I can unlock most mobiles. Prices for Ozbargainers will start from only $10.00.
I can unlock most of the phones Coles sell for 1/2 price ie ZTE 108 The Zte Bubble Touch and Nokia 2220s
This is not remote unlocking, phone must be presented instore to unlock. I can unlock most phones while you wait. All questions will be answered as soon as possible.
Mod: Edited title for price clarity
mod - added location
[WA] Unlocking of Mobile Phones from only $10.00 ($10: ZTE108,Nokia 2220s, N95,LG G108)

Last edited 01/07/2011 - 15:06 by 2 other users
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How is this Spam, I'm offering a service, which if you want the phones places in Westfield shopping centres will take $35 off you for the same.
My regular price ranges from $20 - $60 depending on the phone.
I'll tell you what, Why don't you call the other Cash Citys in WA and see what prices they offer you.
I am not linked to the other stores hence the seperate web site.
Their details can be found on cashcity.net.au Under locate us. I've seen alot of people mention when a bargain phone pops up can it be unlocked.
Better still, find me an unlocking shop that can do it for $10
But problem here is you are not doing it for $10
You are doing it FROM $10 - unknown
My regular price ranges from $20 - $60 depending on the phone.
Where is that on your website ?????
If your post states a flat unlocking fee of $10. Then its a bargain not spam.
If it states "From $10.00", that's not a bargain, it's advertising hence spam
And there are no prices stated on your website hence you can put any price you see fit and we would not know any better
I mentioned which phones I can unlock for $10.00
If people think that $10 isn't a bargain then I'll stand corrected, but can anyone name a shop in Perth that'll unlock a phone for $10.00
Have removed neg. Thank you for further explaining
Well, for certain models people will do it for free, or a beer. Or get it free online. So in that sense charging $10 is not much of a deal…
I see what you are saying, but as is still reads like an ad.
can you remote unlock an LG GS108 and what is the cost?
And there are no prices stated on your website hence you can put any price you see fit and we would not know any better
But the fact is that they are doing it cheaper than anywhere else.
A bargain doesn't mean that you're making a saving on their previous price, it just means that it's cheaper than anywhere else.
can you get around blocked imei numbers as well?
changing IMEI is totally illegal in Australia and will get you in jail
Let see…..if you can unlock Nokia 2730?
is it remote unlocking?
Want to know too? Pay $10 online and unlock over the phone/email.
Good Idea, But when it doesn't work drop in and I'll do it for you.
Because we are not in WA.
"when it doesn't work…"
confidence in your product?
confidence in your product?
I think that the rep thought the people above were talking about trying an online based service first.
So the rep was saying when the online service does not work to come into their store where they will be able to unlock it.
So "try our competitor and when they can not do it for you we will"
I won't unblock phones if they've been blocked by a Network as this usually means they've been reported lost or stolen.
why is unblocking a phone blocked by the network different from removing a lock which is a condition of contract??
ask the government… one is illegal and one is not :p
unblocking a phone blocked by the network pretty much means that the phone has been stolen.
If you are the owner of the phone then you can have the lock removed.
Unlocking a phone which has been locked to a carrier does not mean that the phone has been reported stolen.
why is unblocking a phone blocked by the network different from removing a lock which is a condition of contract??
you can unlock your phone and you are still required to pay off your contract…
it's your phone, you can use it any way you like…
if a company sell you a locked phone - it seems implicit in the terms of sale that it can only be used by their network… unless you pay them to unlock it?
Just for clarification, network locked phone =/= blocked IMEI (phone)! They sound similar but are different things! ;)
IMEI block works server sided (radio towers etc) hence phones will work outside Australia since these databases are not shared amongst nations.
Only way thats possible is flashing the EEPROM with a new IMEI
With the old models, one could indeed flash the EEPROM with the right equipment. However, new phones use "write once" PROM, I believe, in order to stop this from being done. (No "EE" - it's not "electronically erasable"). To change the IMEI on these phones requires changing the microchip (or motherboard), not reprogramming it. Dr_Rusko, how did you end up with a network-blocked phone, dare I ask?!
If you believe the network has blocked your phone without legitimate reason (e.g. an unpaid account, or a baseless accusation that it's stolen), call the Ombudsman.or yeah, what you just said. :D
This is partly true. The software enables us to change the imei on certain phones, they call it repair imei. Sometimes when we erase/flash a phone the imei is corrupt ie it shows up as 11111111111111 so we then use the software to repair imei.
I will never change an imei on the phone for a customer, if they have obtained it legally then the provider should do it for them.
It's not remote unlocking. I need the phone in my possession to perform the unlock. 95% of the time it takes only 5-10 minutes.
I see, you probably purchased a GSM phone unlock tool/box to perform the unlock. Would you be able to do unlock on Keitai/Japanese Handset?
don't you need a hyper sim on that?
I have a keitai -locked to Japan vodaphone. a $3 unlock sim from DX fixed that problem.
be aware that many phones from japan that don't actually use sim cards. they are "hard wired" sims
I can unlock the Nokia 2730 but the cost is higher.
Why does 1 phone cost more to unlock than others, isnt it all the same?
Some phone's unlock code could be found online for free. While some of the newer phones might have a different newer sim lock that requires new tools/more time to unlock.
I see what you did there
to unlock certain phones ie sl3 nokias you need a very high specced computer. These computers can generate the code needed between 2 hours and 72 hours. If you want to do a search on Brute forcing.
Also, so far I've spent $1200 on boxes/cables for nokias and $2,000 for pc to do the brute force, hence the price difference.Cost more then it's not bargain! Hence you just want free ad.
Check with your provider first. Optus for example is $25 for all.
Spend 5 minutes of your time with google and you will find your answer to most unlocks easily.
SPAM SPAM SPAMYour post contradict themselves and $10 is cheaper than $25.
And if you can supply me with unlock codes for n97 ,2730 and others, you can be rich.
Can the MODs please delete my website, I know it advertises my main business but I had to include a web page.
I see how people can relate it to Spam, but the service I'm offering is a bargain.You want this deal removed? The website is useful so people can find your business, ABN, contact details etc. In future, hit the REPORT button.
As for those who just repeat the same thing over and over with no useful information, the posts will be removed. If you don't like the deal, then give us evidence of where this can be done cheaper. If it is SPAM or some other issue, REPORT to mods.
If you don't like the deal, then give us evidence of where this can be done cheaper.
According to the posting rules, that is the responsibility of the poster to demonstrate why this is worthy of a bargain… i can't see where this service has been discounted in any way…
Ok Take your phone to Cash City Belmont give them $40 they'll unlock it for you.
or Cash City Guildford they'll only charge $35.00
Come to my shop and i'll charge you $20, mention you saw the deal on Ozbargain and It'll be $10.00A wall of the word SPAM is not useful. Being rude is not useful.
An explanation is useful. I don't much about phone unlocking. If someone were to post a link to where a competitor is doing for cheaper or a website where you can do it yourself, then that would be useful.
Ok thanks, I'm a newbie to the site and thought everyone was crucifying me because my website had other services.
crucifying me because my website had other services.
*Is this really the best price on the web?
*Link directly to the sourceilostnemo have a read of the deal posting guidelines jv has posted above me.
You should also include the price, all you have said is "from $10" but that does not tell anyone anything.
As there are many phones and many prices then examples of prices are good.
So Nokia models xxx $10
Samsung models xxx $10Nokia models xxxx $25
LG models xxx $30@anthony
You should also include the price
i would still consider this advertising unless he could demonstrate these are not his regular prices…
How much is a usual BB5 unlock?
try this free stuff, List which phones would work but I hold responsibility for permanent locking of your phone. I had a friend who got his N71 unlocked using the serbian guy's tool(not from the same site though)
And the optus tab can be unlocked for free as well, check the last myTab bargain, and someone lists the full steps
but I hold responsibility for permanent locking of your phone
I might just ask again, is there a price list to what you can unlock or what you cannot unlock? I'm looking for Keitai/Japanese phone unlocks currently.
is there a price list to what you can unlock or what you cannot unlock?
apparently there isn't one, at least not on the website and the OP has not provided one…
So it's impossible to judge whether these prices are the OP's regular prices or not…Without evidence, I just assume they are the regular prices, so this is just advertising…
i second, third, fourth and fifth that opinion jv!
LOL, I don't think the mods like jv
i can't see why they allow this post and not others when the OP has not demonstrated how this price is different from the OP's regular price ????
if the price is cheaper than the competitor's, it's still a bargain, no matter weather is the regular price or not, isn't it?
no matter weather is the regular price or not,
if it's their regular price, not discounted, then it is just an advertisement…
advertisement = SPAM
This site isn't a list of cheapest prices, there are search engines for that… This site should just be for Bargains… temporary discounts, coupons, offers etc….
Otherwise, someone could just go to Dealextreme, or ebay and start posting the cheapest item of everything out there… Wouldn't we all love that….
…double post
lol @ jv
State a flat fee or NO DEAL !
If I averaged it out accross the board it would probably be about $25.00
The phones I mentioned are cheap phones hence I do a cheap price.
Here is a suggestion then.
Flat rate of $25 to unlock most high end mobiles but lower end mobile will have a reduced price of just $10.
All you need to do is list the lower end mobiles that will be at a bargain price of $10 only. Then state and list the competion that charge more than $10.
Still sounds like advertising but at least I can see some bargain in there
with the right equipment yes they can, but there are also sl3 phones which are a little more complicated.
Read the post by spawnpoint up above ^^^
I have a Nokia 8Gig N95. Locked to the 3 Network. ive called them to unlock it but they wont due to the previous owners account was closed with amounts still oweing. is it possible to unlock to all networks?
Yes that is usually a $30 unlock
I'll do it for $10 for you.Wouldn't this be considered a network block?
How would you know if the mobile was obtained legally and not stolen?
How would you know if the mobile was obtained legally and not stolen?
If the phone was stolen then the serial number of the phone would be blocked so it can not be used on any network in australia.
If Super_Dre is using it on 3 now the it is not blocked it is just locked to 3.
Super_Dre, before you pay, I suggest calling the telecommunications ombudsman and asking if 3's refusal to unlock your phone in this situation is legal. I believe there are rules governing the matter. In my experience, companies will often yield merely after receiving an "enquiry" from the Ombudsman.
Illegal activity!
How is it illegal? You can ask Optus or Telstra to do the same thing but a lot more expensive.
Optus or Telstra to do the same thing but a lot more expensive.
last time i asked Optus, it was FREE
Sometimes it's free if you have paid a certain amount of credit or you've been with the provider for a certain time.
Sometimes it's free
FREE is cheaper than $10
Yes but not for prepaid I think.
Yes, contract = free unlock. Prepaid = not.
Prepaid = not
I got a free unlock on an Optus Prepaid last year…
jv, Can you guarantee that if I went to buy a locked Optus prepaid phone right now, they'll unlock it for free though?
I went to buy a locked Optus prepaid phone right now, they'll unlock it for free
No they wont
If you choose to have Network Locking removed within six months of activation or upgrading, there will be an $80 fee charged. Alternatively, if you have recharged up to the value of $80 or have been connected for longer than six months, no fee will be charged.
http://personal.optus.com.au/web/ocaportal.portal?_nfpb=true…jv, Can you guarantee that if I went to buy a locked Optus prepaid phone right now, they'll unlock it for free though?
"if you have recharged up to the value of $80 or have been connected for longer than six months, no fee will be charged."
Will you buy me a $80 recharge too? You sir, are very kind ;)
"if you have recharged up to the value of $80 or have been connected for longer than six months, no fee will be charged."
Exactly. You have to recharge up to the value of $80 (which does not equal free).
Or been connected for longer than six months, if I just bought my Optus prepaid phone and havent been with Optus before, this 'free' unlock would not apply to me.
Hope you understand what you've quoted.You have to recharge up to the value of $80
yes, but that is credit for calls, it's not an unlock fee…
anyway, i just get my phones unlocked for free after 6 months…
Yes, but my question was to unlock RIGHT NOW. Recharging $80 and waiting to use all that is not now…
Yes, but my question was to unlock RIGHT NOW.
yes, you can do it RIGHT NOW… recharge with $80 credit, and they will unlock for FREE… right now… just call 1300 555 002…
you don't have to use all the credit before they unlock, you can swap sim cards straight away…
lol but Free = no strings attached. $80 recharge = strings attached
Usually if you buy a prepaid phone, the phone is locked because the provider subsidised the phone. It's like the provider is loaning you the phone. You can get the provider to unlock early in the contract by paying them.
Here you are getting someone else to unlock it for you which is illegal.
It's not illegal, unethical maybe but it is still legal.
Unblock a IMEI blocked phone however is illegal.
Illegal? Really? Please quote the relevant Australian State or Federal law concerning mobile phone locking (Hint: doesn't exist). Unlocking IS NOT ILLEGAL. Should an unlock result in a breach of contract, the breach of contract is a civil matter under common law. Disclaimer: IANAL
Nope, there's nothing illegal in unlocking a phone. Changing an IMEI number is something else.
I checked the "fine print" (i.e. terms and conditions) of the sellers. No mention of any bans on using unlock services.
is it ??? i don't think it is…
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