• expired

5% off Sitewide (Min Spend $30) @ eBay - 3 Transactions Per Account


New code :) Trying to find the terms and conditions (found, thanks doweyy!).

  • The total discount is capped at $300 per transaction. Limit 3 transactions per person during the Offer Period.

  • Purchases of items listed in the following categories are excluded from this offer: Bullion (178078), Services (316), Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Tickets, Travel (11,730), Other Lots More Items (88433) and Gift Cards (172,009).

Update 2/1/18: Code is available again (previously expired 22/12/17).

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    Here(pages2.ebay.com.au) are the terms :)

    • +4

      Cheers big ears :)

      • +3

        Did you just assume Doweyy's ear size? xD

  • +5

    I wasn't targeted by the 10% FILLUP code. I called Customer service and they honoured it anyway for all the items i had in my cart at time of call :D

    • +1

      Seriously? Are you a frequent user of eBay? Perhaps I should give them a call…

      • +1

        I wouldn't say frequent.. but i buy enough small things, and some large things just to get my purchases up on all these credit card deals for the points.

        I can't take credit though, I got the idea from here:

        • +2

          Yeah I spoke to their chat and getting 10% of my cart reimbursed too. :D

        • @Munki:

          Good idea. I purchased something 2 days ago, probably too late now but I'll give it a try.

        • +3

          It worked for me, called them and after much umming and arring they gave me a discount voucher worth 10%. If you are reading this, it's too late now to do it yourself (deal expired yesterday). But thanks for the heads up, saved me $100!

    • +1

      did you get a code to use or will they just reimburse 10% later (10-15days) as credit?

      • lets hope this works. Would suck if hey didn't honour the 10% and I didn't get to use at least the 5% which worked…..apparently the 10% isn't meant to be targeted. As nothing says its targeted and eBay chat said they have been having issues with it not working.

      • Yeah I've had situations where they said they will reinburse me a certain amount within 1-2 weeks but never saw anything come through. When I contacted them back they said they have nothing on file even when I showed them my chat transcript. The excuse is that their refund department didn't deem my transaction was under any promotion for a refund hence no credit was given.

  • +14

    wake me up when its at least 10%

    • +2

      Most people waiting for 20%

      • +5

        i dont mind just 15 or 18%..

        • +2

          Yep. 5% is nothing, especially with Amazon launching soon….

        • @Joe Sixpack: When is Amazon launching ? I am hearing about this Amazon launch since quite some time, any one has any info on it ?

        • +1

          smh reported in an article before xmas :)
          i personally cant wait even if they disappoint.

        • +2

          There was 18% 2 weeks ago

  • Weak

    • +18

      Try lifting bro.

  • So the period?

    • Good till ebay cancels it. It'll expire when eBay feels that the code has been used enough.

      • Usually replaced by another code for 5% off.

    • +2

      Need some tampons?

  • +5

    5% lol….next sale will be 1% site wide.

    • +1

      Haha lol I reckon, it's gone from like 18% to 10% to 5%..

    • +2

      We enjoy 0% site wide most of the time.

  • +1

    I thought there has always been an active 5% code.

    • +6

      PINCH5 (which replaced C5OZ) expired last month, we've been waiting for a new code.

      This is a great everyday code for items that are the same price on eBay as they are in retailer stores (eg TGG, Officeworks etc.) or for everyday purchases that you were going to make anyway, especially for smaller $30-$75 items as any bigger % eBay deals usually have $75 min spend anyway.

  • +5

    20% ????????

    • 5% !!!!!!!!

  • thanks! I'm waiting for combined shipping/pick up answers from 3 different sellers (from Tuesday - obviously not interested in my money) so it looks like the 10% will expire before I get an answer, so at least I've got this.

    • +4

      I can tolerate no 20%.
      But I can't tolerate your language.

      • -7

        Dunt care

  • Haha, nice try fellas.

  • First to mention price jacking.

    • +2

      Second to mention price jacking :)
      Lol but most of the retailers stores (Bing Lee, TGG, OW etc) don't jack. Only the eBay stores do D:

      • The Good Guys increase their prices. I messaged them about it last year and their reply was:
        "Thanks for your message. The prices on eBay are subject to change."

        • Exactly why I said most, not everyone jacks their prices, but most do, including some retail stores unfortunately :(

        • @pennypincher98: I must have inferred incorrectly as you called out TGG.

        • @jmchin: Oh sorry that was probably just my poorly structured post :)

  • +4

    Next code will be AMAZON20 :)

  • +2

    5% is nothing these days. When were all used to 15-20% these days.

    • damm i bought a phone used the 10%, maybe i should have waited for a 15%

  • Thanks OP

  • Whats the offer period?

  • -1

    Any suggestions? or No?

  • Code still working as of this morning

  • too busy shopping on aliexpress until i noticed the targeted FILLUP in my summary but it expired, oh well

  • Had two items in my cart yesterday, $635 LG G6 from Mobileciti_Estore, and 94 for a pair of shoes from Brandnameshoes. Both are now: 705 and 99…great price shifting there to cover the 5%.

  • -3

    Only 5%?!!!!!

  • Are we able to use the coupon code for deals when you “make an offer”?

  • something better Soon ?

  • Has anyone had experience with getting refunds when participating in deals like these?
    I bought a few misc items that totaled just over $30 and got the discount.
    Now I have received one of the items (worth around $10), which I'm not happy with and seeking a refund.

    My question is this: if I receive my refund, will I lose the discount I got on my other items (since effectively I spent only $20 and therefore not qualify)? The actual amount is small, so I'm not worried if it does. But just wondering how it works for future reference.

    • +1

      You will only lose the discount on the refund, it won't affect the other items.

  • Just tried P5OZZIE and it's telling me "Looks like that's the wrong code. Please double-check and try again.". Looks like the code has expired?

    • Not sure about today but it worked last night though.

  • Is this code still working as it got rejected for an item I tried to buy ($70) .

  • Also want to know if the code still works before committing to a large purchase.

    • I purchased something at 7pm today and it worked

      • Thanks Chook

    • You can usually add something to your cart and put in the code to test it before committing to a purchase.
      Works for me right now.

      • What happens if I make an offer that the seller accepts, can I withdraw the offer if the 5% doesn't work?

        • I'm not an expert on this, but can you put that in your terms of the offer?

  • Thanks OP! Was planning on buying a few things anyway this morning when i saw this!

  • Anyone know if I can combine pixels code with the p5ozzie discount?

    • You can't combine codes.

  • No
    Refer to T&C clause 12:

    Not to be used in conjunction with any other eBay coupon, voucher or redemption code.

  • Hi,

    I assume this code will work for Auction sales as well?


    • +1

      Yep sure does.

      • +1

        Cheers mate!

  • +1

    So I'm selling a few items on Ebay, where I have advertised the code in my title/description, and the code doesn't work for the person who is purchasing the item. I told them to contact Ebay via live chat as I assumed they'd be able to apply it manually, and I received a very different response to what I was expecting.

    10:20 AM
    eBay never mention the discount code with the item title. It seems that the seller has misused this code to promote his listing. Please ask the seller to cancel the purchase and also report the seller.

    10:22 AM
    Yes. Please do not believe this seller as it is confirm that the code has been expired.

    10:22 AM
    Just ask him to cancel the order.

    1. The chat rep told the the buyer to report me for putting the code in my listings.
    2. The chat rep "confirmed" that the code is expired, when it clearly isn't, as I just tried it on a random item and it's working.

    These imbeciles should not be working on chat.

  • One of these days they're going to forget to block bullion, an then my empire begins.

  • +3

    Code not working now, it was working last night but I put off ordering until this morning as asked seller a question :(

    "Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later."

    • +1 with multiple accounts

  • Getting the same error, this code isn't working for any items.

  • Merged from eBay Code P5OZZIE Doesn't Seem to Work Anymore?

    Ebay code P5OZZIE doesn't seem to work anymore?

    I get error "Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later."

  • Bastards, i made an $1100 purchase today based on the idea i could use this coupon, seems to have disappeared today.
    Not impressed at all.

  • For the good of everyone can you please NOT provide the inaccurate valid time if your not certain about it?? THX

    • What?

      No one stated an end time for the coupon.

      • +2

        Revision history shows an edit on "07/10/2017 - 13:57"

        + Expiry: 31 December 2017

        This was added by someone else however so no fault of yours.

        Also, even though the deal has now been marked as expired it's still showing up on the eBay Australia deals page here on OzBargain under "Current Coupon Codes" with 31/12/2017 expiry, but again this has absolutely nothing to do with you.

  • I'm surprised they haven't replaced this with a new 5% code yet. C5OZ > PINCH5 > P5OZZIE were all released within a few hours of the previous code expiring.

  • +2

    try AMA5ON

  • +2

    Guys this wasnt working for me 10 minutes ago - I tried it a few times again and it just went through - good luck!

  • +1

    This code worked for me just now, it might not be expired?

  • Yup still working as of now. Thanks OP. I saved $4. Yay!

  • +1

    Still working for me….

    • Same here; used it to buy a pair of earphones from MobileCiti

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