Great price for this console which has been posted a few times today
Original P5OZZIE 5% off Sitewide at eBay Deal Post
14/12: Available again (thanks doweyy for the heads up)
Great price for this console which has been posted a few times today
Original P5OZZIE 5% off Sitewide at eBay Deal Post
14/12: Available again (thanks doweyy for the heads up)
I think it was just on promo for the seemingly regular $399 mark, and this just brings it down via code.
$399 isn't regular… Its only been $399 a handful of times and usually due to a 'special'. Not saying its completely due to AMazon… just sayin its helping :D
It's amazon, or more so the article calling out the gamesmen and other stores "not being competitive".…
Switch is mentioned in above news article, they then dropped their prices.
@ATangk: They have, its good to have them in the game. Family run, physical prescence and a huge online offering.
I remember as a kid in the 80s looking forward to receiving my Gamesmen pricelist in the mail. They had the same logo back then too. Not sure if I ever bought anything, because I was a young primary school kid (with no money), but I think I read those lists so much I could tell you everything on it. Good to see they're still around.
Yup, normal price on Amazon is $399. It's definitely Amazon effect. Now just waiting for Amazon to put it on special.
Let the war begin!
$299 at HN with price match and AMEX cashback.
What's the price at JV Hifi?
No equality at JV HiFi.
To quote a famous man "Price matches are not bargains"
That's why I didn't post it as a deal…
Enough with the $100 HN Amex chasback. Those who got it great, but the deal has ended
but the deal has ended
Nope, it ends 31-Dec. I still have one left… :)
Wanna buy for me ? :)
Is AMEX cashback on HN $400 shopping or $300?
spend $400 and get $100 back.
most people will just include a game to go with it.
Thanks mate.
For a second, I thought there were two separate cashback promos happening.
HN have told me they refuse to match online retailers. I had this issue when I went to get my PS4 Pro from them - they said it had to be a brick and mortar store within driving distance.
HN have told me they refuse to match online retailers.
they match it if you can do store pickup and there is stock. For me they price matched JB HiFi online.
i had no problem getting the intial price match, and also a refund 6 days later when JB dropped the price again.
Also, haven't they stated they will price match Amazon Australia ???
Next time, refer them to their website…
The Shop With Confidence Price Guarantee means
that we will match genuine advertised prices from
local stores and leading online retailers.
Nice. I will use this as ammunition on my next attempt :) Thanks!
Mario or Zelda? Leaning towards Zelda…them it’s a toss up between fifa or Mario kart…decisions!
If you got the time, Zelda. If you don't, Mario! But you should be playing both for sure.
I went with Zelda and FIFA bro! Definitely do not regret either!
I would say Zelda. It's pretty much game of the year.
Uh both. And Mario Kart too…. Why choose…
Mario Odyssey is really great. If you didn't have a Wii U, Mario Kart 8 is an essential.
If you like open world games, then Zelda, without a doubt. Nintendo have absolutely nailed it with this Zelda, though it will demand some time and dedication.
If you prefer level-type game design, go Mario Odyssey. It's easier to play in short bursts than Zelda.
I loved the game but I missed the whole dungeon , maps and master keys of the old game…hook shot , magnetic boots etc shrines were great but not that challenging…. still spent about 70 hours on the game so it was doing something right.
Bought both for 120. Both great games either way you choose
I can’t find Zelda for less then $79 at the moment
Sorry it was $130 after 20% discount from Gamesmen. It was $162 for both Knew it was worth buying at the time.
Zelda, been playing it on the PC (emulator), it is quite good. Has a lot of interesting mechanics and features that other games do not.
no idea there was a switch emulator…
No not switch emulator, Wii U emulator (as Zelda botw is on the Wii U too).
Have people actually finished it while emulated?
I'm tempted to play it but i don't want to get half way through and have it stop working …
Its working perfectly fine, I have no issues. Also, you can run it better (higher resolutions, 60fps). I wont pay $300 just for console for one game to run at 720p 30fps…not worth it to me. Emulating is the way to go.
I'm looking to buy the Switch + Zelda, Mario Kart and Odyssey - anyone know of a good bundle deal for all those games + console?
There wouldn't be one.
Maybe Xmas you may get lucky, but the retailers dont need to entice sales on something that is anyway…
You would probably be best getting this deal + a game for $60-65. There haven't been many bundles that are cheaper than this + a decent game.
Yeah the bundles suck.. my sister in law was going to buy the mario odyssey bundle… $549 at JB… told her to buy the plain console $399 and game and save $100 put that towards zelda ,case and screen protector for the kid…. they dont seem to be in a hurry to bundle the consoles up.
The only bundle deals I have seen were with Super Mario Odyssey … (EB Games offers choice of 3, but not popular ones). Do the math before buying a bundle deal; I found they worked out dearer ($500+) than buying console and game separately. I know … it's just plain weird.
I bought the mario oddessey from last sale for $437, then $130 for both MK8 and Zelda. Cheapest you can get. Both from Gamesmen with 20% off
Saw that the store rep also posted this deal & was deleted due to dupe.
On the off chance they view the comments here - any chance of a deal on Mario Odyssey / Mario Kart 8 (Switch version)
They did a bundle deal in November, so will probably do one again soon. Watch their bundles on eBay!! I got a console + MK8 for $439 and couldn’t fault their service or delivery!
Yeah I got the Zelda deal. Just after Mario odyssey / Mario kart games
And I'm after a Mario Odyssey/Zelda deal!!
Gonna wait for a 15% off storewide code.
Prefer amazon over this store for better customer service and warranty issues.
What has been the cheapest Switch Deal so far? Excluding HN Amex offer.
Would have been the Big W one
$369 bigw sale. Was able to price match at hn and $100 cashback.
Got that deal as well. Checked Facebook marketplace that afternoon and managed to get Mario Kart 8 and Odyssey for $80. So $349 for the Switch and 2 games.
That is a crazy price for the games - might need to
Monitor marketplace more now
Ok thanks!
Now $518 ..
do you think they will price match this at physical stores and for the neon one? i want to get it and play with it today D:
just called jb hifi to double check and they don't price match eBay :'(
Most physical stores won't price match eBay, I just called Gamesmen and they won't price match their own eBay store, the response I got was 'our eBay store has it's own pricing and we do not price match it'
You can get discounted EB gift cards through CR and get it for $379.05 :) Just price match Harvey Norman, not sure how quick the discounted gift cards come though.
Just bought this for myself to treat myself on my birthday.
Here’s hoping it arrives before Christmas!
My friend also got a birthday code from eBay and got the price down even further but I haven’t gotten a birthday code from them.
What now Amazon fans?
After nintendos dismally poor release of games for the wii, Wii u, 3ds etc who can be bothered. The games seem to take forever to come out… so much time between titles. They nees more 3rd party support.
And they'll get that support now that publishers know the console is a hit. Though it will take time. I expect there'll be many announcements about Switch support next year.
The 3DS was dismally poor? What does that make the Vita?
They had an incredibly great library on the 3DS. And the Switch has had arguably the best first year launch games on a console ever.
I think I played more wii and wii u than I have PS4 and I got both after buying a PS4. Guess it comes down to what you enjoy playing but I can think of lots of memorable titles on the Nintendo over the PS4.
Might wait till they're $299 next year
i got the mario rabbids bundle from jb for $420, not sure why they discounted it.
traded heaps of $10 bigw games and they gave me $15 for each game, not bad, as am not playing those games anymore.
The Amazon effect….