This was posted 6 years 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD, NSW, VIC] 12x $1 Credit for Use on Lime Electric Scooters @ Lime


First post so plz go scooter easy on me!

Lime has finally arrived in Australia! They are running a trial in Brisbane this weekend and in good'ol OzBargain fashion, I did my research on some coupons code and stumbled over the Reddit ones which still seem to work.

It seems like Melbourne will be next on their list see here.

If you're in Sydney, you can also use LIMESYD (thanks to jason_ruz) and Brisbane folks use LIMEBRISSY (thanks to altitudinous).

Referral Links

Referral: random (89)

$4 in credit for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +124

    For a second, thought Limewire was making a comeback

    • +4

      hahaa about to say the same thing !

      • +3

        Lol, i was also thinking the same. haha

        • +2

          Lmfao, was just about to say the same thing hahah

    • +2

      Lol, i was going to say the same thing

      • +3

        Lol, me too.

        Anyone else?

    • +3

      Oh we old folks now

    • Far out I was thinking the same thing too.

  • +3

    How is this legal given I can't even import an electric scooter to Australia

    • BNE leading the way

      • +8

        This is a subscriber only article
        Subscribe today to read this and more

      • +1

        Exemption to QLD laws for Lime trial
        $1 to unlock and 30 cents a minute

        • +6

          So $2 to reduce a 6 minute walk to a 3 minute ride. Plus the time it takes to operate the app and walk to a scooter wherever it happens to be.

          This a joke?

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Just took one for a ride, avg'ed over 20km/h for the ride, so way quicker than walking.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: These are best completing the journey from bus to home. Instead of waiting 15 minutes for the transfer bus, you get home in 10 minutes. Plus it goes up to 30kmph. I do not walk at 15kmph.

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: I reduced a 30 minute walk to a 15 walk/ride. This included downloading the app and using it for the first time. Cost me $4 for 9 minutes riding. Bus would have been $3.30 but been much slower/less enjoyable.

            Worth at least having a go.

    • Only in Queensland it's legal, but not other states (last time I checked)

    • +11

      This country's law is absolute disgrace.
      For some reason electric bike is an exemption and allowed on the road, while other electric vehicles are totally banned under prehistoric laws.

      • +1

        The traffic laws in this country is archaic - no wonder we are choked in car traffic everyday.

      • +2

        Even electric bikes are banned at a pretty low power level, unless you're using pedal assist.

        Tough place to use alternate transport methods

      • +4

        Unfortunately australia is governed for the lowest common denominator. Some retard hops on scooter and stacks it, then sues government.

        Nek minnit, rules, laws, punishments for the 99% who are normal.

      • I think bikes are OK because it's law to wear a helmet, whilst there's no QLD law saying you have to wear a helmet on a scooter.

    • +4

      But an electric scooter and paint it to look like the Lime ones? Instant exemption?

  • +2

    Limewire days

  • How do you add multiple codes to the app? I only had space for 1 during sing up…

    • found it.

      • How did you do it?

        • +3

          Wallet - Promos - Redeem Promo

  • +2

    LIMENZ gives me NZD$1 *3 credit. Any issues using it on Sydney bikes?

    • +4

      Smaller footprint I imagine. Easier to steal.

    • They don't need it to be a lasting success, it seems they recoup the cost of a scooter in about a fortnight.
      And I suppose that because they need to be exempted from the law, rival companies can be prevented.

  • This needs to come to Melbourne pronto.

    • +2

      Looks like it's on their radar see here

      The company has plans to push into Melbourne and Brisbane, and has launched a three month pilot program for its electric scooters at Monash University in Melbourne.

      They also ran a trial at Monash University this week.

  • Where can I find the referral code? Thanks.

    • +2

      Open the app on your phone, signup if haven't, tap on the top left person icon -> wallet -> promo -> add and enter the code. Don't forget to use one of the referral codes as well.

      • No, I mean my own code after signing. Thanks

        • +2

          Top right hand corner, the gift icon.

          • -7

            @authenticmade: YES, I DID. When i PRESS, THERE IS NO CODE ?

            • +3

              @amorn: Odd, there is for me. Have you tried turning it off and on again? ;)

              • -4

                @authenticmade: YES. STILL NOTHING. Can only see an image of a bike. could it be due to my phone or screen settings? it is sony xperia.
                Can't see it on Alcatel A3 either.

                • +2

                  @amorn: Lol. OP isn't tech support.

  • I saw 4 of these scooters at the end of Queen Street Mall in Brisbane this morning, wondered what they were, mystery solved!

  • +8

    Make sure you have an antivirus before you get this.

    • -1

      Have you spotted any strange behaviors from the app?

  • +2

    Hope they launch in Sydney soon also.
    Was in Paris 2 months ago and so many people were using those scooter to travel between points.
    Was gonna try it, but missus is prego so we didn't risk it. Looks very convenient.

    • -2

      They've already launched in Sydney. They're everywhere.

      • +1

        That's bikes, not scooters.

    • missus didn't let you ride the scooter?

      • She let me, but kinda moot point when I ride and left her behind on foot. And she would've been the one who benefited the most if she can ride as walking around while Prego gets tiring quick.

  • +6

    Recent South Park episode “The Scoots” comes to a city near you…

    “The Scoots” focuses on the recent phenomenon of e-scooters, which wreaked havoc in San Francisco earlier this year, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. No one knows why they showed up in South Park, either, but when the boys find them, they don’t question it…

  • +3

    Not sure if this is really a freebie because it gives you $1 off coupons which would only cover the cost of unlocking the bike. You'd still have to pay at least $0.30 (per minute!) to actually go anywhere.

    Also I randomly tried LIMESYD and it seemed to work too.

  • Reported issues (on Play) with scooters running out of battery power despite showing charge on App, App freeing so can't lock - meaning keeps billing you, Pause still bills you for time not used, no scooters found despite showing on map,…

  • Seeing these around Brisbane today.. the takeover begins..

  • +2

    Took one of these from near Central Station to near Milton. Fun, but they go damn fast at up to around 24km/h.

  • FUN ride!!! But whats with the issue of these things not accelerating from a stationary position. A few times had car beeping me from behind.

    • +1

      you have to get going then the engine will kick in. It's a safety feature.

      • +1

        yeah I realised it had something to do with that. I had to give it a push or 2 for it to action.

        • +1

          Yeah kick first then push the accelerator. Stops you from accidently launching yourself.

  • +17

    thanks, managed to download 50_cent_-in_Da_club(real_version).exe

  • Waiting for an electric skateboard service

  • +4

    Are these going to end up in the Yarra too? (And also electrocuting whatever is living in there?)

    • +2

      How much would the ride cost from Queen St Mall to the Yarra?

  • So we don’t need a helmet for these?

  • +1

    Haven't they seen the latest South Park….

  • +15

    Wait $1 fee + $0.30/min = $19/hr? Seems kinda expensive to me? Sydney CBD to Newtown would take like what 20 mins? That'd be like $7, almost double what a train ticket would cost?

    • +10

      I'm glad I'm not the only person who raised their eyebrows at the prices..

    • +3

      Yes that was my first thought when I looked into them.

    • +4

      If I recall correctly from my trip to San Fran (March 2018), the pricing there was $1 to unlock and $0.10 per minute… which seems more acceptable.

    • +3

      Their purpose is to help with “the last mile” problem. It’s an efficient way of getting to or from the train station. You’re right in that it doesn’t get near public transport prices but that’s not the idea. Watch this.

      • +2

        Yup. A 15 minute bus wait or a 30 minute walk becomes a 10 minute scoot. Is 15 minutes of your time worth more than 3$?

        • +3

          If it's a last mile solution shouldn't it be deployed in the burbs?

    • +2

      Whats the cheapest EBike cost? $400?

      $400 / $7 trips = 57 trips or 28 return trips. Thats about 1.5 months of work days.

      Why bother renting?

      • +4

        Honestly buying outright is better as long as you don't mind securing your ride somewhere so it doesn't get stolen.

  • +1

    If this means its legal to use e-scooters on the pathways then I'll be using the one I have myself.
    Tbh, the small wheels make it terrible to use on uneven ground. Kinda limits where you can use it unfortunately.

  • +3

    Which suburbs of Sydney are they located at? I've only seen Lime bikes around my area.

    • +1

      The scooters Only in Brisbane now, Melbourne soon. No timeline for sydney.

  • +2

    Just had a very short ride I think it's < 1km. Charged 5 min paid $1.13 after coupon (LIMESURVEY gave me $1 USD ??)
    IMO way too expensive.
    However it may be an interesting game to become their 'juicer' (recharge their scooters to get paid)

  • +1

    Saw these in Atlanta and San Francisco in the last couple of weeks. No helmet required and witness a middle aged woman stack it on a 4 lane road. If the 'o-bike' history is anything to go by, we'll see these scooters in similar places across the city!

  • -5

    I hope most of them will end up in a brisbane river. Say no to littering of streets by that garbage. It's like a gold coast with bicycles scattered around on the kerb sides and manicured grass lawns.

  • +1

    The code for Brisbane is LIMEBRISSY.

  • The damned things arrived in Sydney a week or two ago. Will end up in the same state as all the other share bikes.

    • They are >35kg, these arent going up trees.

      • +1

        Luckily we have the Sydney Harbour right?

  • LIMEBRISSY didn't work for me. LIMESURVEY did but only got 5x $1 off promos.

    • I think you can only use LIMEBRISSY / LIMESYD / LIMEAKL etc once. Have you used LIMENZ and one of the codes from the referral links?

      • Yeah that worked for me – was able to stack a referral code, the NZ ones and LIMESURVEY

  • So where do you put it when you're done? Or is this a from station to station type deal?

    • +2

      You leave it where it's convenient for you and they or their 'juicers' pick it up to recharge and possibly relocate them.

  • Deal links to a Facebook post ?

  • I got charged for a broken scooter that said it was fully charged and there app and customer support is useless and very glitchy. Just got a notification saying I left their riding zone and to come back. Wasn't even using a scooter

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