This deal's expected to be sold out in minutes, so please be quick.
I've already had this small but sturdy mouse, so won't pull the trigger this time. But at $47 it's way cheaper than anywhere in Australia I would say.
This deal's expected to be sold out in minutes, so please be quick.
I've already had this small but sturdy mouse, so won't pull the trigger this time. But at $47 it's way cheaper than anywhere in Australia I would say.
Its freaking cheap.. Already hv 2..
btw anybody knows how long is delivery? Which courier used?
You'll get it within a week of paying - very quick
I think it's delivered via AAE
Most of my orders from Dell were delivered by Star Track courier.
ah ok, must be confusing it with someone else then
Sold out
If anyone wants my coupon let me know
yes please, how does the coupon work?
Wondering if there's any chance of LTS matching this price?
Last time I got something from Dell they use AAE (organised by "Schenker Logistics" or something), which is a pain in the bum because AAE no longer have a pickup center in Perth's northern suburbs (used to be Northbrook Freight in Wangara) … it's now a drive to the Perth domestic airport to pick things up. Doh!
lol perth.
Am still waiting for my Dell swarm inkjet printer with extra ink.
I got mine after 10 days, I suppose.
Dell will not do warranty for logitech products, all logitech says is go back to dell, It toke 5 months for my DOA M950 to get replaced from Dell. so yes its cheap but if its faulty good luck. i'm not buying 3rd party products from dell again.
This is topical.…
Among the biggest reforms for Victorians is the right to insist that a retailer resolve a problem with a product, rather than referring the customer to the manufacturer, and protection against multiple pricing practices. Under the changes, if a product has two price tags the retailer must sell it at the lower price or withdraw it from sale.
anyone get the coupon yet?
I haven't received the coupon either.
I never recieved my coupon for the last swarm (wireless printer).Im a bit annoyed as i rung dell about 6 days after the swarm finished, and they told me to keep waiting. Obviously they didn't have a clue what they were talking about. How long does it normally take from the swarm ending to reciving the coupon code?
I got my wireless printer coupon last time before the swarm even ended (it was like, when there were 2 available spots left) via email. It could have just been lagging or whatever, but the point is I got it quite quickly.
dodgy deal…yet to get a coupon..
any of you guys got your coupon yet? still havent received mine
nope..sent 2 emails to dell 2 days reply
Cheapest on SI is MSY at $79
so yeah, quite a bargain
and RRP for the logitech is $150