30GB + 30GB Quota with POM (Peace of mind) data and calls to 15 Selected Countries for $49 a month for new services or port in customers for 12 months contract.
$59 for recontracting customers.
30GB + 30GB Quota with POM (Peace of mind) data and calls to 15 Selected Countries for $49 a month for new services or port in customers for 12 months contract.
$59 for recontracting customers.
How are you generally always first in to comment on every deal. Do you spam the refresh button lol
No, your English comprehension is beyond help. Stick to French, Mr Verne.
No, you get 60GB and a Pom when you sign up.
I usually support you jv, but that was just bad, lol!
If you don’t need the international calls n don’t mind 2yr contract better off signing this deal & selling the phone, sim will end up costing $25-$30pm for 80gb
24months X $55 = $1320 , Sell phone for say $700 pay that into the bill, $620 remaining over 24months = $25.83pm for a 80GB sim
Assuming you only got $600 for the phone = $30pm X 24m for 80gb sim
Obviously the higher you sell it for the cheaper the sim plan becomes, used $600-$700 as have no idea how the resale on these are, selling for $999 at JB, comments on other thread claim they have resold this phone for $800-$900 recently, but best to base it on a worst case scenario $600-$700
Don't Telstra own the phone?
Good question - it would be locked to Telstra, correct?
Also - does it have peace of mind (cap/shape)?
Awesome idea still.
Postpaid phones are never locked. Selling the handsets only going to be an issue for lease plans, otherwise I can’t imagine it matters as one as you’re prepared to make repayments for the handset you don’t have.
As for the JB plans, I haven’t read the fine print for this specific one but from memory recent deals didn’t have POM, but possibly made up for it with higher data caps than Telstra offers.
Oh no! I literally signed up to this plan a week ago. Think there’s anything that can be done?
You'd have to chat with them. If you contacted Telstra to sign up, there's no cooling off period but if they contacted you there's a 10 day cooling off period. Talk with them and see if they'll change the plan, I've swapped to the same plan at a lower cost with no change to my contract date or fees before but it can be hit/miss.
Wow, thanks whitelie. I didn't know there's a cooling off period if they contact you to make the sale. You learn something new every day. :)
Unmetered Netflix and iview like optus?
Nope. I think Apple Music (and their sports apps) is about the only thing they'll stream data free.
Well Optus is the better plan for me. I use over 100gb of Netflix, iView and Fetch via hot spot on a 30gb plan 😁
its unmeterd, peace of mind data ~ you can use 500gb at 1.5mbs
I’m on Vodafone still need to go through 7 months contract is there a ways to get this deal or am I hopeless
pay the rest of your contract and get out
Lol.. Much better than Telstra Staff plan. haha. Want to convert over but another 10 bucks for recontracting. No customer loyalty rewarding, Telstra..
Telstra staff (& companies with whom they share rewards programs with) are just another customer segment.
I am tempted to neg this deal - there are currently congestion issues with Telstra network in certain spots, if your in the city and have good Vodafone reception you will be better off with Kogan
some threads on whirlpool
you will see my comments when there is congestion the network is not useable. Note other states and cities may differ, and it is just my experience during peak hour usage.
Telstra and congestion have been going hand in hand for years in the Melbourne CBD :(
Agree - Telstra I find data drops out near Flinders St everyday twice per day.
I'm with Vodafail right now and this deal looks really tempting to me, as I experienced no data connection (full signal and ok for phone call) in Medibank building for quite a period of time when I was working there. I reported this to their customer service but nothing changed. Since then I've been wanting to try the so called Australia's best network but now your post leaves me in hesitation.
Yep. Exactly my experience since changing over to Telstra. Wife is on Voda (Kogan) and getting 2x the speed on avg that I get on Telstra. Very disappointed in Australia's so-called "fastest mobile network'
Come to Canberra. All else but telstra is crap
I suppose the real benefit is reception is country areas
Interesting to read and I wonder if its handset related.
I got a cheap lebara sim on the vodafone network to try it out and the coverage is absolute rubbish compared to telstra.
Ffsssss it's always worth hanging out for a better deal. I got on the 30gb deal last month. Any idea if you can recontact for free if the plan costs more?
New customers. Bum.
No harm in trying, whirlpool forums had a few successes of people getting on this plan and recontracting.
Are they only limiting to 1.5mbs after exceeding 60gb?
Yes thats what POM does when you use all your data.
What happens at the end of the 12 months - does the price increase?
Do you think jbhifi will do this with a gift card soon.. pretty good deal. Tempted for sure.
credit continues
"For new services purchased online. Credit applies until you cancel or recontract your service. Min cost $588 when you stay connected for 12 months. Offer ends 19/12/18"
Nice. Now, how to also use this as a home connection…
Portable hotspot at home all the time, or can you get a duplicate SIM and stick into a router, or plug phone in via USB into router?
$10 surcharge to re-contract as an existing customer is a bit offputting.
My contract is up in a few days time and I'll be looking elsewhere.
Let me know where you find a similar deal with coverage/ data/ allowances etc
Once you are on the plan, you can usually get an extra 5GB for free just by asking on Live Chat.
Once I reached a real person, I opened with "I understand Telstra has a Christmas bonus running at present…..an extra 5GB data per month". After a few questions and seeking approval it was granted with no fuss.
I think its bullshit that Telstra offers these deals to new customers - I've been with Telstra for 10 years and never get anything as good as this.
Can you port to another provider for a few days then port back to Telstra?
Have you tried to negotiate with online chat?
I got 80gb with peace of mind data for $49 since last September, I guess I'm lucky. https://imgur.com/aEV0aeO
60gb or 80gb?? $69 BYO plan is only 60gb.
if you are getting 80gb, how did you do it?
I got 80gb mate, the $69 plan was 80gb before instead of 60gb. I talked to chat rep telstra, they offer me another $10 discount back then. I was supposed to pay $59 for the $69 plan, but with additional $10 discount it become $49
I just recontracted and they have given me both discounts go got this for $49 still had a few months outstanding on current contract aswell.
What did you say to get that??
oh $49… i just signed up before seeing this… i'm paying $55 per month
FYI I was unable to get the deal as an existing customer, however they gave me $39 per month, 35gb total data (30gb + 5gb bonus) - The actual plan is the $49 one but they applied a $10 credit.
Thanks Op!
Are they allowing this as a switch from Telstra Prepaid? Tempted to go over but not if I have to stuff around with port in /out
Does anyone know if you can use this in a Telstra mobile modem or are the sims locked to phones? Have a Nighthawk Mobile Modem.
Existing Telstra customers might want to check out the jbhifi $45 - 50gb 12 month byo plan.
I will let others who are more seasoned ozbargainers get into what is the better deal but they don't seem to have an issue switching over existing customers.
Where is this plan??
Just signed up for the $45 jbhifi deal the day before this one came out any chance I could get my plan switched or the 10gb and pom added? Tried calling them but I couldn't do any good
Thanks OP, managed to get this plan for my partner @ $42.10
PM me if fellow OzB guys need direct number of telstra dealer.
How did you get it for that?
sent you PM.
that dealer actually reducing his commission and passing it back to customers.
Me 3
@HarleyRider: would your dealer be able to work his magic for an existing customer???
edit: I wouldn't mind paying $49 if he can get me on this plan, I just re-contracted two weeks ago on the $39 plan and paying an extra $10 for international calling…
Hi Can you please PM me the details
Let me know as well.
Can't pm you
Can you pm me?
can I get a PM as well please?
Can't sent you pm, you might need to change settings
I think I changed it now, would you mind trying again?
Can you pm me please?
Hi there - and to me too, please? :)
@harleyRider Just sent a personal message.
please help
Any chance of getting that info too? Cheers!
sure, pm sent
Hey Mate, can you please pm me?
Can you pm me with the dealers details?
Just upgraded to this plan from the JB Hi-Fi 50GB plan. Used 24/7 chat and it all came through. Had to double check with the Telstra store in person, they said I wouldn't get ported across from the JB's plan, but I have. Good luck!
Just managed to get this via 24/7 chat, $49 for 60GB. Existing customer on $49 for 25GB (JBHiFi deal).
anyoen know if its still possible to get this plan? not available on website (now $59) and when i tried chat they said the promo has ended
$49 deal is up once again
Thanks, got tired of trying to give them my business without being ripped off so just went with the Optus 80gb plan for $41. Interestingly I'm actually finding Optus signal strength, coverage and speed better than Telstra in the areas I move in.
So it's only for POMs???
What if one of your grandparents was a POM, does that count?