Two very nice prices from Officeworks eBay. Have a great day. Enjoy :)
Toshiba 2TB Portable HDD $89.10
Toshiba 1TB Portable HDD $69.30
Two very nice prices from Officeworks eBay. Have a great day. Enjoy :)
Toshiba 2TB Portable HDD $89.10
Toshiba 1TB Portable HDD $69.30
WAITING until it goes back down to roughly $80 like the recent sales…
Expecting it goes back down to roughly $80 like the recent sales…
Feelings, nothing more than feelings.
praying that the Seagate slim version of the 2TB goes on special for roughly $80…
AAAAAAND, it's there.
$80.49 with a 96 page graph book (don't need a lead pencil)
Thanks for the post mate. Grabbed one for laziness purposes - no more plugging in power supply of current external!
payed about $89 for the 1tb toshiba canvio in 2014 (This was not even on sale. Needed it urgently for work lol). I'm surprised prices haven't come down further in 3 years.
I'm sure its been upgraded in someway but essentially its the same product right? Portable hard drive which is USB3 compatible.
Great product though. Still going strong 3 years later.
twice as much for the same price, thats pretty good for only 3 years.
i would have thought the 1tb would be sub$50 lol.
it also has a 3Y warranty which is pretty good..
I hadn't used mine for a while and when I plugged it in the drive was clicking. Was a fan of mine too but won't be buying again.
Can previous Toshiba hdd owners vouch for their reliability ?
When Seagate hdd's go on sale I see people get very excited, but for me I steer clear of those one's due to the Seagate hdd's I've owned in the past had failed very early into owning them. I've owned more WD hdd's over the last 10 years, and have only had one "fail" on me (and that was probably from over use - as a media hdd on my WDTV device). I've used Hitachi hdd's in the past (the one I have as my main HDD in my computer is still kicking on after 5 years… will probably fail soon as I've jinxed myself big time lol). I have read good things about the Toshiba's, just after a few more positive comments. I could use another external for the Xbox one.
see my post above. Had 2 of these model for 3 years. Working smoothly. One of them is frequently connected to my laptop, essentially used as my main storage.
HDD can always fail so you need to back up whatever is important. Usually there are early signs of failing. (e.g. files get corrupted). But I think its bit of luck as to how long your hard drive lasts. Have had Seagate, WD, Toshiba no real issues with any TBH. THe only hard drives I've had issues with are ones that came with laptops, I think they were Seagate brand and died within 3 years.
SOLD! I actually need a few for different reasons. My 1TB hdd I got late last year for the Xbox One is basically full (and I'm stingy in that I don't want to delete anything…. yet lol). My laptop hdd is full and I need to back everything up to a hdd so I can free up space on it, the hdd's on my main computer are also full. I've been deleting unplayed Steam games to make room when I need to, but I'm over doing that (as soon as I back everything up I'll be re-downloading the deleted games).
Haha. It's one of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) portable HDD's out there. I've always got the 1tb ones. (Am yet to half fill it). But sounds like you will need the 2tb one lol.
Sounds perfect for your purpose. I use mine for an xbox 360 as extra storage and for backup of Steam games and other stuff on the PC.
You'll need more than a few opinions. That's not much data to go by. Personally I've got about 3 WD's and 6 Seagate's. Some of those drives are >10 years old, most are >5 years old. Most were the main OS drive at one point in time so had heavy usage. Out of all of them the only one that isn't sitting on 100% with the Hard Disk Sentinel check is a WD drive (it is the oldest of the 3). Point is everyone's experiences will differ. So unless you look at a poll with lots of results or some proper review of reported disk faults etc. its a bit pointless really. Don't bash it around and it should be fine. If you're paranoid then get some software like Hard Disk Sentinel.
Agreed, a drive could fail at any moment regardless of brand - so in one respect it can be luck of the draw. I knew Toshiba have offered them (I think Dick Smith carried them for a time before the stores closed). I might buy one and test it on something not super important (such as more storage for my Xbox One) as a starting point.
I have had both WD and Seagate for years (haven't bought a drive for at least 3-4 years).
Seagate is connected to the router and is always spinning (can feel it when I put my hand on it), still fine. Use it for auto backup of mobile phones and torrents (I dont torrent often though)
WD connected to a TV and gets a few hours work ever day.
Got a few others but they are plugged in only to do a back up.
I've got one of the 1TB portable - I assume it's the same model. Works fine on both xbox360 and PC (although I did have to reformat it as a fat drive). Not very fast but usable.
This one or a 2tb wd ultra from ow in store?
Cheaper to get a WD Elements 1TB on their normal store here for $68 for a 1TB portable. Not sure on the differences but I've heard WD are more reliable in some cases.
Thanks TA. Been contemplating on 2TB PHDD for while and committed in the end. Should have grabbed the same when the eBay 20% off code was active!
I've seen quite a few comments from people about reliability of one vendor against another (usually Seagate vs WD vs Toshiba) and honestly, it really shouldn't be a factor any more when you think about what you are trying to do with backups - let me explain why you might want to approach this differently now.
We are now talking about terabytes - that's a hell of a lot of data and even copying that amount is measured in hours (USB3) or possibly days (USB2).
Assume that your spinning disk can die at any point. If it dies during a warranty period (usually 1Y) then you can, with some effort, get a replacement. However your data is gone. Usually that data is worth more than $100. Even at $15/hour, if you spend more than 7 hours dealing with data loss you have wasted your time.
So how do you deal with this ? Have at least 3 copies of your data:
The key points are:
And don't worry about HD longevity - the most you think you might save is $90.. and your data is almost always going to be worth more than that.
i kind of see where you're coming from, but not sure how it translates to 'longevity shouldn't be a factor any more'. even if we do keep multiple copies of our data, why wouldn't i want a more reliable drive to get more value out of my money?
e.g. in my case, i'm looking for a hdd for my ps4, where the data is completely replaceable because all the games and saves can be re-downloaded, re-installed, but the less often i'd have to buy a new drive, the better surely (probably not a huge issue because there could be a ps5 before the hdd fails anyway).
Because assuming longevity of the drive and 'value for money' on the drive itself usually grossly undervalues the worth of the data.
It would make complete sense in the model above where the data is worth very little to you (i.e the combination of no original data and you don't have to spend much time getting that data back anyway) but most people I run into are backing up family photos, work documents, CVs, financial records and so on. Things that sometimes take hundreds of hours of work or are irreplaceable.
Worse, you might end up mixing this data with things you have downloaded you don't actually care about at all - but don't have this sorted out on different disks.. it's all lumped in.
With spinning disk it doesn't matter how reliable you think the disk is going to be - you are simply engaging in wishful thinking if you expect the disk to survive the next minute, hour, day, year.. there's no actual way to be sure enough. Having multiple copies of the data by buying more disks and having a plan makes you much more sure and gives you options for recovery that simply might not exist with a thought process that says "but I bought a more reliable disk - i even paid more money for it!".
I've been working with data for > 20 years now and am working with petabytes currently. It's amazing how far the conversation has become disassociated between the cost of the infrastructure and the value of the data..
what you're saying makes sense, i think. but i'm still a bit confused, like, say i've got 500gb of important data stored on my desktop computer, and backed up to an external hdd, and maybe to a third archive as well. so if the safety of the data is assured, wouldn't the conversation now be which external hdd would last the longest before i have to replace it? not for the sake of the data, since as you're saying that should be saved elsewhere anyway, but for the sake of saving money.
thanks for the informative replies, sorry if i'm being a bit dim haha. personally i've so far been saving all my work documents and photos from my computer to a Onedrive account, mostly because it carries the bonus convenience of easy access from other devices like my phone.
It's a fair point. If you have got to the point where you have at least 3 copies of your data then sure, have a look at trying to pick which drive is more reliable than the other and/or saving money is fine.
In the specific deal above, Toshiba/Officeworks are offering a 3Y warranty so really even if the drive isn't 'as reliable' you will get a replacement, get a similar product, get a better (bigger) replacement or your money back..
Most of the people i run into may have two copies at best.. and a heck of lot only have a single copy of their data.. so for them to be debating which drive vendor is more reliable than the other is completely missing the point..
Putting things into the cloud like you're doing is great - it's not keeping all your data in the one place and you get the bonus of access from other devices as well..
@jason andrade: all good points, especially on the warranty. thanks for all the information and advice. :)
I did +1 you for your example though - where you just need 'storage space' it's perfect to just look to try to a 'more reliable' drive from the POV of being efficient because when it dies your care factor on the data is low… not a big deal if you can't play on the PS4 for a few days while you get a new one.
I was trying to just pass on $0.02 for the people who are buying disks to 'extra storage' which in turns ends up being backup or archival.. and the simple message is.. it doesn't matter too much about $10 worth of savings or one drive being 'a bit more reliable' than another, just buy more disks and get used to them failing. The ones under warranty you can just replace without worrying if you had a plan for the data and the ones that fail outside warranty you just replace with another $80-100.. as long as the data survives somewhere else..
was just about to purchase to replace my PS4 HDD and came across this comment in time:
damn. will stay on the lookout.
Why don't you just use it as extended storage via USB, rather than replace the PS4's internal hard drive?
hmm. i could, i'd just not keen on it permanently using up a USB port. especially since there's only 2 and they're are at the front so it ruins the aesthetic a little bit to have a cable constantly there.
on the other hand, way more convenient than the lengthy process of backup + restore. hmm. i'll consider it. thanks!
I think the convenience is worth the minor penalty to aesthetics. Plus you get to keep the internal drive in operation, so it's a bonus 500GB of space vs. replacing the drive.
@asubtleviolence: i ended up buying a 1TB SSHD, which gets the system some modest performance improvements, and just bought a cheap enclosure for the 500GB drive from the PS4 so i'll still get to use that. either as a general external HDD for movies etc, or if the 1TB fills up i can use it as an external for the ps4.
it's a bit of inconvenience now to transfer everything over, true, but this seems like the most flexible option that lets me use all the GBs on hand and improves the ps4 performance a bit too.
Hoping it goes back down to roughly $80 like the recent sales…