• expired

Vodafone $40 Data Combo Starter Pack 18GB - $7.90 @ Vodafone

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This gets you a $40 Combo Starter Pack for $7.90.
It gives you 18GB data with unlimited calls and texts, and a 35-day expiry.

It's a great SIM to keep around for visitors.

The SIM comes with 9GB data, but if you opt in via SMS by the 5th of June, you'll get double data with the $7.90 sim. Your next two $40 recharges (till 18/9) will also come with double data.

To opt in, text ‘DD’ to 1263 before 05/06/18

You can also get their Talk Combo Starter Pack for the same price with international calls included but with 12GB data instead.

Delivery is free!

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Can this be activated as a 365 day/long life one?

    • it might be ok, however the double data promotion ends on 5/06, so worst case you'll only get 9GB instead of 18GB

      • +2

        I think you missed the question. No data included with 365 plan, just 20c/min and $0.02 per MB ($20/GB).
        But you can buy data packs from credit for occasional use.

        • +1

          Aldi has 365 expiry with $5 credit.

        • +1

          ALDI is fine. 12c/min too, so 40 minutes.

          But the voda deal gives 200 minutes. Or 100 minutes plus a few addon data packs when you need them.

    • yes, it can used as 365 day recharge.
      but that plan is different( you will get $40 worth of credit which can be used to make calls, internet and text messaging), no free calls, data or anything, just credit.

    • +1

      Just checked with rep on Live Chat, for the starter pack, you only can activate whatever starter plan is, but for Recharge, you will have option to choose plan cross all Voda prepaid products.

      • Do you mean you can use the $40 included credit with these starter packs as a re-charge on a current voda prepaid sim?

        I thought you could not, but if you can please explain how to do this?

        • +1

          No, you only can activate as Data combo or talk combo plan for 35 days, after 35 days you need to recharge, while you can switch the plan then.

        • @jassssone:

          Well,….that makes sense.

          With all prepaid ( exept the one year offerings ), you can always change/chose new plan.

  • Do you know whether these are for new customers only, or can they be applied as recharge credit?

    • +1

      New only.

  • Any idea what the shelf life of these are? i.e. I have visitors coming over the Christmas/New Years period, will the pack still be valid by then?

    • I have an old one, there's no expiry date on it at all.

    • Voda ones don't expire.

      • New Voda SIMs expire 1 year after purchase.

        • I asked online help, they said expiry in six months, but could have been telling me fairy tales.

        • +1


          Did they also tell you Hansel & Gretel??

        • @abacus:

          Well that's what it says on the pack.

          Not willing to risk it.

    • The pack yes, the double data no.

      • Gotcha, thanks

      • other way around.

    • +2

      Just went on online chat with a Vodafone rep; see below. SIM card needs to be activated within 6 months of purchase:

      You:12:47 Hi, I'm looking at the prepaid $40 talk combo starter pack, but I don't plan to activate it for a few months. Do these sim cards expire?
      Hepsibah:12:48 I'll help you with that.
      Hepsibah:12:48 Yes you can activate the SIM any time within 6 months once you get it.
      You:12:49 So after 6 months, they cannot be used?
      Hepsibah:12:49 Yes. You need to activate the SIM within 6 months.
      You:12:49 I see. Thank you for that
      Hepsibah:12:49 You're welcome.

      • +2

        Not sure Hepsibah can be trusted on that. How would they know when I bought it if there's no expiry date?

        Earlier this year I activated an Optus SIM that was weeks past its expiry date.

        I'll try activating my old one and let you know if there's a problem.

        • That's good to know, I tried and failed with an expired sim last year from Telstra.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one. Can you help clarify one thing though?

    but if you opt in via SMS by the 5th of June, you'll get double data with the $7.90 sim

    How do you "opt in"? What do you have to SMS to whom?

    • +1

      To opt in, text ‘DD’ to 1263 before 05/06/18

      • +2

        What exactly are you opting into?

        • Yeah would like to know too please

        • +1

          @JokerCandy: You're opting in to "Double Data". Their lawyers probably asked them to use "opt-in"!

      • Thanks. Didn't spot it among all the text. It's also not in the order confirmation. Added to description.

        • My experience is that when you activate it, you'll be credited with 9Gb of data. The next day, you'll get an SMS from Vodafone explaining how to get the "bonus" data (basically what @Ramie said above).

  • +1

    I got 32gb for same amt from Kogan yesterday after activation link
    the link states only 16 but i somehow got 32gb as remaining balance, must be some bonus offer going on

    • +3

      kogan rocks. $300 for a year: 2x unlimited plans with 7gb each, or could have gone $400 for unlimted + 2x 16gb or so

      Big telcos are ripping people off

      • +1

        I think a lot of it has to do with overheads. Big telcos have to pay for TV ads, sponsorships, shop rental in expensive locations along with staff, run call centers for support, keep their investors happy, etc.

        • +1

          They don't have to…they choose to. So yes…essentially you aren't always paying for the service…you're paying for the world to know you are paying for that service.

          I haven't had to ever ring Kogan because I know what I am paying for. There's no extra costs. I remember ringing almost monthly with Optus because there were extra costs, costs for bills, costs for paying, late payment fees while I waited for revised bills to be resent, crappy online systems that never showed bills. And all this for a premium.

          Meanwhile now I know I can't go over my data without physically paying.

          Aldi mentality. Why charge a customer for something that they may not want.

          I need a cheap, functioning and serviceable plan. I don't need to use it overseas and it's rare I need it really rural areas. Where I loose reception i figure i'm probably in a place I should be enjoying rather than on my phone :-)

        • +1

          Agree with Optus being a pain to deal with. If you want Optus avoid the crap and go with a reseller.

    • Vodafone's $40 plan lasts for 35 days rather than Kogan's 30, so this is marginally better value.

      In the long run, Kogan is 1000% better tho.

      • Until too many customers join and the network goes to a halt. I have Optus, Telstra and Kogan. At times while Kogan goes at crawling speed, Telstra and Optus are flying. Same as Vodafone. it's cheap for a reason.

        • +2

          Interesting. I don't know one Optus mobile friend that doesn't constantly complain about the service.

          It's cheap…but you get what you pay for. So if you aren't expecting Telstra quality service for 1/3 or 1/4 the price…then there's no issue.

          The issue is when people pay nothing but expect everything.

          This being said…I haven't had an issue (that I know of) with Kogan's speed.

          And yes…sure…like everything, it's usually great till others do the same. Holiday spots, freeways, etc etc.

          I'm in no way saying Kogan is as good as Telstra, but there's been times when I've had signal when Telstra hasn't…and this is regional and rural.

        • +2

          I've had great results with Kogan also. Optus (thru resellers) is also ok. The worst was WW (telstra second tier reseller) slow and inconsistent data rate.
          It all depends with where you are I suppose?

  • Just bought 4 of these from Coles yesterday for 15$ a piece for visitors I will have the over Christmas. You reckon I get a refund for the difference from them?

    • you can return them back and order new ones online.

      • I think SIM cards are not returnable. Wondering if a price match and refund of the difference would be though? Anyone had a similar thing resolved before?

        • +1

          Limit of one per person. Can order through different account.

        • +2


          Can order 4 at a time if you load your cart and put promo code in at the end ;)

        • +1

          Well, you can't go to Coles and tell them you want refund on the price difference, but if it is unopened don't see why they couldn't refund them all. Now head to the Coles and let us now if you got refund.

        • @bargainparker: went to do some more grocery shopping, and yep - they don’t refund nor price match unfortunately.

        • +1


          Tell visitors you paid $22.90 :P

    • +1

      I don't think you can return SIM cards, I'm sure I've read that in their conditions, will see what I can find.

    • +1

      Why bother? This deal will expire before xmas.

  • Anyone finding link from cashrewards doesn't work?

    • ok looks like vodafone website down

      • FYI, this offer isn't eligible for rewards…

        Cashback is not eligible when used in conjunction with any other offer, voucher or discount code unless listed on this site, or with any other discounts such as staff or student discount.

  • Is this deal online only or can you get it instore?

    This deal gets cheaper and cheaper. Last week it was $20 at Woolworths, this week its $15 at Coles, and now its $7.90 at Voda….

    • Need to know this too. Is this only online or instore? We need the simcards by next week for family that are coming over. Thank you

      • +1

        It's online only. But it said express delivery (within 1-2 business days) when I ordered my sim. If you order today, you should definitely get it by Monday next week I think.

  • +9

    It says 1 per customer, but if you don't enter the promo code at the start and load up your cart, then you can get up to 4 at the discounted price ;) $31.60 for 4 months

  • Unable to process my payment, got rejected due to the technical issue, anyone else has the same issue?

    • worked fine for me

  • +1

    Isn’t the [Koganmobile] (https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-mobile-prepaid-voucher-co…) deal better? I thought it was 23gb, unlimited talk and text for $7.90? Vodafone network too

    • +1

      switched to kogan yesterday, received 32gb for $7.90

      • are they still doing 32gb for ports now or is this a new offer?? I'm just gettting 23GB for new signup.

    • If you don't need international calls then Kogan is better

    • Kogan reverts to $49.90 after the first month, whereas the Voda deal reverts to $40 after the first month and you get double data for only the next two recharges. So depends if you are after more data, imho.

    • +3

      If you're porting back and forth, I've found Kogan to be slow and painful on occasion. Vodafone is near instant if coming from another major.

      • Yep, I'd had an Optus -> Kogan port take about 1.5 days.

      • It take 7 days when I last port in to Kogan. However it was just 1 day before Easter Holidays.
        My experience is that usually porting to a big telco is faster.

        • +1

          Avoid weekends porting .

          Try to adjust porting on Thursday ( you may loose 3 days from 28 ).

          Once your profile is there with all telco, porting should be easy and can be done on Saturday in less then 15 mins

        • @vr4indian:

          Good advice although sometimes it often just falls on a Sat or Sunday unless you cut off days from previous sim. My experience porting with Kogan is mixed, even Sat can be not done till Monday sometimes, but usually ok if do it in mornings.

      • Ported a WW # to Kogan and was almost instant.

    • Kogan is 30 days, Vodafone is 35 days.

      I couldn't use that much data anyway, so Voda offer is better for me.

    • Thx. Was trying to find this link yesterday yesterday!

  • WTF? Just bought 2 from their website several days ago…

  • Might be a silly question, but does Voda, or Kogan, have databank for used data?

  • can I get cashbeck from cashreward?

  • +1

    Just what i needed to port from Telstra and then back to Telstra for the Pixel 2 Plus deal

  • So.. I can use this for just one month and then dump it right?

    • +1

      I asked the same thing via chat and they confirms can kill it whenever you want

    • +1

      It's prepaid. You just stop using it.

  • Bought this for use while on holiday a month ago. Here's some tips.

    During activation you choose whether you want to use it in a phone or data only (tablet/modem). Choosing 1 disables the other option on the simcard. Only the phone option gives you 18GB.
    I setup mine for phone use, and it worked ok as a 2nd sim just for data in the phone. But it would not work as a hotspot, nor did it work in my tablet. I was not a happy camper.

    I've read that a lot of telcos actually block hotspot use.

    • Not Kogan & Lebara.

    • i was able to use it as hotspot, what were u trying to hotspot with which device?

      • Had it in a Nokia 8 as 2nd sim.
        Setup the hotspot, multiple devices could connect to it ok, but could not get to the internet.
        Devices connecting to the hotspot were: Sony tablet Z4, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, Sony Xperia X phone.

    • If you're on Android, install PDAnet+ to get around the block on tethering

      • Thanks will try that

  • I want data only for my ipad. I want long prepaid e.g. 6 months. I don't need a lot of data as most of time I use wifi, maybe 20G per 6 months.
    What will be the prepaid SIM?

  • Site is undergoing maintenance… grrr…

  • Hi. Guys.
    Anyone know if I keep buying the pre-paid sim and transferring number every month.
    like Voda - Kogan -Voda again - Woolie and Kogan again… something like that…
    Will be any problem later?? like they will put me a blacklist who leave and come back too often.??


    • You'll be in the red list!

    • +2

      No. I've done it for years now. No telco has ever refused my business because of it.

      But don't do Kogan <—> Vodafone ports, as they're the same network. You really want to change networks with each port, it's much quicker and usually automated that way.

      • Thanks. I will transfer to the different network.

  • Does anyone know if Vodafone support carrier aggregation on the Moto G5 plus? It doesn't on kogan Mobile.

    That is does it support speeds up to 100mbs download?

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