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2 for 1 Burritos Nationwide @ Zambrero - 4th April


NATIONAL BURRITO DAY – Thursday 4th April 2019

Zambrero restaurants are doing 2 FOR 1 BURRITOS all day in all resturants across Australia.

For every burrito you buy in restaurant you'll get a FREE Classic Burrito!

Find your nearest Zambrero and their trading hours here: https://www.zambrero.com.au/locations/

Offer available in restaurant only. Extras not included.

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  • +2

    what are the thoughts on this chain? has anyone tried Chipotle in the US and if so, how does it compare?

    • +1

      Does Chipotle have a charity initiative?

      Zambrero achieves its humanitarian aims through its Plate 4 Plate initiative, on a mission to combat world hunger.[10] For every burrito or bowl purchased at Zambrero, a meal is donated to someone in need in the developing world.[11] Similarly, for every product purchased from Zambrero’s retail range, a meal is donated to someone in an underprivileged Australian community.[12] In conjunction with partner organisations; Rise Against Hunger (formerly known as Stop Hunger Now) and Foodbank, they have donated over 21 million meals as of March 2018.[8][13] They aim to donate 1 billion meals by 2025.[14][15]

      Source: Wikipedia

      • +7

        To be fair, if the food's crap I don't care about the charity initiative.

        • -2

          It is crap, overpriced and undersized.

        • Savage.

      • +4

        Chipotle is also one of the most charitably oriented franchise. Just Google "Chipotle charity".

        Zambrero's meal donation is admirable, but it doesn't cost a lot per meal. Zambrero does not cook the meals but donates the raw ingredients to other groups. "The meal is made from rice, lentils and soy and invigorated with 23 essential vitamins and nutrients." "The cost of each meal varies between 29 and 34 cent." I assume that's US dollars, but the poor people aren't eating Zambrero's burritos…

        PS: I feel bad comparing the charity of two franchises related only by the cuisine they sell.

        • Also they made a nice video

      • +1

        If it's on Wikipedia then it must be true smh

      • For every burrito or bowl purchased at Zambrero, a meal is donated to someone in need in the developing world.[11] Similarly, for every product purchased from Zambrero’s retail range, a meal is donated to someone in an underprivileged Australian community.

        Wikipedia is full of untrustworthy PR bullshit like this for fools to consume.

        Works well for the businesses attempting to decieve you about their tax dodging because Google shows the bullshit in searches giving it more credibility.

    • +5

      I think Chipotle is closer to something like Mad Mex. Zambrero is more like a Mexican Subway.
      I worked at a Zambrero for ~3 years so I can try answer any questions if you have any.

      • What was it like working there? What did you do? Have you ever been to Chipotle? Where does guzman fit in the scale?

      • 100% correct. Mad Mex has completely stolen (or franchised I guess?) the Chipotle franchise in the best possible way.

      • +1

        Disagree entirely. Mad Mex has lost its way, cheapening its ingredients and using less interesting salsas. Zambrero has higher quality ingredients and, while not overly authentic, is much tastier.

        Mexican Subway is Salsas IMO - no interesting flavours at all.

    • +1

      Zambrero feels a little bit healthier after you've eaten it, but similar quality

    • Yeah I've tried pretty much any you can think of, (Chipotle, Taco Bell, Guzman, Zambrero)

      My list would pretty easily go Chipotle -> Guzman -> Taco Bell -> Zambrero

      Mind you I hated Taco Bell a lot. Zambrero is a really weird Burrito, tastes terrible to me. Guzman is far better here.

      • +1

        Zambrero is definitely a very different taste/approach, but I think it's a bit unfair to rank it behind taco bell, especially on the quality front?

        • Yeah - Zambrero is higher quality obviously - but Taco Bell is like 1/3 the price. But even so Zambrero is really pretty crap considering that.

          • @Its A Dundeel: I don't understand the hate for Zambrero. GyG has to be some of the trashiest burritos available. It's all rice and cheese, with the only real flavour coming from the sauces you add after.

  • +7

    The cauliflower burrito is delicious.

    • +1

      Not sure why you got down voted

    • Cheers, will try one beef and one FREE Cauliflower Classic on the house.

  • +1

    Will the other Mexican shops be doing something?

    • +1

      GYG usually do something for Cinco De Mayo (5th of May)

  • +1

    Nice, thanks OP!

  • But today isn't the 4th, sad times.

  • +1

    Double beans double rice all the time for that free Guac.

    That being said, they could add more beans to it, but you just gotta ask.

  • Zambreros NB was the stingiest burrito chain that I've been to. They seriously measured and weighed my ingredients in measuring cups. Paid $2 for guac and she measured me a thimble, and a good chunk (1/4) squished out when she was rolling it and she just flicked it off. Havent been back since, which is a shame as I do like the sauce.

    • Haha, you must have been served by one of the owners daughters.

      Maybe try another store, or different staff member if possible ( go at different time, sometimes works ). I think these kinds of food places are worth a second go, especially today lol.

      • +1

        I just stuck with Mad Mex after, they heap on the fillings and its pretty tasty. But might give this a go today, just worried that they might be even more stinge with BOGOF haha

      • +1

        Occasionally at Subway I'll get a "sandwich artist" give me a sliver of lettuce or spinach, and I'll tell straight away not to be stingy

        • I find that subway is fairly predictable, even between subways, as their quantities are largely standardised (e.g. fixed X slices of tomato on a footlong).

    • We just got 2 today from Kotara NSW and I've gotta say it was the opposite of what you said. Their burritos were easily larger then GYG and Mad Mex. My own gripe, WHERES THE SAUCE?? They really skimped on that like its liquid gold. Other than that, very filling. Varies store to store I suppose.

      That and when I asked for NO rice and extra beans I got extra RICE and no beans but they fixed it up.

      • Do they still measure out the fillings? I hope they did away with that

        • No measuring observed today just scoop and slop it in :)

  • When someone asks me if I want to double my small plasic cup sized portion of meat for 3 dollars I'm done

    • Done as in "you go for it", or done as in completely filled up with protein?

      • +1

        Done as in I will take my buisness elsewhere next time

        • Got it! "Small" being the operative word here, I agree.

          But if it is still tasty and satisfying I would be happy :-)

  • Can(should) I do 2 burritos for dinner?

    • Of course. The best bet is to go with someone who doesn't eat much at eat 3 while they have 1.

    • I had one for lunch and I'll have the other one for dinner.

  • lamb, black rice with chipotle sauce is very nice. looks like dinner is sorted.

  • Good luck out there. Just tried to go for lunch with a mate and there were about 40 people in the line so we left.

  • Can i get naked for this deal?

    • I mean naked burrito in a bowl instead ?

      • Should be able to get naked but they'll call security and refuse to serve you food. (Username checks out)

        Should also be able to swap for a naked bowl, we asked to do that today for my celiac wife but then they said they have a gluten free wrap so we went that way instead.

  • Just had mine, small queue and large portion size.

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