This is my first post. Very tempting to sign the contract, but don't know if Huawei P20 pro is a good phone or not.But 80GB of data is huge.
Minimum cost over 24 months: $1,320.
This is my first post. Very tempting to sign the contract, but don't know if Huawei P20 pro is a good phone or not.But 80GB of data is huge.
Minimum cost over 24 months: $1,320.
It's a pretty good phone…
There is a security flaw with its “face Id”
I don't think it's a reference to the capability of the phones, but rather the manufacturer of the device. I know people here will wave it away, but Huawei has been proven to undertake corporate espionage activities on behalf of the Chinese Government. There are some large organisations in Australia that actually forbid the usage (or even carrying) of Huawei phones while on the job for that very reason.
Tbh I'd be more concerned with Facebook / Google in regards to privacy concerns than Huawei
@Jopgun: In the end, it comes down to who you would prefer to spy on you and the company you own/work for - an authoritative dictatorship that is hostile to Western interests, or the American Government who uses the data to secure their global superpower position.
@Jopgun: Add the 'inocent' Apple, Amazon, Banks, Telcos…that know where you move, incomes, expenses, comms… & the biggest spy - the American intelligence agencies (Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations & 1,931 private companies looking after you).
Source for your espionage claims please?
@KangarooOz: Firstly, the claim was that Huawei had been proven to undertake corporate espionage activities, and that has nothing to do with Huawei.
Secondly, never - at any stage - has any evidence been presented to support that article:…
This comment regardless of if its true or not is pointless. There is a lot of Huawei equipment been installed into mobile telecommunications tower. Talking to the technicians installing the equipment they said it's not impossible for Huawei to have accesses to it. I'm talking most if not all carriers.
yeah and petrol stations still forbid all phones and there is zero prod they caused any problems.
hasn’t actually been proven, only claimed , and the people making the claims haven’t proven it.
people are concerned they might have the ability but nobody has worked out how ….
only brands not designed in china are samsung and apple and pixel…..
Wut? O_o
P20 pro is one of the best phones of 2018
I'm using a Samsung S8 it's been brilliant but unfortunately I dropped it and cracked the screen, to fix the screen is rediculously expensive because of its curved screen. It's still 100% functional, just wondering if the P20 pro is worth to upgrade from S8
I got my one done for 220 from a samsung store (didnt care warranty) boss paid for it as he dropped it when using it for a work call
If you don't like it, sell it for 600-700$ and get another Samsung phone
the p20 pro camera is godlikee
@BoomTetrisForJeff: waiting for contract deal with this mate 20 pro…. i know I shouldn't be holding my breath on this deal to come up anytime soon..
@ashftc: Better in every aspect but only slightly, still that's pretty good considering the note 9 camera is already excellent.
S9+ screen repair $270 from Samsung store who sent it away.
it’s why huawei is on target to become the no1 phone manufacturer beating samsung apple ……
Biggest whinger on ozbargain is back at it. I feel sorry for you husband
Biggest whinger on ozbargain is back at it.
Welcome back.
Where have you been?
I feel sorry for you husband
He's says I satisfy him more than you did…
Wonder if you can get a $200 gift card with this deal
Highly doubt, as the 65 plan itself only comes with $500 phone credit (not a gift card). I'm assuming that phone credit has been swapped out with the value of a P20 Pro.
Just signed up today at Warringah Mall (Sydney) store. Came with $100 gift card
That should be only if you buy the phone outright. I didn't get that.
I asked at the counter after I was given the phone and invoice for $999. Will upload receipt when I get home.
@Make it so: Here are my receipts
They're separate because I asked about the $100 gift card after completing transaction of the phone.
P20 Pro is such a good phone (mainly camera) but the only bad thing about it is that it is a Huawei phone and some people may not want it due to that since Chinese law allows the government to retrieve data. I would get it and put a rom on it to possibly prevent them to getting any data since the camera is so good.
You do know that international phones have totally different software compared to the ones they sell in China, right?
The myth about Huawei is getting ridiculous, Apple and Google get the same or more amount of data from you
its political correct to against anything from China.
In case of USA, even they killed millions of people by using washing powder as evidence. Its justice.
ohh well, Gov banned Huawei from building our 5G network
same with other countries like NZ , US , etc.
so will be like nbn …..higher cost and lower performance for consumers ….. there is only 2 players in 5g while we wait for america to catch up ….it’s huawei and ericsson.
i hate when politicians make decisions on things they don’t understand
Yeah banned them so they could give their liberal party donors the contract
Oh please. At least the others are being honest about it and not making others believe that their data is untouchable like Apple.
@ihavecentsnotsense: If you want evidence just pretend that you are plotting a terrorist attack or something. Encrypt it and see if they find out.
I've given up debating with people looking for evidence a long time ago, failing to see what's right in front of them.
Do you seriously think they can't decrypt your data? It's great to live in a world of rainbows and denial, sticking your head under the sand. It's what I do all the time. Doesn't change the truth though, you just don't think about it.
@pennypincher98: I believe they can’t decrypt data. HOWEVER, they CAN decrypt iCloud backups stored in the cloud. These are freely given to the police agencies. Devices that have never been backed up to the cloud and only use end-to-end encryption like iMessage, FaceTime, etc. cannot be decrypted by anyone, not even Apple.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Apple can't decrypt iMessages.
Yeah Facebook can't decrypt anything sent on Messenger either.
They are backing their own arse really. They don't pour through your data really but I'm sure there's things that send red flags that'll warrant a closer look.
@pennypincher98: Ok, so you agree they can’t decrypt messages because they’re backing their own arses… weren’t you just arguing the opposite?
And the ‘red flags that’ll warrant a closer look’ are what I, and many others, call a ‘conspiracy theory.’
@ihavecentsnotsense: Oh sorry I meant to change that to be sarcasm, but posted it prematurely.
They are backing their arses because if shit hits the fan, the relevant authorities want to know what's up.
They don't care what you had for dinner last night, how many selfies you took or that romantic conversation with your BF/GF. Honestly it's not worth worrying much about if you've got nothing to hide. If you have? Well that's the reason why they can.
@pennypincher98: Yet you have no evidence of any of this.
Do you know about the encryption bill the government is debating on parliament right now? It’s to compel technology companies to decrypt information on people’s phones - information no one currently has access to. If people, like the government or organisations, already had the ability to decrypt the information and share of, they wouldn’t need the legislation currently under debate.
But anyway, you do you mate, that tin foil hat suits you.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Think of decryption like a bag check/body check.
They obviously do it at that moment, but do they see and know everything? Of course not.
Do they know enough about it to make a judgement? Yes.
Do they ask to have a closer look at anything suspicious? Yes.
Same thing with encryption. It's in the fine print somewhere if you bother to read it.
What I don't get is why you are so worried about it. So what if your phone sends information that you were at Woolworths today?
@pennypincher98: I’m not worried about it. And believe it or not, I have read the fine print of Apple’s privacy policy. That’s how I know the iCloud backups can be decrypted and are provided to law enforcement authorities when Apple are presented with a warrant.
That’s how I also know that they literally can’t decrypt iMessages and FaceTime calls if they aren’t backed up to iCloud.
If they read my messages (and they can, because I back up to iCloud) I literally don’t care. But people who want to be totally private and encrypted, they can be with Apple.
But people who want to be totally private and encrypted, they can be with Apple.
Assuming that you are true, which I don't have time to argue on the intricacies of such trivial matters there still remains one glaring flaw.
Person A doesn't back up to iCloud. Person B does. Person A talks to Person B. The conversation is uploaded to iCloud. Person A's message can now be indirectly decrypted.
Btw if I had known by "information" you meant iMessages.. there's a lot more on your phone than just that. And the data is most likely stored in a log somewhere else as well.
@pennypincher98: People who are plotting something against the government (say, terrorism or a capitalist overthrow) will both use Apple devices for that purpose, not backed up to iCloud. Guess what, that’s info that the Chinese government would love (and Huawei willingly provides). Apple can’t.
There’s a lot of information on a phone, but if it’s not backed up to iCloud, it’s all encrypted and can’t be accessed. That’s the whole point.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Forgot to reply to this earlier.
Assuming what you've said is all true, it makes me even less fond of Apple and will put me off ever buying any of their products.
They are the first $1bn company. With great power comes great responsibility and they are basically supporting terrorism by not doing anything about this. Obviously they know.
It's actually quite disturbing, but for a whole different reason.
I am really hoping Apple will do a very un-Apple thing and think about the consequences of their actions. Not just the end product - oh look we are giving our customers privacy! It's no use pretending iPhones aren't popular. They are, which escalates the problem further.
Edit: Just thought of an even more disturbing matter - simply fill your iCloud, don't pay for extra storage and then you can have a fully functional Apple device without having your data risk being backed up and possibly decrypted.
That's actually so messed up.
@pennypincher98: That’s totally fine for you to make that choice. I appreciate Apple’s strong encryption and commitment to privacy. Yes, it can be used for bad purposes, but so can anything (including Tor, BitTorrent, Bitcoin, etc.) but all those technologies serve really great purposes too.
In any case, what it appears you are now supportive of is an ability to decrypt/monitor people’s communications in the rare case that something illegal might be occurring. In that case, you probably are better suited to Huawei products and rule under the Chinese government.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Something illegal is definitely occurring and decryption of information is already there so I'm not sure what is that different tbh
I'm willing to bet that 99.9% of Apple products sync to iCloud already, and even more conversations.
Literally the only conversations that seem to not be backed up to iCloud are those purposely not - ie terrorist plots/government overthrows.
It sounds like you are supportive of plots against the government?
I'm not naïve. I know what's happening around us.
Also didn't something of the sort recently happen in Melbourne?
Everyone can still have strong encryption and be committed to privacy yet be able to tell if a plot to overthrow the government is going on. You have your data backed up to iCloud so it can be decrypted. I don't see what benefit you are getting out of this?
@pennypincher98: it’s more selling the data or access to it … has to to sell ads as ads is how they make revenue, apple makes revenue from selling hardware and value added services eg itunes ….no need to sell data to marketing companies.
@garage sale: value added services?! You mean when apple slows down your hardware when a new version is about to go on sale?
@pennypincher98: Well, if it wasn't untouchable then why would NSA and FBI literally beg Tim Cook to unlock the Iphone used in San Bernardino attack and in the end have to get a Israeli firm to unlock it for them?
Would you be interested in some magic beans?
@kdtrey35: I'm interested… I already have mystical unicorns… but I don't have magical beans in my collection.
Or when people believe that if they don’t buy Huawei they are untrackable.
Are you a potential threat to Chinese communist party?
" I would get it and put a rom on it to possibly prevent them to getting any data since the camera is so good."
You think a custom rom is more safe that a factory Huawei ;-)
The safest thing you can do is to use two plastic cups and attach a string to the cups as a communication channel…
Nope. Someone will end up eavesdropping.
Nah make your own phone connected to your own satellite. Build a 10 foot concrete wall around it (and complain you don't have reception).
Can't compare to Pixel 3 or Mate 20 pro. I wouldn't get it for the camera it's UI is horrendous
How is that different from where we live? The Australian Government is about to legislate backdoors in everything, software,hardware basically writing into law everything they accused Huawei of. Welcome to China V2
Partly true, except we don’t live in a dictatorship. Can you imagine what life would be like if China and Russia took over from the US at the top of the food chain? Look at how dissidents are treated in this country compared to those countries. If you campaign against the govt over there, you will find yourself and your family under house arrest on false charges and then if you keep going you will have an unfortunate accident and/or disappear.
here we ago, another blind and uninformed sheep
Mmmm 80 grams of data :)
Haha thanks, I have fixed the title
reslo is a heavy user.
Mmmm 80 grams of data :)
My fix for tonight "wink wink"
What will Optus react?
Hopefully, more antennas
I wonder if I can share the data with a dongle or something for my home, 80gb is more than enough so I can stop paying for internet to TPG
You can share the network via USB connection or wireless hotspot from the phone.
Not really for some not even downloading anything just Netflix alone 80GB isn't enough
No idea about the phone, sells for $999 at JB but:
24months X $55 = $1320 , Sell phone for say $700 pay that into the bill, $620 remaining over 24months = $25.83pm for a 80GB sim
Assuming you only got $600 for the phone = $30pm X 24m for 80gb sim
Obviously the higher you sell it for the cheaper the sim plan becomes, used $600-$700 as have no idea how the resale on these are
I did exactly this and sold mine for $800 approx 2 months ago.
My plan is $65pm for 80GB data. Cant believe it got cheaper!
On ebay or gumtree?
Gumtree. Listed for $900 and sold in about 2 days
@neonlight: Cheque? Who the fk accepts cheques as payment for a gumtree sale? You deserve to lose your money!
Anyone know if it includes international calling? The page doesn’t have a T&C which I can refer to that is specifically for the p20 pro deal
I think generally they don't include international call in those offer. However, you could add international pack $10 per month that has unlimited call to 15 countries…
Unfortunately you cannot add an international pack to the JB Hi-Fi exclusive plans at this point in time.
What about Peace of Mind data?
Can I get tax refund for the GST out of $999 ?
Same question. Just confirmed by Telstra, there is no international package available for this plan. Consider this before signing
i would totally hop on this if i wasnt on a plan still!
Oh man what a deal. If only its were the Pixel 3 XL or iPhone Xr. Not going near some skinned Android junk.