• expired

Centre Com 10 Day End of Year SALE, 24/12/2011 - 04/01/2011 @ Centre Com Online ONLY


Sale starts: 24/12/2010
Sale ends: 04/01/2011


Most products will be available online.

Stock limitations apply.

Lenovo G560: Intel Core i3, 500GB Storage, 4GB Memory - $529
Toshiba C650: Intel Core i3, 500GB Storage, 2GB Memory - $599
USB Wireless N Dongle from $1
500GB USB Portable hard drives from $48
1TB External hard drives from $55


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Centre Com
Centre Com

closed Comments

  • +1

    just got an email saying that the 500 gb portable hard drive hard drive i ordered has been sold out. they have basically taken more orders that they can handle, THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST ONLINE STORE EVER.

    • So what are they going to offer you instead refund?

      I also ordered an Iomega 500GB HDD but haven't received this email

      • +2

        They didn't state a refund is available, only that if there was a model I wanted listed on their site, then they can make 'necessary adjustments'. Forget that, I told them that they need to show me some initiative in what I can order without any additional costs otherwise I demand a refund. I just don't want to deal their incompetence anymore.

  • +3

    More B/S from this stupid company called ShetCom.

    "Centrecom has only recently re-opened from our Christmas and New Year break from the 24-12-2010 to the 05-01-2011. This information was listed on the front page of the website during this time.

    Unfortunately both the Patriot Wireless N USB Adapter and the Samsung Story Station 1.5TB USB2.0 are limited to one per customer, this was stated in the emailed newsletter on the 31-12-2010.
    As this is the case we are only able to provide one of each for your order. Please notify us on how you wish to proceed with your order.

    Kind regards

    Your order has been updated to the following status.

    New status: Processing

    Please reply to this email if you have any questions."

    • Email newsletter which was sent 7 days after there sale started on the 24th like WTF!!!

      WTF is going on I have not received any of these emails other people have received!! :@

  • Friend of mine who bought that Lenovo Laptop they had on sale just told me his status has changed to dispatched now and got a TNT tracking number…. mine still processing :(

  • If they can't supply me with what I ordered like the 500GB HDD and 1.5TB and the wireless stick I will be demanding a refund as its not worth the postage just for one hdd I'm really starting to get pissed off with there lack of communication!

  • +6



    This is fully unacceptable. I placed my order on the 24th of December and nowhere on the site mentioned that it was limited to one item per customer.
    Furthermore I never received your newsletter on 31/12 and even if I did its not worth the keystrokes that typed it as my order was placed on the 24/12 i.e. prior to the claimed newsletter date (31/12).

    From my point of view what you are suggesting is both illegal and unethical as:

    1. I lost the opportunity to buy from other competitors such as MLN and Harvey Norman that had similar pricing on the hard drives on Boxing Day and now the prices are gone up again.
    2. I have transferred the money on the 24th of December as requested and now after 12 Days you send this unacceptable response.
    3. I am sure hundreds of orders were placed and you send them the same response below which is nothing but pure scam.

    I will give you the chance once again to fulfil my order completely as I have placed it without any alterations.

    Awaiting your response"

    • Ditto!!

    • I just sent them something similar. Hope they do honour my order.


    • +1
      missed the 2TB one at HN

  • +3

    ooh and centrecom rep if you have balls come back to this thread and comment back or I swear am gonna vote negative every single offer you publish on ozbargain and link back to thsi thread to warn buyers from your illegal actions.

  • +4

    ohh Guys you can also fill this form to complain voa Consumer Affairs Victoria:

    • +3

      I will bookmark this if I don't get any correspondence from centrecom will use it.

      I just send them another email asking about the progress of my order will see what reply I get…

  • +1

    very bad service, they did not honor to sale, then ask for refund, 3 emails sent and no one reply. i don't want my order, just want my money back. never again from Centrecom

    • I am starting to just want my money back also..

      Never again will I deal with Centrecom…

  • +1

    What a waste of my time! After purchased the "USB Wireless N Dongle from $1" and paid, they emailed and saying limit to 1 per customer. Not a deal at all, as they charges $18 for delivery! Doggy company. Don't purchase from them!

  • +1

    They seem to have gone quiet on the communication front, since I asked for a partial refund for not being able to completely fulfil my order.

    This is the last time I will ever do business with them.

    • I have sent a few emails and just sent another now to cancel my order and refund me I have not received any reply from any of the emails I have sent.

      • +1

        so what are you gonna do?

        • No idea mate, I've never been in a situation like this before. Might have to speak to my bank and see what options I have to get my money back if they don't respond.

  • +3

    the most coward thing is that the rep on ozbargain has been logging on but simply ignored their customers! i will certainly be posting this on whirlpool to warn other people about their customer service

    • +1

      Dodgy as hell!

    • keep in mind. they have probably been instructed not to interact with you, so what your asking for will only get them in trouble

      • +3

        Doesn't seem logical to me, I mean, a rep's focus on OB should not only be about posting deals for the community, but also taking the time to address their customers' concerns.

        But I guess at the end of the day, the responsibility is adopted at their discretion. But by not doing so, they provide a clear and direct reflection on how they view their customers. And right now it seems, they don't value us very much (if at all)!

        • id compare if to the backlash to the commonwealth bank really, where customers were lashing out at branch staff for issues that were out of thier control, when thier boss was the one responsible, but you are right, its not logical

  • I can't find the rep from Centrecom he might need resuscitation….

  • +1

    Guys keep us updated on this thread.
    Personally I am gonna email them daily and call them daily.
    wonder if I can go to small claims court in Sydney as I live in Sydney, or it should be done in Melbourne???

    • You mean if they dont offer a full refund?

    • +1

      no email, no call, no refund, now they hold large amount of fund in bank and earn interest

  • +3

    Much like the others already posted…. purchased multiple of the HDD…. no where on the site saying there is a limit…. got multiple emails prior to the new year saying I have not paid even tho I paid on the same night of purchase. Got an email a few days ago saying they can't fulfil my order. Have email complained multiple times about the email relating me not paid, and have further 2 emails complaining about their inability to honor their deals.

    Not a single response back from my 6 or 7 emails.

    Centrecom - just stand up and make a stance, just let us know whether you are honoring or not honoring the deals…. if not, let me kniow NOW and not waste any more time (so that i can't go buy my HDD from somewhere else) and stop holding my money. I think I have to send them an invoice for the time I wasted with them and the interest foregone from the cash they have which does not belong to them….

  • +1

    Same situation here, after paid for all my stuffs and receiving mail saying not receiving my payment and canceling my order, now they goes the item is limited to 1 per customer. This is will the last time I buy from them, well done on the advertising campaign =)

  • In the same boat here, I ordered 25 Wireless adapter. Got email saying they can't process my order, I requested refund but no response :(

  • We should all organise a time to goto the sunshine store(looks to be the one handling online business) and demand an explanation/what we paid for under there own terms at time of purchase. Who's with me?

    • I would if I lived in Victoria but I'm in Sydney also along with others on here its abit out of the way.

      • +1

        Same. Someone needs to sort these guys out! In a civilised way of course :)

    • +1

      All ring ACCC (or submit form online) to report this dodgy store and take them to court!

      • +1

        iI think it's about time…. just can't believe the lack of a response from anyone there….

      • Do I have to be in Victoria to submit online form ?

        • +1

          no You don't I live in Sydney and filed mine through Consumer Affairs Victoria. I called them and they said I can do taht cause teh business is in Victoria.

        • @bashar20 Cheers pal, I will fill it right away.
          BTW, did they tell you how long it should take?

          EDIT: Filled out the form, will see how it goes :(

  • +1

    Guys any updates?

  • +2

    Nothing here…. :(

    • +1


      Centrecom REP: I see you logged on today, so why can't you address your customers? What sort of business model are you following by ignoring US??!

      • He's following the scam model :)

        • and the scum model.

  • Hi Guys

    I thought I'd try my luck in trying to call them as I had some credit on Skype to burn.

    Anyway the guy I spoke to said there is a big backlog of emails as the holiday period had slowed things down alot.

    Don't know what to believe anymore… I did say to them I have sent numerous email about cancelling my order and he said they have a few hundred to go thru and are trying to get thru them all.

    So who knows what to believe anymore with them, the guy I spoke to seemed like he knew what he was talking about but who knows.

    They have my money anyway, and I have spent enough time on this trying to get any answers from them so I will wait it out abit longer and see what happens, I'm back at work this week so don't have much time to try pursue this further.

    But its a lesson learnt I will try to keep to sites that use Paypal in the future.

    The Samsung Drives have been discontinued and there all sold out of them and they will be replaced with an equivalent Seagate/WD etc this is what I was told…

    • +2

      My analysis of the whole situation is this. it seems they had soemthing like 100 Hard drives at most. They got orders for 1000+ Drives. (and they this was gonna happen) and now they are taking their sweet time using our money to finance their business for free.

      If they had no staff to manage the whole promotion from the 24th of Dec till the 4th of Jan they should not have ran the promo in the first place.

      am taking this one step up and will complain to ACCC as well.

      • +1

        This is what I got just now.

        Unfortunately due to higher than expected demand we have ran out of the Samsung Story Station 1.5TB USB2.0 and the Patriot Wireless N USB Adapter, we will also not be getting more in stock. As this is the case i have cancelled your order.

        Please reply to this email with your banking details including; account name, bsb and account number so we can refund

        • I got a reply to my earlier email just today and they have cancelled my order now and have sent them my banking details for a refund..

  • Got my Iomega 2.5" drive (and WD Green 2TB drive that I ordered since I was playing $18 for delivery anyways) today. Don't understand why it took TNT almost a week to deliver it since it was sent on Jan 4. But all's well that ends well I guess?

    • +1

      Lets hope they are new sealed items and not refurbished ones.

      From my side till now centrecom has not bothered to replto any of my emails and didnt refund my money either.

      • The 2TB drive is sealed in its original plastic wrapper.

        The 2.5 ext HDD is sealed with (what looks like) the original tape.

        Hope you get your refund soon! This whole thing has been a PR disaster for them!

        • +1

          Well they have till end of this week to refund me if not then am going to small claims court with recordings of phone calls and copies of unanswered emails.

  • +1

    I just got an email today acknowledging they'll refund the portion of the order they were unable to fulfill.

    Order is…still procressing however!

    • +1

      Exactly the same here, given them the account detail last wk, but still nothing from them, no refund and no reply to email

      • +2

        Guys I suggest you all report to Consumer Affairs and ACCC. These filthy actions should be reported.

  • +1

    Scam Centre has contacted me today asking for my bank details to issue a refund after almost 20 days. They claim they sold out even that I have placed my order on teh 24th of Dec.

    I am gonna follow up my complaint with consumer affairs victoria.

    and I am gonna posta link to this thread to any post from Scam Centre cause they are a bunch of filthy liars.

  • +1

    Just got the email about them not honoring my purchase due to being "out of stock". Immediately made a call and complained to ACCC the more people we get complaining the better and it will make the case against centrecom stronger, centrecom never again will I bother to buy from you, you are blacklisted and I hope that ozbargain blacklists you from making deals on here in the future and whenever I see anything about you on here or on any forum I will link people to this thread and recommend never to deal with you. I hope your business fails miserably just like your customer service. Burn in HELL Centrecom! You Suck!

    • +1

      I suggest you complain to Consumer Affairs Victoria as well.

  • +2

    You know guys; I started to believe that they did this on purpose to divert people from buying from their arch-enemy MLN. What makes me believe in that that even the people who placed their orders very early (24/12) has received the same shitty response "out of stock"! People placed their orders and didn't care to buy from MLN especially those who live outside Victoria. I think they were successful in that to some extent but those stupid liars don't recognize that they have done more harm to themselves and to their image!

    Not to mention holding our money not bothered to issue immediate refunds as all legitimate and respectful businesses do.

    I have reported them to ACCC and I encourage everyone to do the same.

    • +2

      Your theory does have merit, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were true given their sub-standard treatment of their (now ex) customers.

      Anyhow, honestly I'm sick and tired of waiting around and giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'll be reporting them to the appropriate bodies as well.

  • Anyone received a refund? I received an email asking for my bank details yesterday but not sure how long it will take? Never again i trust in centrecom. This is the first and would be the last of me dealing with them.

  • +1

    Hi Everyone

    Just letting you know I have received my refund in full today.

    This is the last time I will be dealing with Centrecom ever again will be sticking with other stores from now on that offer Paypal atleast.

    Hope you all get yours soon also :)

    • +1

      When did you send your bank details?

      • Tuesday

        • +2

          I gave them mine last Tuesday but still got no refund yet wth

        • +1

          Sent mine last Thurs, still playing the waiting game for both order and refund.

        • There with the same bank as me maybe thats why it went thru so quick?

        • +1

          Did they notify you when the refund was issued, or did you only get the email regarding your account details being sent to the accounts dept?

        • nah just an email that they sent my details to accounting department.

  • +4

    My Letter to ACCC:
    "There was a special Christmas pricing running from www.centrecom.com.au from the 24th of Dec till the 4th of Jan. so I placed and paid for my order on the 24th of Dec (Order Number: XXXXX)

    However on the 6th of Jan I received an email informing me that I cant buy more than one item as per their newsletter that was sent on the 31/12, so I wrote them back informing them that my order was placed on the 24/12. which is 7 days before their claimed newsletter and there was no mention anywhere on the website or shopping cart that there was a 1 item per buyer restriction cause I would have bought from elsewhere such as MLN or Hravey Norman that had similar pricing on Boxing Day and asked to fulfil my order without any further delay.

    They didn’t reply so I sent them my response 4 times and checked on the forums where many buyers where complaining about same situation, as they took the money on 24/12 and didn’t fulfil the orders and never replied to emails.

    On 11/1 I got an email saying they received my emails and forwarded them to the company manager

    Then on 12/1 I got a generic reply that they sent to all costumers saying they were sold out when I placed my order on the 24th and asked for bank details for a refund. so it took them 20 days to tell me they are sold out while I placed my order on teh first day of their 10 days promo. That cant be real.

    As you can see from the above this is a non ethical business that should be learnt a lesson. They are a bunch of liers."

    • +2

      10 Day End of Year SALE = 20+ day free interest for them.

  • Just used my refund to buy these http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/37755#comment-359012 :)

  • +1

    Finally got my refund today, now waiting to see when they'll process the remaining portion of my order.

  • +1

    Hi Everyone,

    I had ordered 2 x 1.5TB Samsung 3.5" drives, 4 x Patriot wireless adapters and 2 x Seagate 2.5" drives. Whilst I was not very happy when told by Centrecom that they had no more stock of the Samsung drives and wireless adapters (and told them as such in the email I sent), I decided to go ahead with the remainder of my order for the Seagate drives and accept a refund for the out of stock items.

    Today the outstanding money was refunded into my bank account. I also received today the two Seagate drives and to my surprise a 4GB MP3 player. Whilst I can't find it on their website here is a link to another company selling it http://www.itsupply.com.au/products/a-trans-4gb-mp3-player-p… On the tax invoice the MP3 player was listed as having a 100% discount.

    I would rather have received my original order however the inclusion of this MP3 player shows that Centrecom are try to make amends for this mess they have created.

    • lucky you!!!
      guess centrecom are trying to increase their rep

    • +2

      pity there was no compensation for those of us who had the entire contents of their order deemed "out of stock"…even if said order was placed 5 hours after the sale went live

      cheers centrecom!

  • Finally, got my refund :)

  • +1

    anyone still waiting on refund from centrecom?

    • +1

      yep still waiting on my refund

    • +1

      reply to them again, i did one line in capital letters demanding my refund and they replied in a short space of time.

      but when i got their reply, they seem to shift the blame to me as if i was at fault for not knowing that they had christmas holidays and that they had replied to my first email when i actually replied to that email straight afterwards. a company that doesn't take responsibility for their incompetence means when people ask where to buy computers, i will specifically tell them where NOT to buy and that is centrecom!!!

  • +1

    Hell to Centrecom and their shoddy business practices

    • Yes, I too had the misfortune of dealing with Centrecom a couple of years ago & vowed that I would never do so again, regardless of specials. Yeah, 'shoddy' just about sums them up! :(

  • Dear Mr "Centrecom Hater",

    Thank you for your email of 13 January 2011 to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regarding the order you placed with centrecom.com.au in December 2010. I understand you placed the order based on information provided on the trader’s website, which did not stipulate restrictions on the number of items which could be purchased, however the business later cited a limit of one item per purchase.

    The ACCC is responsible for administering the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which incorporates the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The ACL is a national law which applies to all business sectors. It covers general standards of business conduct, prohibits harmful practices, regulates specific types of business-to-consumer transactions, provides basic consumer rights for goods and services and regulates the safety of consumer products and product-related services.

    However, as the conduct you describe in your complaint appears to precede the introduction of the new legislation on 1 January 2011, the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA) is the relevant legislation that may apply to your matter.

    Section 52 of the TPA is a broad provision which prohibits a corporation, in trade or commerce, engaging in conduct which is misleading or deceptive, or which is likely to mislead or deceive. Whether particular conduct is misleading or deceptive is a question of fact to be determined in the context of the evidence as to the alleged conduct and to the relevant surrounding facts and circumstances.

    In assessing any complaint, staff of the ACCC would generally determine whether or not the matter falls within the jurisdiction of the TPA, whether or not there appears to have been a breach of the TPA, and if so, whether the impact of the conduct is so serious and widespread that it is appropriate that the ACCC should take some action. The ACCC generally takes enforcement action in circumstances where there are broad flow on benefits for industry and consumers alike. While there may be some instances where a breach of the TPA has occurred, it may be more appropriate for consumers to pursue these matters individually as a private matter and in many instances their local Office of Fair Trading will be able to assist with advice on how to proceed in such matters.

    Often private actions are more appropriate because they are aimed at remedying a particular dispute between the parties. It must be emphasised that, ultimately, it is a matter for the Courts to determine whether the alleged conduct breaches the TPA and a private right of action is available to anyone who suffers loss or damage as a consequence of a contravention of the TPA. It may be prudent to seek independent legal advice on what further action may be appropriate.

    I note you have already complained to centrecom.com.au in writing and are currently waiting on a refund. If you encounter difficulties in obtaining the refund you may wish to contact the New South Wales Office of Fair Trading (ph: 133 220 or visit: www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au).

    Local fair trading or consumer affairs agencies are best placed to assist with localised or individual disputes and can suggest a range of strategies that you may wish to explore to resolve your concerns. They can also provide information on how to make a claim through the small claims court or tribunal should this become necessary. Finally, they can conduct their own investigation if they have evidence of systematic breaches of their legislation.

    Your matter is important to the ACCC as it assists us in determining issues with national or wider public interest implications. We closely study the patterns of complaints that we receive to ensure that our enforcement and education actions are focused on the areas of greatest concern to Australian consumers. Consequently, the details of your matter have been recorded and will be used to determine whether there is a pattern of behaviour by a particular trader or in a particular industry that raise broader concerns.

    Thank you for contacting the ACCC with your concerns. I trust this information is of assistance.

    Yours sincerely


    ACCC Infocentre

    1300 302 502

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