This popular and decent coffee machine is on sale at Amazon.
Alternatively $677 at Appliances Online
Sunbeam Café Series Duo Espresso Machine EMM7200BK $665 (RRP $979) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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WPM white labelled machine, not great, not good, not bad
I'm still rocking the 7100, and had a 7000 before that, and the 6910 as well. Fantastic machine. The big plus is the ability to steam milk and pull a shot at the same time. Huge advantage over most other machines at this price IMHO.
Been using the 7000 since 2018 and it still pulls great shots. Also love the dual milk and shots. Had the 6910 for 10 years before that… which I have used again during co vid when stuck between old and new house.
The (0480?) grinders both still going strong.
Only need to clean the machine semi regularly, and had to replace the group seal once.
My EM6910 is about to have its 9th birthday, still working away hard.
Best thing i did was upgrade the grinder though.
Realising that I'm drinking enough coffee to warrant a home machine is what makes me wind back my consumption. So as cool of an idea as I think it is, I never quite get there. Like Matthew McConaughey chasing his hero except nothing like it.
Just my opinion but I feel it’s worth it even at 1-2 coffees a day. That’s all I do.
I bought a breville dual boiler about 18 months ago after 3 years of “do i? Dont i?” Haven’t looked back. Id buy another one tomorrow if this one was written off.
For reference i used to have maybe 5+ instant coffees a day and the odd cafe coffee before this purchase.
This looks like a solid machine for the price. Having the milk and espresso at the same time is a must especially if you host for family or friends etc.
I'm down to 1-a-week from 1-a-day.
Same with coffee 😁
Can also recommend. Started with a 6900 nearly 20 years ago, stupidly sold that and went pods for convenience back when they were a new thing and VERY quickly gave up on that crap, so then bought a 7100. Couple of years ago bought a 7200 too with the intention of the 7100 going into the caravan, but ended up being too bulky to cart around so is sitting neglected in the back room as a spare. Been very happy with all of them.
Price matched at GoodGuys by hitting the price beat button on their page.
Solid machine if they still make them like this series like they used to!