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Harvey Norman - Asus 900AX-BLK028X Netbook - $198


In current Harvey Norman catalogue for $198 down from $329:

Specs as follows:
General Product Type: Netbook
Brand: Asus
Model: 900AX-BLK028X
Processor Processor Brand: Intel
Processor Type: Atom
Processor Model: N270
Processor Speed (GHz): 1.60
Memory Installed RAM (GB): 1
Ram Type: DDR2
Disk Drives Hard Drive Size: 160GB
Screen Screen Definition: WSVGA
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 600
Screen Size: 8.9"
Screen Type: LED
Audio Microphone: External
Speakers: Integrated
Networking and Internet Wireless Networking: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g
Connections and Expansion Audio Ports: Headphone mini jack
Video Ports: 1 x VGA
Dimensions Product Width (cm): 22.5
Product Depth (cm): 17
Product Weight (kg): 1.13
Warranty Manufacturers (months): 12
Labour: 1 year
Parts: 1 year

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  • Sounds like a pretty good deal… I'm tempted by it. Any similar/better deals out atm?

  • battery?

  • +1

    That's a nice little netbook, just be sure it has a 6 cell battery if you want to use it on the move as 3 cell has very short life.

    Edit - accidental neg, iPhone fat finger syndrome. Reported post for a mod to fix :)

    • +1

      I think it has a 3 cell battery because 6 cell would last 6-8 hours maximum instead of 4 hours.

      • +1

        Yeah missed that

        4 hour battery will be closer to hour and half after a few months so consider price of a six cell as well

    • +6

      hey mate, u can change your vote by going to "votes" and then making your change there…

      • thanking you ta

    • -2

      And here I was thinking "who's coming here to spoil the deal again?" - there's always that one person on Ozbargain who wants to ruin the deal and make everything a bit more interesting (or just stir s**t) and then I read this HAHA

  • -5

    8.9 Screen only bit small

    • +3

      It's a netbook. If you want a bigger screen, buy a notebook.

      • -5

        Never heard of a size called 10"?

    • I've got a asus netbook at 8.9". I think this is the perfect size for netbooks. 7" netbooks with keyboards were too small, I find 10" are fine but add that extra bit of a weight. for travel purposes this is the best size, at least for me.

      this is a great netbook

      I'm not sure if this is the exact same model I have but mine does a good 4 hours and a bit perfectly… its not a 6 cell battery tho and its not a 3 cell either. so whatever.

  • I heard the battery life is up to 4hrs…

  • +1

    I've got the older model with the Celeron 900MHz processor, 1GB RAM, 20GB SSD, 6 cell and it works fine. It takes longer to get used to the small keyboard than the small screen. XP works fine on it, as does Ubuntu Netbook Remix. So if this has 6 cells, it would be a good deal.

    It's a pity that weights are creeping up. Part of the attraction of a netbook is that you can take it backpacking. I hated the extra 250g a HP Mini imposed on me on my last trip.

  • is this the same price in all stores, seems like a great price.

  • The operating system is Windows XP Home. You didn't mention this in your description.

    Good deal.

    • +1

      I just grabbed the info from the HN website - if you click the image, however, it states this.

      • -8

        Yes i know it states this in the image, i just thought i would mention it for those who were wondering, if they only looked at your specs. I'm not blaming you. I don't know why someone's Fu#k1ng negged me.??

  • Man. So tempting.

  • Is this netbook better than the eMachine eM350-21G16i that they had on sale at the same price not long ago?

    • I think that emachine was 10" LED, rest all same.
      So that was better , I suppose

  • Its an older model, but it is an eeepc so its better in build quality than the emachines deal on a while ago.


  • Most places in Sydney CBD don't have stock until tuesday, such as broadway, martin place and moore park. But alexandria has stock. Gunna check it out now.

    • Just bought one from HN Chadstone VIC. They had a pile of about 40 of them. Price scanned at $329 but they fixed it once I showed them the sale sign.

      Anyone now if they are RAM upgradeable, and if so, what RAM do I need? Thanks.

      • +1

        Yes these are upgradeable. what kind of ram, no idea. I just stuck with the 1gb. I hardly found myself left wanting.

      • +1

        I believe you can replace the 1G stick with a 2G stick. Doubt if you'll need to though.

      • RAM is NOT upgradable.. As I have discovered upon opening the machine to install a 2gig module..

  • +7

    I have to give all you a laugh…I retail various electronics, mainly from China

    Had a customer who BEGGED me for a laptop under $200…finally found him that cashback deal from HN a couple of weeks back…he goes in, afraid he'll buy the wrong one…nevermind it was the cheapest one in store by a long-shot…

    He then promptly asks the salesperson if he can put it on lay-by….

    When told 'No, bugger off' (fair enough)…

    He then promptly asks me to find him another laptop for $200 with a screen bigger than 10"….

    Some customers you could choke them blue without a second thought, how this guy's brain manages to function enough to allow him to breathe I don't know….

    On the other hand, slightly small screen, but, if 9" is enough to satisfy you, it's a pretty damn good deal if you need a portable cheapie!

    • +4

      hey! that's not very nice i was just trying to get a good deal man

      • It definately wasn't you :P It's just annoying, even after I repeatedly showed my suppliers price etc…still wanted it cheap. I think the customer just had his head in cloudland

    • made is China but Taiwan brand. Most trusted brand.

  • +1

    Build quality would be better than the emachines on a while back. Anyone know what the difference between an N270 and N450 is? Only real major difference between this and emachines is the LCD size and processor.

    • +3

      The N450 has integrated graphics while the N270 does not and is usually paired with a more power consuming 945G chipset.

      Their performance is quite similar but in terms of power consumption the N450 is significantly better off. Wireless is also apparently better.

      This deal is not as good as the Acer eMachines EM350 which sold at 2 occasions at $200 and $210 after cashback.
      The EM350 has the N450 CPU.

      • +1

        i also notice my em350 has wireless N. this seems to have G.

  • +1

    Difference between Intel Atom N270 & N450

  • all stores in WA have not yet recieved stock. I was told you can pay a deposit and get one on back order, but no one can give an estimate of when they will arrive. One guy told me 2 weeks maybe…another said probably longer?

  • +1

    just watch on these backorders with HN. Liable to be something of far less value offered.

  • -3

    FACT 1 Harvey Norman Employees is one of the highest paid jobs about half a million of both and 3 to 4 Harvey Norman vouchers less than Gerry Harvey.

  • +1

    Went out checked out the laptop. Its alright for its price but i'll probably wait around for the emachines deal to come up again. The acers keyboard is really small and my fingers hit the other keys when i try to type. Compare that with the emachines which has a very functional keyboard IMHO.

    Good deal nevertheless.

    • +1

      take a look at Eee PC 900A in this chart
      900Ax has a 160GB HDD and weighs a bit more.

      • +2

        This model is exactly the same as the Asus 900HA which was released in october 2008. I already own a 900HA and its an excellent model. Especially the fact it has a matt anti glare screen. As opposed to most of the new ones which come with glossy hard to read screens.
        The 4 cell battery is claimed to last between 4-5 hours.

        More specifications:

        Windows xp boots extremely fast. Although the internal 0.3mp camera is no longer included with this model. Also includes a 3-in-1 card reader (MMC, SD, SDHC) card reader (not mentioned in the specs) and 2 usb 2.0 ports.

        The Ram on these models is 1 x 1gb ddr2. To upgrade the ram to the maximum supported 2gb. The 1gb module must be replaced with a 2gb module. As the netbook only has one ram slot and no onboard memory.

        Out of interest the equivelant of the latest release would be the
        Asus EeePC 1001PX Intel Atom N450/1GB/160GB/10inch/XPHome ($349 MSY)

        • +1

          Because of your misinformation I now have. surplus $200 netbook which is unsuitable for my needs..

          On the information here.. I bought one of these to replace my 1000H (currently fitted with 2gig or Ram and 500gig HDD),. I've always wanted a 900HA, but never got around to it..

          THE RAM IS NOT UPGRADABLE….. The harddrive is easily removable.. but the ram is not.. (the ram chips appear soldered on)..

          I don't know were you got your information from.. but you have wasted hours of my time and $200 of my hard earned cash…

          • @Kelvin: I can think of two latin terms that you should apply here Kelvin, mea culpa & caveat emptor, mate!

            Fair enough, you got some sketchy info and made an ill informed purchase, and I do feel for you; but without trying to sound too callous, seriously bro, you trusted an anonymous person (however well meaning) on an internet message board to do your due diligence for you? You didn't ask questions in the store; or check the product was as expected; before you bought it?? You can't seriously expect anyone to shoulder the responsibility for that but yourself!

            If you can't return it (have you even tried), just put it on Gumtree or ebay or something, you'll have no trouble offloading it with most likely negligible cost to yourself, save for a little time & hassle. Consider it a valuable lesson! Best of luck! :)

            • @StewBalls: I'd done my reaserach online…gone through all the specs carefully..

              The above poster.. gives the impression, that he has opened or seen one of these machines in person.. (no where on asus' website or elsewhere on the net is the memory stated to be upgradable or nonupgradable)

              It appears that we in Australia / Melbourne are one of the first to receive this netbook..

              I hate it people deliver incorrect information to the masses..

              Yes I take it as a $200 lession…

              Pretty hard to return it once your opened the machine up….

          • -1

            @Kelvin: The ram is upgradable on the opposite side of the board (if it is the same board as my AspireOne 8.9" (all other specs are the same) One side has a 512mb ram soldered, the other side has one in a slot though the max board can handle is 1.5GB of ram. (that's what mine is packing) Runs a stripped down Vista nicely though.

            • @[Deactivated]: Do not comment on something you have NO idea about…

              Asus does not Acer..

              People like you spread incorrect information around..

  • Note that the keyboard on this model is tiny. Hard to type on. It's better on the 10" models. Coming from someone who started with the 701 and now on 1008ha.

  • +1

    This model has no webcam. I checked it out today and the webcam hole is blocked. Also as shawn_low says the keyboard really is definitely quite small. Your fingers will hit the wrong key IMO.

  • This is the price netbooks should have been all along!

  • I went into my local store today, and they haven't received their stock yet, They can't say when they're getting it, And I can't order one. So I doubt I'll be able to pick one up.

    • +1

      Hi SpaceFrog
      My apologies regarding your store experience today.
      Lets see if we can help.
      Can i get you to give me your details at the link below and tell me the store you went to.
      I will have your email and phone details then and that will make it easier for us to fix.

      I will forward that to the franchisee concerned and get it sorted out and find out what happened.
      So you wont miss out.

      Will look for your post.
      Social Media
      Harvey Norman

  • Man this looks like a great lap top except for the small keyboard which will drive me utterly insane!

    Does anyone have an alternative deal for a netbook around the 200-300 mark?


  • +1

    Checked this out at Harvey Norman in Brisbane (Broadway on the mall) today. The keyboard is really surprisingly small, definitely too small for me. Might be ok if you had very small fingers / hands.

    A better alternative for a bit more money is the Samsung N150 KP01AU they are advertising right next to the ASUS in the catalogue for $396. http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1256970136523/samsung…

  • WARNING ram is not upgradable… Have wasted hours of my time and $200 cash (on the netbook) to discover this…

    • So the DDR2 SO-DIMM 1GB is soldered onto the motherboard. Surprised this information is not mentioned anywhere. Not even on the Asus product site or in the menual. Lack of memory upgrade option and web cam make this an undesirable model. Especially if ram stops working then you have to replace the whole board which is very expensive.


    • did you check the underside of the board?

      • I picked one of these up and checked where the replaceable or empty slot should be, its vacant. 1gb on board, says on the box unfortunately.

        Still a great little netbook for what it is!

    • +1

      Why do even need 2gb on a netbook?

      • Makes a big difference unfornately..

        have a 1000H which came with 1gig / 80gig HDD, upgraded to 2gig ram / and 500gig HDD..
        Big difference in speed… esepcially with opening multple windows (internet explorer windows)..

        Was going to the same to the 900AX.. until I opened the trap door to discover the soldered ram chips… rather than the sodimm…

        • Try not using internet explorer..? :) with the amount of preinstalled rubbish on these machines I'm surprised they boot at all.

          I honestly won't be using more than 1gb, going to install linux and a stripped version of xp and call it a day.

  • 1gig is fine. I have 1gig in my 1000H and during my time with the gem have run XP, W7 and Mac 10.5/6; all ran great for 95% of my daily computer needs.

    Btw, Garden City, Brisbane has stock as of yesterday and Logan gets stock today.

    • +2

      I wouldn't touch an Acer with a 10 foot pole.

      • I agree but I got one. It was so cheap that I doubt I would mind. I would never buy an acer laptop again.

  • In China this month (oct) it's RMB $1799 eq as AD$280 but with camera. This one has no camera so HN should say save $131, kind of misleading.

  • Had a look at 900Ax at HN in Belmont WA. With No webcam, Bluetooth or Wireless N, 2 generation old CPU, 3 cell battery, plus the other points mentioned above, this netbook is not so much a bargain but rather just a cheap entry point into netbooks. This is the 2nd "bargain" netbook I've seen in the last month which leads you to believe they have the same specs as the model shown on the manufactures websites. The other example is the $299 Aspire One D260 which is being sold at Arrow Computers with Wireless N Draft rather than N certified and no Bluetooth rather than Bluetooth 3.0. In reality these are spec'd down versions which should have diferentiating model numbers - buyer beware.

  • After my comment on this forum, I got in contact with my local HN, and was able to put my name down for one. However I didn't receive a call to let me know it was in stock. I rang up today, and they said they have plenty in stock now.

    My local is Thomastown in Melbourne, if anyone nearby is still after one.

    Mum needs a PC I was thinking I might just get another one, and hook up a monitor, k/b & mouse to it.

    It's not very pretty, I bought one of the very first EeePCs (4gb ssd) And its very similar to that, but looks and feels slightly chunkier. But it has a bigger, screen, better cpu and bigger hdd, comes with more ram, but does not appear to be upgradeable. 1gb Is plenty for WinXP Home. But a cluttered Win7 install will slow it down.

    I checked all the expansion slots, easy to change hdd. soldered ram, and no ram slot. So if the ram dies your stuffed, maybe I should have picked up the extra warranty. I checked under the keyboard, there are no expansion slots there, just a big heatshield, which I did not bother to remove.

    It doesn't come with any accessories other than battery & power supply and no restore discs.

  • I just bought one and and the keyboard is a little tight but still quite usable and I have large fingers. Funny thing about this unit was, I had no idea that Asus was releasing a 9 inch in 2010 and just stumbled apon the thing at HN. Yes there is no web-cam but that is life, will get a higher quality one for the Desktop.

    Good unit and price.

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