bubblebobble2 » user profile

Member Since 09/07/2014
Last Seen 6 hours 44 min
Badges 1
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

ScoMo will enjoy this tour! perhaps he’ll bring his best mate-Peet Dutton!
06/06/2024 - 15:23
Op, any chance for Astrox 88D pro on same price?
08/11/2023 - 21:09
Heymix of course…as excuse to buy new gadgets.
08/07/2023 - 17:05
Hi, Could you also chk order 81271, thx!
30/05/2023 - 20:26
earns $100K, why would you want to pay $1450 annually just to be 'accepted'....?
01/04/2022 - 08:18
need scotch after seeing this pic...
14/01/2022 - 09:21
the deal here is... 'you bank with Macquarie' :0)
24/05/2021 - 10:08
bubblebobble2 was awarded a badge.
24/05/2021 - 10:08
dunno where that guy got the pricing, but 1998 vintage @$600? i'll bring in my truck for this.
12/05/2021 - 08:46
top find!
29/03/2021 - 14:08
Yoko cannot compete with Potenza tyres.... but only this model.. rest of Bridgestones are average
02/03/2021 - 07:19
today is 1PPUDO day! yay yay!
01/02/2021 - 11:04
but you're still loosing weight!
13/01/2021 - 08:29
UBER type ride use.. incase driver/car owner gets assulted
24/12/2020 - 08:37
Hi, Is DRY really dry and brittle?
30/11/2020 - 20:23
buy 5 of them then you get free delivery
12/08/2020 - 19:48
these should be flying off the shelf thanks to ScoMo's jobkeeper scheme..
06/08/2020 - 08:39
still illegal in NSW, sydney especially.. Manly test trials have been for some time.. and yet no a word from RMS
23/06/2020 - 18:28
ad didn't say anything about porting your nbr to Optus.. I thikn should be ok
15/05/2020 - 18:20
all those freebies ask you to register and/or download their apps, right? so you're basically paying with your personal details, correct?!
12/05/2020 - 13:07
ain't nothing in life is FREE!
12/05/2020 - 08:45