• expired
  • targeted

$100+ ING Savings Maximiser Balances Receive $50 Bonus @ ING


Just got this email

There's no complicated criteria - just ensure your Savings Maximiser balance is higher by $100 or more on 30 April 2020 than on 20 March 2020 and we'll put a $50 bonus in there too.

Referral Links

Referral: random (817)

Until 31/03/2025, referrer and referee will each receive $125 for opening new Orange Everyday & Saving Maximiser Accounts.

Referrer: Do not participate in the referral system if you do not have a current $125 referral code.

Referee: To qualify, you are required to deposit a minimum $1,000 from an external source into the new Orange Everyday account, deposit any amount into the a Savings Maximiser Account, and make at least 5 (settled) card transactions within any calendar month with the new Orange Everyday card.

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closed Comments

  • Targeted I supposed? Too good to be true otherwise.

  • Won't be hard.

    Smart move. Easy and cheap money for them. Good for liquidity.

    • +1

      very expensive liquidity for them if you only put in $100

  • +2

    That's an amazing deal, unfortunately I've never been targeted by ING.

    • Just be thankful they haven't sent the Goon squad after you

  • Targeted - haven't received it.

  • I am targetted and I just transferred $100.
    I should have done that tomorrow just to be sure!

    "balance is higher by $100 or more on 30 April 2020 than on 20 March 2020"

    If the transfer gets completed today and left forgotten, it won't qualify.

    Lucky i noticed.
    I will check my account tomorrow and make another transfer if necessary.

    • +1

      Yeah I’m going to wait until tomorrow

      • The transfer was processed yesterday, which means i have to deposit another $100 to qualify.

        A little tricky of them, don't you think?
        Whoever made the transfer as soon as the email arrived (so you won't forget) will actually miss out the offer.

  • +1

    Wonder if they are doing this because they will be changing the variable rate soon but want customers to keep funds in their savings accounts rather than swapping to other banks. They haven’t dropped the Savings Maximiser (SM) rate yet despite there being two RBA cuts this month - perhaps because they are actively marketing at the moment (refer a friend bonuses for opening an Orange Everyday and SM account) and don’t want to leave a bad first impression with new customers. They dropped all the term deposit rates down this week. I managed to get in with 1 yr and 2 yrs at 1.9% before they dropped it to 1.6%. Perhaps the SM may be dropped closer to 1.6% soon?

    • The Savings Maximiser interest rate has been 0.25% for some time.
      They'd have to drop the 1.7% bonus.

  • Does this apply to anyone who has a savings maximizer cause I already have one with funds in it, I did not get a email.

    • It’s targeted

      • How do they target people for this, seems discriminatory, I would be eligible as I increase my maximiser balance each month.

        • I have a normal account and a maximiser account. I use the normal account every now and then, but i haven't touched my maximiser account for a long long time.
          Then i am targetted for this offer.
          Hope it helps.

  • Guys, just double checking, I have tried to read the fine prints, but couldn't find the information I'm about to ask in the literal sense.

    Is it correct to qualify for this promotion, I do not have to deposit $1k+ and make 5 tap and go transactions in March/April right?


    • +1

      That’s the assumption I am working on.

  • +2

    I wasn't targeted by email, but just received this targeted SMS below:

    Hurry - if your Savings Maximiser balance is $100+ higher on 30 April than on 20 March we'll add $50. Questions: 133 464. Legal stuff: https://ingaus.me/50 Opt-out: reply STOP ING to +61409043676

    I've now scheduled a $100 EFT on 27th March. Every little bit helps - thanks ING Direct!

    • I too just got this, have thrown $100 into my savings maximiser now, easy money and definitely needed at this time.

  • Last time ING had a promo (the free shipping for ubereats) the promo email took a while to receive.

  • Got the message but my account has been closed. Reopen it maybe? I'll have to contact them

  • +1

    They reopened my SM and gave me 1 cent to activate the account. Great service!

  • Anyone received the bonus payment yet?

    • Nope. Received nothing. Why do I get the feeling this is going to require jumping through hoops.

      • +4

        It does say in the T&Cs the bonus payment will be made by 31/May, so still some time left.

        • Thanks. Didn't see that!

        • Thanks from me too! I didn't see that either.

    • +1

      Following this thread to see if others have received their payment by 31 May

  • +2

    I got an email to say I qualified and to expect payment this week.

    • Yep same here. Received the payment today.

      • Received my payment today.

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