Handy and cheap bike light. Give your ride some, umm heart.
Heart Shaped Bike Lights, $2.88 AUD ($1.99 USD) Delivered from AliExpress
Mod Note: Updated price to include GST.
Handy and cheap bike light. Give your ride some, umm heart.
Heart Shaped Bike Lights, $2.88 AUD ($1.99 USD) Delivered from AliExpress
Mod Note: Updated price to include GST.
I wonder if my girlfriend would like to hang these around her neck on a necklace to show me how much I love her?
This is a testicles shape light. I wonder if it comes in blacc.
Username checks out
I’m no expert in anatomy, but heart shaped was not the 1st thing I thought of when I saw that light!
It is a Chinese knock-off of a kickstarter project.
I think it is a joke on "truck nuts" , which were popular with US rednecks some years back.
No one has the balls to call out what it really looks like.
No one has the heart to call out what it could look like
Not gonna lie, I instantly saw gonads.
You sick twisted freak
He needs to be locked up immediately.
lol heart shaped… sure
Yep, not a heart shape… you would need a lot of “balls” to put these on your bike …!😉
Or a set of low hanging hearts.
U sure it is HEART SHAPE?
That was a ballsy move posting this deal…
Thank you OP. Now I only need a TARDIS to become a fully qualified time lord.
Heart Shaped Bike Lights
Yeah nah man
Whenever I see this deal come up I get a bit testy.
cough cough … Aren't they Testicles?
The price is nuts!
I can’t stop laughing, contemplating on Gerry saying this “it’s nuts, go Harvey go”.
Nonetheless I shall con- test this price.
Light up blue?
Blue balls ftw lol
pretty sure these ones can shrink when cold
Just the thing for those teste cyclists
I guess this wasn’t funny enough the first ten plus times it was posted.
They should at least reverse the positioning of the heart.
It's obviously upside down to be a heart.
Yeah.. True
Men's Heart :)
Thanks, ordered the red ones.
These a great to tie onto your dog's tail to see them at night when you are looking for them at the park.
The moment I saw the picture I knew I would be satisfied with comments
light balls
Ass tight
Thanks OP. That's Valentines Day sorted. The missus will be thrilled.
I have the non lighted version of that.
Heart or balls version?
Heart Shaped
Looks like nut sacks*.
(* thanks Star-Lord)
Handy feature: the hearts shrink when the weather is cold…
Definitely usefull for lighting the way out of hairy situations.
Uhhh… Those are balls.
But there are three of them… Do you have three?
I do
you should get that checked out.
I was about to say this.
The comments didn't disappoint…
I think you are all really childish. If manufacturer believes the product to be a heart then I say it is a heart. Why be so cynical. I'm buying 6 out of respect for OP and for the quality of this deal. Actually, nuh you are all right. It is a scrotum. A dirty large pair of sack nuggets.
The doctor wanted to listen to my heart rate, i pulled them out of me pants for him to listen. Boy was it cold.
are you sure they are hearts? cause then you would have to dangle them under the seat of the bike……..
You can wear your heart on your sleeve
Whatever rocks your boat
inverted hearts shape
GST = Gonad and Services Taxticles?
Here to see some Heart Shaped jokes.
Ordered early for work Christmas party Krist Kringle
for a second I thought these are testicle guards.
Deez nutz
thanks ordered, previous one busted
What? Someone busted your ….hearts?
Thanks… got a pair
Of hearts ♥️
Pro tip:
Shave them. They’ll look bigger.
Looks like nobody noticed, don’t you think these look more like sack of balls instead of hearts, suprised no one pointed this out haha.
what…? they look like balls? where??
ROLF…..I love the comments here! I wonder if they can be used as Dogs toy in nights.Just imagine you throw them glowing and dogs get them back to ya. ouch..ouch…hahaha…
I foresee severe hazard in the bathroom if you keep training your dog like this.
Make these man-datory for those lycra wearing middleaged cyclists. Imagine a pack of them with these at night. Hahaha
LOL! dont even need to comment so good
Click bait
The ultimate click bait.
Master bait.
Clicked the post just to read the comments.
Was not disappointed XD
it looks sth else~~~~~
Boy oh boy I just had the best laugh this morning. Cheers.
Kris Kringle sorted
wrong title, testicle shaped bike lights, Now that's cool
these always come in pair, lol
Bikies gonna love this
😂😂 Yeah, uhm..
OP wondering, why so many upvotes, and NO sales YET.
Click buy people … stop trolling. Show some loving heart to the deal…(I meant balls)
Heart Shaped
Yh sure. Heart is really sucking on those balls real hard in a 69 manner.
hahahahaha Actually laughed out loud in real life ahahah
Xmas sorted for the mrs.
My bike will be well hung.
Anyone else immediately see the anus as well? Albeit positioned a little low perhaps.
…its just you mate
only clicked on this for the comments and was not let down :-)
I'd like to put these up to my gfs face and give them a kiss to show how much I love her
come on guys…. this is the 🎾 sag light :D
"heart shaped"
true to life, it looks like one side is (slightly) larger than the other.
Lance Armstrong approved