This was posted 5 years 6 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] 20% off RMS Number Plates for Father's Day @ myPlates


First deal for me!

Bi-annual chance to get 20% off the order fees on NSW number plates.

We all know the fees are extortionate so this is a good chance to get something off, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day being your only chance!

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2019.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Can somebody please order "NULL" and post results?

    • Says: unavailable.

      Probably because they are attached to a Black 2018 BMW X3…

  • +5

    Damn, P3N15 unavailable…

  • Confirming OZB still available

  • +1

    I can see it now, JV plates on the high yield bmw, getting little nods from the ozb elite on your way down to officeworks to pricematch envelops

    • You meant to say eneloops surely?

      • +1

        Haha yeah

  • Damn, wish WA would ever do this!

    (Oh, hang on - it's an annual fee?)

    • Can you not get personalised plates in WA?

      • Yes, but never on a discount.

  • +1

    Come on qld

  • -3

    International plate is only in Chinese language and not even sponsored by mainland govt very bad.

    I demand international plate in different language. Isn't it racism?

    • +1

      Errr..those are meant to be Japanese.

      But before I get shot by all the Chinese here…yes I know that text is also Chinese text, which Japanese took to use eons ago.

  • Possibly silly question, for someone's not quite a handyman, how much would a mechanic charge (ballpark figure) to remove existing plates and fit the new ones onto a car? Can the holder be reused? I understand its not as easy as undoing/redoing screws, as plates may be glued on to the holder.

    • I've never seen a set "glued on" before. It is usually just as simple as undoing a couple of screws.

      Worst case there might be rusted screws or a tricky number plate cover to deal with. And as for the covers, unless you damage the existing number plate cover, or you order plates of a different size that don't fit your covers you can definitely reuse them if they're still in good enough condition.

    • +1

      A mechanic wouldn’t be required, at most you’d need a screwdriver!

      • Can be tricky if they're attached with one-way ("thief proof") screws, but still no mechanic required.

    • +1

      Leftie loosy, Righty tighty.

      • Make sure to have both a left and right handed screw driver and turn at same time.

  • +1

    OMG OMG 10VUB is available!

  • Thanks, just ordered one. btw, I got a question:
    The situation is, I bought a new car that comes with a premium plate (white letters on black) and one year of CTP from the dealer. The car wont arrive until first week of Sept and I ordered the new plate as a new vehicle and paid the annual fee but the plate from the dealer will also pay the annual fee. Does anyone know whether I can get my annual fee back?

    • Pretty sure when you order you type in the current t plate and then it gives you a pro-data fee or discount..
      If you don’t know what your new plate is yet you will need to speak to the dealership about the plate you’ve purchased, either way you won’t have to pay 2 yearly fees it’ll get sorted out

  • Saw a number plate recently, HENTAI

    • +1

      I've seen that dude in his s15 at North Ryde business park a few times. Still not sure how they managed to get that one approved. Surely if they're approved manually, a quick google would catch a lot of that stuff.

      I've also see FUUARK.

  • I just received my new plates with personalised lettering but they are different to what I ordered.
    How incompetent can they be? They've only got one job and is to print the letters/numbers as per customer request.

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