This was posted 5 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Blueberries 170g $2 @ Coles


Picked up a bunch, haven’t seen the 170g This cheap before. This was at Elizabeth street / flinders Melbourne vic


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closed Comments

  • +5

    It's been that price all week

    • +3

      That’s for 125g

      • +2

        can confirm 170g and not 125gr since the sale started, at least at my coles.

      • +1

        Been $2 at Coles all week for 170 gram in Melbourne. On Special until 17th September.

      • -1

        That’s for 125g

        Nope, the 170g. I've bought a few this week.

    • +4

      So why didn't you post the bargain?

      • -1

        Because that's the price I paid for them the week before at our local fruit shop, so I wasn't really saving anything.

        • +1

          Why didn't you post it the week before?

          • +2

            @Scope: My local fruit shop is not accessible to 99.999% of OzBargainers.

            • +1

              @jv: So it's not a bargain worth posting if only a few people have access to your 'exclusive' fruit shop?

              Pretty sure at least a handful on here wouldn't be that far away..

              • @nismo:

                So it's not a bargain worth posting if only a few people have access


          • +1

            @Scope: Because then jv's identity is exposed….

  • I paid $1.80 at Cole's Kedron (QLD) this week.

    • Was it 125g? 170g is the bigger pack

  • I paid $1.47 at woolies

    • +2

      That’s for 125g

      • But its exactly the same price.

  • Its everyday everywhere this week… <2$ :)

    • I paid $2.40 at Coles North Perth

      • Perth is so overpriced :/ , when I visited for business last month everything was more expensive than Melb, even coffee etc

    • Thanks

    • +1

      Paid $2 for 125gm Woolies this evening

    • -1

      It's every Day BRO, with the Coles Berry flow.

  • +1

    Coles.. $2 for 170gms.. Australia wide..
    Bought 12 today, from coles Doncaster… delicious, very addictive

  • +3

    Coles have sold the 170 gram driscoll brand at $2 all week in Melbourne.

  • +2

    For the best BB, get Driscoll's brand.

    Gonna overdoses meself of plenty BBs. Yuuuuummmm…

    • yes these are driscoll, my fav bb brand too!

    • +1

      But be warned… The last couple of years, Driscoll's is not quite as reliable. I think they have some new suppliers that grow a different variety, rather than their usual ones.

      This year in Sydney, the LARGE blueberries from Driscoll's are the go. The small ones are meh.

    • agree re Driscoll. They are delicious! I only buy them now and are $2 at Coles this morning in Sydney. I bought some :)

  • +4

    Picked up a bunch,

    Sure they’re not grapes 🍇?

  • $1.99 at Aldi.

  • +2

    The actual blueberries are bigger at coles than woolworths and the packet is also bigger at coles. My girlfriend bought some at woolworths a few days ago and on the same day also bought some from coles. Surprised to see the difference. Thought they'd be the same but coles ones were bigger and u got more.

    • I actually prefer the smaller ones. The bigger ones taste all watery. Too much effort put into making them bigger rather than sweeter/tastier. Gimme a tarty small one any day :)

      • +1

        I actually prefer the smaller ones. The bigger ones taste all watery.

        Depends on the batch…

    • +2

      Driscoll's steroid BB from Woolies

      6 bucks though, a month ago. These are too yummy.

    • They are sold and packed by weight though, but yeah when I buy STRAWBERRIES I look for the containers with bigger fruits. Example 6 big ones were same wgt as 10 smaller ones.

  • I was told that frozen berries are nutritionally better. And they're much nicer to eat (with some cold yogurt) and always cost $8/kg at Coles or Woolies. At that price even the dog gets some.

    • +10

      I was told that frozen berries are nutritionally better.

      Is Hepatitis A nutritionally better?

      • If your worried ask your GP to provide you with immunity

        • or just not buy frozen imported fruit…

          • @jv: Nah, I like the slight possibility of having to test my Immunity, while saving money on optimized nutritional benefits ;-)

      • Meh…my liver's got bigger things to worry about.

    • +2

      Nutritionally better, are you insane?

      • Arguably the freezing breaks down the cell walls making the entire contents available for absorption, human mastication .. not so much


        • -2

          Arguably the freezing breaks down the cell walls making the entire contents available for absorption

          That's why I got a Nutri Bullet !!!!

      • Frozen berries are picked at peak ripeness and immediately frozen which essentially 'locks in' a lot of the vitamins and antioxidants, whereas fresh berries are often picked a little under-ripe and then subject to significant losses in water soluble vitamins and antioxidants during storage/transports.

  • Woolies Barkley Square. $2 for 170gm

  • Is this nationwide?

    • Yes… I said this in my above comment… Pls read, it will save ur time asking the question… Happy eating delicious berries

    • Not at my local, so a worthwhile question. Just came out of there disappointed (Wattle Grove, NSW).

  • Coles have phased out 125gm Bluebrries. 170gm is the norm now and they’ve been this price for 2 weeks now.

  • Damn, I thought $1.90 for the 125g at Coles last week would be the cheapest ever. It's the cheapest I've seen in my lifetime.

  • -1

    I was in a supermarket in the US a few years ago and the smallest size berries you could buy are 300g or maybe 350. 170g would be like 2 handfuls for the typical yank. But serving sizes are a joke in Aus.

  • My coles doesn't have the 170g, only 125g =(

  • got few, super sweeeet

  • Bought 2 over the weekend, yum.

    Went bought another 8 tonight. It's going to be blueberries every night till the weekend.


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