Gawth » user profile

Member Since | 11/08/2020 |
Last Seen | 28/09/2020 |
Recent Activities

I'm an existing Origin customer and I've just been put onto the 20c FIT after calling a number of times over the past month or so. As…

Yes!! I finally got on the plan as well. So easy once you get a good rep! Thanks heaps guys.

Called Andrew as a ditch effort. He knew about the plan but said that it's only available to non-existing Origin customers by the…

Gawth commented on [QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy
@CrocDundee I'm having the same issue as a few other people, when calling the 1800 number they tell me such a deal doesn't exist and then…

Gawth joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!