• expired
  • targeted

Free Google Home Mini For Existing Google One Subscribers (Prior to 17th June)


This may be targeted. The Google One app is showing a redemption code for a free Google Home Mini from the Google store for existing subscribers.

You need to have had a subscription prior to the 17th June 2019.

Good luck.

Mod: Updated link to Google One. You can obtain the offer code via the Google One website or Google One app (benefits tab).

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closed Comments

  • Just redeemed.
    Thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP, and done

  • It's not for iphone user!

  • Thanks OP!

  • +25

    To save anyone from trying. I had a paid Google one account which I stopped on 13th of June. (Before the required 17th)
    I took a risk and paid for a month to see if I have the offer. It didn't work.

    Everyone else struggling to find it. This is Targeted to people who are paying $2.49 or more for extra storage space on Google One.

    • +15

      Thanks for spending $2.49 for the OZBteam

    • So don't bother it then?

    • Cancel the subscription now…

    • +1

      Hmm, I'm ostensibly on the $4.39 plan, but paying in roubles
      Not showing up for me

  • nice! ordered thank you OP

  • I havebthe 15gbcfree plan logn time back.

    Am i qualified? I cant see the banner after installing google one.

  • +4

    Bugger! - 'Google One isn't available for you just yet' - looks like they aren't looking after G Suite subscribers

    • I noticed this too. Disappointing!

    • Yep, what's new. Still no family sharing either…

  • Nice find! Not that I really need another free one :)

  • is google one on the app store?

    • Not for iOS. But login to one.google.com and you should see the offer

  • Tried resubscribing, no luck

  • Not there for me (just signed up)

  • Got it. Thanks op!

    • -3

      Can you please share your order id. I will try to use it to get mine from Google

      • -1

        Not sure why negative? I am asked by Gogle support to have one order id so they can check in their system on why I ant not get. I have paid subscription from start of June and I didnt see this message

  • Hey I can't find it under the benifits tab. I have been a member since the start of this month. Is there anything I can do to get the promo.

  • Awesome thanks OP! Got one too.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, initially it only showed as a $30 discount but then at checkout it changed to $0 :) - this is my second free Google Home Mini, up to three in total now..

  • +1

    Argh. I cancelled my Google 1 subscription less than a week ago. Oh well.

  • Can someone please take a screenshot of the offer on their one benefits . I have deleted the email and its not appearing on my benefits. Chat support from google needs a screenshot

  • legend! got one!

  • Title should change to only for paying google one member as there is a free 15gb plan.

  • +5

    Did not even know Google One existed!

    • -1

      Sure you did. You just were not up with the latest re-branding.

  • Got one. Thanks OP.

  • Got one, saved me 10k telstra points for something else

  • Worked for me

  • +1

    Member via Google Guides since 2nd June. Offer not applicable.

  • Thanks, worked!

    • How do you get it working?

  • How come not working?

  • Awesome, got one!

  • I joined on June 6 via a free 6 months from Google maps and it's not showing for me :(

    • Wonder if it’s only for paid users.

      • It must be, I got my free 6 months from Google maps Guides on Nov 29, 2018 so I've paid one month just this month and I got the offer.

        • that's some timing..

  • Success! Thanks OP

  • Thanks OP! Got an aqua one

  • Not sure if there is a way to do this on iOS, but I signed my spare Android device in, downloaded and signed into the Google One app and the offer was there.

    Thanks OP!

  • I have not got the deal, might be because i got a free trial and cancelled the recurring payment.

  • I got the code but am in America at the moment and so it won't let me use the code unless I VPN and do Australia

    • use a free browser extension like Tunnel Bear?

      • +1

        Thanks for the idea - it didn't work, but I used Chrome Remote Desktop to log in to my HTPC and ordered my free mini and my wife's mini too :D Great day for freebies!!

    • I can be your VPN if you send me the code

  • Or click through one.google.com
    Don't need to go through the app.

    • wasn't there for me… was yours next to the hotels offer?

      • yes

  • +1

    This is what I pay my OzBargain special membership for!

  • -1

    I'm seeing more and more free Google mini offers each week… Google clearly throwing mics in every house.. out of all Google services/strategies this one is very scary to me… Hope some government presses the panic button on this… Google need to be scrutinized like Facebook I think especially on these smart home gadgets thrown at us for free…

    • +5

      Out of interest, what information are you worried about them capturing about you? Sure, they have all this data, but what are you worried about them doing with it?

      Google has a significant amount of data on everyone, not just users of their hardware, I would have thought that is more dangerous than a bit of voice data.

      • Every additional bit of data is dangerous.

        Just say no to social media and to any Google/Amazon/Facebook services that can collect your personal data.

        Personally, I browse mostly with lynx. for websites that won’t work in text-mode, I containerise them individually. But even that’s probably not secure enough.

        • +1

          What are you worried about them doing with it? That's the part I never understand.

          • +2

            @pdtmathieson: I’m not OK with private entities building up a profile that invades my privacy. Even if I had nothing to hide, I’d object on principle.

            Just look at China for an example of it taken to its extreme. Social media companies have been forced to share details with the State to build a “social credit” profile on all citizens.

            This is then used to discriminate against those who have expressed anti-Government positions, restricting their ability to apply for jobs, get a loan, or even book flights.

            In the West, social media details may just be used to target advertising right now, but they could be “weaponised” any time, either through active collusion with repressive regimes or through data being disclosed through a hacking attack.

            My wife is involved with the Chinese democracy movement, but is careful to keep that activism dissociated with her real-world identity. Data mining via social media puts that dissociation at risk, and therefore puts her family back in China at risk. Therefore, we’re both careful about how we link our online personas to real-world identities.

    • +1

      The government are licking their lips.

    • You’re not that special.

  • Thanks!

  • Got one, Thanks Brother

  • +1

    Yay! I had banked up over a $120 from the google rewards app that I decided to use to upgrade my google drive storage for the next few years. Definitely worth it now with free stuff!

    • nice!

  • Awesome, thanks OP

  • Thanks Mate…Got one as well

  • My 2nd free one after the Spotify one I got a while back! Thanks OP!

  • +2

    Damn I've been delaying starting my 6 month trial as a local guide.

    • +1

      Same here. So disappointed.

  • BOOYEAH! Got one. Logged into the App, and into the benefits Tab and clicked through. Free Home Mini + free delivery thanks OP!

  • Haven't got it, where did you guys find it?

  • +1

    I'm on the 200gb plan, but I can't see the offer either.
    I am paying for the account in Roubles, so that's probably the issue :/

    • +6

      in Russia google mini gets a free you . ;-)

  • help not working for me :/

  • +1

    Can I link my GHMs into a Beowulf cluster ?

    • get to work compromising that tiny embedded linux kernel then rack 'em up son!

  • All I got was "film rental from $1.25". Hooray.

    I'm on the 100 GB plan btw

  • Thanks copped! :)

  • -4

    Did not know about google one but why pay for it when you already get 15gb free? Shame this free google was not for something else.

    • +3

      why pay for it when you already get 15gb free?

      So you can get 100GB and other benefits (??)

  • thanks OP!!! wouldn't have noticed but for this.

  • Yes! Got one. Thanks OP.

  • Not there for me. I'm on a 6 month free trial though

  • Got mine. Well done Google!

  • Thank you. Got it on the desktop website

  • Thanks I got this one for free with Google One account. I also got a free one from Telstra reward with my prepaid phone number.

  • Got one, will be my first

  • Where is the offer tab in the website?

    • I just scrolled down on the first page and it was there

  • Ripper. Got one.

  • Got mine, under the benefits section of https://one.google.com/

    • +1

      Mind sharing a screen shot? I must be blind

      • +1

        Yes, no benefits section for me. There is something with hotels though, does it appear alongside that?

        • Yes, it was right next to the hotels card! It's disappeared now so I can't share a screenshot. I have the 2TB deal - I remember there was a similar promotion that required the 2TB subscription or higher in the past for American subscribers, perhaps this could be it?

  • A Google One subscriber since 4th of June, but I can't see the offer :-(

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