Only some stores stock these 5 kg boxes, so be sure to check the stock online before heading out to buy.
They are delicious! Enjoy them on their own, mix them with oats and milk for breakfast, or have a few as a dessert.
Only some stores stock these 5 kg boxes, so be sure to check the stock online before heading out to buy.
They are delicious! Enjoy them on their own, mix them with oats and milk for breakfast, or have a few as a dessert.
these are grown in Mexico, not Israel
Incorrect use of negative vote. How could woolies sell these if the product of origin is not Mexico and somewhere else, woolies aren’t allowed to do that.
Woolies aren't allowed to do that
They aren't allowed to mislead customers
They aren't allowed to not pay the correct leave entitlements to employees
They aren't allowed to sell out of date baby formula
They aren't allowed to sell underweight products
They aren't allowed to omit important allergen warnings on food products
How could woolies sell these
They could just sell them. Easy. Pay any fines and say "oopsie" later.
Hasn’t been proven that this product is indeed from Israel.
@tenpercent: Well I guess if you don’t trust woolies labels maybe ppl should grow their own dates. I don’t trust dog kibble from all the dog poisonings over the years so I cooked my own meals for the dog
Can you see Israel in the room with us right now?
Great, do you have absolutely any proof?
Apparently doesn’t need proof as it’s ’Sarah’ from Bankstown Hospital
Any deals on a box of popcorn? 🍿
Settle down Akram, Australians arent intersted in your backyard brawl.
Speak for yourself. It concerns all people if civilians are being slaughtered in the name of lebensraum just to grow more Medjool dates and build more Trump towers.
Speak for yourself and GTFO if you aren't liking it here
@freshofftheplane: I am speaking for myself. Duh.
My family and ancestors have almost certainly lived here longer than you and yours so you can GTFO if you aren't liking the free and open public discourse.
If the country of origin being Israel influences your decision to consume these Medjool dates, you might want to avoid them. Israel exported 2,500 tons of dates to the U.S. in 2023, while the U.S. domestically produced 50,000 tons of dates that same year, but still imported these from Israel. U.S. is a major global hub for food imports, and it’s not uncommon for some imported products to be re-exported to other countries. With its extensive logistics, warehousing, and distribution infrastructure, the U.S. often serves as a transit point for various goods.
[Israel (Exporter)]
[United States (Import Hub)]
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[Domestic Sales] [Re-export to Canada/Regional Markets] [Re-export Overseas]
I've personally bought these for almost a decade but stopped buying after 2023.
Both sides need to stop bringing their conflicts here. They all need to go back.
is that every store?
Israfil dates. Waste of money.
Thanks. Will buy extra in order to support Israel's battle against the islamists
It is clear you do not know any shit about the region. Israel is not battling against the islamists, they are killing innocent Palestenians. Islamists unfortunately replaced the un-authoritised Palestine State government cause Palestine is not recognised by the western world.
As usual and always Poms seeded the hostility between Palestinians and Israelis with Macmahon-Hussein Agreement, Skyes-Picot Agreement and Balfour Declaration MMH promised independence to Arabs to use them against the Turks in WWI, Skyes-Picot divided the region between poms and french, the last one promised israel state in palestine land. Typical synical poms' politics.
Now the same game is played over Ukraine. same actors: pom, french, and russian, but this time big brother yank is the leading actor.
Read dude read, don't vomit here. Read.
You will also see where the infamous name of "Rothschild" is coming from. The Balfour letter is to "Rothschild'