• expired

Sony Ericsson C905 $69 Upfront Vodafone Prepaid (Plus Recharge)

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Sony Ericsson C905 appears to be for $69 on Vodafone prepaid on their website.

SE C905 is a 8MP phone with and retailed for $700+ when it was new, and it appears you can have it for as low as $99 now on Vodafone prepaid.

Not sure with unlocking and such, though rather old now,the phone would be handy as a spare phone, or one for the young one!

Requires you to purchase a recharge, so $69+$29=$98

Note: Not sure if this is confirmed for such an insane price (its $32/m repayments on plan?), however that is what is shown. Really doubt if this deal is correct (most likely an error), but if anyone wants to try, feel free!

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closed Comments

  • Will this be locked to the Vodaphone network ?

    • For $69 I would bet that it is. But then again who knows how lucky you can get.

      • It might not, its an obsolete (2 year old) phone and they probably just have some excess stock that they want to get rid of ASAP. Therefore it may not be from a standard locked prepaid phone pack.

  • if it was locked, would it be possible to use it with a 3 postpaid sim?

  • really good deal, its a solid phone, good battery life. Not a smart phone or anything and the propriatry jack for headphones etc limits it but still is a good buy at $70

  • yeah no question it is worth $69, but i won't be taking up this offer since its not a smart phone/touch screen/large enough memory and its an obsolete model now. sony memory stick micro would also be expensive to upgrade. anyways thanks OP for the deal and hope it suits other ozbargainers out there =D

  • FYI, you could also pick the 30 dollar 365 days recharge instead.

    I wonder if it will be a separate voucher that you can use on other sims? i.e. use it on an existing account rather than using on the include sim.

  • although this is old model mobile,but this price is so good
    but i don't know it's only for online selling or can i go to vodafone store and buy it.

  • retail price is around 300$ now so good deal +ve

  • placed an order! I have been looking for this or c903 for 2 weeks. Always want a good camera phone.

  • If it's locked you can by unlock code on eBay or buy cheap one-day license for unlocking software like http://www.omnius-server.com/buy_client .

    See http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/archive/t-782511.html . There is also free unlocking software mentioned there (Aerix) but not sure if still works.

    • Aerix is now Omnius

  • Just look into possible failure rates. I've always been really disappointed with SE and I can't afford an unreliable phone. Doesn't mean I'm crapping on the deal, in fact, I've voted this deal up, just forewarned is forearmed or something…

  • This is a great phone if it works properly. I own this phone, and the ear piece broke, and i found out that it is a common fault for this model.

  • just bought one.

    I read lots of review. They complain about faulty things,
    ve to be careful.

    Btw it's 2 years warranty.

  • yeh this phone gets absolutely savaged ….I wonder if they are burning out seconds

  • phone is for 99 bucks as it is bundled with recharge. The site does not say, if it is locked. I think, it is.
    and also there is no USB cable in the box to attach it to a pc and no memory card as per vodafone site.
    Can anyone suggest, if it is still worth buying?

    • When I bought mine it came with usb, 2gig stick, a usb adapter for the 2gig stick, handsfree and the cd for software.

      Yeah mine is faulty a bit, the wifi stopped working some time ago but when it was working it had a feature where you can browse the media on a ps3. First sony to do that. It feels good in your hand and it takes some nice pictures both day and night. It is definately worth 99 when you compare to the basic models that you see for under $100 these days

    • with all the exclusions, and no talk of unlocking in terms and conditions, seems a poor buy unless you have all the missing parts and can unlock quickly as the rates are higher than the cheapest mobile prepaid offers.

      • I have only used prepaid for the last 10+ years, it suits me perfectly. Also people may not need to "unlock" there are quite a substantial number of people with Vodafone already. At 99 bucks its a throwaway phone, if it lasts a while, great. But if it breaks, oh well.

  • Thanks, great deal.

  • Only 2100MHz 3G so in the country, you'll be on 2G only.

  • +1

    I bought this almost 2 years ago, and my contract is nearly up. I did have a problem with a crackly speaker, but they replaced the ribbon cable and speaker under warranty and I haven't had a problem since. I think it's a known issue. I love this phone, haven't had the urge to upgrade halfway through the contract (as I normally do).

  • Specs:
    - GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
    - UMTS/HSDPA 2100
    Does it mean that it doesn't support 3G?

    • Supports 3G only on 2100Mhz, as scubacoles said.

  • how much money back can i get from moneybackco? cheers

  • Mis-threaded, see above. (can't seem to delete this one).

  • does anyknow this phone is C905A or C905
    because i saw on gsmarena.com

    if this phone is C905a, it support 3G 850/900/1800/1900

    • its C905 as per the vodafone site.

      • oh, bad luck,it doesn't support 3g in AUS
        i think may be that's reason vodafone sell it at special price

        • +1

          Not correct. It supports 3G /hspa from vodafone whic is on 2100 MHz band. It does not support telstra nextg at 850m hz.

  • I rang a Vodaphone store and they said it costs $100 to unlock the phone.

    • yeah, because it is hard-locked to vodafone (which costs $50 to unlock) + additional $50 to unlock within first 6 months. $50+$50 = $100

      If you unlock it online though using mastercard/visa, you save $25. $25+$50 = $75


      • 100$ for unlock from vodafone is too expensive

        i always go to chinese or vietnamese mobile shop to unlock my phone,last year i unlocked my N95 only 35$

        • +1

          For this phone go to eBay and it'll cost you $5 to unlock.

      • 100$ for unlock from vodafone is too expensive

        i always go to chinese or vietnamese mobile shop to unlock my phone,last year i unlocked my N95 only 35$

  • +1

    Vodafone are dodgy. I just called up to check on my order (transferred 4 times) since it has been 3 business days since I ordered (last Thursday) and they are telling me "there is no stock in our warehouse" and trying sell me another phone. I asked for a refund which they are taking their time with. It is out of stock yet still available on plan on their website!

    Funny thing is (not) they would have kept me waiting without telling me that they were not going to fulfil my order!

    • Well, I am in the same boat, ordered Thursday night. I haven't received anything beyond the initial confirmation email and invoice.

      If its a pricing error, they should just fess up and cancel peoples order and do a refund……

      Anyways, its only a hundred bucks, I'll wait for a few more days and see if something shows up.

    • i ordered this phone on last friday after i went to vodafone store (at westfield liverpool) to ask their officer, they said to me that's price is correct but they only sell online.

      but after seeing your comment, i'm so worry, i ordered 2 these phones.
      and i've already checked on vodafone website, they did't sell this phone from this monday

      wtf vodafone

    • I still haven't got my refund and haven't had time to chase them up!

  • +2

    So did anybody receive their order?

    • i also want to ask the same question like you :))

      • I have just called them and they have said they do not have the phone. I ordered 2 and my credit card has been charged $198. They have said that someone will call me about it. I will let you know what happens.

        • can you tell me what happens?


        • +1

          My Husband just received a call from customer care and he was told that there is some kind of error with the order but we should receive it in about a week. He was also told that they would have more information in week and that someone will call him back then. So we are really no better informed, my husband said that it sounded like they were just trying to buy time. So I guess we will have to wait and see.

  • I ordered 2 , they charged me 198aud . so far no phone , no news , no confirmation. !!!!

    Pricing error ??? WTF

    • me too,i ordered 2, they charged me 198aud ,they sent me email with order number
      but when i used that number for tracking order
      website always say "invalid number and email address combination"

      wtf vodafone

  • So we have at least 5 orders here.

    Motlking called up and requested a refund.
    Chloeden called up and was told to wait a week
    Arrogant, Bbqwer and I ordered but haven't called Vodafone yet.

    Is this the status of everyone?

  • I ordered one too! and I havent heard anything from them, but I haven't gotten my order either. If this goes fishy, we're gonna have to make a claim to the fair trading dept. to get our money back.

    • i think to get money back is easy because we already have email confirm and email tax invoice from vodafone sent,but may be it take us a lot of time

      but that's not fair for us, they made big mistake and after that just only say that's error price on website

      can we sue them :))

  • +2

    I think we should make them give it to us. It would seem that you can still buy this phone post paid which would suggest that they do have stock, if that is the case then there is no reason that we should not get our phones.

  • I bought one on Friday too.
    Haven't yet heard anything from Vodafone…
    got 2 emails, one just as a notification,
    and an invoice

  • I bought one also on the 21st [Thursday] received invoice via email. No phone as of yet. Will post if I receive the phone or an email from Vodafone.

  • did anyone have something new

    plus one link for everyone discuss

  • I bought one on 21st and received invoice via email. Still not received phone as of yet.

    Called vodafone today, spent over 50 minutes and spoke to 6 people. Guess what? The final answer I got was "I'm sorry, apparently we're out of stock of this phone. Unfortunately, you can either buy another phone on our website or get a refund."

    • +2

      Today I have lodged a complaint with the TIO. I suggest that everyone else who is affected by this should do the same. In my case I am not so upset about not getting the phone, but the customer service I have received. I have rang Vodafone on 3 occasions now and each time I am transferred around and around. The people I speak to have no clue, they can not even find my order and it is quite obvious that they make random comments such as "we are just checking your credit rating first" to put me off. I believe that they do still have stock as they phone is still available post-paid. The number for the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman is 1800 062 058 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1800 062 058      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Please note that you must first try and resolve your complaint with Vodafone before the TIO can get involved. I will let you know the outcome of my complaint.

      EDIT: I have just had a look at the Vodafone website and the phone is listed as "Out of Stock" under contract phones.

      • i saw that was listed out of stock yesterday
        no idea now
        just only think how to get refund immediatly

        bull… vodafone

  • I also bought one. So I guess no one has got one yet

  • Sorry for the hassle I may have caused everyone, however I did put a precaution about it in my post and that was what was being sold according to their site.

  • +1

    @lambsie - No need for sorry :-) Thanks for posting. Would of been awesome to get the mobile. The deal was there. I ordered 1. Was up to Vodafone to honor it. I don't think we are going to be getting the phone. Oh well. I'll contact them sometime next week.

  • now vodafone is fraudulent

  • +1


    The above link works for order status.
    My status is: Order being processed.

    I'm doubtful though. The order online says nothing about the Prepaid 365 $30 Starter Plan.
    [But, does on my invoice]
    Does mention a $30 Cap though, but $0 cost. Weird.

    Sony Ericsson C905

    $ 30 Cap

    $0 = Min. cost over 0 months
    Today's commitment:
    Minimum monthly cost:
    To pay today:

    This link doesn't work. Gives error. 'Invalid order number and email combination'

    • omg

      seem like they put us in their trap
      if like that, we must pay them 30$ every month

    • this is weird, what the hell are they playing at?

      I think consumer affairs it is….

  • Status: Order being processed

    Order details:
    Sony Ericsson C905

    $ 30 Cap

    $0 = Min. cost over 0 months
    Today's commitment:
    Sony Ericsson C905

    $ 30 Cap

    $0 = Min. cost over 0 months
    Today's commitment:
    Minimum monthly cost:
    To pay today:

    • I bought two of this . until today no delivery at all.

      stupid vodashit

    • +2

      Agree. I wish I can negative this deal (or at least revoke it). The system won't let me do it now. :(

      No delivery so far.

      The worst part is Vodafone customer services have zero idea on what is going on with the order. I normally need to wait 50+ minutes before I can talk to someone who has at least some vague idea on what is going on.
      Excuses so far:
      - It is a prepaid product - talk to prepaid team.
      - (From prepaid team) It is an online sale - need to talk to online sales team.
      - Online sales team staff do not have the details about online orders. Orders are processed by a team which cannot be contacted by phone.

      • -1

        I'll help you give them a BIG FAT -VE! :)
        DODGY AS DELL!!!

  • +1

    Okay.. an update.

    Vodafone did not have the phones in stock (despite the Web site indicated before). Apprently, they now have the phones despatched from the warehouse. Hopefully, people will start receiving them (I am still waiting for mine).

    Was on hold for 1 hour 20 minutes… Hm… I've done some research on the Web, this particular phone model has very high failure rate. I wish I did not purchase the phone.. oh well.. too late.

  • +2

    I ordered mine last Friday. Didn't trust them. Tried to call, got no response. Tried to go into 2 Vodafone shops to get them, was refused. Sent an email to my local Consumer Affairs / Fair trading. They advised I sumbit a complaint through the Vodafone complaint system. Did that and attached my email response from Fair Trading. They got back to me every day with the wrong information. Wrong phone, "$69 Cap Plan", 5-10 Working day delivery, Unable to port my number (No shit, I never gave you one to port!)

    But today I got my phones…..there is hope yet for the rest of you.

    Yes, definately locked, definately Vodafone branded, even the box.

    • oh really
      you are so lucky
      i oredered my phone last friday too
      but how about your condition when you checked online order status

      this is my status
      Sony Ericsson C905

      $ 30 Cap

      $0 = Min. cost over 0 months
      Today’s commitment:
      Minimum monthly cost:
      To pay today:

      thank you

    • Do you know if the sim that you received is the prepaid sim? or a contract cap sim?

      Are there any accompanying paperwork specifying what you got?

      Because from what Bbqwer posted it seem like they change it from a $30 365 starter plan (a prepaid plan) to a $30 dollar cap (contract)????

      Btw, where is the Vodafone complaints system?

      • [email protected] I think this may be it

        • I meant if there is a dedicated complaints system rather than being dragged through the standard system.

  • +1

    I just received my order (FINALLY).
    You would have no idea how many hours I wasted speaking with customer support to track my order.
    The ring arround and many saying my order does not exist and after talking to various department they finally could find my order.
    Some said the phone was out of stock, whilst other departments said is was sent.
    The best response was via email (3rd attempt) replying from my invoice email.
    They emailed me the AAE tracking number.

    The SIM card is prepaid and the phone is Vodafone marked.
    The phone is also locked to Vodafone.


    • Do you mind checking you order


      Does it show a $30CAP or the $30 365 starter plan as ordered? (If you refer back to Darlene's post)

      Since you received a prepaid sim, it should show the 365 plan right?

      • It was the $30 365 prepaid plan.

        Also I tried unlocking handset online. It's FREE!

    • Can you please tell me the email address that you sent to.

      • +1

        The person that sent me the tracking number was
        Cassie from Vodafone Online Sales [email protected]
        1300 300 404

  • +1

    Received mine today after being told they have no stock and were supposed to cancel my order and refund me my money. WTF?

    Happy I got it and it is free to unlock (postpaid stock) but Vodafone need to work on their ordering and communication systems! Imagine if I assumed they were going to refund me the money and I went and wasted money on purchasing another phone? The call centre is ridiculous, transferred 5 times and no one knew sh!t!

    • You should check your bank account, they might have refunded you as well. The right hand of Vodafone may not know what the left hand is doing.

      • lol yeah would be funny but no refund. Waited a week for refund and was actually going to chase them up again today but lucky I didn't and who has time to waste calling incompetent people?

  • To everyone that has got their phone, can you please mention what state you are in.

  • Mine arrived yesterday (Monday) via Courier. You have to be home to receive it. Phone takes really awesome pictures, am impressed (much better than my HTC Desire). I'm trying to move my oldold optus number to Voda prepaid as I hardly use the phone. Unfortunately Vodafone CS line is awfully congested….. The phone is also rather chunky. As it's just a 2nd phone I'm not too fussed. Also for the record - the phone is LOCKED to the Vodafone network (my optus sim card won't work), and the box contains:
    1) Charger
    2) USB Cable
    3) Ear phones
    4) USB Stick with software

    No memory stick; but for $99 delivered, I have no complaints whatsoever.. if only the CS will pick up and let me activate/transfer my number ;p

    ETA— I'm in Brisbane, Qld

    • +2

      I unlocked the phone myself online (Forget trying to get through CS) It's FREE to unlock. Anyone else who's interested.. this is where you have to go:


      have your imei number ready. There will be detailed directions on the screen, follow it! Sooo easy. Am SO happy!!

      • Done, very simple process, thanks for your help.

    • i had memory stick inside my c905, and my friend had,too.

      i follow above link you gave
      but i'm confused because i saw

      Before unlocking your device please have the following ready:

      1.Your credit card details.
      2.Your device serial number (IMEI). To find your IMEI on a handset press *#06# on your handset.
      The first 15 digits are your IMEI number. The IMEI number on a USB modem is under the sim card.

      how can i unlock without give them credit card detail

      thank you

      • I went and checked..you are right, there's a 2 gig card inside my phone! Duh!
        You don't need a credit card at all.
        Just enter your imei and the security code (displayed on the screen) and away you go.
        Read the instructions given on the screen AFTER you entered those details and hit 'next'.
        NO credit card needed.
        It's absolutely free.

        • thanks mate
          but i still worry, because we already gave them our number on visacard or debit card
          and when we unlock our phone, maybe vodafone will automatic charge our account???

        • but the thing is, on the side of the box,
          it has that lovely big red sticker
          "to obtain your unlock code FREE of charge, please visit www.vodafone.com.au/unlock"

    • Hi there is a 2Gb M2 memory card inside phone.

  • Has anyone from Melbourne received the phone???

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