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Vodafone Endless Data BYO Plans $60/$80/$100pm for 12mths: Unlimited Calls/Text & Data (Capped at 1.5Mbps after 40GB/70GB/120GB)

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The plans start at $60 a month which includes 40 gigabytes which is then slowed to 1.5 megabits.

Next is a $80 plan which includes 70 gigabytes of data which is then slowed to 1.5mbps ,
and lastly there is a $100 a month plan which includes 120 gigabytes of data each month.

plans includes a number of international call minutes and bonus Qantas Frequent Flyer points.


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closed Comments

  • +22

    Data war started?

    • Looks like it has :)

      • When it drops to 1.5 Mb/s.
        That is very slow.

    • +18

      Begun, the data wars have.

    • Data Wars: Attack of the Clones

      • +2

        Data Wars: Attack of the Phones

  • +3

    link (to vodafone) please?

    • +2

      Plans wont be live until Tomorrow

  • will launch officially tomorrow

  • +3

    Telstra deal here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/375678 (no international calls included, but throttling starts when you hit 40GB for the month, not 30GB as per this deal) but costs $9 more per month.

  • +13

    Finally an end to excess data charges

  • can i use existing number with this?

    • Yes - it's just a normal plan.

      • +1

        great, this is really convenient

  • +1

    what 's the upload speed before / after capped for this one and telstra?
    also, is top up available for max speed? eg ,after 30Gb ?

    • As per fine print, speed isn’t capped before monthly data allowance is used, capped at 1.5 up and down after.

      • +3

        It's important to note that figure is in mbps… You would be looking at extended buffering times beyond any 480p stream - that's pretty unusable by modern standards.

        • 1.5 Mbps /8 = 187.5 Kb/s, 480p might be difficult as well, 360p should be good.

        • Should be enough for music streaming though, as I presume most people will be using the data for Spotify/Google/Apple music (I do anyway…).

      • -2

        1.5Mbps, and that is a no sale for me, I watch too much Stan and Netflix content in 4K, I'd rip through this data in a couple of days before being slowed.

        • +3

          How is that a no sale? Why would you watch 4K on your mobile data. What is wrong with you.

          • @smpantsonfire:

            Why would you watch 4K on your mobile data.
            I'm on the old optus prepaid unlimited calls/data/text plan for $3 day (3g data only) . Then I get the discounted optus starter packs on sale to make it much cheaper.
            I use this as home internet. Live in house by myself, so internet not being available when I'm not home is not an issue. I'm sure it isn't the fastest, but it is very cheap. They just limit me to 3g.
            I have seen about 2k streaming, using optus 3g.
            I'm wondering if this Vodafone offer would be faster than my 3g optus connection (which runs faster late at night and streams Netflix fine, even at peak busy times, but stan/9now struggles and occasionally stops) .
            Anyone know how the algorithm would work to restrict connection here ? Ie. If we are getting a 4g connection of 20mbps , then our data allowance runs out, do we get a full 1.5mbps (since clearly the network is able to do 20mbps)

        • @smpantsonfire:

          Others here were suggesting this as an alternative to the NBN, that's why I made that statement, as it's clearly not for anyone consuming video content at home. No need for the "what's wrong with you" typical online bully/troll behaviour.

          I hope you have a wonderful day, despite your remark :)

        • -1

          @simmomelb: i think its pretty obvious its not for heavy streamers.

  • +1

    According to: https://www.vodafone.com.au/plans/unlimited

    $60 is 40GB (10GB Bonus)
    $80 is 70Gb (10Gb Bonus)
    $100 is 120GB (20GB Bonus)

  • Telstra deal got over 60 upvotes at last count while Vodafone deal only has less than 20 upvotes. Just going to show how many people trust Telstra network over Vodafone.

    • +7

      I think that's because the Telstra deal was posted earlier. If anything, the comment section of the Telstra deal is just a lot of trash talk about how their service went down just recently. So it's not lookin' too good for Telstra.

    • +8

      I've been with Vodafone for about 4 years now, never had issues.

      • I've joined with them recently as well for the $5 roaming which I used successfully in Taiwan and Japan. No issues with them so far either. Although they were a bit flaky ten or so years ago if I remember correctly.

      • I switch between the three networks and I find that Vodafone is the most reliable where I work/study/live.

      • Yep, loving Vodafone here and their performance in Melbourne.

  • Optus is next… $65 for 40 GB?

  • +5

    Vodafone is no where near what it was 6 years ago. Very fast reliable service in metro areas.

  • ACCC? This so claimed "unlimited" is misleading. Why not just say 40GB per month and after that speed is shaped. These assholes are getting away with so called "unlimited"

    • +10

      they are pretty upfront about the data being unlimited, not the speed. I don't think that we need the ACCC to shit all over it just yet.

      • -1

        Regardless of being upfront. you would not get say unlimited data plan (on nbn or adsl) but then get told after 100GB your speed is shaped. The term "unlimited" or "limitless" is misused.

        • +10

          Do you get unlimited data? Yes
          Does Vodafone (and Telsta) advise you that the speed will be slowed clearly and not hidden? Yes
          Does Vodafone (and Telstra) give examples of what you can and cant do when speed lowers? Yes

          You are being told upfront about the restrictions
          Optus got in trouble a while ago for saying unlimited but HIDING the fact that you were shaped.
          All these plans from Voda/Telstra/Optus clearly point out the restrictions on speed after a certain point etc so no rules are being broken. I doubt the ACCC will have any problems with it.

        • In what way? Is the data unlimited? If they had said fast speed data and unlimited then yes you would have a problem.

          You technically could leave this on at all times and you will have no excess data charges and no limit to your data.

          Speed is shite after the fast portion is gone but you still get data.

        • +4

          @jimbobaus: my point being, don't call it unlimited if it limited in speed after quota. when you reach the quota and your speed is limited, it no longer becoming unlimited. Everyone clearly know why they will call it unlimited, because it is creating mindset that data plan is unlimited without restriction or shaped speed wouldn't be a big problem.

        • @No ONE:

          Agreed. Optus has previously lost in court and been fined for very similar marketing statements on their ADSL and cable services.

          Based on what I just saw on Vodafone's website for this offer, "I can feel a fine coming on". Basically you can't make a headline claim like "unlimited" and then limit it in the fine print or detail. This is clearly what is happening in this offer.

        • @No ONE:
          Totally agree with you. I used to have a really old internet plan, something along the lines of TPG ADSL Jumbo 200GB (100GB on-peak, 100GB off-peak), shaped to 64KB/s

          Never once was it called Unlimited ADSL.

          On the other hand though, there's no other way to easily market this plan in a few words other than the misleading "Unlimited" because you can't use "60GB Plan" because it's already used for plans with hard limits on data per month. People will read it and understand it as 60GB, and using more will incur extra charges.

          It's a difficult situation because of pre-existing perceptions

        • +2

          @not a bargain:

          Optus hid the conditions and limitations in the fine print hence why they were fined
          Voda and telstra have NOT hidden anything in the fine print.. in fact its in BIG BOLD print all over their marketing.

          Vodafone have worded the marketing very clearly and carefully,
          You get 40GB data then unlimited data at 1.5mbs
          They are not being deceptive or hiding anything… they are being quite clear and concise

        • @jimbobaus: or call it by new name:

          The Vodafone/telstra/optus


          Data BYO Plan $60/M for 12 Months - Unlimited Calls/TXT & Data (Capped @ 1.5mbps after Monthly Data Exhausted)

        • +1

          @No ONE:
          The Data is unlimited.. they are not lying
          Even the ACCC seems to agree:

          " While the ACCC does not provide responses about specific cases, a spokesperson told us that "representations that lead consumers into error are likely to raise concerns under the Australian Consumer Law".

          We'd say that Telstra and Vodafone have been reasonably transparent in how they're promoted these plans **

        • @No ONE: no, I think the pub test is that it will be shaped at some point …nothing new or hidden, even happens on some home broadband plans.
          So your data is unlimited, but speed isn't.
          There aren't any speed guarantees at the moment anyway, depends on where you are and the handset you have.

        • Yes, it's not truly "unlimited" as the speed is limited after you hit the data block you're given to a snail's pace. 1.5Mbps nowadays is VERY slow.

    • it's a common practice in many countries.

  • -1

    This could get interesting for people like myself who struggle to achieve decent speeds on the nbn. Game on, hope the NBN starts to feel the pressure.

    • +2

      What NBN are you using? Fixed wireless or satellite? Otherwise there is something wrong with your RSP or your line.

    • +3

      I've been stuck with ADSL in my old building forever, just changed finally to optus 4g, 200gb for $70 plan, put it in an old iphone 5 and just tether off that. Never looked back. Haven't even come close to the limit either because Netflix and music streaming isn't metered.

    • +1

      Lol ok, ‘game on’ mr 1.5Mbps

      • Lol ok, ‘game on’ mr wait 12 months to be connected to nbn, oh wait, another 12 months, oh wait…

      • I said this 'could' get interesting. Obviously 40GB of data is not enough, but if these plans continue to go up and up towards 200GB+ then it becomes a viable option. The shaping makes the internet useless, I agree.

        • Yeah the more the limits go up, and the more users that saturate your local cell, the crappier it will be. Anyone seriously suggesting this is a viable alternative to NBN is being silly.

    • This provides no pressure to the NBN, the data allowances are VERY low before being slowed. You'd have to be a very low user of data to consider this over the NBN and given the price isn't exactly cheap for these plans. I'll stick with my NBN connection with 100/40 speeds and truly unlimited data at $75 PM thanks :)

  • Does this include any phone or just sim only plans?

    • you can get this as a M2M handset plan
      12m Sim Only Plan

      • Please elaborate the m2m handset plan. Thanks

        • Plan + Handset Cost, the Way vodafone has been doing plans for a while now.

          Step 1: Choose Your Plan
          Step 2: Choose your Handset
          Step 3: Choose to pay the handset off over 12/24/36m

          Depending on phone/plan combo you may get a Loyalty Discount which will lower the plan cost.

          (pricing valid 1/5)

          1: $40 Red Handset Plan (month to month)
          2 Galaxy S8 $999.00 RRP
          3: 24m Installments $41.62 per month
          Total $81.62 per month
          Bonus Data with S8= 14GB (plan normally only has 6GB, so with S8 you got 20GB)
          Loyalty Discount for 24m with S8 $11.00
          Total Payable per Month $70.62

          This will be the same with new Unlimited plans, Loyalty Discounts vary and are based on Phone/Plan combo.

          If you ever want to leave Vodafone you only have to pay out your phone as the plan component is M2M

  • Can you share this with a tablet sim?

    • +1

      Unlimited plans can only be shared with other unlimited plans
      so this means you can not share them with MBB or Non Unlimited voice plans

      • With Apple watch too?

        • Apple watches can be connected to any Vodafone plan for $5 per month
          I do not see any reason why you could not "share" the plan with an Apple watch
          Watch sharing is not the same as Data sharing etc.. watches are limited to the plan inclusions

        • @jimbobaus: tx . Let me contact our account manager tomorrow :)

      • same on optus unlimited, can't pool the unlimited with $20 or $30 sim only plans.

        The carriers aren't dumb, have done a lot of modeling on uptake, plan swaps to make sure they don't loose revenue.

        Chances are lots of people will move to more expensive plans from their current to get the extra data just for convenience and eliminate bill shock.

      • So I'm on family plan now and can upgrade since early April. Does that mean I can't upgrade to unlimited plan?

  • -5

    Youngins and their increased data limits get off my lawn. I could live off 4gb per month if need be. If there was a cheap unlimited calls/texts for Australia AND international markets, I'd be more inclined to jump at that (coming from someone that doesn't use a mobile phone that often).

  • +1

    Throttled speed giving NBN a run for its money ;)

  • I would call this semi-unlimited. What’s the use of ‘unlimited’ when that 30GB could be used up within few days and you are left with slow internet for the rest of monthly cycle.

    • 30GB on a handset is a lot of data (how much are you currently using and paying ?), they aren't dumb and know that some people will use the plan to feed the home with internet hotspot and dump their ADSL service, last thing they want is people doing HD on Netflix in a share house and providing internet to 4 people on work visas who only work part-time …. hence the cap and throttling.

      The optus unlimited is streaming capped from day one ….

      • Yeah 30GB is sufficient for mobile. I needed for broadband replacement. I am stuck with ADSL2+ 6 mbps speed and no nbn in the area yet. These mobile broadband can also be used on wingle or mifi devices. Vodafone’s sim should work on these devices.

        At least 200 GB per month is sufficient for me. The monthly allowance is very low and expensive.

  • -1

    Mehhhhh for $60 or less perannum, you can get 16 GB worth of data per month.

    Unlimited call, unlimited text.

  • Kinda makes choosing Telstra/Boost for unmetered Apple Music redundant.

  • AS tempting as this is, I have, oftentimes, very poor to no signal at all in Sydney (Haymarket).

  • If you have a current plan with 6GB of data is there any way to get additional data added to your account? Similar to how Telstra gave all holders an extra 5GB?

    • yea u can add an mbb so 15 for 2 30 for like 3gb or u can add a second service

  • the wording is very interesting. unlimited data at "Streaming Speed".

  • +1

    i also noticed that at the moment, you get 10G or 20G bonus data at max speed. so it is 40G/70G/120G.

  • +1

    Pay the extra $9 for Telstra's similar deal. The superior speeds and coverage is more than worth it.

  • Note no student or senior discount on the unlimited plans

    • On the web page says
      Students get 10% off plan fees
      Get 10% off plan fees when you sign up to this plan online as a student. Verify that you’re a student with your UNiDAYS account before checkout. Offer ends 15/05/18. T&C apply.

    • Dont lie. You don't even work for Vodafone

  • Signed up for this. Telstra deal was tempting but Vodas $5 international roaming sealed the deal.

  • -1

    Pretty tame plans. Prayers that they don't chop Datadays / Kogan

  • Joined 2 days ago. Speedwise i don't think itll make much difference at 1.5mbs for me as thats around my download speed even while uncapped in my apartment.

    Outdoors seems faster for me.

  • On the ad they just said 1.5 megaBytes per second not megabits per second? is that right?

  • Tempted to start negging these deals so people actually consider the fact they're paying $20+ extra for unlimited at 1.5mbps

    That $20 could have easily got you an extra 60GB+ at full speeds depending on provider.

    Not the mention I doubt half of us would actually use the full speed allowances… In the rare case you do, I doubt you could stand the 1.5mbps and make use of it. Better off paying $15-20/Mo less for the same thing, then investing in a second prepaid SIM in months that you need extra…

    • +1

      I often use 10-20GB a day and my speeds are barely over 1.5mbps at the best of times.

      I'm not what plan that $20 for 60GB is but it would get me 3 days of heavy use, or $60 would get 9 days.

      I'm currently on Optus $2 days with unlimited internet but it's slow and soon going up to $3 per day (from $60 to $90 per month), if Vodafone can get 1.5mbps when it's limited I'd be happen than I am now.

      Also seeing my phone is ancient and I was looking at getting a new one separately I ended up getting a $1300 handset on the Vodafone 80GB plan which made it $57 per month and the total per month is $94, only $4 more than $3 per day for unlimited data with Optus.

      And on the plus side if I get 80GB at faster speeds then that's also a bonus as it was pretty much always under 1.5mbps for years and years with Optus $2 days for me.

      Just because you don't use much data doesn't mean it's not a good deal, it's a really good deal for heavy mobile data users like myself.

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