Free Bananas being given away near the Collins St entry/exit inside the station compliments of Virgin Active (Gym)
I am a BANANA :)
Free Bananas being given away near the Collins St entry/exit inside the station compliments of Virgin Active (Gym)
I am a BANANA :)
I guess they all slipped away. :)
Peanut butter Jelly time
peanut butter jelly time
Peanut butter Jelly time
peanut butter jelly time
Do the Peanut butter Jelly
Peanut butter Jelly
Peanut butter Jelly with a baseball bat
Do the Peanut butter Jelly
Peanut butter Jelly
Peanut butter Jelly with a baseball bat
Now where ya at?
Are they organic ?
as opposed to being inorganic bananas?
he meant are they real(edible) or not(virtual bananas)
if they are real, I would stay away from that place. bananas are radioactive
Non organic bananas are treated with chemicals when they're growing, harvested and shipped, which include a toxic soup of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.
One of the most common type of nematocide is Aldicarb, which can be lethal.…
It would be ironic if a gym which is promoting health and fitness would provide you with food laced with dangerous chemicals…
IMO, i would say they are inorganic but best to ask them
I remember hearing somewhere that as banana's are thick skinned it doesn't matter so much as say an apple. But that could be wrong.
So here’s a list of the foods that don’t need to be bought organic:
· Broccoli
· Banana
· Kiwi
· Asparagus
· Frozen Sweet peas
· Mango
· Pineapples
· Frozen sweet corn
· Avocados
· Onions
The Most Dangerous NonOrganic Foods:
Strawberries are the single most pesticide-contaminated fruit or vegetable. Strawberries receive up to 500kg of pesticides per acre. 36 types of pesticides can be found on 90% of tested conventional strawberries.
· Nectarines: 26 different pesticides were found on 97% of nectarines
· Peaches: 45 different pesticides are applied in conventional orchards. 94% are contaminated.
· Apples: Apples are sprayed with 36 types of pesticides. 91% of tested apples were contaminated.
· Cherries: 25 types of pesticides were found on 91% of cherries tested.
· Imported Grapes: Imported grapes run a much greater risk of contamination than those grown domestically. Vineyards are sprayed with 35 different pesticides. No amount of washing or peeling will eliminate contamination because the grape’s thin skin doesn’t block the pesticides.
· Pears: 35 different pesticides were found on 94% of pears.
· Raspberries: 39 pesticides were found on 59% percent of raspberries tested.
· Capsicum: 39 pesticides were found on 68% of capsicum tested.
· Celery: 29 pesticides were found on 94% of celery tested.
· Potatoes: 29 pesticides were found on 79% of potatoes tested.
· Spinach: 36 different pesticides can be found on 86% of conventional spinach.
Interesting read.
I'm a bit confused as to why the number of different pesticides is relevant to anything? There were 3 kinds of sauce on the subway sandwich I had the other day and that just made it more delicious.
pesticides in general can harm you, sauce in general doesn't…
@jv, what do you reckon they make the sauces out of? :p
I always knew broccoli was the champion of vegetables!
Has the republican movement started up again? :p
they're green! I think I'd rather goto Vic market & pay 70c/kg for ripe ones
Green bananas are easier for them to transport. Could you imagine them giving out squishy ones?
Just wait a little while and they naturally turn yellow.
Or you can rub a green banana with your favorite alcohol, ethanol also hastens the ripening process :) {I'm dead serious}
i'm pretty sure you're thinking of ethylene gas not ethanol
they don't always… i got some from coles a few weeks back that were green, got back home from holidays and they were still green… threw them out without trying them…
So OP is Banana? As in yellow on the outside white on inside?
Don't be racists!
I was merely commenting on his perception of identity. No racial bro.
My spoon is too big!
Tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?
better to get them now while they are free…. because with whats happening in QLD at the moment, prices are going to go through the roof due to shortages. poor qld'ers :(
Actually strangely bananas are cheaper than ever at the moment. You can get them as low as $1 a kilo in Paddys. Not sure why or whether it will last. Everything else has shot up.
what i was thinkin
i think the growers preemptively harvested all their bananas before the flood reaches them, that's why they are mostly green and plentiful. in a little while depending on if the flood gets to the fields they might go up.
IIRC, don't most bananas come from the NSW mid-north coast - around Coffs Harbour? Remember the storms there that never touched Qld drove the price up to ~$13/kg a few years back! ;)
I agree about the price rises though, I'm already seeing some sneaky price hikes on a lot of things! :(
Just because the Big Banana is there doesn't mean they aren't grown elsewhere. :p
The majority of them come from Tropical Queensland. Remember in 2006 when the Cyclone hit places like Innisfail. Prices went absolutely bananas!
That area does in fact grow a significant percentage of the bananas consumed in Australia. Yes, the big banana is there because of the effect the region has on produce!!!
The fact prices blow out any time is mostly price gouging, since as you say, we do have a degree of regional redundancy; which is the point of my comment. ;)
I am a meat popsicle
this day is bananas
b a n a anas
this day is bananas
b a n a anas
Oh dear, all the bananas have invaded this forum. :)
Banana Man would be so proud.
I'd peel one for him anyday
I wonder if they play songs by 'bananarama' in the gym?
So has everyones banana's ripened yet?
Time to eat more banana before the effect from flooding in QLD on fruits and veggies kick in.
The price gouging has already begun! My buddy had an argument in Woolies the other day with the manager over the price of strawberries…the manager insisted the price hike was due to the floods in Qld…some halfwit walking by also chipped in his 2c worth supporting the increase on behalf of the 'farmers'…as my mate pointed out to both idiots…the strawbs were labelled "Product of South Australia"…Woolies=FAIL! ;)
You may very well be right, but it is possible for the price to go up even if the produce is from a non-affected area if the demand exceeds supply and buyers are willing to pay.
Me, I think I'm going to buy some more frozen peas.
Depends on whether strawberries are a fungible commodity or not. If they are, it wouldn't matter where they come from as the national price of strawberries might be rising. A store unable to purchase strawberries from QLD would look elsewhere, creating extra demand for a limited commodity thus driving up the price.
Or it could just be the store trying to make a little extra money :-)
You know what they need up north? Banana boats!
We already know QLD is a banana republic!
All these jokes are driving me bananas!
I find your jokes a-peeling.
+ve vote if only for the fact it is a healthy freebie for a change most freebies at stations etc. are junk food etc
All those virgins need some bananas inside them.
Bah. Went thru the Lonsdale end, no bananas there.