• expired

[QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

OP UPDATE 6 - 19/11/2021 - Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

OP UPDATE 5 - 14/09/2021 - It looks like this deal is fast becoming unobtainable, unfortunately. I've called a few times over the past week and the best I am getting is 12c FIT. They are all saying the 20c FIT is no longer available and they won't even do 15c now… I'll keep researching and will update here if anything comes up that is worth signing up.

OP UPDATE 4 - 24/08/2021 - I called Origin yesterday to help another person get on this deal. I asked several questions to the rep (who was a part of the retention's team) about the offer and why some people get it and others do not. Her response was that the retention's team is the only one that offer better deals over their customer care team or sales team. The offers that they can do fluctuates from week to week. I asked further about this 'fluctuation' which she replied some weeks they can offer 15c whereas other weeks it can be up to 20c. It varies week to week based on what other companies are offering at the time. Yesterday the most she could do was 18c FIT however, she said call back in a couple of weeks time and it could be 20c again (or it could be 15c, which you wouldn't go ahead with). So that's the latest info I've got about this deal.

OP UPDATE 3 - 10/12/2020 - The deal/offer is still going strong! Don't let the reps tell you you can't get the offer. Merry Christmas everyone!

OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

OP UPDATE 11/7/2020 - This deal is still available for those that are in the market. I helped sign someone up to it yesterday no problem at all

Ok this deal requires some explaining so I'll do my best to give you all the details and steps to follow. Please note that this is specific to QLD, possibly even SE QLD and probably only beneficial for larger Solar Systems installed in your residential home or those who can generate high feed back to the grid per day.

I had a 15kw system installed just going on 12 months ago and shared my experience - details here. At the time it was very good value for money and I am so glad I went the larger system. I am currently predicted to have it fully paid off in under 2yrs based on credit generated through high FIT rates from energy retailers. After 1yr I haven't had a single electricity bill (was approximately $450/qrt) and have generated about $800-$1200 per qrt = $4000

When I first had it installed Origin and AGL wouldn't offer me anything competitive due to my solar system being over 10kw. Energy Australia (EA) at the time were offering 16.1c FIT so went with them. Earlier this year EA dropped their FIT rate to 11.5c and was no longer competitive. AGL then came to the party and offered me their 17c FIT rate so transferred over to them mid FEB.

This current qrt I am forecast to have a credit of just over $900. As I always do, I regularly check to see what's available and my brother who has a similar system to mine was looking to come over to AGL as well. He was with Origin at the time and upon making the move to come over to AGL, Orgin called him and offered him 20c FIT with no cap (as per their current plan of 15c FIT capped at 8kw per day then reverting back to 7c FIT) to stay.

Which brings me to this deal:
I called Origin to get the details as I was concerned they may have added in the fine print the 20c FIT is capped at 8kw but was pleasantly surprised to see it was unlimited with no cap. This deal can't be given over the phone with a typical Origin Energy Sales representative (as I found out) and had to call this number - 1800 557 700 and speak with a member from that team who can offer special rates outside of the standard.

As per the screen shot I have as the link, according to my spreadsheet (which works out exact costs by imputing exact usage and feed back to the grid figures) switching over to this Origin deal will increase my credit by approximately $800 per year. I have several other retailers costs on my spreadsheet that spits out the credit I would make and Origin beats them all.

This would only be beneficial if you have a large solar system and can feed back to the grid a good amount (30kw+ per day on avg) and only buying back from your retailer approximately 6-12kw per day.
FIT offer: 20c/kwh
Usuage costs: 24.915
Daily Supply charge: 116.061
Daily Solar meter reading charge: 6.974 (Origin say it's $6/qrt)

Side note - A good price for a similar system to the one I have with 3 phase power (including Smart meter, slightly larger panels 330-350w and Fronius Inverter) with quality materials and workmanship is about the $9k mark now. For anyone with single phase power you can still get an 8.2kw inverter with 10kw worth of panels (have to have a Smart meter installed so it caps your feed back to the grid at 5kw/hr as per Energex regulations) with same quality as above for about $6.7k

Sorry for the long post but if you have any questions or don't understand my method/reasoning for the deal feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where ever I can. I must stress and reiterate that I am NOT affiliated with any Energy/Solar company. I just love doing my homework and research and love sharing it with others who can benefit.


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

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closed Comments

                    • @dwhes: Ok - yeah the 20c FIT would still be the best.

  • Just signed up to the 20c Fit deal with Origin (moved from AGL) and saved on my gas at the same time!


  • FYI - I just signed up to the Solar Boost plan in the Ausgrid (NSW) distribution area with a 22c FIT for 12 months.

    • 22c fit?? This plan was for 20c. How did you manage the extra 2c? Just pushes them for higher?

      • NSW will have different rates available compared to QLD. Well done on getting 22c - if you're legit :)

  • +1

    Thank you sir. Just got a 6.6kw 3phase 6kw inverter system installed today. Will call orgin tomorrow to setup this amazing deal.

    • Well done and good luck!

      • +1

        Got it done in my first try yesterday! thanks again.

  • Hi CrocDundee. Great post, thank you.
    Did you see this new Kogan deal:

    KoganEnergy seems to have low prices in usage ($0.1560 / kWh) and controlled load ($0.1107), but high supply charges ($1.1623 & 0.0352) and low FIT ($0.0384), so most beneficial for someone without or with a small solar panel system.

    It seems a very good rate. What do you think?

    • Hi Mad Max, Anyone with Solar would be silly to go on that deal. The FIT completely kills the advantage of the low usage rate. It doesn't even come close to other energy companies as well when I put the rates in my spreadsheet. 3.8c FIT is just stupid imo…

      • Yes but it seems good if you don't have solar. Especially if you have high usage.

        • Correct - or those original 2kw solar installs!

  • Can you get this with a time of use tarrif?

  • Hi CrocDundee, is this deal still available? I'm wondering if I should pull the pin and go solar, but not sure if it would be worth it (most likely couldnt fit 10kw worth of solar on my roof).

    Thanks for your time

    • +1

      Yep got it last week. And solar is no question worth it. 6.6kw system is more than enough for most and will give most standard homes close to a price neutral or positive bill from my research. I’m 2 weeks into my system and without even getting the awesome FIT from this deal, I’m $10 in the positive with AGL. My system cost me $4600 for a fronius inverter and 370w jinko panels on a 2 story tiled roof from a quality installer. You can go far cheaper if you want a lesser inverter and panels or more expensive if you want better. But I’ll have this system likely paid back within only a couple of years and will barely have an electricity Bill in that time.

      • +1

        Thank you for the informative response. May I ask if you are you in SEQLD / would recommend any installers? Even with no Gov rebates, it seems too good to pass up.

        • I’m in Brisbane and went with pristine solar. https://www.pristinesolar.com.au/ Kamal was excellent to deal with. Very happy with the quality of the installation and my system seems to be working well. If you do look to go with them eventually, send me a pm. Think they offer a referral system where you can get an additional $100 off and I get something as well I believe.

    • +1

      I think dwhes has answered it for you :)

      100% Solar is worth getting! I highly recommend getting a quote (or comparison quote) from Oz Solar World. If you want to go into detail of what is good value for money feel free to PM me.

  • +1

    Just called the number OP listed (also SEQ) and was immediately offered the 20c FiT - I am an existing Origin customer for both Electricity & Gas, previously with a 10% discount on the supply charge and peak usage rate but that discount was removed upon signing up for the 20c FiT Solar Boost program.

    The process took about 4 minutes on the phone total - had the system installed literally today (8.5kW)

    • Perfect! Glad it was a smooth and easy process for you. Enjoy the solar savings coming your way!

  • +1

    Thank you so much for this. I was already an Origin customer and the best they could offer me was 9c.
    So I called the number yesterday (I must admit I was a little skeptical) and it was all done within 5 minutes.

    • +1

      Simply and easy - like it should be! :) Well done!

  • Called twice today but was told they only offering 9c FIT even though I told them to know others getting this deal just as yesterday. Perhaps will try calling another time :/

    • Frustrating!! Yeah unfortunately just need to get the right rep and it shouldn't take more than 2mins.

  • +1

    Called twice today also but got rejected i.e. they were only able to offer 9c kw/h FIT.

    • +3

      Finally managed to switch to 20c FIT offer!

      • Darn! Could you share how you did it mate? I also called today and they are still rooting that 9c bs.

  • +2

    Thanks for the post. I called today and signed up to the Solar boost plan, 20c FIT.

  • Is this deal still available for SEQ. I have rang the number CrocDundee and several time and keep getting a no.
    Would you mind helping out!!

    • +1

      Still available. Just annoying that the reps are useless and you just have to find the right one, sorry.

      • I have been calling since last Monday and they send me around and says the best they can offer is 9c. I just got off the phone again and the lady said if your friend could called us, they can checked which team your friend spoke and get an idea. The reps even check with her supervisor but still no luck and the reps mentioned that she can't see the 20c. Any suggestion which team you spoken to at Origin. Thanks

        • +1

          The number in my OP 1800 557 700. It has to be through that team. It can't be an everyday sales rep from Origin. I have called that 6 times now (once for me and another 5 times for family and friends) and each time it has been smooth and seamless. I have no idea why I've had no issues and others seem to struggle? It is called the Origin Solar Boost Electricity plan (as per my screenshot) which is 20c FIT uncapped for 12 months.

        • +1

          Give Andrew a try… (03) 7003 9068

          • +2

            @ComfortablyNumb: Finally got onto this plan. Thank you CrocDundee and MtoTheFrame.

            • +1

              @Jeremie: Called Andrew as a ditch effort. He knew about the plan but said that it's only available to non-existing Origin customers by the retention's team. I was forwarded around and was only offered the 9c plan… Pretty frustrating.

              • @Gawth: Also called today and same story :(

                • @erictir17: Call the number in CrocDundee OP 1800 557 700

                  • +2

                    @Jeremie: Finished the call and finally got approved! Thanks so much for the help CrocDundee and Jeremie!

                    • +1

                      @erictir17: Yes!! I finally got on the plan as well. So easy once you get a good rep! Thanks heaps guys.

  • +1

    I just had the request approved and should be moved to this plan. Called number croc listed. Was seamless. Also just a shoutout to croc for being helpful via PM!

    • Awesome to hear! Glad it has all worked out :) Enjoy your solar savings!!

      • I just noted one of the terms of this plan is max 10kw invertor or must be limited to 10kw export. Does everyone else have this condition in the plan? I assume 10kw export is per hour….

        • Basically if you have an inverter larger than 10kw, they require you to have it limited to 10kw/hr production/feed back to the grid potential. So yeah, export potential per hour needs to be 10kw or less.

  • +2

    Hi Croc, just did the same as a lot of people here. Called up and talked to a very nice gentleman for 10 min and now have a glorious FIT for the next 12 months. We got a 6 Kw (16 x 370 Jinko cheetah) system with 5kw (Sungrow) about two months ago. But had a horrific time with the smart meter installation and then AGL as well. Seemingly missed out on a 17 FIT AGL plan that magically disappeared whilst waiting for the meter install. So this is amazing considering all the talking up I did to my partner about how great solar will be. Thanks for the post!

    • Awesome to hear! yeah the 20c FIT will be better than AGL's 17c FIT.. Well done on sticking it out!

      • +1

        We did way better than 3c improvement, that 17c was no longer available by the time the meter was done. AGL gave us 8c FiT….. So yes, the 20c is epic.

  • +1

    Just signed up today using the phone number posted by @CrocDundee! Brilliant. Thank you.

  • +1

    Signed up today by calling 1800 557 700, no hassle and no questions asked. However, haven't got any email to confirm signup. Should I ring them back or it takes a while to come through?

    Thanks @CrocDundee, this is a ripper of a deal.

    • +1

      Yeah took a couple days to get the email. But you should see it via the origin app?

      • +1

        Ah yes, signed up and can see its waiting for meter read in the Origin app. Cheers

    • I just called at got the run around. I Can't seem to get it.

      Anyone able to get this plan who is an existing origin customer?

      • I'm an existing Origin customer and I've just been put onto the 20c FIT after calling a number of times over the past month or so. As others have suggested, just have to keep trying. Not sure if this is relevant at all but I was calling at the same time every day (4-6pm) and never got it, I called around 2.30pm today and was put onto it no worries, I was on the phone for maybe 5 minutes.

  • +1

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work!! You’ve convinced us to install solar (SEQLD), we’ve been thinking about it for a long time.

    Thank you!

    • +1

      You won't regret It! My current predicted bill is looking to be $1,250 credit!! No electricity bill and being paid for doing nothing?! Thank you very much solar!

  • Would you mind, if possible, letting me know if that the company used by dwhes a little earlier in the thread would be worth having a chat to? And I will compare with the other one you mentioned as a comparison. Thank you : )

    • What companies are you wanting to compare with?

  • +1

    Anyone still able to get this plan? I called up a few times and got a run around about 3 transfers and no 20c offers

    • Still available - just need to get that right rep unfortunately…

  • +1

    I just wanted to post my experience..(thanks to the OP!!)

    Location Brisbane , 5km from CBD

    I use to be with Origin but moved to Alinta about 12 months ago. Origin called me many times to change back but I never did.

    After I gave them my new address and my name, their offer was

    20c FIT, 23.9kwh and $1.11 connection fee per day


    15c FIT, and 23% off the above rates for usage and connection.

    I have (will have) a 6kwh solar. Deal was for 12 months only, I couldn't extend it.


    • +1

      Just be aware: I was offered the same rates from Origin over the phone but, apparently, the phone person incorrectly entered the wrong zone and got the wrong Energex rates. I got an email after the transfer advising the rates were actually 26.458 and 128.277. I was offered a further 10 days cooling off but no one else was offering anything close anyway so I just stayed.

      I took up the 15c & 23% discount which has me with a $136.68 credit over the first 33 days. If I had taken the 20c offer, I would be owed $188.98 - which is a significant difference but, if I had stayed with EA, I would only be in credit for $4.66. Of course, there have been very few rainy/cloudy days in that time and my system is 3 phase on a business premises that operates from 7am til 6pm 5 1/2 days per week. Last Sunday it produced 112 kwh and put back 102.1 kwh. If you've got a standard home system where you are using most of your supply outside daylight hours then the 15c fit is usually best. If you have your own power station, like myself and Dundee, in hindsight I should have taken the 20c fit.

      Look into : pvoutput.org - as you can find similar systems in your area and see what they are producing on a daily basis.

      My business is in 4017.

      • Thanks for the heads up, I checked the rates on the email they sent me and they are correct.

        I ended up doing the numbers, we are going from natural gas for hot water, BBQ and stove top, to just electricity for everything. At the moment we are using 17.4kwh a day and the 6kwh solar should provide on average around 27kwh. So we ended up going 15c FIT with the 23% deduction of usage and connection.

        Its a bit hard to measure what our water heating being currently on gas but I think if we stay below 22 kwh per day on average, we nearly break even.

        How big is your solar? it must be around 8kwh to be getting such a bit rebate.

        • I also got an email confirming the lower rate but, once they connected the account via Energex, then got one apologising for the error and offering 14 days to move. I think the issue with mine is that it is a business property on a corner block surrounded by houses so they are only guessing on the phone but, once connected to Energex, they get the correct rate. I also think that businesses get screwed on price…

          My system is 3 phase and 18.48kw - this is the only way you will see rebates that high. Also, being business hours, the energy is mostly used whilst the sun is up so negates the cost of most of the electriicity. Overnight, it uses less than 1kw per hour so costs about 23c per hour for low light hours. Households are, obviously, the opposite whereby most of the energy is used in the mornings and evenings - so changing the way you use electricty is more important. Batteries make more sense with domestic systems but are still too expensive to see a return. I was hoping the Qld govt was going to offer a rebate on batteries (like other states) as part of an election bonus for the greens but that is unlikely now. I am weighing up changing my house to 3 phase to accomodate a bigger system but the extra cost doesn't make as much sense as a business as you cant write off the GST/Asset etc. My business system will have paid for itself in 18 months (at the current rate) whereas a household system of the same size would likely take 3-4 years.

          • @petebern: Wow, that's interesting. Thanks for the post.

            I'm going to see over the next 12months and see what the return on investment would be. Also it can be hard to estimate when they can change FIT after 12 months.

            How big can you go before you need to go to three phase?

            • +1

              @frazel: In Qld you are limited to a 5KW per phase that you can put back into the system. If you are on single phase but have an 18.48kw system with a 15kw Inverter(unlikely but possible), if the sun is shining and your inverter is producing the full 15kw, you need to be using 10kw in your house as you can only put 5kw back into the grid. This, obviously, would be difficult to do if you are not running a business from your home and running the aircon and dryer and washing machine etc. The other option is to put in a 15kwh battery so you can charge it during the day and then use it's resources at night to run your household equipment. The cost of this is likely $10-$15k so ROI stretches out by years - which is why I was hoping the Qld govt would come up with a rebate scheme. Installing 3 phase power is controlled by Energex in SE Qld. You must enquire with them whether you can actually get 3 phase - if too many people in your area have it installed they won't have the capacity. Once they say you can, then you have to request an agent come out to your address and advise what the cost may be - dependant on whether they can run the cables in the current pipe or whether they have to dig and add additional piping. If you're electricity is coming from above, it would be easier to install. The quote can cost several hundred dollars and you have to have a reason why you want 3 phase - I am not sure just solar is enough… You can have 2 phase power installed in Qld but it costs the same as 3 phase and is rare - maybe if Energex doesn't have enough capacity for 3 phase to your house, they could still have enough for 2 phase I think?? Then you could get a 10kw inverter and put back 10 kw during the day to increase your FIT return and help cover your usage. You could also get a 15kw inverter and re-organise your electrical equipment so the washer/dryer/dishwasher etc run during sunlight hours and your weekends could break even. Roof space is obviously a contributing factor.

              My plan is to renovate my house under the federal govts $25k back if spending $150k as the house needs renovation anyway. Part of the renovation would include 3 phase ducted Air Con for upstairs and a 3 phase heat pump for the pool - hence the upgrade to 3 phase would be included in the $150k renovation. I would do the upgrade first and then have the solar installed so the renovation crew would be using solar power during the day to renovate the house… That's the plan anyway.

  • OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

    I'll post this to the OP heading for others to see instantly.

  • +1

    I just signed up. It is great that you can switch anytime between
    20c FIT, 23.9kwh and $1.11 connection fee per day
    15c FIT, and 23% off the above rates for usage and connection.

    I have a single phase 4.95kwh solar system and produce roughly 20kwh/day so I wasn't sure what plan was best.
    I ended up doing the 20c FIT but I don't have a massive system like the other guys so was happy to know that I could change the plan at will.

    • +1

      Actually, the smaller your system, the better you are on the discounted deal - unless you use less electricity during dark hours than you produce in excess during daylight. E.g. if your system produces 20kwh during the day and your house used 5kwh during the same period, you would be putting back 15kwh @ 20c which is $3.00 but if you use a further 15kwh @ night, it would cost you $4.70 which is a net cost of $1.70. On the discount plan you would get $2.25 and cost would be $3.62 net cost being $1.37 - the more electricity you use @ night, the bigger this gap becomes. Even if you move 1/2 your usage to daylight hours(i.e. 10kwh/10kwh) the net is $1.50($3.50-$2) compared to $1.20($3.50*.77-$1.5). Of course electrical use during daylight hours is easier in Summer compared to Winter so these values change but, unless you have a system able to put back into the grid a substantial amount of kwh, the 15cFIT + discount is the best rate to be on.

      Of course, I went with the 15cFIT despite having a large system and, in week 8, have made almost exactly $100 less than I could have on the 20cFIT. The 15c FIT is only better if it rains - and we haven't had a lot of that in Brisbane lately.

      I was unaware that you could just swap between the two deals so I might try changing - although that is bound to bring on 40 days and 40 nights of rain.

  • +1

    I was just able to sign up to this as well in Northern NSW and got a 21c FiT and market rates after calling 1 800 557 700

    • Awesome to see NSW are getting good rates now as well! Thanks for the feedback, Ralph2nd!

  • I had a go today, no luck.
    $0.15 FIT seems to be be the next best on Wattever, AGL it is, wish EA would come back to the party

  • Well I've tried ringing 1800 557 700 five days in a row now and they all treat me like an inbecile and say a 20c plan does not exist.

    How is everyone getting this?

    • PM me.

      • Well you wouldn't believe it….just as I typed that I tried one more time…and the girl answered was more than willing to set me up straight away. Man what a frustrating process. Thanks Croc….I got there somehow! :)

        • hahaha - Very frustrating, I'm sure! Good to be on it now though. Well done on persevering!

  • +1

    Plan is still active and signed up with one call yesterday (existing origin customer with 15c FIT expiring in November)

    • Well done! great to hear people are still able to get on it.

  • +1

    Plan still available as of today (02/11/2020), called them to register with the number OP provided.
    I just signed up for the gas and electricity last week (connected on Friday) and get the Solar Boost plan today.
    The lady asked where do i get the number but i just say friend gave it to me and she was saying how the number was the retention line number and not supposed to be called.
    BUT she signed me up to the plan anyway.

    • Nice work!

      Haha - funny what some of the reps come up with! The number was originally given to me by the sales team because they couldn't offer the plan but the retention teams could, so they gave me their number! I don't know why they wouldn't want to get as many people signed up as possible?! They make it so difficult…

  • Located in south brisbane. I have just signed contract to install solar panels and should I call origin to apply for this plan now or wait until everything is done after they upgrade smart meter? Any kind advice will be appreciated!!!

    • Get your current electricity supplier to do the upgrade of your smart meter then switch over to this plan.

  • Hi guys, quick question, could I set up the auto transfer my credit to my nominated bank account every time when the bill issued with Origin?

    I can do this with AGL but sitting at 15c FIT now, would consider to switch to Origin if I can easily get my money out ?

    Another one is could i use the Origin app to monitor hourly/half-hourly electricty grid usage vs solar feedin data?

    AGL app is good at this monitoring, so hope Origin is not falling behind too much.

    Another one is could i set monthly billing with Origin and choose any day in a months as billing day like AGL did ?

    Never use Origin before, so much appreciate if you could share some service experience with Origin here.

    Thanks a lot.

    • That's not a quick answerable question lol! I'll try answer for you:

      1. Yes, you can set up transfer credit back into your nominated bank account but this is done through the Origin app, otherwise you'll need to call each month. It won't come out automatically, as far as I know, but is a simple transfer process through the app, which I did last bill.

      2. The origin app will monitor your usage and Feed in at a daily/monthly/yearly graph. Not in real time or even hourly/half hourly. You will need a smart meter to monitor this (different to the upgraded smart meter that is installed by Energex after you have solar installed) and the app that goes with that brands smart meter will give you instant Usage/feed in etc…

      3. No idea - call Origin and ask.

      Good luck!

      • +1

        Thanks C.D.

        Much appreciated.

  • Called up today and was only offered 18c. Said it was the best I could do and that the 20c offer is for retention only. Asked the lady on the phone to try and retain me and she said that they could only make that offer once I put in a request to transfer. Seemed pretty adamant that it was outside her authority, and even said that she might be the person who is trying to retain me in a few weeks time. Took the deal in the interim and will try calling again tomorrow…

    BTW thanks CrocDundee for posting the deal in the first place!

    • That's a first! haven't heard this scenario before… frustrating!

  • +1

    Can confirm the deal is still available. Helped someone sign up today. Just have to be persistent and get a rep who is willing to help.

  • +1

    Just had the meter changed over this morning and got this plan on the first call. very lucky!

    • Well done! If only it was always that easy!!

  • can you sing up for this plan with concession?

    • +1

      I Belive you can, or at least when I was signing up they did ask if I got concession card or not.

  • +1

    Signed up yesterday and was successful. Got lucky on the 2nd attempt.

  • Guys I need help pls
    Am currently on Old Origin Solar Boost getting 15c FIT and 23% discount on both usage and supply charge
    In essence my daily supply charge is 86.86c/day and peak usage is 18.43c/kWh and solar meter charge is the same at 6.70c/day.
    Average kWh/day usage (imported) is 10kWh
    Average discount per quarter = $73
    My average daily feed-in/export = 3000kWh per quarter
    So now am being offered the 20c FIT base rate (23.935c/kWh and 111.498c/Day) with no discount or my current plan 15c FIT with 23% discount on both usage and supply
    I think 20FIT is a better plan but just seeking advice and any suggestions would be appreciated.


    • Hi juniour - my quick overview of what you've written is that the 20c FIT would come out slightly better than the 23% discount and 15c FIT deal.

      • +1

        Thanks CrocDundee
        I think so too, because the 5c difference between the two FIT equals to about $150 per quarter based on my quarterly export. So when I minus their discount from $150 would give me a balance of about $75 extra credit per quarter

  • +1

    19/11/20, first time to call 1800 557 700, a lady offered me 20c solar boost plan and complete my application within 2 mins.

    • Ajxutao7, you’re in qld?

      • yes sir

        • Thanks for that.
          I’ve been trying to see if there is a way to finagle that plan for Vic.
          Doesn’t seem to be the case so far.
          I’ve called multiple times but never any success.

          • @Zoop: Yeah unfortunately VIC seems to be getting screwed over with FIT and electricity charges… :(

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