Spotify or Amazon?
Existing users $11.99 for 3 months.
Only $11.99/month after. Offer not available to users who canceled Premium after 16/10/2018. Offer ends 31/12/2018.
Spotify Premium
3 months for $0.99
Shuffle play
Ad free
Unlimited skips
Listen offline
Play any track
High quality audio
Only $11.99/month after. Offer not available to users who already tried Premium. Offer ends 31/12/2018.
Hate those policies.
Oh , you're already hooked and proved to be a loyal customer for about a year now? How about you'll get just about nothing , and we'll fund other people's premium with your money :^)
Okay, thank you Spotify 🎉
Screw it, I'm going to send them an angry email and get myself 3 months for $1