• expired

iHerb 10% off Everything


"Take advantage of this exclusive mid month offer and take 10% off your entire iHerb order."

Just like the previous offer at https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/313192

Referral Links

Referral: random (342)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    JULYAU for 10% off in Australia

    • +4

      5% off referral code may be stackable. Was with me.
      At checkout it said something like "Existing Customer Bonus". May be targeted to just me but may be available to all existing customers. 15% is awesome.

      Mod: Removed the referral code from post, use a random code in the grey box below the deal.

      • +1

        Confirmed they do stack for me too, OP, you may want to change title to 10% - 15% off with the following codes; JULYAU (10%) + Referral Code (5%)

        Mod: Removed the referral code from post, use a random code in the grey box below the deal.

        • Tried, only one rewards code at a time.

        • Nope, tried both the 5% codes and one just replaces the other. Either of them stacked OK with the 10% code for 15% total discount.

        • The link wouldn't post because it was or ozbargain thinks it's an affiliate link. I didn't put in my affiliate link. It was an iherb coupon.

      • worked for me got 1 10% and 1 5% discount. I guess it depends on products too

      • I assume this is your personal one you are trying to get rewards from. Everyone can make a rewards account and this one of those codes. I personally have an account for my wife and one for me. We refer each other so I get 5% off and 5% value on the other account.

        • do they ever cancel the referral credit because you're at the same address? Was thinking of doing that too haha

        • +1

          @5k: It hasn't been long since they enabled it for all orders. Not just first orders. It has been about 2-3 months and no issues.

        • @jiberz: Thanks!

        • Yeah the code I put in was not my personal or anyones code. It was literally just a code iherb had automatically in my cart. I post it in a facebook group and had others say they had the same code.

      • Just an FYI to the mod. What I put wasn't a referral code. It was an actual iherb random code that was for existing members and other people received it also.

  • Lol. Screw you iHerb, bought yesterday! XD

    Only a small order though :)

    • Same, spent $130 a few days ago. Oh well, still cheaper than stores here.

  • Anything worth buying like cheap whey?

    • I usually buy the 10,000iU Vitamin D and Magnesium tabs

      • Yeah getting over the chinese filled chemist warehouse unless there is a sale the prices for regular vitamins are abit of a rip off.

      • If you are deficient in Vitamin D or Magnesium then yea good deal.

        • +3

          Can never get enough D these days!

        • +1

          Majority of people are low or borderline deficient in Magnesium. Very common. Not saying you might be, just based on statistics it's very commonplace. Vitamin D not so much in Australia, a little sunshine takes care of it for most of us but I supplement still anyway because higher Vitamin-D levels keep my asthma away or drastically reduce the symptoms. A bonus I discovered by accident a year or so back.

        • @Click_It: Just makes expensive urine for me :-)

        • +2


          Okay, I'll bite. Funnily enough I was having this conversation with someone today so here goes… :)

          In my opinion:
          Cheap multivitamins makes expensive urine. After years of taking multi's I've stopped them completely. I now take individual vitamins which is certainly more expensive than a multi (but iHerb makes it affordable) and this gives you much greater control on absorption, only taking what you need when you need it. A multi just floods your system with everything regardless of need and gives you "expensive urine". The other reason I stopped multi's is it's simply not possible to jam all the vitamins in 1 pill and expect it to work, taking Zinc with Magnesium counters each other for example, there are several more examples thus, "expensive urine". The irony is people buy a cheap multi to save money when in reality it's the best way to waste money.

          I'm not saying multi's are useless. They're certainly better than nothing if you're not getting a balanced diet (who is these days?), but at least buy a quality one, check the active ingredients, compare, look at consumption eg: 300 pills and needing 6 a day is worse than a quality 300 pills and take 1-2 a day. It's taken me years to figure this stuff out (maybe I'm a slow learner) but I can shop once or twice a year and cover all my needs on a minimal budget.

          I don't pee the 'expensive urine' anymore - my body absorbs is absorbing the correct doses I give it and I'm feeling better than ever.

          Final note: for the most part a quality diet is still considered superior to supplements but it's pretty hard (and expensive) to cover all your nutritional needs in diet alone and some vitamins are difficult to absorb from food. Supplements should be used as a "supplement" not a replacement. They're also fantastic if you're deficient in any vitamins like I am as a result of a health condition.

          Hope this gives you a new take on it :) You're not wrong by any means, and the way most people supplement I'd say your pretty much bang on the mark. But it doesn't have to be that way.

        • @Click_It: Agree completely. I don't take vitamins as I can control my diet quite well and for me it was cheaper to buy quality fresh foods and vegetables rather than buy vitamins. As long as you aren't taking chlorophyll then we are all good haha!

        • @OnlinePred:

          chlorophyll, good for the plants. Probably snake oil for us humans I suspect ;)

        • @Click_It: hehe yep i think it was 80% of all suppliment sales were either non beneficial to the buyers or proven not to benefit humans.

        • @OnlinePred:

          I blame Chemist Warehouse, now our chemists are "bigger and better" , shelves full of crap that have to be moved, who cares if there is any benefit to taking them as nobody has properly studied them anyway.

        • @Click_It: even people taking vitamin d at more than 4000iu in a single day in a single tablet. Not only is it extremely rare that anyone is deficient in vitamin d (think someone who doesn't even open the blinds or goes outside), but those that are are either pregnant or have a disease. Excess vitamin d has been directly linked to a reduction in mental capacity and can even increase the chance of mental retardation in fetus. When doctors prescribe vitamin d, it is often in drops, of no more than 400iu in a day, and not to prolong use.

        • @OnlinePred: I agree with you on the chronic high dose vitamin D supplementation, but disagree with your "extremely rare" anyone is deficient in the vitamin. If you're pale and it's summer, sure you're probably fine. If you have darker skin and you work in an office in winter, not eating foods naturally containing the vitamin like fish, eggs, etc, you'd be surprised.

          Get a blood test first.

      • Those are 2 of the supplements I buy also. Always good to check the trial section too, I have some 5,000 and 10,000 IU Vitamin D's which were insanely cheap. At those strengths you can really space them out - Vitamin D half life is long so daily consumption isn't necessary when taking strong ones. You probably already know this.

        • Is there a particular brand of vitamin D or Magnesium that is recommended?

        • @CheapskateJake:

          The Vitamin D I've bought from iHerb were the super strength "Healthy Origins" brand in the Try & Save section (an absolute steal if you space them out accordingly, don't take them daily!) - the other brand in more regular 1000IU dosage I can't remember but I think I just looked for the most cost effective brand. There's not much variance in Vitamin D unlike most other vitamins.

          And for magnesium I've been taking Doctor's Best which aren't the cheapest but seem to be highly absorbable. It suggests needing 4/day (I bought it originally thinking it was 2/day) but I only take 1-2/day anyway. 1-2 of those is better than 10 crappy Magnesium Oxide pills found locally.

          Hope that helps. The next thing you'll want to do is figure out when to take these various pills. Certain times of day helps, stomach full/empty etc. I've found Magnesium an hour before bed works best for me - it seems to assist in sleep quality as an added bonus. If you like your alcohol, Magnesium is one of the first things your peeing out so factor that into dosage amounts too (most heavy drinkers will be magnesium deficient or depleted unless they are replenishing it)

        • @Click_It:

          Found 2 more Vitamin D options for you, both are 5,000 IU so only need to take 1 a week or thereabouts, maybe more initially if you know you're deficient but it's more likely you aren't.

          Doctor's Best - 180 soft gels, 3.5 yr supply - $8.41
          California Gold Nutrition - 90 soft gels, 20 months supply - $5.27

  • Awesome deal. Try this and if it works add to description. When I logged on there was already a code there. 5% off Referral code. So I thought when I added JULYAU it would go but they stacked.
    At checkout it said something like "Existing Customer Bonus". May be targeted to just me but may be available to all existing customers. 15% is awesome.

    What I bought, as I don't eat dairy, is Clif Bars. Other than the Pushys sale which I got no bars in, they are normally over $2.50 on special. These work out to about $1.78 a bar.

    Mod: Removed the referral code from post, use a random code in the grey box below the deal.

  • I keep trying to delay my purchases to closer to when my reward credits expire, but I keep caving in to these deals. I have like a pharmacy at home for stable products (i.e. not probiotics or fish oil pills).

  • Sweet, I've been filling my basket for a couple of weeks now waiting for a code to arrive. :)

  • Just in time for my next protein order! Can confirm I stacked both codes for a total of 15% off too. Cheers OP!

  • -2

    These are not the herbs you're looking for.

  • Thanks thevofa. My favourite site for ordering my supplements from. Blows Chemist Craphouse outta the water for price and quality. I usually order bulk once or twice in a 12 month period but with this discount I might do a top up. Usually their codes only apply to new customers.

    Cheers big ears!

  • is this for the entire month of july?

    • +1

      Nope, just a couple of days, Thursday I think.

  • This is awesome, the DHL shipping is far less than it's been for a long time, and two coupon codes stacked. Got my peppermint oil, rosewater and glycerin spray, facial scrub, and a few interesting looking treats.
    Don't forget to grab a couple of items from the Try & Save samples. Unfortunately there's a glitch when you put the Sierra Bees Organic Lip Balms Variety 8 Pack in your cart, but there's other stuff worth snagging.

  • awesome - both codes worked for me

  • Thanks, just got 15% off my order : )

  • +4

    XXXXXXXX appears to be someone's referral code, I would suggest that everyone use the referral links above so that other ozbargainers can benefit from this. Whoever owns the XXXXXXX referral code will be getting heaps of rewards!

    Steps involved are:
    1. Click on the referral link above.
    2. Do your shopping and add items to cart.
    3. At checkout you will see your 5% discount (shows up as [RefCode] - Enjoy 5 % discount!).
    4. Add JULYAu to get additional 10% discount.

    Mod: Removed the referral code from post, use a random code in the grey box below the deal.

    • +3

      Yes please use the random link people, share the love around.

      Well said regarding the steps provided Multipass. This should be in the OP, I'll request it be amended.

    • +1

      I'm not 100% sure that's correct because when I bought stuff (before this 10% deal) that Code was already in my account and I hadn't clicked through OzB to get to iHerb.

  • Their raw nuts are still pretty expensive. Any recommendations in the Sydney City area to get inexpensive raw Almonds/Walnuts/others?

    • There are a few things not worth buying from iHerb. I've looked into fish oil a few times (DHA) and they don't offer anything superior to our local choices. Nuts while I haven't looked into it might be the same. Also there could be some customs issues with nuts but you'd have to look into that one.

  • I can't seem to find any decent deals.. Plus the produce is from the US, (having lived there) the quality isn't as good. Any suggestions on decently priced products?

    Mod: Referral code removed.

  • I get this 10% off code like this on some months
    I dont know what to order anymore. Any recommendations? I do get magnesium from there. Am trying some snacks as well.

  • I used 'random referral code' for an extra 5% off

    Mod: Removed potential referral/affiliate code from post, use a random code in the grey box below the deal.

  • Thanks OP, hadn't thought to try stacking, but got 15% off. Saved over $90 and received $27 in loyalty credit (only bought stuff I regularly buy anyway).

  • 15% off, sweet as! thanks op. got my cart to $54 and it just qualified for free shipping too

  • Thanks OP, grabbed some vitamins,skincare and baby 's stuff.

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