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Free Speed Upgrade to 50mbps NBN for Existing Customers @ Optus NBN


A friend posted about this deal and I'm not yet sure of the eligibility criteria aside from being an existing customer. Obtained this upgrade for myself by using their WebChat service.

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closed Comments

  • Got the same offer when asking for quote to upgrade. Free upgrade.

  • +3

    I'm just going to leave this here: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/australia-falls-to-the-ri…

    Australia… First world country, third world internet.

  • +3

    Free Speed Upgrade to 50mbps

    Telstra gave me a free speed upgrade to 100Mbps a few weeks back.

    How is this a bargain ?

    This is just an announcement.. It belongs in the forums…

  • -1

    Hedley's second last comment in your link suggests they are going to terminate you…

  • +2

    I thought all NBN providers did this forever ago.

    • +2

      All except Optus apparently…

    • I'm 25MBps with ABB…

      You think they'd upgrade me for free since they say my house can't go past 30MBps. But no, they pestered me many times to try sell me an upgrade anyway.

      ABB really are email & call pests. I was quite disappointed with them. They've stopped now that my connection is "old".

      • +1

        That's straight up crap. Wow.

      • +2

        ABB really are email & call pests.

        I'm not even their customer and they kept spamming and calling me a while back.

    • RSPs upgraded people to 50Mbps because Liberals bundled CVC with 50Mbps connections creating an incentive for RSPs to put as many people on this plan as possible. The cynic in me suggest 50Mbps was chosen because around 75% of FTTN connections can achieve speeds faster than this. The dreamer wishes that Labor had never introduced speed tiers and we all had 1Gbps connections.

      • The dreamer in me wishes that the Liberals had never introduced FTTN and had given everybody FTTP. The NBN could have been a world leader instead of this Frankenstein's monster we've ended up with.

        Having said that, I have FTTP, and my service is much faster and much more reliable than my old ADSL2+.

        • But that would have left us with Labor's pricing and 84% on 25Mbps or slower. Notice the complete absence of plans faster than 100Mbps from the major retailers?

  • +1

    Optus quotes customers on their NBN50 plans as being able to have up to 40mbps during busy periods (Which is strange because I thought the '50' in NBN50 meant 50mbps). Is this upgrade only for people on NBN12 and NBN25 plans or will it bring people on NBN50 up to 50mbps?

    • +2

      (Which is strange because I thought the '50' in NBN50 meant 50mbps).

      The 50 actually stands for their target customer satisfaction rating for that service.

    • not sure if you realise, but 50mbps is the maximum speed you can receive. If you read the critical information for every nbn provider, they will mention a typical/minimum speed you will achieve. This is due to The length of the line and quality

  • I can't even get the live chat to work. If only Optus had some skill in the communications industry!

    • +1

      I've never had issues with live chat. Maybe it's user error

      • Didn't work on Chrome. Worked on MS Edge. Not sure how user errored I need to be.

      • Maybe it's user error

        Or maybe they're trying to chat using an NBN service…

        I doubt NBN is fast enough to support online chat.

  • +2

    That should be offering free replacement modems/routers (i.e not sagamcom ) that cause issues/dropouts.


    • Yep, I'm about to call about this p.o.s. router that has started to freeze up near on daily over the last few weeks.
      Guess I'll take an upgrade in speed while I'm at it.

    • i love how you just blindly blame the modem for the dropout

  • so how much per month ? any quota ?

    • I assume it would be the same cost as your current Optus plan (because it is a free upgrade) probably with the same quota (my NBN 25 is unlimited).

  • I checked my invoice it shows speed pack 2 $0, when i webchat to see if i got the 50mbps, they said i have already on 50mbps. Hmmm…arent speed pack 2 is 25mbps and 3 is 50mbps?

    • speed pack 2 is 25mbps and 3 is 50mbps

      Yep you're 100% correct.

      Optus support is truly horrific and nightmarish (not that other telcos are any better). My Mum switched from DSL to NBN in February and they connected at speed pack 2 when it should be speed pack 3. Still no resolution after many chats.

  • Do they still offer the lower tier plan? Usually you get a free upgrade when they retire a service. If that’s the case this should really be in general discussion.

    • +1

      I just checked here and only speed Pack 3 (NBN50) and Speed Pack 4 (NBN100) are available.

  • +1

    Thank you so much OP! Just spoke to them on Live Chat. They said this is true and I am getting the upgrade as I type this

    • For those struggling to get Live Chat, here you go:Live Chat

      • It seems it’s a retiring service, you’ll be moved over regardless whether you contact them or not.

        • I mean, they haven't advertised it, so it may be months before it retires. Wouldn't you want to have 50mbps now, rather than months later

    • Did u choose billing and general support?

      • billing

  • I am on their NBN Speed Pack 3. I'm trying to chat and ask if I can upgrade the speed to Speed Pack 4 free of charge… but the reply is "I'm really sorry the offer is only for speed pack 3". So, no hope for those currently with Speed Pack 3

    • As noted by Cheaplikethebird

      Usually you get a free upgrade when they retire a service.

      They no longer sell plans with Speed Pack 2 but they still sell Speed Pack 3 and Speed Pack 4.

      You're just going to have to keep on struggling with twice the speed that I've had for the past four years.

  • I was on the chat this morning. I did a speed test at about 6:00 pm and I'm already getting 48.4 Mbps / 19.63 Mbps (up from 24.38 / 3.97 this morning) so it doesn't take long to go through. I asked if the upgrade would have happened if I hadn't asked about it and they said it would have, but I don't know if that was true or how long it would have taken.

    They even offered to upgrade my old Fetch STB to a Mighty, so it could be worth asking about that too. A few months ago the entry on my monthly account changed from "Fetch Connect STB" to "Fetch Mighty" so I thought I would ask about it while I was already on the chat. If only there was a way to transfer all of my saved recordings from the old STB. Or enough time to watch everything.

    I don't know whether this should have been posted as a deal or if it should be in the forums but I'm grateful to the OP for putting it here (and the mods for leaving it here) because I'd never have seen it otherwise.

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