• expired

$50 Bonus for Opening Virgin Saver Account + Savings Plan + Deposit $1000 before 31/03/2011


I just noticed this on the Virgin Money web site. $50 bonus for new customers who open a Virgin Saver account (currently 6.51% interest for first 4 months, 5.35% thereafter) and set up an Automatic Savings Plan (ASP) DURING the application and deposit $1000 using ASP before 31/03/2011.

Note: for the ASP during signup, it says the commencement date of the ASP has to be at least 10 days in advance. So you will need to complete the application at least 10+ days before 31/03/2011.

Edit: I rang up and queried the wording of "deposit at least $1000 over a 30 day period before 31/03/2011" in the T&Cs. The person I spoke told me that $1000 from savings plan deposits must be in the account at 31/03/2011. I tried to ask about using some of deposited money before the 31/03 but I couldn't get away from the scripted responses. All I can suggest is, set up a savings plan commencing after March 1, make sure $1000 is deposited before the end of March and leave it in there until after the 31 March.

From the Terms & Conditions at http://virginmoney.com.au/savings/features/automatic-savings-plan/$50_asp.html:

Receive $50 bonus^ when new customers set up an Automatic Savings Plan and save $1000 or more a month

^To be eligible for the one off $50 bonus, set up a new Automatic Savings Plan when you apply and deposit at least $1000 over a 30 day period before 31/03/2011. Limited to one $50 bonus per customer. Available to new Virgin Saver customers only. Eligible customers will have their $50 bonus credited into their Virgin Saver account by 30/04/2011. Virgin Money may vary or amend this offer at any time. See virginmoney.com.au for details.

This means you can set up a weekly Automatic Savings Plan of $250, fortnightly of $500, or monthly of $1000 – the total amount of your Automatic Savings Plan deposits must be $1000 over a 30 day period.

Follow Step 3 of your Virgin Saver application to set up an Automatic Savings Plan. Customers must set up their ASP at application (Step 3) & not afterwards to be eligible.

For more information about Automatic Savings Plans click here.

Just a friendly reminder that you must activate your Virgin Saver account in order for your Automatic Savings Plan to commence. To activate your account, transfer funds of any amount from your nominated linked account into your Virgin Saver using the online, or telephone banking service, provided by the financial institution holding your linked account. You'll need our BSB 242-265 and your Virgin Saver Account number. Only funds transferred from your linked account will activate your Virgin Saver and your account will be activated 3 business days after we receive the funds.

Mod: this offer has been extended. Via this comment:

To be eligible for the one off $50 bonus, set up a new Automatic Savings Plan when you apply and deposit at least $1000 over a 30 day period before 30/04/2011. Limited to one $50 bonus per customer. Available to new Virgin Saver customers only. Eligible customers will have their $50 bonus credited into their Virgin Saver account by 31/05/2011. Virgin Money may vary or amend this offer at any time.

Referral Links

Referral: random (304)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

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Virgin Money
Virgin Money

closed Comments

  • +5

    not as good as the free $50 from NAB for just opening a completely free account and putting $1 in it.

    • So if I open student account, I get $50?

        • Cheers :)

    • -1

      Don't be so sure… a friend has had HEAPS of trouble with NAB (eg, 3x deducting ~$40.00 in undue fees from her account… unexplained… later - but only after HEAPS of time on the phone - returning the $$$ for those bogus fee deductions).

      I'd stay clear of NAB, after that kind of error.

  • +2

    I am just a bit wary with Virgin, because the actual entity providing the service may not be "Virgin". In this example, it seems like its CitiBank backing Online Savings accounts. Or Virgin Super is actually Macquarie Group.

    In short Virgin does "sell" off its branding to other companies to jointly offer products, so make sure of who exactly you are dealing with. They are probably as safe as another bank/credit union etc, but just know who you are dealing with.

    • So what?

      I'd say the $50 would be the same as any other offer's $50.

      What would the problem be?

      PS I trust you could close the account anytime - without prejudice or fee - if you didn't like it.

  • I'll leave this one for those with the disposable incomes. Who has a spare 1k lying around? Sheesh. And if you do, does $50 really mean that much to you?

    • +3

      Of course some of us do, we are bargain hunters and its the thrill of the hunt. But this is linked to Citibank, thru reports here (do a search) and personal experience they can be difficult to deal with if you need to contact them. So the $50 might be a great deal if it wasn't for this….

      • Yes steer clear of Citi, they are a pack of mongrels to deal with.

        I had a Virgin card a few years ago, and they sold my account to Westpac, and now they have started up a new credit card through citi!!!!

        Only use Virgin &/or Citibank if you can handle having them treat you with contempt and offer little or no useful customer service.

        You have been warned.

    • +1

      $50 return on $1000 is a 5% return, not bad for one month with low risk. Interest being earned at 6.51% on top of this for a few months, what a great deal, thanks OP.

    • Us Youth Allowance types are expecting around $1000 in the next could of weeks. A small detour to Virgin money for a couple of days won't hurt :D.

  • UBank beats this with 6.01% + .50% when you deposit $200 P.M using ASP. Not an introductory offer either.

      • I like this. I Think I'll start doing this too.

        My bank screws me over so bad with Fees and charges, but I just haven't had a chance to investigate alternatives, there's so many choices out there and I always procrastinate starting.

  • Can you stick it in, withdraw, stick it in, withdraw without losing interest or the bonus money to make it up to $1000 worth of deposits?

      • +4

        definitely doing it wrong if losing interest. ;)

        • +1

          LOL. If you repeat too many times, you will eventually lose interest ;)

      • Not much to lose when you're earning such high interest rate when maintaining the deposit there anyway. Good deal.

        • just remember you will need to declare the interest come tax time..

        • just remember you will need to declare the interest come tax time..

          If you do your tax return using etax it will automatically download the information from the ATO

    • Can you stick it in, withdraw, stick it in, withdraw without losing interest or the bonus money to make it up to $1000 worth of deposits?

      the total amount of your Automatic Savings Plan deposits must be $1000 over a 30 day period.

      What you want to do should work.

      It does not say that the balance must increase by $1000 all it says is that you must have deposits of $1000

  • +1

    LoL at Mattgal

  • +1

    I wonder if you can setup an ASP of at least $1000 and withdraw it a day after and still qualify for the $50 bonus or does it need to remain in the account until the end of the promo until you receive the $50 before making a withdrawal.?
    I send them many secure online messages and they never answer this question directly and take their time replying or just ignore some. they use the exact citibank interface system which is terrible and doesn't accept certain characters so you need to restart typing your whole message a few times before it go's through. terrible secure messaging site that needs an overhual.

    • So pre-compose your message (without any of their "illegal" characters) in a text editor… then copy & past.

      • You shouldnt have to.

        One example of many of why I would never wish Citi upon my worst enemy.

        Good luck with your enquiry, they dont care, they just want you to sign up.

        Lucky this has the Virgin stamp on it, because if it was just Citi you would never get your 50 bucks.

  • Not as good as the $100 cash back I got for opening a Citibank Plus account and making $1,000 deposits (no requirement to maintain this balance) for two consecutive calendar months. This was 3 months ago. Virgin deal is still a bargain though.

  • This is lame! So many conditions for $50, must be a stingy marketing department.

  • Make sure that you complete an automatic savings plan during the sign up phase! I stupidly didn't read the terms properly and went through all the effort of setting this up only to find out from the call centre that I wouldn't be eligible because I set up my automated savings plan AFTER my account was active. What a waste of time! Call centre staff wouldn't do anything for me - they say they have forwarded it to their promotions department but there's not much hope. Great way of getting customers though - for a few days that is.

    • Ahhhh Citi, how much I love Citi Group! Bunch of crooks….

        • For me its the 'fine print' and the terrible customer service direct from India.
          You can get a good deal sometimes if you are incredibly vigilant in following the t&c's to the letter, but the fine print will bite you if you dont research fully.

          I had a BP mastercard that promised the world, so I bit the deal, and got a 0% intrest deal thrown in so I put a couple of grand on the balance transfer - why not? Well after spending a couple of hundred dollars over a couple of months at BP, it ended up costing me more than if I just used my everyday savings account. The interest free part was first to be paid off, so the balance of my petrol bill was charged at 20% intrest until the balance was paid off. I paid it off as soon as I knew, and it took a few days to 'process' the payment, all the while attracting more interest… Oh and they put the annual fee upfront, and it started attracting interest straight away as well!! The Hide!!

          I have tried to close the account twice now, and both times they have conned me into keeping the card, first time by waiving the annual fee, second time by doing a text book run around 'we cant close your account, I will have my manager call you to discuss within one business day' guess what - no call.

          Went to the citi office in Chinatown Melbourne, guess what, they pointed me to a phone and a lounge chair and said that I can use it to call 1800citi to close my account, we only do business here, not regular accounts….

          Every deal I see now with them ALWAYS has a catch… as long as you are aware and read every last bit, you can do ok, but I say dont bother.

          My 10c.

  • ID verification last week, still haven't received any email/letter confirming my account's opened, what should I do? they have no email address at all and i dun wanna waste my phone's credit!

      • I did check it and it finally said it's approved, but I still haven't rec'd the ATM card and pin, etc after three weeks of application! p.s. i've been at my current affress from more than 3years as well. have u got ur $50?

  • I think they have extended this offer till 30 April


  • anybody knows if they have email address to contact? i can't call their hotline on my phone! and i've opened my account for like three weeks and still haven't received my account details, card, etc…

    now my first payment of Automatic Saving Plan past already! i still can't access my account, not even login to internet banking!!

    Virgin Saver sucks!

      • no card? that means whenever i need the money, i need to transfer it to my nominated link acccount, implying i hv to wait for like 3+ days to have the money transferred? then y it says "•Direct access to your savings 24/7"?

        and can I have more than 1 nominated link accounts?

        i dunno y whenever i called them, the screen showed "barred call" and cut, that's y i want their email address.

        Do you if i can change the date of deposit of the ASP to a later date coz the one i set be4 has passed already….$50 gone…and i dont think i will be using this bank as i opened it merely for the bonus=(

        • thanks then can i change the date of deposit of the ASP to a later date?

          i'm still waiting for the internet pin to activate my account…dunno y the most important thing comes last…

  • +1

    The terms and conditions reflect the extension of the deal

    To be eligible for the one off $50 bonus, set up a new Automatic Savings Plan when you apply and deposit at least $1000 over a 30 day period before 30/04/2011. Limited to one $50 bonus per customer. Available to new Virgin Saver customers only. Eligible customers will have their $50 bonus credited into their Virgin Saver account by 31/05/2011. Virgin Money may vary or amend this offer at any time.

    • So did I. Then they took another $1000 a month later when I didn't want that. Will close account now I have $50 before they try to take another $1000. They still have the money as uncleared funds since 27/4. Not happy.

      • Another $1000 was debited from your nominated account as you have setup a monthly ASP.

        Its a little tricky to find the ASP to cancel/modify.

        The uncleared funds is a feature of the ASP at other banks also.

        • Yes, but i also initially setup monthly and was able to cancel/modify sucessfully online. Its a difficult place to find, but you can do this online.

  • Also received the asp set up bonus today/yesterday.

  • dammit i missed this :( Are they gonna extend the offer or offer it again later?

  • how come i still hven't received the $50 yet! i meet all the requirements and keep sending msg thru online banking and their replys are alawys copied from those terms & cond. I'm angry!

    • i haven't receive my one as well :(
      i called them and they say i need to put it there for 60 days and the thing i hate is it takes 2 working days to transfer my funds from another bank account to this account.. and i could not take my $1000 for 2 months :(
      i think if virgin money have another offer like this
      i'll pass :(

      • two working days only?i thought 7….the worst thing is everytime u change the linked account (which is the only way u can draw your money out), it takes like 3 weeks to settle, plus u need to transfer money to activate it, so basically u always need to keep on track on the process, soooo annoying!! ING Direct is way better! but honestly their 6.51% interest rate is attractive with no doubt!

  • looking forward to receive my $50 today, if not, i dont know wt will i do!!! 've been waiting for 2 damn months already!!!!

  • Received an email from virgin today stated that this offer now extended to existing account holder as well (to whom received the email).

    • i wonder wt this bank is, i still havent rec'd my $50 till now, it was supposed to be credited to me on 30th April, and after thousands of email that i sent to trace, they said they will deposit today(31 May), but now…????!!!!!!!

  • -1

    received my monthly interest payment and the $50 bonus today! w00t! Next in line is the $100 ING bonus. Hehehe

  • +1

    Still nothing in my, or my girlfriends account. I just rang them to bitch and apparently they will sort it out… Once my bonus interest period is over I'm closing my account, they're set up is horrible and the interest isn't good enough to put up with this crap. I'm going back to ING.

    • yes, me2, i've been waiting since mid april, expected the payment would be deposited on 30th April, but then they just keep delaying the payment! hate this bank! i think i will close my account as well once my bonus interest period is over and switch back to ING direct! ING Direct is way better in many ways!

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