As per request from multiple members, managed to secure this deal for ozbargain
Ends midnight
As per request from multiple members, managed to secure this deal for ozbargain
Ends midnight
That sounds good, do you have a link to the deal please?
Any deals on time machines?
time machine
I see good puns, I upvote. I'm a simple man.
I'll do you a deal, 1 bonus time machine, with purchase of either Sydney Harbour Bridge, or Santa's Sleigh (he's upgrading soon 2 nuclear powered sleigh) :)
I'd settle for a 2011 purchase of $1000 of Bitcoin ;-)
The code appears to only apply to the 1st qty. So if you need more than 1, you will need to make separate orders.
Can you stack this on my current 6 months deal? Still 4m left.
Ru talking about the free red energy 6month deal? Bcos mine expired this month, apparently 6 months starts when u redeem not activate and I activated it 3 months late. Don't think u have 4 months left but u better check
Take it up with customer support, I activated mine a month late and it would have expired this month, but I explained the situation to them after I activated and they made a note on my account about it and asked me to contact them again in December. They added some credit to my account to give me an additional month that I should have got.
Nice deal, but:
Valid for new amaysim customers only
Not to be used with any other offer
Not to be used in conjunction with an existing amaysim service
Shame I signed up a few months ago
Port out to another provider then back to amaysim. You are now a new customer!
and port back again after 3 months ……. I love an easy bargain that involves a mouse click, but some of these deals seem to be targeted at time rich people …..
airtasker should advertise some of these deals …. we will use 20 accounts to get you 20 usb cables from gearbest that is limited to 1 per account.
Telstra will ship you their $2 starter sim for free with no shipping costs if you are considering that option.
The Fine Print
Valid for new amaysim customers only
Not to be used with any other offer
Not to be used in conjunction with an existing amaysim service
Thanks OP. Great timing.
I'm currently with Kogan and was previously with Amaysim but ported out.
Bought the Groupon voucher and just tried to sign up. While redeeming the voucher, I signed in to my Amaysim account and at the end of the redemption, it gave an error message that the number is already in the ECGateway (I was porting from Kogan back to Amaysim).
Tried a 2nd time using a different email address and it also gave an error but this time, it just said something went wrong.
Worked out the error. It was my mistake. Still with amaysim but added a kogan offer on the 2nd SIM slot in the phone when the data ran out with amaysim (which I totally forgot about). 3 phones in the house that is doing the prepaid hop, so it got a bit confusing.
You almost raised my heartbeats.
Redeem by 15/12. What about activation?
im also interested on this.
Yes, this really needs clarification. See previous comment in another thread here:
Apparantly you can wait up to 3 months to activate, but you may not get the full 3x 28 days.
Something similar happened to me recently, I had a 6x 28-day renewal promo, but the 6th renewal did not happen. I contacted live chat and they said something like the promo is not active anymore but they will give me another 28 days as an act of 'good will'. I had originally activated the sim within 2-3 weeks of redemption of the deal on amaysim's website.
Redeem means to use the voucher on amaysim's website to activate a new SIM/mobile number. In the past, this SIM is activated instantly. If you choose to port a number, then you can do that whenever you like but you must still redeem the voucher on amaysim's website.
Was the plan activated instantly as well as the sim at time of redemption? (for new numbers that is)
From livechat:
"Once you signed up with us, the promo is already on the account and will count three before it expires. So if you activate a month later, there is a possibility you will lose 1 month of service."
Thanks. That's what happened to me, I lost 1 month although I activated within 2-3 weeks at the most.
Still wondering about ordering a new number and therefore the sim is active straight away. Is the plan also active straight away which means you lose the days it takes for the sim to be delivered?
Yes. Only porting will delay plan starting date.
New numbers are active the sim card has sticker on it [I'm already active and good to go!]
How did you receive the SIM card so quickly?
Sims from previous deals.
My current plan with a different provider expires on the 13th (this Wednesday). I assume if I get the sim delivered, it won't arrive in time.
Can I pick up a $2 amaysim sim from coles and use this voucher that way?
I asked the same question on live chat a few months ago. They said because it was a promo I would have to wait for the sim to be delivered. But I have previously used a $2 sim to activate an amaysim plan even though they were sending one through the post as well. So your might have some luck depending on who you talk to at amaysim.
They've just told me it can be done.
From chat:
"11:40 am
You need to order online first so you can apply the Groupon code
And then once your account has been created
You can get a sim from store
and then chat us back to attach it on your account"
I have done this twice successfully, contact chat through their website looking for activation help. keep them on chat and go through the process guided, then login to your amaysim with activation details, keep them on chat, you will get a popup on your amaysim something like click to activate, they will see this and then complete your activation.
Start your chat by explaining you are holding in your hand a new amaysim, if they dont understand what you want to do, drop the chat and get someone else.
Looking at amaysim website would I still need to pay $10 for delivery of the sim card?
Mine was free sim and delivery
Thanks OP!
Bought this for my partner.
got it, good to go for next 3 months :)
I'm currently on a previous Groupon 6 renewal deal. To use this new 3 renewal, is the only way to port my number out to another company, then port back in with the 3 renewal SIM card? Any other method?
Soory if this sounds silly, how do I use the code I bought from Groupon. am I suppose to buy a new sim from Amaysim website for $30. And than use this code or something? Thanks in advance for guiding me.
How to Redeem
• Redeem by: 15 December 2017
• Redeem online:
(1) Click ‘Buy now’
(2) Select your SIM card and click ‘Select number’
(3) Choose between using your current number and obtaining a new number and click on ‘Your details’
(4) Enter your contact information and delivery address and click on ‘Payment details’
(5) Enter Groupon Voucher code in ‘Promo code’ field and click ‘Apply’
(6) Review Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Fair Go Policy then click ‘Continue to payment’
(7) Put in your payment details and click ‘Complete order’’
• The product will be shipped to you in approx. 2-7 days from redemption
• For enquiries go to
Thanks for the reply and your time to get Good Deals here.
Thanks OP. Just picked one up. :-)
What's the price after the deal is finished?
I'm not too keen on porting in and out just for an one time deal.
Thanks Op. Recently fobbed off by Telstra (end of carrier billing) got 2 on separate accounts for me and my better half now I hope we can both use referrals in the process and get the extra $10 credits each :).
I get the message "Looks like you have an account with us already, please login or use a different email address."
I don't have an active mobile number with Amaysim, so I am I classed as a 'new customer'? even though I have previously been a customer using my email address?
You are a new customer if you are not "porting" an active amaysim number.
Thanks for confirming that :)
Please update us on how you go with the activation. I'm in similar situation previously ported over to Kogan from Amaysim….
Done! Ordered in groupon and redeemed in amaysim. In amaysim site, after applying the voucher code from groupon, had to continue with the credit card payment option even though it costs $0 to complete the whole process (couldn't proceed if you selecte "voucher" as the payment option #DUH). Now waiting for SIM card from amaysim…woot!
Thanks Ec, you are a legend :)
Don't forget to upvote to say thanks also.
Thanks watchnerd i usually do that first before commenting, somehow missed it this time. Thanks for reminding though.
Bought one, it says redeem by 15/Dec, is it possible to redeem 2 lots of 3x28 days before 15/Dec to make it 6x28 days?
What is the most economically way to port an existing Amaysim number to Vodafone? So I can port it back to use this deal?
Thanks in advance.
Nah mate, you can't do that. Get a $2 sim from coles port to it. Then port back. Or order a sim online for free.
Thanks, any $2 SIM would do right? Obviously not an Amaysim one.
Correct. Go with Vodafone.
Not an Optus one either. Porting on the same network takes longer.
Thanks all, was totally random to ask about Vodafone. :D
Still worked for me!
The deal still seems active, just a bit more expensive. $17.10 with 10% off code SILLY.
$19 now. Expires 15th Dec.
Still not as good as 6 months free service :D