To get the free song, you need to 'fix the sign' so 000 says 182 (took me a few goes at it, but got it after about 5 goes). Once you get the sign to say 182, you will be asked to enter in your email address, you must confirm receipt of the email they send, open the link and the download mp3 will start. The song doesn't sound that bad at all, considering… :)
This is the confirmation download link i got, i don't know if its generic but feel free to try this link (to avoid 'playing the sign game' and entering your email address):…
FREE Blink 182 Song: after Midnight

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HAha got mine on the second attempt!
good one got mine after 21 attempt
sighhcool now ozbargain competition to see who can get it in the least amount of tries
its hard for me my pc is very fast and optimised :(
got it after 18 times need to underclock my mousepadAgree to receive the track you have to sign up to receive constant email updates from the band flooding your inbox.
Sign up below to receive your free download as well as updates about new releases, ticket pre-sales, PA's, and exclusive music downloads from Blink 182.
Remember to reply to the confirmation e-mail we send you to ensure you receive the updates. (* required fields)
Damn near shat myself when I finally got 182 and the music came on.
Same here mate. Didn't even want the game but it gave me something in the back of my pants
I used a mailinator address to get the link. :) No need to sign your real address up for spam!
gave up after i got 181 then 183 consecutively :P
took me quite a while too my lucky number is 183
but I have to ask why the song doesn't sound that bad… considering?listen to the song here on youtube…
That was fun. Took me 18 goes. Didn't download the track though :P
27 goes … cool song
Or, if you are not very talented with timing / about to give up, type:
in the address bar, that you get you to the victory screen that you get after stopping at 182.
13 goes.. not a big fan of the song but thanks :)
/goes to It-Leaked instead ;)
You win after 4 attempts and a bottle of wine……made sure my speakers were down. Thanks
Gees! Scared the crap out of me.
Should have read the above comments, I hurt my elbow today and hit it again on my chair after I got 182…
Honestly. got it second time. Maybe luck?
5 for me!
1st attempt.
but i dont even want it lol,
on a side note do i get a prize from ozb?
Song sounds alright. Hope they don't go their way again with ava/+44 :S
For possible ozb Blink182 fans out there:* I miss you guys /tear/
1st time. thought it must have been hard, but nope….
It is friggin hard, I got it first time and thought it was easy so I tried again and I cant get it!
I'm sorry to hear about your erectile dysfunction guys.
got it on first go =D
Meh. Just type in javascript:displayVictory() in the address bar to get your copy.
It amazes me to see dozes of people clambering over each other to get a free listen of some below-average pop song.
got it on 3rd go :( didnt know it was a counter.
220 goes
Good one… got mine after 6 tries :D