Triple thermoblock, extraction pressure gauge, LCD screen, programmable & customisable functionality, precision grinder with belt driven conical burrs.
Seems good for the price. Bing Lee also has it for $1299.
Triple thermoblock, extraction pressure gauge, LCD screen, programmable & customisable functionality, precision grinder with belt driven conical burrs.
Seems good for the price. Bing Lee also has it for $1299.
Indeed…..a thermoblock machine can never offer the consistancy of a boiler based machine.
I'm just wondering who they are targeting with this machine, people with cash to burn and who know nothing about coffee machines obviously. A very small segment of the market indeed.
Still a worthy post though, given the discount. Just don't buy it!
Better be more than decent for those prices!
This coffee maker doesn't have stellar reviews. At the original price you'd be better off buying a genuine Italian machine, at this price it's still a lot of money to drop on an iffy coffee maker.
Still some good Italian machines to be had at this price… :)
out of curiosity, what examples would you give?
Just plug 'Sunbeam PU8000 review' into your favourite search engine. This was the first hit on mine. The people who rated it really low actually gave good examples of why they did so. There are other review sites where the ratings are just as mixed. My confidence is not very high on this one, hence I wouldn't be spending that much on it.
@Chazzozz: yeah i've read the CS thread on it and certainly don't have any interest in it. I was simply asking for examples of good Italian machines at this price point - I have a BES920 and don't know much about Italian machines.
@harro112: Ah, I mistook your comment and gave you the wrong answer. Sorry about that! If you want to see a good range of machines at all price points then Jet Black Espresso in Sydney have a great web site. I'm not advocating they're the only place to get machines, I just find their site is excellent for browsing a wide range of coffee machines for all budgets.
It is a joke machine. Stay away at any cost…
I've never used to Silvia, but by all reports they are excellent for the money. This used to be the entry level boiler machine before the Breville came along.
I have a Silva Rancillio and seperare Rocky Grinder. It's not dual boiler but that doesn't bother me, the routine sees me not really waiting because of it but some folks get annoyed apparently.
Has been trouble free for 8 years. And still going strong,
I'm on my 2nd Rancilio Silvia machine. Great coffee and excellent value!
I have a Sunbeam Cafe series grinder that I got with my 1st Silvia 13 years ago! Excellent product for the price. Rocky grinder is better, but it costs as much as the Silvia coffee machine!
Bad Machine No deal. If I wanted a machine that doesn't make crema, leaks water and overall doesn't work properly from a company that has no idea how to make a coffee machine, I'd buy a sunbeam
Save your money and buy a breville bes920 or nuova simonelli oscar/musica. I’ve owned both and excellent machines in their price range with the breville having some nice features and ease of use. I also use to own a Rancilio Silvia, pretty well built machine but single boilers are a pain in the ass if you like to make a lot of cappuccinos and lattes like my household does.
Despite all the negative reviews, who has actually used on of these machines?
I had one for about 2 months, bought it cheap 2nd hand as faulty and turned out to be working perfectly. Once dialed in this machines makes excellent coffee, it works as a dual boiler and is a clone (visually) of a ECM Rocket Giotto which is an excellent prosumer machine. Has some nice features like pre-infusion, heated group, shot timer, but the Breville 920 (dynamic duo) would be a more reliable machine and also probably produce better coffee. The other decent feature is despite using thermoblocks (rather than boiler/s) being mostly in low-mid end consumer machines they are super quick to heat up. From memory this machine heated in less than 5 minutes
They are as reviews point out prone to failures due to consumer components, they are nowhere near the build quality of the italian machines like ECM, Rancilio, Gaggia.
My daily driver is a Gaggia Classic and have a decent grinder and use locally roasted beans. As above when dialled I mentioned the Torino can make very good coffee.
I would only recommend it from the above deal if you get an extended warranty.
Go buy a Breville Dual boiler instead……