This may be a good opportunity for an Astute buyer to enter market or consolidate their share. Make use of free brokerage offer. There are some bargains in the market at the moment for those who think long term there is value in the market! Conditions do apply so read the fine print!
$600 in Free Brokerage from CommSec

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…. no one buys just before a sale mate, the specials are yet to come ;).
oh no dont say that, lucky for me the nearest highrise building is 90 mins by train, couldn't be arsed traveling all that way to throw myself off ;)
You would have to be brave to enter the market at this time, but yes, there are definitely bargains to be had
lol good timing aye
Need buyers to balance up their sellers.
CBA is not the only one giving away free brokerage, similar terms with Westpac Broking ($600) and NAB Online Broking ($750),
Although it is very difficult opening a Westpac Broking account, they are the only broker who requires a JP to sign the application, plus some other loop holes to open an account.
what? i was looking into opening a westpac one. I was looking into the cash investment accountment but it didn't seem to need those kind of things? Is a broking account for large amts of transactions?
applied for E-trade a few weeks ago and they too needed a JP to verify documents. Quite a pain actually.
Once you have a Comsec account you can also open a Cash Management account. Debit card, 5.5%pa account with no fees or charges, unlimited withdrawals, bpay, use it for funding trades. Works well.
This sounds like good enough reason to sign up on its own. Am I missing something?
Is there an on-going fee with having a Comsec account?
No fees or charges. I've been using it as my main transaction account for a couple of years.
The investment earns 5.5%pa, the Cash Account (which the Debit card is tied to) earns 0.25%pa, both are better than the Smart Access + Netbank counter part.
Cash Management is what they call the combination of the Investment/Cash accounts.
Some of the fine print:
Your first 12 equity trades will be free, up to a total brokerage value of $600 (including GST).
This offer does not apply to CommSec Share Packs, International trades, Exchange Traded Options, Margin Lending, Day Short Selling, Term Short Selling OTC CFDs and ASX CFD's.
This offer does not apply to trades where CommSec's brokerage exceeds $55 (including GST) or trades with a value over $50,000.
Does anyone use Comsec already at the moment? Particularly given the $55 brokerage cap per trade how much does this really get you?
$21.90 (incl. GST) for anything <$10,000
$31.90 (incl. GST) for anything <$25,000
0.12-0.13% for >$25,000It's $19.95 if you use a commsec cash account to settle your trades.
to get this deal, you must open a cash management account…
it's in the fine fine fine print
The $55 is a part of the terms and conditions to this special offer, Comsec is saying single trades of $50 000+ do not get the $600 brokerage.
Comsec are good at execution of trades and are an ethical broker, but i have been trading mainly through Macquarie Prime, which has a similar fee structure to Comsec's preferred brokerage, plus a loan facility and CFD's, which you can also get with ComSec.
Clusters tip above looks like its worthwhile to get the Cash Management account and become a preferred customer for better brokerage rates. Although its not 100% certain that the Cash Management account does qualify for preferred brokerage, can anyone confirm? Seems to be the more expensive account, or require a margin loan.
perfect, everything is cheap on the market atm
really? you think its cheap now? I reckon its still gonna go down further. Unforunately US and EU are bringing us down, its not gonna stop in three days. Reckon you'll still be losing money if you buy now
forget about "timing" the market imo. The market is like a casino atm. Set and forget i say. Or if you are nervous the next few months i dont think it will rocket back up so just sit back and relax :)
Yeppers…a share is a share is a share…you won't lose the share unless the company goes bankrupt. If it's generally a good solid performing company selling crap that people need to live, it'd be a pretty good bargain. It's just a gamble when the stocks value increases past what you paid for it!
Does anyone here trade currencies? A lot of opportunities every day, but not suitable to everyone.
GFT is a reputable FX broker and has an offer of a free $400, for a $7000 new account
A lot of opportunities every day
opportunities to lose money, as well as make money…
As Forex is potentially profitable in both a rising and a falling market and is a 24 hour market, the opportunities are greater on the Forex market than the share market, and especially the current market over the past week. Although it should be considered a high risk market.
lol… there are also opportunities to lose money trading warrants and notes in rising and falling markets…
remember, for every winner, there is a loser… money doesn't magically appear…
Agree, I lost money yesterday
are you GFT rep? btw, GFT has a Master Class tonight in Sydney CBD (four season hotel)for its customers.
also, broker like commsec and etrade always offer this kind of "promotion". i dont reckon it is a "bargain" at all, 'cos it is always there.
Free Brokerage Offers for New Online Share Trading Accounts… $600 worth of fees… by October… yeah right…
most people would be lucky if they accumulated $60 worth of fees by then…
So you would rather pay $60 than $0?
whats the difference between westpac and commsec since i see commsec being called an 'ethical' broker? also, why is a cash management account a bad thing?
ComSec is a much larger online broker, but Comsec and Westpac work out very much the same.
My comment about ComSec being ethical refers to my ComSec account that was converted from TD Waterhouse, I dont have anything good to say about TD, deposits from Adelaide Bank to their Adelaide Bank account used to take days so they can cream off some interest for a few days, and also, at market trades were executed in the market at a different and less favorable price to the buy/sell contracts.
i see that westpac is 19.95 or 0.11% whereas ComSec is 19.95 or 0.12%. what other things should I also be looking at other than just fees?
sorry for all the questions, I'm pretty new to all this
if you dont have A LOT money to invest in, there is not much difference imo.
I've been using comsec for the past 4 years and I have to say, I'm quite happy with them.
Is ETRADE Australia ok to buy and sell shares? I was just thinking of opening an account???
it is absolutely OK. if you dont need a full-service broker (like etrade or commsec), you can try Belldirect. anyway, the brokerage of etrade and commsec now are much cheaper than before.
Well, I would like to buy and sell shares without broker if possible…so Belldirect than…any others like Bell
Thanks mate
E trade and commsec are not really full service brokers. Commsec can be, but not with a regular account.
Bell direct, e trade, commsec, westpac etc etc all offer just about the same service now.
I think the information and analysis that you can get from commsec is a little more thorough than the others.
it really depends on how you define "really full service brokers".
for most traders/investors, either one suffices.
i use etrade from the first day. it is enough good, especially after etrade finally cut its brokerage a few months ago. i dont sell and buy very often, so they dont make much difference to me in fact.
5.5% drop of USA market today. kill me
~~~~~~Think back 3 years. I almost became accustomed to waking up in the morning and looking at 5% losses across European and American markets almost every day in late 2008. Last night's fall was a lot, but remember the DJI was at less than 7000 points not too long ago. We may end up there again.
i have been through that gfc too.
so this is not for commsec margin lending? well, thats means you must trade with your own money 100%? hard for most people - i dont recomend CFD but little bit gearing/lending is better.
at this point in time your just as likley to win going down to the casino and betting on black!
Yes but if it comes up red at the casino, you can't wait until it comes up as black again and take your money back.
but in the same token, if the company falls you don’t get your money back either…
if you don't bet all your money on one bet, you can win your money back too!my point is with the uncertainty at the moment, there is pretty much the same risk as gambling.
They do this offer all the time, joined up some time last year, but moved away after the 12 trades because I hated their platform interface (slow & incredibly ugly).
slow…i dont know.
incredibly ugly….i incredibly agree :)
OK now that we have astute people for stocks Any tips ?
Good sites for advice ?The only tips you're likely to get are from those currently holding a stock they want to go higher :-)
As for me, I'm interested in energy stocks. The Chinese are not about to stop buying 10 million cars per year, and there's tens of millions of middle class Indians keen on joining them. I have a hard time believing demand for oil is about to plummet.
I was going to post this a week or so back when I opened my account, didn't think OzBargainers would be ones to take it up!
I invested on Thursday, got out on Friday and now the stock has dropped 20%. No harm in signing up now, but I would not be pumping anything in until Friday at the earliest (most likely shit will get worse for a fair bit longer).
Good luck to all brave enough to be holding now - very good luck to anyone entering now.
Need to be 18? Age discrimination against young investors! :(
Need to be 18 or over to gamble :-)
At least your not too young to pay TAX…
Great bargains to be had in the market atm