• expired

Samsung Galaxy S II - Vodafail - $0 on $45/Mth Infinite Plan

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Price drop on this mobile. But…it's on Vodafail. Buy at your own discretion.

$0 online price only. Ends: 11/9/2011

Truth be told prices will continue to drop esp with iphone 5 just around the corner.

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closed Comments

  • -5

    no thank you

  • -2


    • Hell no.

    • +2

      yep, typo, should be:

      $45/Mth Infinite Pain

  • +1

    Can't get any lower on the infinite plan because it's already $0

    • +16

      $20 plan for a smart phone? You're dreaming.

      • +9

        i bet you ten years ago someone said the same thing about the nokia E / communicator series ;)

        • +7

          Be without a phone for 10 years?

        • why not? there were people who didn't want to eat till december so they could eat their discount over in the Ikea post..

      • +8

        I get all the calls I need and heaps of data with my smartphone for well under $20 a month.

        Woolworths mobile, $26.10 gives me 45 days with 5GB and $500 calls ($250 Any Network/$250 Optus) using everyday rewards 10% discount.

        Because it's valid for 45 days, it works out to $17.40 per month. I get so much included data that I don't even bother to use wireless at home with my smartphone anymore, I just use the 3G, and still never get anywhere near the 5GB limit.

        • +3

          Nice to see your making use of the everyday rewards card and the WW Mobile deal :D

        • +1

          The live connected plan is just $14.99 and gives you 400 to anyone 400 to live connected and 1.5GB data so it's still 1 of the best deals on the market i think.

        • I'm pretty sure he means $20 smartphone plan + phone. Your one is BYO.

          And nubzy was posting about hoping for a 'good $20 plan' with an iPhone 5 which isn't going to happen.

      • +2

        umm obviously I wouldn't expect it completely free at $20, but these sort of plans should still be offered. I took up a $29 Optus plan for my Iphone 3G and paid off the phone straight up, from memory the 16gb cost me $350.

        • +3

          "my plan is to buy iphone 5 outright if they don't release any good $20 plans"

          There won't be. Try $20 + $40 'handset plan'

          Buying outright at $900 over 24 months = $37 a month (and that's assuming it even comes out at $900). At that rate, you might as well pony up for a more expensive $59+ plan that doesn't skimp on calls and data. The maths doesn't add up favourably UNLESS you intend to sell it off at some point (and close to RRP) and can live on a $15 plan until you do.

          No-one wants to be stuck in a 24 month plan but there's a reason why we do, they subsidise the cost of the handset. <$20/month plans suck.

      • +1

        i've been on the 19$ TPG cap on both the sony satio + now the HTC incredible s. I can assure you i'm not dreaming.

        • I was on that plan with my 3GS. Ended up having to bump it up to the $36 plan ($30 with my internet). $330 ended up being such a small amount making 2 calls under 1 minute a day on average and ~20 texts a day.

    • +2

      but on a more expensive plan the cost of the handset is often subsidised. buying the phone outright doesn't really have much advantage other than felxibility does it?

      • +3

        Of course it does. Because you aren't paying off the handset.

        Who wants to get locked into ANY provider for 24 months? That is a LONG time! What happens if you drop your phone in a toilet, or it gets stolen or you want to update it? If you are on a "phone included plan", you are locked in and basically stuffed.

        • I share that opinion, however occasionally it does work out better. I went into a contract with Virgin to get a Samsung Wave last year. At the time, it was by far the cheapest method of getting a phone with those (good) specs, and I do not regret it at all.

        • "What happens if you drop your phone in a toilet, or it gets stolen or you want to update it?"

          What if this happens and you just sunk in $900 for your brand new phone? It's just as bad. No-one likes the thought of 24 month contracts, but for more expensive handsets, it's a good deal to get a pricier plan and you'll get generous data/call too.

        • I take out insurance for $9 a month to cover me just in case I do drop the phone etc.

      • +1

        I would buy it outright so that I dont have to go on a $49+ plan

        If I pay $900 for brand new 32gb iphone I can put it on live connected for about $15 a month and not be bound to contract and get much better value.

      • +8

        Sometimes plans over 24 months can be cheaper than buying outright + paying for equivalent credit for 2 years. Ive usually found this to be the case for more expensive phones. If you're happy with the provider and the call credit, then there isnt a problem going on a plan. Plus you wont be hundreds dollars out of pocket right away.

        ps. isnt it just as bad to drop/lose/get a phone stolen if you buy it outright or on a plan? i mean, your still going to have to buy a new phone (this time outright) and call up to get a new sim sent over…

    • +1

      lol so pay 1000$ for the Iphone 5 or 500$ for the galaxy s 2 hmmm

      • Tough choice huh?


    • +1

      you can get google nexus for 19$ (29$ free phone with 10$ credit) on vodafail, so yes, smart phone is available for under 20$ when it gets old

  • nice deal if only it's not voda.

  • If you can connect to their 850 network would be great.

  • -2

    +ve for pun on words :D

    • +14

      wheres the pun vodafail isnt a pun

  • It does fail you from time to time…

    • +17

      u mean it works from time to time….

      • +2

        Yes. Just long enough to connect your call. And, not long enough to have a conversation. What looks like 3 bars quickly drops to zero bars on connection. Like a flat battery that dies when you try to draw any current from it.

  • Vodafone are so terrible. The deal looks good. But I will add my warning. Since joining vodafail, I have had nothing but problems in Brisbane. Since they started rolling out the new network it is getting worse!

  • +2

    need more down rep for this company so that their contract fees will actually be competitive… the telcos/banks in this country are taking all of us for granted.

    how about fixing the infrastructure properly so that we don't have to call up customer services and you don't have to worry about us finding out that they are outsourced to other countries?

    • +3

      Lol, when aren't companies outsourcing their call centers to India? It's the new craze with almost every company. I've even called up Telstra a few times and they were in India.

      • +2

        tbh, i dont care if they dont even have a call centre if they do things the right way, i have no reason to call them at all.

      • +2

        ermm…Telstra has its call centers in Manila (Philippines).

        • It's either Telstra or TPG or Both

        • +2

          Not all of them, far from it.

          I've got the 500GB bundle (Telstra ADSL2 is all I can get in my area), and I've got premium phone numbers because of it. In the 2.5 years I've been with Telstra I've never spoken to someone I couldn't understand. I've asked on at least 4 occasions where their call centres were. In the last 3 months; 1 in the Gold Coast, 1 in Docklands (Melbourne) and one in Sydney somewhere.

          I pay $149 a month for my ADSL 2 and $70 a month for my mobile, but I guess you get what you pay for :)

          Anyway, I switched from Voda to Telstra because of their shit coverage. Got out of contract too with no fees; Cheers to the TIO!

        • I've spoken to both Dodo and TPG reps and have consistently placed them from the Philippines.

          OTOH, the 4 calls I've made to Helstra reps were all local. Got lucky I guess. -_-

      • How do you know it was in India? Unless you asked, what's not to say that it was just an Indian in Australia?

        • They can't afford to hire an Indian here just to answer phone calls, can they?

  • +1

    not bad with $84 cashback via moneybackco

    • +5

      or buckscoop because you don't get slugged $10 membership fee

  • http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/52330#comment

    Or you can try this see if you can get it for $30/month.

  • +1

    got this phone for $10pm oer a 12 month plan instead - that way I can judge the service. worst case, switch in 12 mths and have only paid $120 for the phone.
    Also, can anyone recommend a simple case for around $10-15? Cheers

  • +3

    Vodaphone network is so bad, alot of the areas you get no signal. Plus $45/month on this phone isnt great either.

  • most deals on vodafone will never "end"
    they either extend it on END date.. or promote other BETTER deal…

    rec'd my S2 today..
    comes with all those pre installed Vodafone apps… sighh…

    nexus S was better!

    • If you don't like all the vodafone bloatware you can root in and install a custom rom, it'll greatly speed up the phone. But do this at your own risk, and make sure you keep a backup!

      • yeh.
        did a 5mins search on google.. seems i have to root this phone. mayb later

        weird how my nexus s didnt come with any stupid apps
        all from voda

      • I've actually am still on contract with Vodafail with an HTC Legend. I didn't seem to find any Vodafail specific bloatware on it.

        As an aside, the only reason I am still with Vodafail is because they haven't been charging me anything for three months because I complained about their crappy service.

  • I was told that the $45 unlimited plan is only unlimited whilst NOT on roaming. Whenever you are on roaming you get charged.

    • My understanding is unlimited within Australia, right?

      • I meant in Australia and on roaming. I was told by a 3 mobile rep but with ref to both 3 and vodafone. Perhaps clarify with them before signing on.

        • Roaming where? Either you have VF signal or you dont! Sounds likea load of rubbish. I've been with Voda for around 8 years now and never had any "roaming".

  • +1

    This is a really good deal. I could not wait to get this phone, and was on 3. Which apparently was not going to get it, so they switched me over to Vodafone. I tried really hard and got a discount to $7.50 for the phone instead of the $15 on the $45 infinite.

    So this is a really good price, for what is currently the best phone in the world. The phone is amazing. Aside from the resolution, the screen is larger and the Super AMOLED Plus is still much better then the iPhone 4's and the upcoming 5's backlit led technology.

    Further this is one the few phones that connects to the new 850mhz Vodafone network. I have had no reception issues in Perth (99% of the time). Vodafone, while not defending it, is spending alot of $$ at the moment upgrading and building new towers all over the nation - point being it's service will only improve.

    Amazing phone, best price you will get on any provider.

    • yeah i got switched from 3 to voda also.
      30+29 for 12 months is kinda a deal to me :)

    • I never had any problems with my DROptus phone in Perth either. Perfect always.

      In Melbourne though… very different story.

  • +15

    look at all these "I'm going to get an iphone 5"
    You people don't even know anything about it, yet are willing to fork out possibly twice as much for one…. good job

    • +14

      it's 3G, and has the wi-fi's.

      • +2

        omg it has facetime! best fone ever!

    • iPhone 5 32GB - $999
      iPhone 5 16GB - $859

      Do I get a reward for releasing top secret leaked Apple prices?

      • Don't speculate like that. I'm pretty sure the prices would be lower than those. Why? Have a look at the parities (when the 3GS and 4 were launched): 0.7 and 0.85 (or 0.9 if recall correctly) rite? Now it's 1.05.

      • And if it's anything like the 3GS and 4 there will be very good deals. The Telco's will compete super aggressively with each other once again.

        I'd say 16GB for $0 on a $69 plan, $550-600 calls, unlimited SMS/MMS etc with Optus - just like my launch day 3GS 16GB. That's not bad and pretty damn close to their current offer of $0 on a $59 for the Galaxy S2.

  • +1

    Firstly It makes little to no sense to buy a phone outright these days. It is better to go on a plan and pay off over 12-24 months and put your money that you would have spent on paying for the phone outright in the bank and earn you 5%.

    Plus if you are lucky you will get a plan as well.

    I signed up to Vodafone with a 12 month plan 29 cap and 35 in phone repayments for a SGS2 (64 a month) with a 50 credit. That equals 718 bucks! for the latest phone and a basic plan and I get to pay for it over a year.

    At the time the SGS2 was selling for over 718… I think it was 800+ on ebay.

    Makes complete sense to sign up to a plan everytime.

    And yes you can get unlocking codes from the net for 5-10 bucks… well worth the effort.

    • +1

      My feeling is the opposite. I think with great non-contract options from companies such as TPG, LiveConnected, Hello Mobile, etc, it's now generally better to go with buying outright.

      • u pay more outright…. can you not see that. Its better to pay off a phone like I did and then throw out the sim and switch providers. Do the sums sign up to the plan, doesnt mean u have to go with it, but u get the phone.

        • +3

          You can't generalise like that when you're talking about phones/plans, it depends entirely on your individual needs & usage! Some are indeed better off on a plan for the very reasons you state, others are better off with an outright purchase…however, many of us have done the sums & fall into the latter category!

        • I used to think that getting a phone on a plan is better but I have changed my mind. For example, I paid $530 for Galaxy S2. On LiveConnected I pay $15 for about 3 hours worth of calls (plus 1.5GB of data). That equals $710 for 12 months.

          So thus, it works out to be roughly the same as Vodafone deal, but I get 1) a better network 2) more calls 3) more data 4) no contract.

          There are downsides though, such as dealing with ShoppingSquare (but that's another story). Also, in regards to the "Present value vs future value" argument, I think the advantages of delaying the payment is overrated. The interest savings is quite low (I haven't calculated it but I'm guessing it's around $20) which I am glad to pay to not go with Vodafone.

      • +2

        Present value vs future value here.

        • Remember you need to consider that this only applies to the cost of the phone, and not the phone plan. Also, the interest savings are greatest only for the last few instalment payments. For the first say 6 months, you are not saving a great deal of interest.

    • +1


      Purchased the S2 for about $500 outright from that crap shoppingsquare site.

      Paying $14.99 via TPG for 1Gb data + $300 call anyone calls + 1000min TPG to Optus network between 8pm and 12.

      Over 24 months, that will cost me $359.76, + $500 phone = $859.76 for TWO years.. or $679.88 in the first year. Oh - $20 sim, so $699, still less than yours… :-) and i get the data

      • Did you get a discount? This is the price I see now on shoppingsquare:
        $573.95 + $49.00 shipping to 3000 = $622.95. So you pay $982.71 in two yrs.

      • Yeh I made the purchase when it first came out on Vodafone… so take your calculations back 3 or so months and then re do em….

        Exactly what Blackrider89 said present vs future value in play here…

  • +1


    Iphones are a complete waste of time and MONEY. No doubt the Iphone 5 will come out at an outrageous price.
    I mean look at the Iphone 4's they still have Handset repayments!!! how can this crappy phone still sell with handset repayments….

    Mac Tax. :(

    • +2

      because of the marketing gimmick : 'this changes every thing' - iphone 3g
      this changes every thing…again…iphone 3gs
      this changes everything again…and again…iphone 4 lolz
      this changes everything again..again..and again…iphone 5

      • +4

        SGS2 changed everything…

        • +3

          Incorrect. Samsung Galaxy Note changes everything :)


        • wow, what a phone. Though Im still unsure how I feel about these ginormous 5"+ phones

        • +1

          ha SAMOLED Plus pwns SAMOLED HD. Of course HD has better resolution but yeah the US SGS II versions are the bomb - 4.5" SAMOLED plus screens and overclocked CPUs

          Although telling people you have a 5.3 incher in your pants sounds better than a 4.3incher ( if ya know what I mean ;)

  • +1

    I used to think, I can live with bad reception, the drop outs, missing sms, delayed sms, bad customer service…..but what I cant live with is getting slugged several thousand dollars in "National Data" fees, most of which was allegedly incurred in 2 days.

    With a network that is CRAZY slow, how does anyone use thousands of dollars in data in less than 2 days?Weeks of phone calls, them saying that I had the wrong settings, misused my own fone (I was one year into the plan and never exceeded my limit) blah blah blah. End result? TIO. BOOM, sorted.

    Vodafone - NEVER AGAIN (unless I get 100 free iphone 5s)

  • +1

    It seem everyone has missed the fact that you also get one month free access with this plan:

    ^^1 months free access fees offer available until 11 Sep 2011 (unless extended) to new and approved customers who sign up via vodafone.com.au or by calling 1300 300 404 to the Vodafone $45 Vodafone Infinite Plan with the Samsung Galaxy S II over 24 months. 1 months free access will be applied as a $45 credit to your Vodafone bill month 1. Minimum monthly spend is $45 + Device Fee per month for months 2 - 24. Early exit fee: ($45 + Device Fee) x months left on contract. Any charges for additional or excluded services and any applicable device repayments will still apply and will not be discounted. Not available with any other offer and not redeemable for cash

    I think this is a really good deal however its a shame that only $45 in included for 1300 numbers which really is only 1 to 2 calls to a bank waiting on hold. Also 500 megs in data is not enough.

  • +1 just for 'Vodafail'.

  • The plans frm Virgin Mobile are much better suited for my needs. With Virgin, paying $44/month ($29 Fairgo cap plan + $15 phone monthly repayment) works better for me. The Fairgo plans from Virgin also allows your leftover credits to roll over to the next month.
    I don't talk on the phone 12 hours/day hence this Voda Infinite plan is useless, plus the fact that you cannot use the included cap for overseas calls

  • +1

    All the discussed/debated points are moot if the network just doesnt work and is plagued with issues isnt it? If the plans are cheap, and the phone is free and there's all these free things thrown in, but u cant use ur fone satisfactorily, AND u may get overcharged AND they wont admit blame AND customer service wont let you resolve THEIR mistakes. Is it really worth it?

    Its no fun spending hours on the fone with customer service for weeks on end then having to finally go to the TIO to get them to make right their mistakes.

    And if you are unlucky and have massive issues early on whilst under CONTRACT, you have 2 yrs of torture ahead of you.

    • 8 years with Voda and never been overcharged once, never on a single bill. I had issues with my mobile broadband in the Gold Coast one time, but that was a USB modem issue (they sent a replacement out to me). Also had a problem in Cairns a couple of years ago where their network was knocked out for a couple of days. Other than that, no issues here in Sydney.

  • I'm sure thousands of ppl have not been overcharged once. That is little consolation for the ppl that HAVE been overcharged, then have to go thru hell to rectify this.

  • +1

    @ Apple fans
    Don't you feel like you are helping the big fat apple to get bigger if you buy anything from Apple. Considering that they're exploring workers in China, i know there is always 2 side of the coins, but how much $ those workers make compare to millions profits from Apple's products.Do they get any bonuses if they meet the dealine or get verbal abuse if they don't.
    By saying that, most ( may be all ) managers get the bonuses while the workers do all the HARD WORK, and yes it's happening in Australia ( my workplace ), so often my management team don't really care/what do to/ what's going on in their workplace …

    • The workers in China choose to work there on their own free will.

      What you described are the realities of capitalism.

      • The workers in China choose to work there on their own free will.

        You clearly know nothing about the culture, economics or harsh realities of day to day life for many people in China.

        • I'm not saying it's an easy life, or ideal situation, but if they don't like working for the manufacturer, they can leave. Obviously, this depends on job opportunities elsewhere and Government welfare programs.

          If you increase wages or make working conditions better, then it is very possible that they won't hire as many people. Hence, you run the risk of creating a worse situation but forcing people to lose their jobs for the benefit of those who don't.

        • …but if they don't like working for the manufacturer, they can leave. Obviously, this depends on job opportunities elsewhere and Government welfare programs

          Again, I'm sorry to say that you honestly appear to have no concept of the serious disparity between the availability of those two caveats in China as opposed to access to same in a developed country like Australia.

      • I think you've nailed it! China is not the same as Australia. Thus, you cannot expect the same working conditions.

        OK, clearly both of us have strong views of this issue. I understand where you're coming from, and lets just call it a truce.

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