The cars I have seen with those stickers on the windscreen are not brand new vehicles.
Fuel Efficiency Stickers - Why Don't People Remove Them?

Last edited 04/04/2018 - 11:33 by 1 other user
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Not efficient to drive around with unaerodynamic deadweight stickers.
The stickers are in the inside of windscreens and do not affect aerodynamics! One less reason to remove.
Even inside the windscreen the stickers will increase eddies in the airflow of the cabin fan, increasing the fan drag torque, fan motor torque, alternator back electromotive force, crankshaft load, throttle position, manifold absolute pressure, fuel map lookup, injector duration and consequently fuel consumption. Over the life of the vehicle that could really add up!!
Plus there's still the issue of the deadweight of the stickers themselves which increase the inertia of the car.
Actually they act as inner vortex generators for the air, allowing for controlled separation
OP, have you ever heard of the phrase 'too much time on your hands'?
styx approve of this comment.
People are weird. I can't stand any stickers on my car or any appliances. Fridges look wise with those stickers on them. I got annoyed when my car got a next service sticker.
Anyway, some people just leave them on, probably because they don't come off cleanly
I get out the hair dryer and warm the sticker up and they peel quite easily. This also works on those bar tag stickers on Bunnings timber and they stick like sh!te to a blanket.
Used hairdryer for the stickers on my motorbike - very good results.
Oddly enough it didn't work for those 'Intel inside' stickers on my previous laptops. Then again those laptops often got hotter than the hairdryer when I used them in bed, so probably intentional use of heat resistant glue
I cover them up with an 'idiot outside' symbol, since it's not marketing hype and mostly true.
It still works on laptops, just need a little longer. Once you can get a plastic pry tool under one edge, it's not hard to keep the hot air on it as you slowly peel it up and off.
I've never needed heat to get the intel stickers off. Just pull them off. If there's any sticky residue left, just tap it with the sticker until it all comes off.
Really? All the other stickers seem fine, but the Intel one seems to be made from an imitation steel or something, pretty damn hard.Idk
What sort of heat were you generating in bed?
Good tip
Steamer should work even better. I used a steamer to soften glue and remove peeling tint.
Just peel stickers off glass then use mineral turpentine to get the sticky residue off. It works every time and leaves absolutely zero lasting marks/effects.
I can't speak as to fuel stickers but leaving plastic and promo stuff on massively increases the second hand price for things like monitors, routers etc. There's an implied newness to it (you don't have to pretend it's new) and also people like peeling plastic off shiny things.
I usually try and at least preserve it if not leave it on where applicable.
massively increases the second hand price
Proof? because I call bullshit
I would be much more impressed if you gave me the original booklets etc with receipt in a nice ziplock bag
What are you ranting and raving about? Including original booklets, accessories and reciepts are hardly "freebies".
@RandomDeviation: When you buy things new, often manuals and cables come in a ziplock bag as well? Or at least some sort of a plastic bag?
this isn't some car showroom or an audio equipment shop. If the buyer is too naggy, its a sign to move on as a seller. There's always demand.
If you were a seller, I'd move on from you. You obviously don't care about anything, let alone the item you are trying to sell me
'nice ziplock bag'. Try reading next time before commenting. Its okay to take a few deep breaths before pressing that post comment button.
Ziplock bags cost nothing, you have them in your kitchen and are a great way to keep everything together, we arent asking a lot here
That and the stickers tend to age and wear. A new sticker might make something look new, but a worn, yellowing sticker just makes it look worse!
Agree with you, especially on gumtree. People like the original stickers that come with electronic goods. Have been able to get good prices selling old phones, routers, mice and monitors with all the accessories and stickers that came with them.
Routers and other appliances just overheat if you leave the plastic on. Screens are okay to leave on tho, for the day you eventually peel it off is like a whole new world.
I'll vouch for the router overheating. I still remember opening the casing of on old Billion Router over 10 years ago. I put the actual chipset on one of those laptop stands with the inbuilt cooling fans. It stopped the disconnections permanently but did not improve performance. Nowadays the new ones are much much better at cooling themselves.
It's not as bad as leaving the "CASHMERE" tag on the sleeve of a coat.
I knew what it was even before clicking on it haha.
Miss that show.
sticker adds 200 killer wasps
The first thing I do is remove the dealer sticker from the window and replace the number plate surround.
Why should I give them free advertising?It's almost infuriating seeing cars being driven around with the dealer logo printed directly onto the number plates (at least in NSW).
I can tolerate that if it's not too obnoxious, but I've seen cars littered with dealer stickers. And it's usually the really badly named or cheap sounding places. "Pink Pig Auto"
Don't know if some people are too lazy to remove, have such little pride in their purchase, or somehow think it's etched into the glad or something
Almost as bad as the fool that came up with 'no birds' stickers. I was once offered a hire car from that company, turned it down since I'm not their beaitch…
@resisting the urge: on what occasion were offered it?
Or did you mean you considered to hire one of their cars only to find out there would be a logo on the car?
This guy's stickers are worth leaving on for the comedic value:
Best place to get a decent surround?
Just bought a car, removed the sticker, never thought about the number plate surround
Didn't think its that expensive to buy one
Why do plenty of QLD cars still have 2014 rego stickers on them? Because people are lazy as shit.
Not just a Queensland problem, Victoria as well!
Not just a Queensland and Victoria problem, South Australia as well!!
So to sum it up, its not a QLD, Victoria, or SA problem, its a people problem.
So they know when their rego is due.
Getting the rego renewal notice in the mail isn't a good enough hint?
Not when the postal service is so unreliable nowadays.
@pjetson: it's funny because it's so true that it goes beyond being a joke to be a very depressing reality.
Australia Post - black humor at it's finest
@pjetson: Really? Parcels sometimes take forever to get processed, but I never have a problem receiving letters.
@pjetson: When it comes to bills and anything you have to pay for, don't worry, you will get it on time.
It doesn't always come, along with insurance cancellations…. Grrrrr!
Not a problem in NSW because it’s actually illegal to keep them on the dash…
As a general guess, laziness…
Now for the absurd reason nobody though of and becuse of downvotes…. according to another user on another thread, changing anything about your ADR compliance or Aus. Standards renders that item as non-compliant. In theory, removing of the sticker makes the vehicle non-compliant and therefore can attract the attention of police… for the inevitable shitposters that will reply to this, I’m off to find the ADR/AS that says that part of compliance is the window sticker…
Edit: Found the applicable ADR. ADR 81/01 under 4.1, And it states…
4.1- Every vehicle shall have applied to its windscreen a fuel consumption label meeting the specifications of the label illustrated in Appendix A.
I’m off to find the ADR/AS that says that part of compliance is the window sticker…
Please do, because I doubt you'll find it. We remove them before customer takes delivery, as does every manufacturer
ADR 81/01 baby! Read it and weeeeeep! :D
Just says it has to be applied, doesn't say it has to stay put…
It’s a stupid thing. To be ADR compliant, the sticker has to be on the windscreen. So, deducing from that and calling upon boundless amounts of stupidity, one could say that the removal of the sticker could cause the vehicle to be non-compliant with ADR.
I just wanted a really really left of field reason why people leave them on there. :D
We remove them before customer takes delivery, as does every manufacturer
If every manufacturer removes the stickers, how come OP (and others) can still observe them affixed to cars driving around the place?
I guess some slip through the cracks. It's not common to see an older car with one on, talking a small minority
Fuel efficiency sticker on the front and stick family stickers on the rear. That's how we roll, homie.
Ideally placed directly in the field of view, to protect the driver from seeing anything scary beyond the passenger compartment
^ Yeah round here we try an roll free or cheap
Do Tesla's and other electric vehicles need them.
Yes. There is a specific sticker for EV’s…
You can read more about it in the relevant ADR I listed above, or at the bottom of the website…
100% Teslas do not come with any stickers on the windscreen
Incorrect. Was only at a shopping center recently and there was a Tesla display with 2 models. Both of them had the stickers on them.
Edit: BOOM! Oh, look what I found over here… a Tesla energy consumption label…
I can tell you that I have taken delivery of a Tesla, and it 100% did not come with a window sticker. Custom order from the factory, no kms.
Just gonna leave this here…
and this one…
And maybe this one…
How about a Model X???
Need any more proof? How about some more pew pew pew…
Of course you were ;)
This sticker is part of ADR compliance (see ADR 81/01 reference posted above.) I have provided numerous photos of these stickers being for Tesla vehicles and clearly (excuse the pun) stuck to windscreens on cars.
You bought one car and based your one car experience as indicative of every Tesla sold. I'm gonna need a larger sample size than "one"
So, again, I have proved you wrong! :D
And just to prove a point and cause I'm a good sport… This is the USA version of our Energy Consumption sticker… :D
course, not cause.
Anyway, it was 2 cars, not 1 car. One was an AP1 car, one was an AP2 car. I just looked at the photo of the AP1 car, and you're right, it did come with one of those stickers in the windscreen. The AP2 car did not, they probably took it off in detailing.
course, not cause.
and you're right
Every time I prove you wrong in any post, all I can think of is me sounding like Mordecai… "Oh yeaaaaaahhhh I diiid"
You said 'of cause', then edited it after I corrected you to the correct 'of course'
You didn't prove me wrong. We were both right.
No, the question asked was, “do EV vehicles need these stickers”, and the answer is yes. Under ADR regulation 81/01, for compliance, each car must be fitted with this sticker at some point. What the dealer does with this sticker at the time of delivery preparation is that dealer’s choice. As @Spackbace said above, at the dealership where they are, they remove them.
The difference here is that you’re a school teacher and I’m a mechanic that has worked in both car dealerships and at a car freight holding facility. At one point in my life, I was fitting these stickers as part of my work. These stickers are not fitted by the dealers, they are taken off at the dealers.
So no, we are not “both” right. You were wrong. ADR 81/01 clearly outlines, that for compliance purposes, this sticker must be attached the the vehicle, be it diesel, petrol or EV. You have a sample size of “two”, one with and one without. This doesn’t make us both right, it still makes you wrong.
@pegaxs: No, if the car comes to the customer without the sticker then it is delivered without the sticker. I have a sample size of two, one with, one without. That makes me right on one occasion and wrong on another. I don’t see what is hard to comprehend about that?
No, if the car comes to the customer without the sticker
So went straight from the boat to your driveway? Yeah nah, there's still a compliance process involved, which requires having the sticker put on it.
@Spackbace: I’m sure there is. But clearly in my case, they went on and came off, before I ever saw it.
they went on and came off
Which doesn't mean to say it didn't have it in the first place. This isn't Schroedinger's economy sticker. Just because you didn't see it on the car, didn't mean it didn't have 1 in it's life.
100% Teslas do not come with any stickers on the windscreen
You've already proven your own comment was BS because 50% of the Tesla's you've seen had 1. And the other one you don't even know.
Please don't attempt to form arguments based on your own lack of knowledge. I know it's the internet, and that is prolific, but it just shows how ignorant you are :)
Your first comment on the subject:
Burnertoasty on 03/04/2018 - 21:36
100% Teslas do not come with any stickers on the windscreenHow deep is that hole you're digging?
I just looked at the photo of the AP1 car, and you're right, it did come with one of those stickers in the windscreen.
pegaxs, Burnertoasty. I've just wasted 5 minutes reading this pointless argument about stickers. Let's finish the discussion here. Feel free to argue about Tesla stickers in PM.
People who leave the clear plastic on their audio equipment, tv bezels and whitegoods
Omg! Yes! I have friends that have the screen protector protector still on their screen protector for their phones… You know the number “2” part you take off after installing the screen protector? They wanted that left on… to protect the screen protector! FFFFFFFFFFFFF!
It does my ’effing head in every time I have to fix something on their phone. I tell them, “you know you can take this layer off and it will be clearer and still have the screen protector on there?…”
Their reason… “no, just leave it on. I paid $30 for that screen protector, I don’t want it getting scratched…”
Lemme introduce your friend to double condoms…
One of them has what they call “decorative sofas” in their house. They are in the house, but aren’t for sitting in… WTF! Hahaha.
Lemme introduce your friend to double condoms…
I'm using my phone from within two as we speak.
Lemme introduce your friend to double condoms…
Hell yes, we don't want them to produce more like themselves :D
Best used with a coating of Dencorub between the layers.
Love it when they remain on, despite having giant bubbles in the film
Giant bubbles in the double screen protectors or the double condoms?? :D
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Not efficient to burn joules scraping them off.