North Bayou C-Clamp Desk-Mounted Monitor Stand with super duper Gas Spring action. Suits 17"-27" 2kg-6.5kg Monitors.
This has only just dropped in price, EDIT: While objectively this seems a reasonably good price, the evolution for 3rd-party pricing on Amazon AU shows this has been lower more recently (thanks to @tango1). Also note it has been this price on their eBay listing for some time (thanks to @dude from moon) where it can be had for $37.95 with coupon PATPAT. The Phantom missed all this the first time around which is unusual for such a super guy.
Note the Dual Monitor version was popular in this recent post.
Make sure you check the Technical Drawings in the last image to ensure it will suit, esp for height. Also check others in the range.
AU reviews and more extensive US reviews.
No idea how long it will last. Don't forget CashRewards/Shopback/etc to make it even more super duper.
NOTE: It's been marked as expired but it's still available on eBay as mentioned above.
How much do they normally sell it for?