Velocity is offering an unspecified amount of bonus Velocity points when you transfer your Flybuys up until 15 Feb. There's a pool of 10 million points that will be distributed. The more transfers you make the bigger your share will be.
The minimum amount of Flybuys that can be transferred in one hit is 2000, so i assume sending this amount multiple times over the next month is your best bet at securing a bigger slice of the pie.
This promo is certainly a little vague. The only info currently available is the email circulated today to velocity members which doesn't have much in it. Watch this space.
Last time it was 200 points each which equated to a 23% bonus. So a bit better than the normal 15%……
This time around with multiple transfers is a bit different….so based on the normal 15% promotions you could get quite a few more points with less transfers taking place overall or quite a few less if lots do it…..bit of a gamble… I reckon the bonus points if transferring will be between 15-20% or thereabouts