This was posted 6 years 4 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] 15 Punnets of Strawberries $6.99 @ Harris Farm Manly


Harris farm markets Manly have trays of Strawberries for $6.99, 15 punnets per tray. I have been assured they are needle free!!!!

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Harris Farm Markets
Harris Farm Markets

closed Comments

  • +27

    insert gif It's a trap!

    • +81

      needless to say…

      • +2

        Too soon matey.

      • +11

        I've sewn better ones..

      • +3

        Thats a pointy comment to make.

      • +5

        First I giggled, but when I read more it had me in stitches!

      • +1

        You've pinned it down!

    • +2

      Classic stitch up!

    • +1

      some nasty little pricks around

  • +124

    Get around it people - it is a bargain but we need to support the farmers,

      • +73

        I'd be willing to "risk" it, by chopping them up first.

        Alas I'm not in NSW but I'll continue to support the local farmers and picking up produce at the weekend markets.
        3 isolated cases from hundreds of thousands of punnets. Media fear mongering has blown this out of proportion.

        • +14

          @tempura: If I found needles I'm taking the produce back to where I bought it from and indicating that they may have contaminated fruit; I'm not going to eat it.

        • @tempura:

          Aids / hivvurus dies at prolonged exposure to room temperature. These are cold so I'd say they'd be safe from aids.

        • I agree with everything you say. Just chop them up, no big deal. However there's been a lot more than 3 cases. So far there's been 8 in NSW, 6 in VIC, 4 in QLD, 4 in WA, 3 in SA and 1 in TAS.

        • -8

          @Ryballs: what happened if I prick your fruit with needles contaminated with Listeria and Salmonella but don't leave the needles there in the fruit?

        • +13

          replace fruit with meat, bread, vegetables, cheese, in fact anything

          I think you might need to only eat thing you grow

        • +1

          @tempura: That would make you a

        • Society these days, can't really say what you want to say; maybe if I wrote 'Support the Farmer; buy fruits but be careful, chop them small' then I be + ed.

        • +2


          More like you have no point. Anything can be contaminated just as easy, might as well never touch any fresh produce again.

        • -2

          @rover100: i have no point that anything can be contaminated just as easy? Ok enough said.

        • @tempura:

          Good don't eat anything.

        • @tempura:
          thats what they said and it's correct. Unless you're trying to say something else?

        • @wozz: who's they? I think I wrote myself clear enough.

        • @tempura: Any produce, including meats, could be contaminated this way. Looks like you're going to have to live on dry baked goods from now on. Don't make the mistake of assuming canned vegies are safe either, the needles could go in before the canning process!

      • +18

        Maybe you should risk it more often, make room for normal people.

      • +2

        that's a bit dramatic

      • +1

        There could be a needle in anything. Make sure you never eat again to avoid "risking your life"

      • You've a higher chance of dying in traffic on the way home from work today than eating strawberries contaminated with sharps.

      • You are not the bright one in the family, right?

      • Do you go outside? Then thats probably much riskier than eating strawberries.

        Anyone would think a huge percentage were contaminated with cyanide or something

    • +7

      if it's in the shops, the farmers already have sold it.

      I'm hoping to win a prize…I hear you get to meet Tracy Grimshaw!
      Even it not then at least I'll get a bargain a ~$1.90/kg The kids will be poo'ing pink for the next fortnight.

      • Under the law if it is recalled for any reason importer or local manufacturers/farmers need to bare all costs associated including original cost.

        • I understood it's a trade recall, not a consumer recall.


          According to Queensland Health, a trade recall recovers food that has not been sold directly to consumers and involves recovering the product from distribution centres and wholesaler

      • Actually not necessarily true. Coles and Woolies only pay some suppliers for what goes through the checkout. Not sure about fruit.

        • it's true for fruit & veg. They get paid less, but usually within 30 days (which is why farmers are happy to take less, for the certainty of quicker payment).

    • -3

      but we need to support the farmers


      I'm already subsidising them making millions of dollars courtesy of paying tax unlike them. Now I need to lose more money by paying higher prices if it's them offering it?

      • +3

        Why don't you become a farmer then and 'get rich'?

        • If you fail, you can just pull an insurance job to needle your way back to another year or two eeking an existence from an impoverished land

          Pollies hand taxpayer's money to the farmers every time there is a crisis, whether it be because too many people grew too much of the same thing, hit drought like never before, or are suffering from toxic ground water, fluctuations in ground water, overstocking, floods, fire and other man-made and natural disasters.

          It'd be different if it was the pollies own cash. After all, we all know they pay next to no tax and put all their assets into trust and other family members' names.

          Many have offshore accounts, mates who do them favours, etc, and fail to declare the assets they control. And get away with it as there is such a lack of transparency over them and what they do.

          So every time they can secure another vote to cover ones they lost by selling the country out to vested interests or foreign multinationals, they jump right back in our trough, and hand over more taxpayer money to our poor farmers.

          And at the same time they never forget to open the taps to their friends' running the 'Big Ag' companies.

          Most farmers do what they thin is the right thing, but at the end of the day whether they acted well or not given the local and latest knowledge, were right or wrong, etc.- it makes little difference. The fact is that farmers are supported by the government at every turn, whether they clear their land, cause or worsen erosion or salinity themselves, run too many sheep or goats and/or otherwise destroy the lifecycle that maintains their area's micro-organisms, nutrients or resistance to the fluctuations in the weather. Let alone grow the wrong thing, spend all their effort trying to capitalise on the demand generated from the miserable overseas livestock trade (esp. when others got out in horror after seeing what has happening to their animals), or simply overstock when they should have known not to… overuse and otherwise misuse water, herbicides, fertilizers, antibiotics and more… no matter what, the pollies jump in and throw (mostly) more good money after bad with results that destroy the country for generations.

          For every farmer trying to do the right thing by their land, their stock, their family, the country, there are others who have the wrong end of a whole pile of sticks and are just squeezing the last of the dust from a crumbling stone.

          Water has always been the big problem, followed by soil health. Now impacted by 1-2 degrees more heat, more volatile weather patterns… etc. How any of these problems are solved by running so much livestock, over-irrigating, clearing and overusing chemicals is completely overlooked in almost every region. Let alone solved by buying 15 punnets of strawberries you just end up throwing away.

    • Damn straight. But if you're still worried, there's always apps to help you, eg

      • -2

        Wrong comment bro lol

      • So you grow all your own food do you?

      • How have they ripped us off? We're buying strawberries as low as 99c a punnet every day. This deal is even cheaper. Are you sure you're not just buying your strawberries from Ezy Mart or something?

  • +1

    needle free

    Metal rod free?

  • +52

    A sad day …. all due to some mongrels

    • +36

      Those evil-hearted people should be thrown into jail for 10 years and subjected to hard labour. Also confiscated their assets to pay for the damage.

      • +9

        lifetime jail and feed them with only strawberry everyday sounds better imo
        dont waste too much tax money on them
        Agree with the hard labor, ask them to farm Strawberry and confiscate their assets

        • +9

          Feed them with strawberries with NEEDLE everyday. Fixed.

        • +4

          @PopCounty: or just once in a while to make them paranoid would be more appropriate.

        • @PopCounty: You aren't helping society or yourself in the long run by subjugating criminals to cruel and unusual punishments.

        • +3

          @PopCounty: Enough about needles on this thread.

        • @Smol Cat:
          If the punishments are not deterrent, then there no use to society as well

        • +3

          We already have real life examples demonstrating that high incarceration rates where you treat people like animals is bad for everybody except private prison operators and prison guard unions.

          And we have real life examples of the opposite.

          But hey, Australians are dumb enough to follow the US example every time so that's what we're getting.

      • It's actually 20 years imprisonment they are up for I think I read somewhere?

      • Wishful thinking and this is what the public wants.
        But the judges sometimes don’t want to punish anyone so hard …

      • I LOVE the confiscated assets idea.

      • +3

        Death penalty perhaps..?

  • +1

    I will go and check Harris Farm Broadway to see if this is nation wide.

    • +3

      They have them for a dollar less - $5.99.

      • Was $6.99 at Harris Farm Broadway when I went earlier today. 3 great big stacks of them. Bought a tray, just had a sous vide strawberry dessert :-)

  • +12

    I wonder do you think the amount of attention the news has given this story has encouraged other people to do it… I feel bad for the farmers.

    • +3

      yep and possibly a few people wanting to meet Tracy Gramshaw

      • +3

        Who would want to meet Tracy Grimshaw?

    • Yes they're pretty sure copy-cat is happening now

  • +3

    In all seriousness, how do they know it's free of needles? I know some places have gone to the trouble of metal scanning punnets, but doing that at the farm rather than at the point of sale doesn't really eliminate the risk.

    • +5

      I wonder if the metal scanners actually help. Unless they tuned it to be super sensitive. I remember walking through a metal scanner at a airport and such miniature metal objects don't get picked up at all.

      • +1

        I mean, they can probably turn it up to its highest sensitivity - unlike a person with buttons and zippers and stuff… a punnet of strawberries should have literally zero metal in it at all.

        • +1

          an electro magnet would be better. suck that pesky steel right outta there.

        • +5

          Strawberries naturally contain iron (and plenty of other metallic elements).

          A great experiment is to crush 2 weetbix in a snap lock bag. Add enough water to make it fairly runny and seal the bag. Put a magnet in your hand, place the bag on top and then slosh it around. Lift the bag carefully and look at the bottom and you'll easily see the iron in the weetbix.

        • +3

          @Nukkels: Are you serious?! Consider-mind-blown. Going to try this when I get home - I'll be so disappointed if you're just messing me around.

        • @HighAndDry: its a real science experiment that's sometimes done in primary school

        • @Kambo_Rambo: Apparently not mine! That's actually really cool.

        • @try2bhelpful: Thanks for the link. Wow. (Though that actually explains it if it's added iron.)

        • +1

          Tried this and the bag broke. Now I have wet weatbix all over the floor. Any other ideas genius?


        Farmers are using metal detectors for their strawberries.

    • +3

      you don't. just slice them in half, or bite them in half.

    • Might buy a stud finder for peice of mind. Only cost about 10 bucks

      • +3

        Stud finders measure the thickness of material. They are not metal detectors.

        • Thanks i probably should know that.

    • +6

      They were instructed to throw out strawberries from the farm associated with the risk.

      All other farms are OK to sell. But given the negative press, retailers have had to severely reduce prices to find buyers.

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