ENSURE YOU PUT A VALID PHONE NUMBER AS THEY WILL RING YOU: http://www.nsi.tafensw.edu.au/BusinessAndEmployers/OurBusine…
Your Taxes pay for this, NSW citizens! Totally FREE to everyone & anyone in the World!
ENSURE YOU PUT A VALID PHONE NUMBER AS THEY WILL RING YOU: http://www.nsi.tafensw.edu.au/BusinessAndEmployers/OurBusine…
Your Taxes pay for this, NSW citizens! Totally FREE to everyone & anyone in the World!
NSW citizens' taxpayers pay for this!
Yes, pls detail the title-for small businesses only.
any detail of the program?
You should mention that you need to be running a registered small business to participate. It asks for business registration and ABN.
Some information about what is actually being offered here: http://www.nsi.tafensw.edu.au/BusinessAndEmployers/OurBusine…
Northern Sydney Institute is pleased to offer small businesses the opportunity to become active in the online environment and take advantage of the vast array of opportunities that flow from the digital economy.
This program helps to build small business capability in eCommerce and eMarketing and includes:
guided interactive online tutorials in web design, web creation, eCommerce and eMarketing
mentoring program
free technical face-to-face workshops.The program is free to small businesses.
Does this result in a certificate of some kind? Because otherwise it's just an average online tutorial.
This is for a free TAFE program, not programs. It is essentially a series of 4 tutorials designed for home business/small business to become more online savvy in a commercial context. You can pick and choose to complete the 4 tutorials as required. There does not appear to be any certificate provided at the end of it.
Here is the official link to the program's information and details of the 4 tutorials:
I just received their email with my username & password.
interesting freebie, but I'm only doing it if I get a certificate in the end :)
but I'm only doing it if I get a certificate in the end
I'd be just as happy to have mine handed or posted to me, but whatever turns you on! ;)
naughty :).
Put NSW in the title.