Australian blueberries - cheapest I've ever seen.
Bit of competition is healthy, less than Coles & Woolworths.
Australian blueberries - cheapest I've ever seen.
Bit of competition is healthy, less than Coles & Woolworths.
Saw it at wooloes today (nsw) for $2 also, not sure if it's nationwide
Coles is now 170g for $2 while woolies is still only 125g
you mean 170g from coles.
Got 2 yesterday, taste great!
Got 170g @ Coles for $2
how low can they go
Very, apparently they had a great season and there is a heap of oversupply.
Those 170g ones are cheaper - if they have them around. Never seen them so I think they might be a Vic only thing.
My local Ccoles did not have any of 170gr $2 punnet - so this was/is best I can find in Noosa QLD.
That's a shame. I just bought it from Coles. I am in Victoria though.
They're advertising them at $2 on TV (for the 170g) in Victoria so they should be everywhere
Blueberry r so healthy, you can never go to much with them.
Aldi so much cheaper than Coles and woolworths.
They contain sugar. You can have too much of anything. Even water has a lethal dose.
But yeah they're healthier than junk food, that's for sure.
Even water has a lethal dose.
Australia's water supply is full of dihydrogen monoxide and nobody seems to care.
you smart
I wonder why price of blueberries got so low, while price for Raspberries and Blackberries is still $5 plus per punnet.
Same here, Raspberries are the only ones I like
…because there's not a massive oversupply of raspberries and blackberries at the moment.
Bam, economics!
What caused the oversupply? Did someone put tariffs on us?
Banana growers switching to Blueberries, so there are a lot more Growers now -…
Not shopped much at Aldi, just want to ask is Aldi's fruit and veges much fresher/better than Coles and Woolies, which can be pretty bad at times.
Quality of Aldi vegetables are very inconsistent and I don't think they are any better than Colesworth.
Blueberries were $1.90 at my local Coles this morning.. (Worongary - Gold Coast)
I was pumped to see them at $2.50 on the weekend (Woolworths, WA) and grabbed 4 packets. I'll have to check out ALDI then!
Any idea where Aldi gets their PERTH stock from? At least when you go to coles you’re getting local produce.
Not sure about Perth but i know the ones in the picture are picked around and packed in Coffs harbour, NSW
Are they out of defrosted blueberries? How are they different from the frozen one in terms of taste and texture?
No, they're not defrosted berries. I can confirm they've recently been picked from the Coffs harbour area
I eat over 1kg of blueberries every week. Can confirm fresh is always best, but since fresh sometimes costs up to $40/kg, I get my fix for $6.35/kg at Costco.
How different are they? Fresh vs frozen?
Frozen tend to release juice and not look very nice when defrosted. Useless for decorating a cake. Flavour wise it's pretty close but I still prefer fresh.
The one thing I don't miss about eating fresh is the odd berry that's gone moldy. Never happens for frozen berries.
Least they’re not imported from China
Can't say I've ever seen a blueberry farm in Australia. Gonna buy
Lol there are alot. One even opened near me halfway up qld coast 2 years ago. Pay $10 a kg for fresh ones lol.
My 13 year old son loves blueberries. Just caught him finishing off a huge 510g punnet from Costco all on his own. Yep..that's a whopping half kilo of blueberries! Now I can't get Willy Wonka out of my head!
They were $1.50 at Coles two weeks ago
Coles Sunnybank at $1.90
Got 125g from coles last week for $2.