Does It Always Rain in Sydney?

So my work relocated me from Melbourne to Sydney a few weeks ago, but all it ever seems to do most days in Sydney is rain. Is this a normal summer for here? Melbourne weather was way more reliable.


  • +125


  • +147

    You almost had me until you called Melbourne weather reliable.

    • +52

      its true
      Melbourne is more reliable
      u knew it would always be
      - sunny
      - rainy
      - windy
      - snowing
      - cloudy
      - hailing

      everyday for certain

      • +2

        when I lived in a Fitzroy terrace with a galley kitchen with backdoor direct to the rear yard I used to keep the back door open when I could - and keep an eye out for the appearance of sunshine - as which I would drop what I was doing - and dash out into the backyard, strip off my shirt and enjoy soaking up 30 seconds worth of sybaritic pleasure of warm sunshine on my bare skin - before it clouded over again 30 seconds later.

        my saying was 'if you don't like Melbourne weather - wait 30 seconds !'

        Sydney's heaviest rain in 30 years last weekend is not typical - but yes I believe Sydney averages more rain per year than Melbourne - similarly I recently read Sydney averages more rain than London.

        But the benefit of Sydney - it rarely has the grey gloom of Melbourne or London so people don't get so much SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) - like so depressed they'd rather commit suicide than live in Melbourne - no I didn't say that - did i … ?

        I loved living in Melbourne - but last time I visited from Sydney it was so freezing I was 'how could people live here !?!?' So yeah nah.

        • lol that's true
          I remmeber being in London during winter, barely got sun for 3 months there

          played n64 alot lol

  • +23

    A kiwi who lived in Melbourne complaining it always rains in Sydney?

    • +1

      Yeah, i’m a fussy one!

      • +1

        Sydney doesn’t rain for 4 months straight sometimes. Other times I rains at 6:30pm on the dot for weeks. Which is great because it means it’s sunny during productive hours.

  • +54

    Yes, thats why we have level 2 water restrictions

  • +4

    Yes. Be grateful for the rain. What we got in four days was more than what Melbourne got the whole entire year last year …

  • +2

    Not always but it gives them something to talk about.

  • +49

    Yep if I was the boss I'd relocate you too.

  • +6

    The amount of rain Sydney has had in the past week is something that has not occurred for over 30 years.

  • +43

    Too many thoughts and prayers from the bushfires.

    • took a few months time

  • +6

    Troll Level #98 reached

  • +27

    Man what kind of retard says does it always rain in Sydney in the midst of a drought and level 2 water restrictions.

  • +2

    Almost twice the amount of rainfall in Sydney vs Melbourne - but similar amount of rain days.

  • +17

    Almost no rain for years. OP moves here, rains a few times;

    "DoEz iT aLwAyZ rAiN iN SydNeY???"

    I'm going to need some wider data sets taken over a longer time period than your anecdotal experience…

    Melbourne weather was way more reliable.

    I've lived in Melbourne and Sydney and, ah, no, Melbourne's weather is no where near as reliable as Sydney.

    Sydney doesn't get rain for 3 days…

    OP: "Is Sydney always this dry?"

  • +7

    Melbourne's weather is reliable.

    You can reliably guarantee it will be hot and cold within the same day (during summer)

    • +4

      Did you get out from the wrong side of the bed today?

      • +10

        No, I just woke up in Sydney.

        • …so you end up not even getting CARROTS WHEN YOU NEED THEM!

          I'm sure someone here can help you out with that "carrot"!

          • @bobbified: Please elaborate why you are putting the word carrot in quotation marks.

            • @Ghost47: The fact that you've capitalised that sentence makes me think the carrots you were after must've been quite special… and the fact that you "need" them!

              • @bobbified: Not sure why you would ASSume something so silly, because there have been situations where I have gone to buy a VEGETABLE yet they were sold out because of how many people live in the areas I mentioned earlier, and how there is a complete lack of shopping centres in those areas.

                I guess you just have a natural propensity to be curious about other's sexuality when they talk or post comments — quite strange indeed.

                • @Ghost47: You're ranting about how bad a whole city is because you weren't able to get carrots (yes..carrots!) and you're calling me silly?

                  btw, next time you could always try the cucumber section ;)

                  • +6

                    @bobbified: Oh, did you not read the part where I mentioned the crappy roads (and they are indeed crappy) or how this entire city was laid out as if designed by a 5 year old doing fingerpainting? Or how the idiots developing in the above mentioned suburbs don't seem to consider the fact there is only one shopping centre nearby and every weekend is so busy as if it's the Boxing Day sales?

                    Quite funny that all you have to say is "hur dur you didn't get your vibrator vegetable" when all the above points I mentioned are objectively true and valid — even if you don't want to believe them. I can see your profile says Melbourne so if you haven't actually lived in Sydney you have no clue what you are talking about, and that's coming from someone who has lived in both cities.

                    Your comments are also quite frankly straight up creepy, do you always have a tendency to make sexual innuendos with people you meet? Because that's creepy and only creeps do that.

                    Haha, oh yeah, about the roads, they are built as if they laid 5 meter long concrete slabs one after the other lmao. When you drive over them all you hear is "ba dum ba dum ba dum" hahahahaha. So funny how silly this city is.

                    • +2

                      @Ghost47: Please see a psychologist.

                      • +1

                        @saintpotter: The points that I make are valid and true. I have experienced times where the vegetables I wanted to buy have been sold out because of how many damn people live here. The roads ARE horribly design and illogical. Look at a map of Sydney vs Melbourne, it's a dogs breakfast. They are also badly maintained here. Cost of living is higher, and you don't get your moneys worth (an apartment in Epping can fetch $800k — like are people nuts to spend that much? I'd say they would need to see a psychologist if anything).

                        Sydneysiders live in a bubble, if you can't compare the city to somewhere else because you didn't live somewhere else you have no point of reference whatsoever. "Sydney is great move back to Melbourne" and "See a psychologist" are dumb comments that people make when they know they have nothing to rebutt with.

                    • +2


                      how this entire city was laid out as if designed by a 5 year old doing fingerpainting?

                      It pretty much was.. Sydney wasn't really "planned". It was built out as the population expanded. Melbourne, on the other hand, was planned and hence the CBD is like a grid.

                      I know what you're saying, but you'll find that most big cities are the same. If a highly populated city isn't your type of place, then you can always move slightly out of the city areas where you can still travel a reasonable amount of time to get to work. Macquarie Centre is indeed a busy shopping centre, but there's also Ryde and Carlingford that's not too far. Parramatta Westfield is also not too far from there. The options are there - it's just whether you want to be lazy or not.

                      Haha, oh yeah, about the roads, they are built as if they laid 5 meter long concrete slabs one after the other lmao.

                      This, I agree with! Melbourne isn't much different too!

                      so if you haven't actually lived in Sydney you have no clue what you are talking about.

                      I was born in Sydney and grew up there for the first 30 years of my life. I've travelled back and forth between Sydney and Melbourne every month or two since I moved to Melbourne for work so I'd be a lot more familiar with Sydney than you are.

                      • @bobbified:

                        It pretty much was.. Sydney wasn't really "planned". It was built out as the population expanded. Melbourne, on the other hand, was planned and hence the CBD is like a grid.

                        That's a poor excuse I'd say. Melbourne has expanded and it's still somewhat logical, and there are freeways such as the Monash which is free until Toorak road, and 4 lanes wide on each side. Can you tell me what sort of road is similar to that in Sydney? Is it the M2?

                        I doubt the planners of this city couldn't have taken 1 month to think "Okay so how should we logically lay out these roads and landmarks?" because people were popping babies out every second.

                        I know what you're saying, but you'll find that most big cities are the same. If a highly populated city isn't your type of place, then you can always move slightly out of the city areas where you can still travel a reasonable amount of time to get to work. Macquarie Centre is indeed a busy shopping centre, but there's also Ryde and Carlingford that's not too far. Parramatta Westfield is also not too far from there. The options are there - it's just whether you want to be lazy or not.

                        But I live in one of the aforementioned suburbs. I don't live in the CBD, yet living in the suburbs it's as if I live in the CBD (where I would expect to not be able to get something I would need because of how many people frequent the area). Carlingford Court isn't much better, there is still usually queues to get into the outside carpark and it's still chockers on the weekend at lunch time — I basically have to live around the schedule of everyone else in the area unless I want to put up with queues. I have considered moving out of the area, and should investigate that further, although the commute to work is just a breeze currently.

                        This, I agree with! Melbourne isn't much different too!

                        I lived in the SE suburbs in Melbourne, I don't recall driving on roads that were built this way. Roads that I frequented in Melbourne were the Monash Freeway, Princes Highway (although the bend at the overpass near Caulfield is very badly maintained and would be comparable to Sydney), Springvale Rd (all of it), Burwood Highway. Even smaller roads I didn't see this issue.I think the road that stands out the most for the whole slab crap is Cumberland Highway. Woodville Rd is silly because of how often the lanes keep changing lmao. It feels like every 600-700m that dumb yellow sign comes up where the left lane disappears and the centre lane becomes the left lane then the right lane becomes the centre lane and the right lane turns into a turning lane. Like what the actual (profanity) is that stupidity.

                        Also, James Ruse drive goes from something like 90 km to 70km when it's still a 3 lane road. Like, why not 80? And the fact there here mobile police cameras are always marked and signposted which ends up warning speeders to slow down instead of catching them, making the actual thing completely pointless to fine people who speed. I've spoken to people who have been fined multiple times in Melbourne and they cry about it, well don't freaking speed in the first place, but considering how long it takes people to get anywhere in Sydney it's no wonder everyone's a leadfoot here.

                        I was born in Sydney and grew up there for the first 30 years of my life. I've travelled back and forth between Sydney and Melbourne every month or two since I moved to Melbourne for work so I'd be a lot more familiar with Sydney than you are.

                        Interesting, your situation sounds like an exact mirror image of mine. I would love to swap places with you, I'm sure you'd like to move back here.

                        • @Ghost47: I go to Carlingford Court at least one a week and I’ve never ever seen veges and produce completely sold out at all three of the Woolies, Coles and Fruit shop.

                          If you want to avoid queues at the shops you should move to the country. Avoiding the peak hours would also work.

                          • @canyoudoitcheaper: I didn't say where the groceries ran out, as a matter of fact I was referring to Epping Coles. That place runs out of things at 5:30pm on a weekday. It's also on my way home after work, so easy to drop by, whereas I'd have to get in a car and drive to Carlingford.

                            I should move to the country if I want to be able to buy what I'd like to buy when I want to buy it. And yes, I actively avoid peak hour to make it less of a hassle to buy groceries already, but in situations where I can't avoid it it's just inconvenient.

                            • @Ghost47: Lol, well while some points are true, that it is nicer to live in Melbourne, especially the traffic and road. But you are forgetting some obvious things that is jobs availability and wage rates. Which is also why you are stuck in Sydney.

                              Then also the weather factor as the theme of this post, which makes going to the beach entirely different experience, that going to even cronulla beach is better still than St kilda beach.

                              • @[Deactivated]: Well duh, jobs are harder to come by in Melbourne and wages are higher in Sydney, I don't deny that at all.

                                I don't care for beaches, which is why that pro for Sydney is a "meh" for me.

    • +1

      Yeah, but we have more Arabs so naturally more takeaway shops and car repair shops.

      • -1


    • -6

      Well if people are going to continue voting for the Laberal Party, which is controlled by property developers and Westfield, what do you expect? You voted for this.

      Australia is an oligarchy according to the Washington Post and the ABC.

      That means the wealthiest people in the country control the Government and use that control to enrich themselves at everybody else's expense.…

      • I didn't vote for this, but the Libs have been in power for a while here in Sydney is that correct?

      • -4

        Lol lucky the ABC is so well known for the high standards in unbiased news. Oh wait they're actually the state funded mouthpiece of The Greens and are basically a communist propaganda agency at this point.

    • +2

      R u ok?

      You can always move from Sydney to where you'd prefer to live. Maybe consider that?

      • Not sure. There's one thing in Sydney that's keeping me sane.

        I definitely want to move back to Melbourne, but the work I'm doing currently doesn't allow me to. So I have to be here for the time being, and I just am not enjoying it.

        Thanks for the comment.

        • Mate, take care of yourself cause nobody else will. Honestly, your rant is concerning. Hope you have other things that you like to do so you can at least endure your life here in Sydney.

          • @kolorijo:

            Mate, take care of yourself cause nobody else will.

            Wise words, in the end all you have is yourself.

            Honestly, your rant is concerning. Hope you have other things that you like to do so you can at least endure your life here in Sydney.

            I can see why, and there are things, but the fact friends and family are in Melbourne doesn't make it easy.

    • +1

      horrible roads that make you want to shoot yourself in the head after chopping your testicles off every time you drive on them

      At last, someone has explained why Sydney drivers are so bad - they're all busy shooting themselves in the head and cutting their testicles off!

      • ….. and driving on them (once cut off)

      • Sydney drivers are just so aggressive on these roads. It really is no wonder to me considering the absolutely idiotic speed limits (they're all 10km less than they should be IMO) and how poorly and illogically the roads are laid out.

    • Look on the bright side - at least Daniel Andrews is no longer your premier.

      • But he is the best Premier ever?

      • I like Andrews and think that the work he's doing with PT is much needed and should have been started back in around 2011-2012 when the Liberals were in power actually. The Metro Tunnel is projected to be completed in 2025 last I checked, if the Liberals started back in 2011-2012 it'd be finished by now (if not close) if it were to take the same amount of time.

    • Wow! You're a piece of work aren't you. Did they kick you out of Melbourne by any chance?…

      • Why is it that Sydneysiders can't handle the fact their city isn't that great?

        • Idiotic property prices, buy a 2 bedder shoebox apartment for $800k lol
        • Lack of public holidays
        • Lack of international sporting events
        • Horrible, idiotic roads
        • Stupid double demerit system
        • Idiotic system to catch speeding drivers by telling them that there is a cop ahead (like lol what kind of deterrent is that?)
        • Badly laid out CBD
        • Higher COL

        Here are some pros though so you don't get your knickers in a knot about someone criticising this overrated city:

        • Beaches (if you care for that, which I don't)
        • Easier to get a job
        • Lots of hot women around, dating here has been pretty easy for me
        • Higher salary
        • Better trains, more frequent trains
        • Easier access to the airport via train
  • +2

    If you don't like it then you can go…

    Only joking, but nice troll post!

  • Your work relocated you.

    Hmmmn get this Clever Kiwi outa here, dump em in NSW

    Cheaper than a redundancy

  • +2

    Yes , every single day it rains…

    • -4

      Sorry Sydneysiders, the rain is just my tears from living here.

      • +13

        You remind me of all my wife's Asian friends and her family;

        "I hate living here. *insert_home_country* is so much better…"
        "Everything here is horrible, not like back in *insert_home_country*…"
        "The weather/traffic/people/public transport/prices/social life/shops here are all awful, not like back in *insert_home_country*…"
        "Why is the food so bad here. Back in *insert_home_country* it's so much fresher…"
        "Where I'm from in *insert_home_country*, you could always buy carrots…"

        I always ask… "If you're not happy, why don't you move back to *insert_home_country*??"

        "I have to live here because of *insert_bullshit_excuse*…"

        You don't have to live in Sydney if Melbourne is so "awesome". But at least it gives you something to moan about around the water cooler.

        Oh, and Melbourne called, they don't want you back either… :D

        • I always ask… "If you're not happy, why don't you move back to insert_home_country??"

          Not sure why you had to mention the Asian thing lmao, but yes they must all be wrong because this city is just soooo great.

          You don't have to live in Sydney is Melbourne is so "awesome". But at least it gives you something to moan about around the water cooler.

          I agree, I don't have to but I need to for the time being. Ignorance is bliss. Unless you're some omniscient being (which you aren't despite thinking you are) you actually have no clue.

          Oh, and Melbourne called, they don't want you back either… :D

          That's fine, I'd gladly move to Darwin than live in this hole of a city :)

          • +7


            I'd gladly move to Darwin than live in this hole of a city

            Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out :)

        • -1

          Lol pegaxs, this is not a strictly "Asian" phenomenon:

          "I hate living here. insert_home_country is so much better…"
          "Everything here is horrible, not like back in insert_home_country…"
          "The weather/traffic/people/public transport/prices/social life/shops here are all awful, not like back in insert_home_country…"
          "Why is the food so bad here. Back in insert_home_country it's so much fresher…"
          "Where I'm from in insert_home_country, you could always buy carrots…"

          You have essentially described every Aussie in London, minus the public transport thing.

          ps. What do you mean by "Asian"? Do you mean someone from China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Turkey, Thailand, Myanmar, South Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, North Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Syria, Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Hong Kong, Jordan, Kyrgystan, Laos, Singapore, Turkmenistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait, Georgia, Mongolia, Armenia, Qatar, Timor-Leste, Bahrain, Bhutan, Macau, Brunei, or the Maldives?

          Just for clarity.

          • +2


            You have essentially described every Aussie expatriate in London anything but their home country/state/city/suburb


          • +3

            @sw00p: What is it you're hoping to achieve here?
            He said his wife's Asian friends. Because they are Asian. He didn't say 'Asians' implying all Asians, he's referring to a specific group who he has heard say these things.

            P.S. I doubt he thinks middle-Eastern people are Asian. Weird question.

        • +1

          Melbourne called, they don't want you back either

          People who move from Melbourne to Sydney increase the average IQ of both cities…

      • Do Sydneysiders not like rain? Why is this downvoted? Wow Sydneysiders can't take a joke, and it's not even at the expense of the city….

        • +1

          I thought it funny..

  • +1

    "relocated me a few weeks ago"…

    …."does it always rain in Sydney?"

  • Never seen rain like this for a few years now…

  • +3

    ozbargains most stupid question ive ever read

    • +1

      Oh I dunno, I thought the "why do suitcases come in three sizes?" one was the worst in a long time.

      • that one seems more legit tbh….

  • Can anyone recommend the OP (and others) a bargain transport service to Sydney Airport?

  • +3

    I think its interesting, everyone talks about global warming and showing pictures of australian looking all red and hot year on year.. but my garden (Melbourne) has never been so Green in summer. Usually it drys up and WACA type cracks appear in it. Not a crack this year and its so green

    • Cries in Melbournian How I miss that city.

      Melbourne… the city that can sustain life… without having to resort to wiping your body with a wet rag.

      In Melbourne, I can shower outside from the rain. In Sydney, if I step outside naked, I will fry to a crisp and die.

  • Eh yeah how bout this weather

  • Crowded House made a song about Melbourne(

  • I'm not sure i believe you've lived in Melbourne

  • lol

    Melbourne is in for a wet and wild Friday afternoon.

    After Queensland and New South Wales copped some of their heaviest February rainfall in years this week, the Bureau of Meteorology have issued a severe thunderstorm warning for much of Victoria’s capital and areas near Geelong.

    Residents in Melbourne, Mildura, Horsham, Warrnambool, Bendigo, Maryborough, Ballart and Geelong have been told to brace for flash flooding and large hailstones.

  • +1

    it literally hasn't rained for 2 years, consider yourself lucky to be blessed by such weather, if you would have made it to the smoke show you would have a different opinion about the rain. it really cleared up the smoke here.

  • Hahaha

  • +1

    Sydney has twice as much annual rainfall as Melbourne. Darwin is the wettest Australian capital city, and Adelaide is the driest.

  • -8

    Ok boomer.

  • +3

    Sydney has never seen sunshine, we've only ever had rain.
    Lived here for over 30 years and I don't ever remember seeing the sun between the rain and bushfire smoke.

    • +2

      35 years and I agree what is the sun?

  • +1

    ok the world is.gonna end
    when a Victorian or saying it rains too much in a city


  • Sydney I believe actually has more rain, but unlike Melbourne it usually dumps then stop, so ppl don't think it rains much there. In Melbourne it has that crappy drizzle and the very overcast sunless raining days. Well it's not rain in my opinion, its like light droplets that gets you wet and annoyed like today. Worse has it was very humid as well.

  • Yeh, it always rains in Sydney… That's why the dams were around 30% and it had been declared in drought 6-12 months before the rains. You're a real intellectual heavyweight aren't you.

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