sanerr » user profile

Member Since | 27/03/2018 |
Last Seen | 13/12/2022 |
Recent Activities

sanerr commented on Xiaomi Viomi A9 Vacuum Stick with Spare Battery $279, Segway Air T15 Bundle $379, Pet Drying Box Bundle $379 @Panmi Group Buying
Hi @HanaLF, I bought the A9 in February this year through the Panmi Group Buying and just today the motor has died and there is no suction,…

Renault life?

I can’t take it anymore, why do you insist on having a word in “italics” in Every. Single. Post. You. Make. I find it infuriating!

You should seriously consider a Megane! I’ve got a 2010 model, the top spec “Trophee” .. with 19” wheels, leather recaros etc. I…

Just got back from 2 weeks in Japan, wore this after I picked it up in the last deal, was great. Cut down wind chill perfectly! Can wear it…

sanerr replied to
ChickenTalon on Hit by a Bus Leaving a Bus Stop. I Was Overtaking. Who Is at Fault?

I’m not saying the front right indicator isn’t flashing.. I’m suggesting that ALL the buses indicators are flashing, as they would if…

Not that it changes who’s at fault, but I don’t think the bus is indicating, in the video if you look in the top left as OP turns the…

sanerr commented on Hilton Flash Sale 40% off - Japan, Korea and Guam
Edit - finally found the flash sale dates, still not worth the $$$ in my opinion!

Only ever had one break while moving it from one house to another, had a 6.5k fish in a box waiting to go back in, was a tense day that one!

sanerr commented on What Do You Actually Do for Work?
I run my own business/self-employed. My business is Aquarium Maintenance. I travel all over Sydney looking after fish tanks and ponds in…

sanerr commented on $1/Day Japan & South Korea Unlimited 4G Internet Data Pocket Wi-Fi Rental @ Wilh-Ma (Facebook / Instagram Required)
Everyone needs to take a breath, they’ve got 100’s of requests to sift through and then they have to deal with the 100’s of emails…

sanerr commented on 15% off Japan Activities (Including JR Pass) @ Klook (Stack with 10% Cashback @ ShopBack)
Anyone else getting an internal server error with shopback? I am trying to sign up for the first time to take advantage of this deal..…

sanerr replied to
bobs burgers on Why Are Some Restaurants Offering Discounts if The Bill Is Paid by Cash?

^ *Cursed

Pretty sure when you order you type in the current t plate and then it gives you a pro-data fee or discount.. If you don’t know what your…

A mechanic wouldn’t be required, at most you’d need a screwdriver!

First deal for me! Bi-annual chance to get 20% off the order fees on NSW number plates. We all know the fees are extortionate so this is a…

sanerr replied to
Clear on QCY T2S TWS Bluetooth 5.0 Earphones & 800mAh Case w/ Qi Wireless Charging $21.49 US (~$31.83 AU) Express Delivered @ GeekBuying

My order is 4983968 Tracking shows nothing since auspost approved the information 10-11 days ago!

sanerr commented on Parked in a Disable Parking Spot (without Authority) - Did RMS Waive My Demerit Point So I Can't Use My Clean Driving Record?
I could be wrong.. but there’s a possibility that the 10 year clean record could cancel out or prevent you receiving the demerit point..…

sanerr replied to
Leeroy Jenkins on 20% off Selected Sellers - Appliance Central, Edisons, Mytopia Store (5 Trans, Max $1000 Discount) @ eBay

Which one do you have? The cordless or the 240v? I was considering one but a mate said it’d be useless for wheel nuts so I decided…

Currently renting, $430/wk all bills included. Wanting to get out of the unit hence the plan for a house. Also probably looking up start a…

Should’ve mentioned, looking to spend between 650/700. Business has been running nearly 3 years now. Have actually been to 2 brokers over…

sanerr posted a forum topic Property Market Advice (Western Sydney)
Looking for advice/opinions.. Looking to get into the (Western Sydney) property market at the end of this year, bit of background info..…

sanerr commented on What Happened to Car Culture?
Things definitely aren’t what they used to be.. I think a lot of the Forums have died out with Facebook and Instagram sort of taking…

sanerr commented on What Are You Spending Your Tax Return on?
Self employed! No tax return, just a tax bill..

Why didn’t you make a passing comment at the time? You’ve missed your chance now, anything you do now will come off horribly and…

^ This guy knows!

sanerr commented on Do You Eat While Driving?
I spend half my day driving between clients and have been doing so for 10 years, so I’ve eaten nearly anything you can imagine. Servo…

sanerr replied to
[Deactivated] on Export Tyre Shine 4 for $10, Bendix Ultra Premium Brake Pads BOGOF $79.98 @ Supercheap Auto

Get a spray bottle of Bowden’s Own “Wheely Clean” make sure it says “New Formula” on the front. The best wheel cleaner out,…

sanerr commented on DUI Charge Advice Please (NSW)
A lot of perfect people in here..... I’ve been through this. Spent around 4k on a mates inlaw to represent me. In retrospect I wouldn’t…

I’d like to see you spend a few weeks on $825 before tax and see how you feel about it then. Everything is getting more expensive but…