Fuel Efficiency Stickers - Why Don't People Remove Them?

The cars I have seen with those stickers on the windscreen are not brand new vehicles.


    • +1

      One of my PS4 controllers is hella filthy, the other still has the clear film on… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • +5

      I've seen people's TVs with the advertising sticker in the corner still, blocking the top left corner of the screen! It's one thing to leave the stickers on - but to have ones which actually inhibit the function of the device?!

      • +2

        This this this! My parents once did this, and when I ripped it off they seemed surprised it came off??

  • +2

    Not as frustrating as seeing a debit/credit card with the big white sticker that says Activate Before Use with the activation website and phone number

  • +2


  • -7

    Car stickers are a bad subject to me.
    When I bought my first car from a well known dealership, it had it's stickers everywhere whne I went to pick it up.
    I hit the roof and told them I will pick it up when all the stickers have been taken off, well what a commotion that started everyone and his dog and lakie came out telling me that it was common practice to drive out with their stickers on a new or secondhand car, I responded well you have hit the jackpot there cause this black duck aint free advertising for you. So I locked the car where it was, took my keys told them to fix it and that I will be back at the close of shop and walked out of the yard.
    They chased me down the road telling me to move the car as it was in the way, sure will do but first remove the stickers and the number plate surround. So I went back with the dealer rep pacing in front of me to the car, still didnt move the car was there for another 20/30 mins so I went and made myself a coffee from their machine in the waiting area, on drinking it the receptionist said that I had to pay for the coffee, what it says complimentary coffee for clients, so i just dropped it on the floor and went back to the car still no sticker removal so I just walk back out the yard again and came back 6hrs later at closing time and guess what the car was still where it was and all the stickers removed and had been washed spick n span. On arrival the dealership manager came out and apologised for the incident and sorta told me off about the coffee and gave me a coupon booklet with 10 free car washers.I shook his hand said thank you and drove out the yard and have never ever been back since. I have never had this trouble with Volkswagen and am on my third one from them.

    • +1

      The founder of VW would be proud of you.

    • +12

      Dropped a coffee on the floor? Had a total meltdown over 2 stickers? You need help. Or it's a total fake story. Probably fake.

      • I believed it up till the “dropped the covfefe on the floor” part… I am the same with dealer stickers. When I go in for a service, I make sure they write on the service sheet “no stickers”. No dealer has ever had a problem with this and even if there was a sticker on there, just politely ask them to remove it and it gets done. None of this coffee dropping bullshit required…

        “I’ll pick, ‘things that didn’t happen’ for $500, thanks…”

        • Automasters do the same :/

    • +8

      how does a 4 year old throwing a tantrum afford a car?

    • +1

      hehehehe gr8 b8 m8

    • +4

      You sound like the arsehole who blocked the drive thru at McDonalds, are you related perhaps?

    • i hope the mods ban you. you sound like a pure looser. dropping the coffee on the floor. let me guess, spoilt kid who got what he wanted by throwing tantrums?

  • Just like people dont remove advertising stickers from laptops, phones, fridges, washing machines or tvs

    I have no idea why, but I think they think it makes them new, or worth more when selling later?

    When I cleaned up my mothers laptop (software and hardware, which is ~7 years old) she went mental at me because I removed the pealing advertising stickers
    She couldnt tell me exactly why she didnt want them removed

    The other reason is they are lazy, I've seen friends not remove stickers from storage containers, dust pans, even cooking utensils

  • Argh. I commented this to my partner a few weeks ago, there were 3 cars in a shopping center car park, all with the still on. One of them was even a old model! Aaarrgh

  • I am glad that you raised it OP, not just the fuel stickers, my friends even have the energy efficient stickers on their TVs and Fridges which is so annoying that I just feel like unfriending them.

    And yes some people leave stickers on their beer glass too….sooooo annnnoying!

    • Don't the TV ones obscure the screen !?

      • Yep.

        I've never seen flat screen with a bezel large enough to fit that sticker without obscuring the panel.

      • +2

        Don't the TV ones obscure the screen !?

        Is surely does (a part of screen in the corner) but it appears to be annoying just me, not my mate!

    • +1

      I just feel like unfriending them

      Will you give them a sticker stating that? :)

    • Get rid of them, who needs friends like that!

  • +2

    I always remove next service date sticker after I got my car back from dealer from scheduled service.

    • I told my mechanic not to paste the thing, and he's never been putting it on. But then I'm particular about servicing my car on time, so it might probably help those who may not be keen on keeping their car in the best condition.

  • +2

    Use a small strip of sandpaper - The Australian way.

    • +1

      Use a small strip of sandpaper - The Australian way.

      Sooooo out of context

      • +1

        Indeed. I agree ImadeYourReadThis

  • I think the stickers should be removed…as should the chip on all Subaru driver's/owner's shoulders…just saying…

  • The sticker helps resale value… (?)

  • Aren't some illegal? Thought you couldn't put anything in the wiped area of the window which can be most of the window on some cars

    • These economy stickers are required by law for ADR compliance… (ADR 81/01)

      As for where they can be placed, under this ADR, it actually stipulates where this sticker must be mounted…

      4.2 The fuel consumption label shall be placed in a bottom corner of the front windscreen on the inside of the windscreen.

      Groovy, huh? :D

  • +1

    They add an extra 10kw of power.

  • Might be a bit off topic but is there any law, regulation or guideline about having these stickers in place when the vehicles are in the showroom, I've bought a few new cars and never actually seen one of these stickers either in the show room or on my newly delivered car - the only place I see them is on other peoples OLD cars driving around!

    I always had a suspicion that dealers didn't like them because they advocated the best possible fuel economy in non-real world driving conditions and average punters may complain when they don't achieve near the actual claimed fuel usage.

    • +1

      Nope, we just take them off when the car is sold, or occasionally taken off demo's.

      Legally they have to be there when the car is on display. There ain't any hiding fuel consumption figures.

      Nothing more nothing less. Take the tinfoil hat off.

      • -2

        Thanks for answering the question, no need to add an insult, it only serves to build on the stereotype of the car dealer profession.

        • Not an insult. My profession has taught me to have a lot thicker skin than perceiving that as an insult ;)

        • +1


          is there any law, regulation or guideline about having these stickers in place when the vehicles are in the showroom…

          *cough* ADR 81/01 *cough*


        • +1


          To suggest someone should take their tinfoil hat off implies that person holds a ridiculous position on a matter and they are somewhat delusional in their thought process. I might be a bit precious but to me it is an insult.

        • @jason101:

          I might be a bit precious

  • I bought a new car and it came with the sticker. I haven't bothered removing it coz I don't want a sticky residue mess on my screen. Not sure where I'd plug in a hair dryer either.

    • Power point would be a good start. Extension cable would help.

      • Yeah, not when you live in a high rise with a multi-level car park.

        • Then multiple extension cables would help.

  • We have two in our street. They're both nice neighbours but also such (profanity).

  • Got one on the windscreen of my Outlander PHEV. No idea why I've never taken it off. I guess I keep forgetting it's there as I never notice it when driving.

    • You bought an Outlander PHEV… I'm surprised you're awake enough to notice when driving such a boring car anyway 😂

      • Shouldn't laugh. Did laugh.

  • I drive a few government fleet vehicles here in QLD and they always have the fuel stickers left on them. I wonder if that's their process or law…

  • It allows you to sue car makers easier if the fuel efficiency quoted is wrong.

  • +1

    How bored do you have to be to ask yourself such questions?

    • +1

      Like you, OP probably had his/her elbows pressed hard against their thighs mid squeeze after a questionable meal and a distinct long term lack of fibre.

      Many great philosophers started the same way.

    • Thats what I was thinking.. lol. Why does the OP or anyone give a damn at all whether other car owners leave a fuel sticker on. Like who cares .

  • Makes the car look new

  • The broken glass theory?

  • we should all put some stickers on op's car, every morning before they wake up. they will eventually go mad and start putting fuel economy stickers on their own body. win.

  • Where I work a few of us had company issue vehicles. We all got new vehicles around the same time.
    It was kind of a completion to see how long you could go with leaving the new vehicle sticker on.
    It came down to 2 of us and we both handed out vehicles back in at the end of the lease with out stickers still on the windscreen although they were faded and barley readable.

    It doesn't bother me at all and the 1 year old car I drive around in still has it's sticker on.
    The other half wants it gone but I might see how long I can leave it there before she rips it off.

  • I leave it on to motivate me to try to achieve the rated fuel efficiency measure.
    The number of stars is also used for bragging rights.
    These stickers must be UV protected as they look as good as new > 8 years in the full sun.

    Although I still haven't come close to the rated fuel efficiency after 8 years of trying.

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