2000 bonus points (worth $10) with
• $100 Virgin Australia gift card
• $100 Ticketek gift card
1000 bonus points (worth $5) with
• $50 Freedom gift card
• $50 Dymocks gift card
• $50 City Beach gift card
2000 bonus points (worth $10) with
• $100 Virgin Australia gift card
• $100 Ticketek gift card
1000 bonus points (worth $5) with
• $50 Freedom gift card
• $50 Dymocks gift card
• $50 City Beach gift card
Looks like you can use multiple gift cards if you call Virgin: https://www.virginaustralia.com/au/en/specials-offers/gift-v…
It is a good find. Now if any woolworths still accepts Egift cards to purchase these, you can get another 4.5% off.
You can buy multiple cards and get 2000 for each card. There is no limit specified in terms n conditions, but from past experience it is 10 gift cards per rewards card ( means 20000 reward points). I am not sure on the second question if we can use multiple gift cards for one booking.
Thanks for that! I called Woolies and they confirmed that you will get 2000 for each card but they are not sure regarding the limit. The rep said 5-10 was the limit previously so it matches your comments. Regarding your other comment of gift cards, I was planning to do this as well. In the past, did they prohibit customers from using woolies gift cards to purchase other gift cards?
Yes, looks like some stores still allow gift card purchase with Egift cards, try your luck:)
For using multiple gift cards will have to call them and $40 booking fee will be charged, anyone can confirm it's true?
Based on their fee structure I would say yes
Even if you don't do it I would write in a suggestion for them to allow multiple GC's online so they get more feedback that it should be a future fix…
I was keen to get this as potentially looking to fly virgin in nov. Looking at comments it appears one gifr card max for online bookings so you would have to call up to book? Which is silly. But you ger charged for calling up and booking… so totally negates the use of buying multiple gift cards.
Will still grab one if buying online to get the bonus points… but would've been great allowing multiple cards to be used online. Cant see how it would be an issue to accommodate.?
I've gotten mixed information on it. Some ppl have said that you can call in and use multiple GC's. I called in and the information I got was you CAN use multiple GC's BUT it must be for multiple people. 1 for each person… If you learn anything else feel free to share
Another rep said that multiple is fine + no fee.
That being said, i don't think u can use the VA promo codes that u can apply by yourself. Feel free to share your experience otherwise
They were also offering 1000 points for a $50 Virgin gift card
Anyone use this gift cards before? I wouldn’t able to find the expiry date which is needed when making a payment online. Thank you in advance.
You can call the number they will give you the expiry date.
Bit of a thread going on over at aff
thank you for the info
Will you get 2,000 points per $100 gift card purchased? Also, can I use multiple Virgin giftcards to pay for flights? Thanks!