propertyhound » user profile

Member Since | 17/12/2010 |
Last Seen | 24/06/2012 |
Location | Sydney |
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I feel like i have not only let myself down but others as i did not use the discount code ;)

propertyhound replied to
xfiledavid on Swann SecuraView - Security Camera with Monitor - $19 Including Delivery

nothing here, this is bs imo

how long does it take? :O

Anything yet?

i dont know much about computers but am i wrong in thinking that this Acer Aspire AS5755G-2634G75M for $699 after cash back, on the first…

propertyhound replied to
propertyhound on 35¢ Per Litre off Fuel When You Buy Any 2 Selected Slabs @ LiquorLand From the 1/2/12 - 7/2/12

i have a feeling its max 150 litres as per normal though

propertyhound commented on 35¢ Per Litre off Fuel When You Buy Any 2 Selected Slabs @ LiquorLand From the 1/2/12 - 7/2/12
This works out really well if your fuel tank is 180 litres ;) 52.50 off petrol therefore 2 cases of blonde for 35.50

propertyhound commented on Buy car tyres online
just rock up to your local tyre place like bob jane when you are expecting their workshop to be flooded, pay for 2 tyres at $200 bucks each…

Can't wait til i can load the greg norman designed course at stonecutters ridge onto this. Thanks OP

On page 19 of this week's catalogue, the GVA 19" television advertised at $169 (model # GVA19UA2) has been advertised with the incorrect…

propertyhound commented on 32" GVA TV - The Good Guys $169
I think regardless of the chance you mat pick up a toshiba tv, this should be posted in the deals as its still a 32inch full HD tv under…

propertyhound replied to
cwongtech on HP Pavillion G6 Laptop - Core i5 and 1GB Graphics - $595 @ MYER

what is IB?

propertyhound posted a forum topic Limo Hire/ Airport Transfer
Hi Guys, Anyone ever hired a limo in sydney before or hunted around for the cheapest/reliable service. I need to get from the hills area to…

+1 for the name!

propertyhound commented on NFL Pro 2012 FREE on The Android Market
free for ios aswell

merry christmas mum here is a pair of hiking boots for the opposite gender that dont fit you :P

yeah paid an extra 4 bucks or something

im at work, but got phone call from mum asking why a whole heap of shit had turned up :P Status:Delivered Date/Time Activity Location…

propertyhound commented on Colorado Online Store - Everything $10
Got my stuff!!! YEAH

propertyhound commented on Canon EOS 1100D DSLR Camera Lens Kit at Domayne Clearance Centre Penrith $398
Is there anywhere i can get one of these today?

propertyhound replied to
IJustKnowStuff on Queen Sized Sheet Set - Egyptian Cotton - $28.56 + Shipping @

very common colour

propertyhound commented on Canon EOS 1100D DSLR Camera Lens Kit at Domayne Clearance Centre Penrith $398
can you price match this anywhere? or because it is clearance is it unpricematchable?

propertyhound replied to
MadMaxHeadroom on $47.49 - HALF PRICE Laurent Perrier Champagne Brut NV 750ml

So the Bollinger Special Cuvée is the one to go with if i want to impress someone with a gift?

propertyhound replied to
propertyhound on Tiger Airways Australia: 4TH BDAY Sale! (Jetstar Pricematch)

why doesnt tiger fly sydney to gold coast if it flys melbourne to gold coast?

dam just booked 10 minutes ago syd to gold coast.

propertyhound posted a forum topic Cheap Sun Lounge
hi guys, am looking to buy my parents and siblings something like this for christmas but looking for an alternative without the price tag.…

propertyhound commented on Bonus $100 Coles Express gc for Purchasing 4 Tyres at Kmart - Dunlop, Bridgestone, Goodyear
are continental tyres any good? they have $140 cashback offer from jax?

water is just water, all comes from the same place :P but i have to say that anyone who even considers buying water like bling h20 are…

propertyhound replied to
ballsofsteel on $29 for a Bulk Set of 144 Assorted Condoms + Bottle of Massage Oil ($72.29 Value)

id say this brand is ansell's competition. pretty well known.

they sold the last of the laptops yesterday apparently. i was in store at 8:30 this morning and he said everyone was trying to get one…