This was posted 6 years 3 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3 Months of Spotify Premium for $0.99 (New Users) | $11.99 for 3 Months (Existing Users) @ Spotify


Spotify or Amazon?

Existing users $11.99 for 3 months.
Only $11.99/month after. Offer not available to users who canceled Premium after 16/10/2018. Offer ends 31/12/2018.

Spotify Premium
3 months for $0.99
Shuffle play
Ad free
Unlimited skips
Listen offline
Play any track
High quality audio

Only $11.99/month after. Offer not available to users who already tried Premium. Offer ends 31/12/2018.


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closed Comments

  • +39

    Hate those policies.
    Oh , you're already hooked and proved to be a loyal customer for about a year now? How about you'll get just about nothing , and we'll fund other people's premium with your money :^)

    Okay, thank you Spotify 🎉

    Screw it, I'm going to send them an angry email and get myself 3 months for $1

    • +10

      Stick it to the man

      • +10

        They basically told me to go fudge myself , I told them screw them and that I'm moving to YouTube Music

        Even tho I'm not cuz I'm comfortable with paying $7 a month it's not that bad I just want free stuff :'(

        • +3

          Ah you made a pollie promise…."I'm gunna…." errr

          when was the last time they had a price hike?

        • why don't you just make your own mp3 collection for you favourites, and listen to free internet radio to hear new stuff?

          • -1

            @bargaino: Why won't you build your own house , cure your own diseases , grow and make your own produce?

            Yeah, that's what I thought.
            Convince strikes once again.

            • +1

              @The Milk Man: I'm not the one complaining about the cost of paying a builder.
              You are the one wanting the convenience of a streaming service, but unwilling to pay. Make a choice.
              Or just do what the rest of us do, and create a new account every 3 months.

    • +20

      share playlist > create new account > buy premium at 99c. done.

      • Is this something people do regularly?

        • +1


        • +2

          Sure I use to do this for 3 years straight.

    • Yeah, hate that too…

    • -3

      This 0.99 deal comes from their marketing budget. It's not from the budget your subscription goes to. They could use the marketing budget to have more ads, but choose to do this

      • +6

        Where do you think the money for marketing comes from?! Of course it’s from existing revenue streams (subscribers / ads).

      • Without going into cost centres too much; wouldn't their marketing budget be derived from subscriptions (Spotify Premium) and paid advertising (Spotify Free) revenue? Essentially this deal generates more subscriptions, it's not some charitable expense from Spotify.

        When Seqwool says he's funding someone elses Premium, he's sort of correct, although after that person uses full price paid Premium for x number of months then they're contributing to the marketing budget as well.

  • +3

    For those like me wondering, you can cancel after the 3 months is up for no extra charge

    If you decide that you do not want to remain a paying user of the Spotify Premium Service, you have to cancel your subscription to the Premium Service by logging into your Spotify account and following the prompts on the Account page, or by clicking here and following the instructions, prior to the end of your Introductory Trial Period. Otherwise, at the end of your Introductory Trial Period, you will automatically become a paying user of the Spotify Premium Service at the regular Spotify Premium monthly price, and the payment method you provided will automatically be charged the Spotify Premium subscription fee each month, until you cancel your Premium Service subscription.

  • +8

    There is an $11.99 for 3 months offer too for people that have tried premium before but don't currently have an active sub.

    • Thank you. Updated OP

  • +4

    "It appears you are not ellibile for this off"

    Well (profanity) you…

    • +1

      Got the same message.. but scroll down to the bottom and you see the offer again which takes you to the payment page!

    • same… :/ Why?!

  • Is there a Philippino version?

    • +4


      Works out to be about A$0.23 for 3 months and $3.37/mth after

      • Tried many times but can't get Spotify Ph to charge my Ph PayPal account. I've got a positive balance and managed to get an Aussie card added to the Paypal account. Any tips?

        • maybe use vpn to get phillipine ip address

    • +1

      Been using it for most of the year with 5 friends. Works great.

      I did however make the mistake of trying to log back into my Phillipines PayPal account and I think they've locked me out. I don't know if this means scheduled payments have stopped…. I'll find out in a week though!

      So don't do that!

  • +3

    google music seems better, you can download songs and put your own songs in their player.

    • +1

      Yep, been using Google Music for years. More songs in library, upload more of your own music. Spotify only advantage is dedicated desktop client.

      • +2

        Spotify has much better app too

        • +1

          I prefer Google Play's app tbh, Spotify kept randomly deleting my entire library of downloaded music. On Google Play there's this annoying thing where I keep accidentally pressing the scroll bar when selecting an album.

          • @Jasonissm: Nah, Google's material design is garbage nowadays.

          • @Jasonissm: I have Youtube Red, but unfortunately, it doesnt link to Android Auto, unless you manually play it from the phone (which I can't do once I start driving ;-) ).

      • Ditto, loved Spotify but it kept on randomly deleting my offline songs, very annoying when I wanted to play them while out and about.

        Swapped to Google Music and, although not perfect, seems to have a bigger selection of music (that I like) and doesn't randomly delete my offline songs. 👍

    • +4

      Really? I used the full Google music service for 3 months and hated it so dud my partner, Spotify is just so much more user friendly

      • i dont pay for any streaming services, they are a waste of money. but i did get google play, downloaded all my songs and unsubscribed. any new songs i like i usually get a friend with google music to get for me. also i believe spotify removes music that has swear words, etc in them. i can't stand these businesses (spotify, uber, etc)

        • Agreed neither do I. Not sure about that I'm almost certain you can play the explicit songs if your account shows over 18.
          Typical greed American company but I would put Google up there as the worst, they have a finger in everything

  • +3

    Every year before Christmas, there is spotify 3mths for around $12 deal

  • Nice xmas present

  • Any offer for family plans?

    • Any one getting constantly kicked off from their "family" plan (shared among friends)?

  • Legit signed up for a family plan about an hour before this deal was submitted, had been waiting for a 3-month special for a while.

    • Maybe you could ask Santa to give it to you for Christmas.

      • +1

        Just sat on Santa's knee (Spotify Support) and asked for a refund, they said I've been a good boy and it will be processed.

        • How did you swing that? I signed up for premium an hour before this deal too..

          • @cathalm8: Spoke to their online support and asked for a refund.

            • @magic8ballgag: Did you ask for a refund and cancel the subscription and then sign up again with the new deal? It says if you cancelled your premium subscription after 16-10-18 you will not be eligible.

        • -2

          How did you contact them?

          • @cathalm8: Via the chat function on their website.

            • @magic8ballgag: Hey I have searched their website and cant find online chat support. Please could you point me in the right direction? thanks

  • Brilliant. Free google play music is coming to an end shortly.

  • Just finished my 3 months for $1 on Amazon music, time to switch back to Spotify :)

    • Amazon are running the same deal. Refer to OP.

      • Yeah I got that deal when they had it 3 months ago - I can't get it again now since I've already had it. I can get the $12 deal from Spotify again though :)

  • New email address + new credit card = new customer?

    • worked for me :)

      Does anyone know if you cancel the premium now you'll loose it straight away or when it expires? just trying to make sure it doesn't renew in Feb :)

  • Even if it is digital media, i guess Spotify is okay, at least to test out what you want to buy on a better sounding CD

  • +1

    Anyone know the differences between Amazon and Spotify? I heard there's over double the songs if you sign up to Amazon music specifically then if you have Prime… Used Google Play and love it. YouTube Music was just ok.

    • Never used Amazon so this comment won't mean much for you but Spotify Premium is top notch. Massive library and amazing algorithms that curate music based on your listening habits. I've discovered so many new artists this way.

      • Ok thanks. Yeah I heard it does recommend songs or adjust playlists to what it thinks you would like. Just be a bit off-putting if I'm listening to some R&B or older hip hop and they start playing Drake :) Do they have lots of full albums in Spotify of 90s/2000s artists?

        • I'd say it's highly likely. Im happy to look up things for you if you want

          • @unelectric: I'm pretty sure they'd have similar number of songs / albums as the other companies. It's only a dollar to find out right! :)

  • It appears that you're not eligible for this offer. You can still enjoy Premium for the great price below.


  • Hi,
    Does anyone knows if this is legit? Anyone tried this already?
    Thank you.

  • +1
    Spotify subscription for a year legit?

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