on the website, nothing special but it was the best plan for me when comparing after having to leave Origin.

        • Yeah, Alinta are competitive in their usage and supply charge price. If their FIT was the same as AGL and Origin (12c) then they would be the best for me.

  • +4

    Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

    The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

    Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

    I'll post this as the latest update from me in the OP

    • +1

      Thanks mate a true legend!

    • @CrocDundee Origin were offering me the 12c FIT but with a 14kWh daily cap then 5c no demand is this what they are offering you?

      AGL are offering the 12c FIT but on a demand plan?!??
      I'm currently on a single rate with origin, the retailers all reckon everyone with a smart meter has been transitioned by energex to a transitional demand tariff and on the 1 july 2022 it goes up to 25c/kW/day!!!!
      No amount of argurg will get them to put you on a single rate, even though that was what the AGL web site shows when you sign up!!!

      AGL rates:
      General Usage c/kWh 18.15
      Supply charge c/day 125.631
      Demand price c/kW/day 8.338
      FIT 12c

      Is this what they put you on?
      I'm in Brisbane

      • Thankful for my basic meter and going to keep it for as long as possible now!!

      • 12c uncapped for both Origin and AGL. That's only through their Retention's team though. Normal sales rep will only offer what's on their website which is the capped FIT of 14kw.

        • Ahh, I didn't realise they were both retention deals to have the feed in uncapped

          • @kulprit: I'm not so sure.

            The website offer is 10c FIT with a 14kWh cap.
            The best deal I can get out rentions is a 12c FIT with 14kWh cap, they don't tell you it has a cap, it's buried in the details if you ask for the rates in writing.
            No one in rentions will offer me an uncapped deal.

            AGL is a mess, the website offers you a 12c FIT on single rate, however once you sign up they put you on the Demand tariff, as Energex has swapped everyone with smart meters to this Demand tariff.

            The whole thing is very frustrating, why can't' AGL just put you on what they advertise, bait and switch.
            When batteries are cheap I would love to cut the cord, and go off grid.
            They can stick it.

            • @Uksa007: Going off grid is the dream. The daily connection charge does add up over time.

              The pinch on big solar export is on. GEE's residential offer (mentioned higher up in comments) has gone from 13c/kWh uncapped to 11c for the first 10 kWh and 5c thereafter.

              Bad timing for me as I just got my install done a couple of months ago…. Payback period is about to get a lot longer

              • +1

                @Nuggets: Yep, the golden age of solar is looking like it's dead.
                Where you think you are doing the right thing investing several thousand dollars, to help lower your bills and help save the environment, only to find out there is little real value placed on the energy you produce while they keep finding new ways to increase your bill.
                You would think they would put a carbon tax on dirty electricity, wait they did then didn't.

      • @Uksa007 Yes they offered me the same as above, except there is also solar metering charge c/day: 7.7c
        I also ring Origin and Alinta which less attractive than AGL.

        Origin rates:
        General Usage c/kWh 22.67
        Controlled Load c/kWh: 16.92
        Supply charge c/day 112.90
        Supply charge Controlled Load c/day: 2.58
        Solar metering charge c/day: 6.7c
        FIT 11c (up to 14kw/day) , then 5c.

        Alinta rates:
        General Usage c/kWh 16.31
        Controlled Load c/kWh: 17.26
        Supply charge c/day 141.17
        Demand price c/kW/day: 25.97
        FIT 11c

        • That is a hefty supply charge from Alinta.

          • @Nuggets: And the Demand price is crazy too, not sure what they are smokin over there.
            It looks like they are not using the "Transitional Demand tariff" but rather the "Standard Demand" pricing
            Not sure why, I'm sure they will figure it out eventually.

        • Never had this demand price thing before in Qld. Idea is that sometimes at not own times energy is cheaper, but then at certain times that they decide it's bumps the price up?

          And so when the time comes, who can I go to that doesn't have a cap on their 'good' feed in tariff?

          • +1

            @kulprit: Demand is this new way of trying to make the energy you use in peak time more cost reflective.
            In QLD it has been forced on everyone with a smart meter from 1 July 2021, as a "transitional demand tariff" you can thank the AER for that.
            There is a "Standard demand tariff", that is even more expensive(around 25c/kW/day) that I guess they will move us onto in the future.
            Not all retailers are offering demand plans, like origin who seem to offer plans with no demand but are hobbled by FIT caps, so they get changed for demand but don't pass it on, I'm guessing they make it up from the capped 14kWh/day FIT?

            "Maximum kilowatt demand measured as a single peak over a 30 minute period between 4pm and 9pm everyday during the month."
            The peak demand measured is then charged every day in the month!

            AGL transitional demand price is 8.338c/kW/day
            If your peak demand for the month is 8kW
            Cost per month: price * demand * days or $0.08338 * 8 * 30 = $20.01

            Alinta would be;
            Alinta demand price is 25.971/kW/day
            If your peak demand for the month is 8kW
            Cost per month: price * demand * days or $0.25971 * 8 * 30 = $62.33

            RE who is the best for FIT, they all suck.
            AGL is possibly the best at 12c uncapped but they will put you on the demand pricing.
            Origin has 12c FIT but capped at 14kWh per day then 5c, no demand (at the moment)

            • @Uksa007: Thanks for the explanation, made me do some more googling. Really going to suck for us. We import on average about 7kWh a day, and about 3kWh of that is just overnight when asleep. The rest is all dinner cooking time etc right in that peak.

              So if we happen to cook dinner with the sun down, and need the air con but also dryer running even once in a month at the same time our bill will jump. And as we use so little normally the saving on the normal tariff will mean nothing.

              Is even origins retention team 12c FiT have a feed in cap?

              It's also made it even more impossible to pick the best retailer as it makes it too dependent on whether you may just have one huge night which means the demand tariff has a big impact or not.

              • @kulprit: So if you have roughly 4kWh of peak usage between 4-9pm
                So worse case that would be 4 kWh usage in 30min which would be 8kW demand, as used in my above examples.
                I doubt all of that usage happens in one 30min block, so it might not be that bad.

                The trick with demand is to not have everything going at same time.
                So cook your dinner, turn off the AC and dryer, for that 30min period.
                After you cooked your dinner 30min later turn on the AC.
                Run the dryer before 4pm or after 9pm, same with washing machine and dishwasher.

                • @Uksa007: Oh I totally agree that on a normal day it will have no impact. But if even 1 day a month is stinking hot but humid and raining, I'm not adjusting how we live to space it all out.

                  I realise that's what it's meant to incentivise, but that fact that I can be good about it for 29 days then 1 day not and pay a pretty big price is a bit crazy.

                  I think from my reading in the end I'll prefer a time of use tariff. At least then one days actions doesn't impact the rest. Happy to pay more at certain times if it's known it's a one off.

                  • @kulprit: Yep, I agree that the demand tariff is pretty stupid, it's like you get one speeding ticket and they keep sending the same ticket for everyday in the month.

                    If the demand is too hard to deal with, my wife has already said she refuses to change her usage patterns and is just happy to pay more, then TOU will probably end up better for us.

                    The bummer with TOU is all your peak usage everyday(4-9pm) is at the higher rate, which can add up.

                    I haven't had any luck getting the origin retentions team to offer 12c FIT without the cap.
                    I have tried several times with different people they all say the same thing:
                    Best they can do is 12c FIT with 14kWh cap
                    AGL looks better for me on that basis even with the demand change, particularity now it's summer maximum solar production.

            • @Uksa007: Wow.. Thanks for your detailed explanation. Now I just need to find out whether the peak demand is Syd or Bne time.

              • @alibabapria: I believe it should be local BNE time, as it's based on your meter data, which is recorded in local BNE time.

                • @Uksa007: Cheers mate. Now I just to do the math, either AGL or Dodo as they don't charge solar metering charge and peak demand tariff.

                  Dodo rates:
                  General Usage c/kWh 19.18
                  Controlled Load c/kWh: 17.33
                  Supply charge c/day 87.07
                  FIT 8.5c

                  • @alibabapria: I think AGL do have solar metering change of $0.077, don't see one for listed for dodo?

                    I wonder if they are real rates for Dodo of if they do same bait and switch as Alinta and AGL where they just put you on a demand tariff?

                    Dodo quote says "The rates provided in this summary are subject to verification of the meter configuration and distributor tariff."
                    I'm betting they put you on demand.

                    Though they don't seem to list a demand plan here https://connectto.dodo.com/rapidEnergyQuote/PriceFactSheet/r…

                    • @Uksa007: When I called Dodo, they didn't mention about it. But again the sales rep who spoke to me on the phone, just read what's on their website. When I asked about solar metering charge, she wasn't even sure what that is.

                      Oh yes, AGL does have solar metering charge as I mentioned on the above post.

                      • @alibabapria: For me AGL and Dodo are pretty close, the difference is demand, if the demand comes in higher it can make a pretty big difference over the year.

                        I think I would prefer Dodo if they have a single rate and don't swap you to demand, as I don't want the hassle of worrying about demand all the time.

    • Origin offered me FIT 20c (up to 14kWh per day) then 5c @15/Dec/2021 after I moved to Alinta @ 7/Dec/2021.

      I'm at Brisbane
      General Usage c/kWh 22.671
      Controlled Load c/kWh: 16.929
      Supply charge c/day 112.90
      Supply charge Controlled Load c/day: 2.587
      Solar metering charge c/day: 6.7c
      FIT 20c (up to 14kw/day) , then 5c.

      ps. solar system was NOT purchased from Origin

      Somehow, with my Origin account,
      feed-in tariff calculate as 16.7c/kWh without cap.
      For example, on the 21/Dec/2021, total feed-in was 28.88kWh and credit for $4.83.
      No sure what happen at the moment.

  • I'm confused, trying to get my head around the capacity demand. These are my rates with Alinta in SE QLD:

    Does that mean I'm paying 25.97c per KILOWATT HOUR like it says during capacity demand 4pm to 9pm or have they written a typo and it's actually 25.97c per KILOWATT peak demand like you've been talking about?

    • I think that is probably a typo, here is the figure that they quoted me.
      Capacity Demand Charge - Peak* c/kW/Day 25.971

      So I think it is peak demand, best to check with them.
      They couldn't explain to me why it was so expensive given the cost from energex is $0.0834c/kW/Day inc GST.

  • No luck, phoned Origin for the last time, the retention guys assures me there is no uncapped deal anyone can offer they all have the 14kW cap best is 12c/kWh FIT.
    My transfer to AGL is in progress, despite them putting me on a demand plan they still come out in front for summer.
    Winter not so much, might have to look around then, Dodo would be the winner at the moment for winter.
    I find it painful enough have to change retailer every year, now it looks like every six months.

  • I've just checked the Origin contract I have and it does not mention a 14KW cap? Could this be something new again?

    P.S. I renewed early November from the 20c FIT down to the 12c FIT in Brisbane

    • I have been trying for a few weeks, in Brisbane also
      Have you checked the terms and conditions?

      This is under the terms and conditions:

      Under this Energy Plan you will receive the following benefit for 12 months from the Supply Start Date:
      • 12c/kWh feed-in tariff for any electricity your solar PV system exports to the grid until you reach an export amount of 14kWh per
      day averaged across your billing period (calculated by multiplying the number of days in your billing period by 14kWh).

      • The "Market Terms and Conditions.PDF" I have does not seem to have that clause included.. maybe it's something new they are doing now ;-( Seems it keeps getting harder :-(

  • I thought I was 12c but just checking my plan I was auto renewed on 10th Sept and its 13c

    Origin Solar Boost
    13c FiT
    Supply Charge: 112.91c
    Usage Charges 22.68c peak

    I am Brisbane based.

    • Yes they were supposed to be put me on something like that, they mentioned 13 or 14c when I phoned up before my contract ended, they told me to wait to see what they put me on it would be better than the 12c retentions could offer.

      They put me on the basic plan with 5c FIT and now all they have is 12c with 14kWh cap, another lost customer.

      • Where are you headed? AGL?

        • +2

          Yep, transfer completed, so long origin and thanks for all the FIT.
          Even the retentions team is beaten down, they admit their offering sucks, they say "the big problem is the 14kWh cap", yep it sure is.
          They are hoping management comes up with something better.

          • @Uksa007: What FIT at AGL. Mind posting your plan?

            • @WhyAmICommenting: They were posted above, if you have a smart meter they will put you on the demand plan read my posts above if you don't know about it.

              AGL rates Inc GST:
              General Usage c/kWh 18.15
              Supply charge c/day 125.631
              Solar metering charge c/day 7.7
              Demand price c/kW/day 8.338
              FIT 12c

              • @Uksa007: Yeah, I’m a bit concerned about this demand rubbish. I temporarily signed up to the Everyday Rewards plan to make a (hopefully) quick $25 then move on.

                But that plan doesn’t mention the demand stuff. I’ll have to check the fine print :(

                • +1

                  @WhyAmICommenting: Origin are not yet passing demand on to the customer, instead the FIT is low or capped, I guess they have run the numbers.

  • I renewed back in August this year (after initially joining in August 2020 and getting the 23% discount off grid and supply, 15c kw/h FIT) and the best they'd offer was 15c kw/h FIT and 17% discount off grid and supply. A friend had called around the same time and was allowed to retain the existing 23%, 15c kw/h FIT plan. Called today to see if I could get the 23% deal my friend received when he renewed and spoke to Retention (even asked to confirm). The guy was quite straight forward in saying even the deal I'm on currently, doesn't exist anymore and there's no way they could do better than a 12c kw/h FIT and even made a comment that you'd be lucky to get any discount off grid and supply at the 12c kw/h FIT.

    • +1

      Got to see if origin will offer a 12c fit but unlimited from retentions. Will do will probably stay rather than going to agl (and risk the demand tariff)

      • Let us know how you go, I tried about 10 times, kept getting the same answer: 12c FIT with CAP, no other options available.

  • +2

    I officially changed over to AGL the other day. Hopefully the mass exodus of customers leaving Origin will bring back more competitive FIT rates. I highly doubt it though…

    • +2

      Yep I moved to AGL in November, did they put you on a demand plan? (if you have a smart meter)

      Origin I think are trying to balance the introduction of demand charges(if customer has a smart meter) with falling FIT.
      Result is what they have come up with, 12c FIT capped, but no demand charges.

      Bad timing that it was done at the start of summer, as it's not that attractive for summer peak solar production, come winter might not look that bad, but then there are other offering like DODO that probably still come out better.

      I'm sure Origin will be monitoring the customer loss number, (who knows maybe it was their plan to lose the high export customers as they may not profitable for them).

      • Yes - I am on their demand plan with 12c FIT. At the moment it isn't too bad because I still get solar production right up til about 6:30pm. Albeit declining quickly from 4pm (about 8kw/hr production) to nothing at 6:30pm. Come Winter I am hoping there will be better FIT deals out there and this 'demand' period plan ceases!

        • Have you looked if they offer a time of use plan instead croc?

          • @kulprit: Not for the higher FIT. They didn't have any other plan with 12c FIT. Not the greatest, but will still generate about 2.2k/year in credit with no bill.

            • +1

              @CrocDundee: Cheers. My origin doesn't run up until January, so will put in the request to agl the day after it ends.

              My credit will go down to about $1800 and no bill, but depenes on how the demand tariff impacts us.

              Of course most people spike is while they cook dinner.
              If the oven and stovetop are going, then you run the microwave for 10 minutes it won't be small

              God forbid once a month you run the dryer at the same time and it costs you for the whole next month.

              • @kulprit: Yeah same. The demand price/charge will be interesting to gauge after the first month. At the moment while we are in Summer it shouldn't be too bad (still generating solar for some of the demand time) but as we come into Winter, it will be terrible!

                • @CrocDundee: Our solar is done by 5pm, even in summer. All our panels are north facing, so we get better overall production but not as spread out.

                  One of the companies we got a quote from did suggest a sawtooth setup east/west, but I don't think it would have looked much good from the street with how much tilt you'd need to get late afternoon production.

                  Did agl move you pretty fast and not wait until a billing date?

                  • @kulprit: Yeah North facing is definitely the best overall.

                    AGL took about 5 business days to transfer over. They said it usually takes 3-10 days if you have the upgraded smart meters, which we do having solar. So no need to wait till the end of your billing date. It's pretty quick.

                  • @kulprit: It's entirely possible in the future that your feed in tariff will vary depending on when you are producing your kWs.

                    Sadly I'm on a hillside facing east so my production cuts out at around 3.30 PM.

                    That being said it's a blessing as well, the sun stops baking the house soon after that.

                    • @Nuggets: We are looking to put in a pool heater and a few other bits to use the energy rather than export it anyway.

                      Maybe even a fronius relay on the heater so it only runs when there is excess.

                      Then an EV with VtH and we are all set. Never charge the car in demand time, use the car battery to run the house in demand times.

  • I called today, 5c with 23% discount, i was advised to called back within the next 3 months to see whether they have a better deal rate or not

  • +1

    This just popped up on my Facebook. Looks like the 20c F.I.T is still available to new customers.

    • Have to buy the solar system from origin though.

      • Yeah I know but I'm just pointing out that the 20CF.I.T plan is still in their system if they want to use it.

    • +1

      Good find! I'll see if I can work some magic on Monday when they open. Don't like my chances but at least I will have something to go off with that special. Having said that, I would NEVER get solar through Origin. I had a quote by them when I first looked at getting solar to try take advantage of their 15c FIT. Their 10kw system they said was 'on special' was about $20k!? That was the most expensive quote I ever got, especially considering I ended up getting a 15kw system for $10.4k!

  • +2

    Called Retention's team again this morning. Still no luck, unfortunately.

    That 20c FIT deal is only through their 'solar team' and can't be applied unless you purchase solar through them, apparently. The other departments (like the retentions's team) don't have access to anything else other than 12c FIT and yes, it is capped at 14kw per day - REALLY BAD!

    I guess similar to Energy Australia a few years ago when they dropped their FIT from 16c down to about 11c, Origin will lose a lot of customers if the customer knows how bad these plans are considering what else is available.

    I am going to mark this deal as expired if others think it needs to be marked that way?

    • +2

      You can't comment on expired deals past a certain timeframe so in the interest of keeping this thread alive, maybe you can ping the mods to move it to the forums?

    • 12c FIT? I already called them twice to get them to match AGL and they're unable to, saying 11c is the max they can do, and I've been with them for over 10 years, LPG gas and internet with them to, and they're willing to let me go because they can't match it. I'm in NSW. Seriously consider switching to AGL now with 12c and the 12 month free prime membership.

      • 12c FIT for QLD customers. I'm not sure about NSW, sorry. 11c might be the max for NSW?

        • +1

          I'm in QLD and they also only offered me 11c FIT (up to 14kWh cap, then 5c after). Anyway I'm off to AGL.

          BUT I have to say a massive thank you for the original post and all the ongoing updates!

          • +1

            @madpig83: Thanks for the nice words. I benefit just as much as you guys here so it has been in my best interest to find the best deal. I'm also just as happy to share it with everyone else as well. I love getting a good bargain (don't we all!) and Ozbargain has delivered that in spades for me over the past 13yrs. Sure, I've also bought a lot of stuff that I didn't really need - I blame that on Ozbargain as well! ;)

          • +1

            @madpig83: I got FIT 20c (up to 14kWh per day) then 5c @15/Dec/2021 from Origin, after I made a move to Alinta @ 7/Dec/2021. Origin could offer you something similar.
            I'm in Brisbane

            General Usage c/kWh 22.671
            Controlled Load c/kWh: 16.929
            Supply charge c/day 112.90
            Supply charge Controlled Load c/day: 2.587
            Solar metering charge c/day: 6.7c
            FIT 20c (up to 14kw/day) , then 5c.
            ps. solar system was NOT purchased from Origin

            • +1

              @anray: Thanks, good to know but I'm still thinking moving to AGL would be better because:
              9c * 14 * 365 (assumes I export 14 everyday for a year) = $460 and that's pretty much the difference between Origin and AGL plus AGL has Amazon Prime for a year.

  • Can anyone share the experience with AGL when moving from origin? Is it pretty much seamless with not much down time? I might move my mum over too. Do they offer discounts for pensioners similar to origin?

    • I'm not sure about senior/pensioner discounts but the transfer was pretty seamless. Took me 5 business days and I didn't have to do anything (other than call them up to say I wanted to transfer to them). AGL's app is quite primitive though. Needs a massive update/upgrade!

      • Any reason over the phone rather than online?

        • +1

          I only called to see if there was a 'department' that could offer a better FIT deal similar to the Retention's Team at Origin ;) There wasn't…

    • I switched from Origin about a week ago. The process itself was seamless and the switchover occurred on the day I nominated, with SMS notifications.

      The 12c uncapped FIT is certainly miles ahead of Origin currently, however the flat-rate plan does also incur a daily Demand Charge (4pm - 9pm, 8.338c) on top of the normal usage. Even so, it's better than Origin.

      My biggest issue with AGL is their website portal reporting. I have a smartmeter and the imports/exports didn't at all match my figures, which I've been monitoring daily for years. I then realized that their figures were 'estimated', not actual. I have no idea how they came up with these daily estimates.

      I waited a week and checked their portal again. This time, the first half of the week was still estimated, but the latter part of the week had actual and correct figures. How the heck that works is beyond me ATM. Will keep monitoring…

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