Joey Jo Jo » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 22/09/2017 |
Last Seen | 28/09/2019 |
Badges | 2 2 |
Recent Activities

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Lol, because if you market a vegan burger as vegan it doesn't sell. It's a vegan burger at the end of the day. If people add cheese and…

Joey Jo Jo commented on Value Range Pizzas $3, Traditional Pizzas $5, Premium Pizzas $7ea (Pick up) @ Domino's (12pm-2pm, via Offers App)
God damn app just has the voucher deal spinning on the checkout section

Joey Jo Jo replied to
Scantu on Value Range Pizzas $3, Traditional Pizzas $5, Premium Pizzas $7ea (Pick up) @ Domino's (12pm-2pm, via Offers App)

Why would you buy a dirty pizza imbeded with trans fats in the base and choose ground up processed vegetables with fillers and flavors to…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
ndftz on Value Range Pizzas $3, Traditional Pizzas $5, Premium Pizzas $7ea (Pick up) @ Domino's (12pm-2pm, via Offers App)

Just waiting on someone to paste a working code though

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I just informed you that the standard bread at Grill'd is vegan. So if the bread is vegan, the patty is vegan that sounds like a vegan…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I see what you're doing. Arguing for the sake of it, being proved wrong and then trying to convince yourself you are right on a…

Joey Jo Jo commented on Value Range Pizzas $3, Traditional Pizzas $5, Premium Pizzas $7ea (Pick up) @ Domino's (12pm-2pm, via Offers App)
$5 BBQ meat lovers you cannot go wrong... except for the clogging of my arteries but that's future Joey's problem

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Exactly right. A processed meat patty from Grill'd is most likely not healthy. A good quality steak from a healthy cow in moderation is…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

What exactly makes this vegan burger not vegan if the patty is vegan bread is vegan and no dairy or other non vegan ingredients are added?

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Literally your comment I was replying to; '@Joey Jo Jo: You were the first to mention the word vegan on this deal, which has no place as…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Ignorance would be trying to blur the line between unhealthy commericalised processed fastfood meats into the same catagory as fresh…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I'm sorry, I didn't realise the Beyond Burger vegan patty isn't vegan. Grill'd serve vegan bread; Traditional, Panini or Gluten Free bun.…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I can clearly read as I laughed so hard I fell off my chair when I read that you wrote relics believe we need PROCESSED red meat. Grill'd…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Pfft, need PROCESSED red meat? No one argues that. Wow, and you accuse others of failing evolution. LMFAO

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Making wild assumptions about my diet, nice one. Veganism comes with warnings from nutritionists while those who eat a healthy natural and…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I agree, many people and especially vegans need to take supplements because of poor diet

Joey Jo Jo replied to
magic8ballgag on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I never assumed that.

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

If a person only eats plant based foods that makes them vegan. Can't believe someone needs to be informed of that. I wonder if all the…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
onlinepred on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Eating meat is promoting health. Vegans require supplements to get healthy doses of vitamins and minerals they're missing out on by…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
neil on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Real cheese, real bacon, vegan patty... okay then

Joey Jo Jo replied to
mathew42 on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

That's part of why I eat animals at night. Get a good night sleep and don't wake up because I'm hungry.

Joey Jo Jo replied to
mathew42 on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

It's a strange world at the moment. Boy identifys as a girl and SJW's flip out if you don't agree he's a girl. Burger made of plants…

Joey Jo Jo replied to
FSTB on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

Promoting the imitation meat and cheese burgers as the the burgers made with the real stuff have no issues selling

Joey Jo Jo replied to
dan76n on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September

I've tried them. Not as satisfying as the real stuff they're imitating but they're okay. Problem is they digest too quickly, was starving…

Joey Jo Jo commented on 2 for 1 Beyond Burgers (Buy One, Get One Free) @ Grill'd for Mondays in September
These are meat free burgers? So vegan fake cheese and fake meat patties?

Joey Jo Jo commented on [NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] Buy Any Dozen Doughnuts (from $17.95) & Get 2nd Glazed Dozen for $0.16 if Birthday is in Sept @ Krispy Kreme
So I jumped online and hit up their online supporter expressing my disappointment in the conditions of this promo. Good news,from the 17th…

Joey Jo Jo commented on [NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] Buy Any Dozen Doughnuts (from $17.95) & Get 2nd Glazed Dozen for $0.16 if Birthday is in Sept @ Krispy Kreme
Anyone in Brisbane born in September want to help me out. I really want 24 donuts $18.11.

Joey Jo Jo replied to
strangeloops66 on [NSW, VIC, QLD, WA] Buy Any Dozen Doughnuts (from $17.95) & Get 2nd Glazed Dozen for $0.16 if Birthday is in Sept @ Krispy Kreme

Alright! Alright! Alright! Hey, listen! Listen! Listen, man! listen, man! I don't know how many you people believe in astrology... Yeah,…

Lol, the parts are far more expensive than Japanese equivalents

Lol, I just can't fathom a household where the children have a say on how the income is spent.